Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. This is my honest review.
This was a book about the ways ADHD can affect children. It included a lot of tips to help them handle things with the way their brain works differently than other children. It also pretty strongly emphasized that there is nothing wrong with having ADHD, it just means your brain works a little differently. With how many more children and adults are being diagnosed with ADHD these days, it's definitely a good message for children to receive.
While I'm not diagnosed, I have strong reason to believe that I have ADHD, and this book just further confirmed my suspicions. But seeking a diagnoses requires task initiation, and I don't do that unless/until I absolutely have to so...I would absolutely read this book multiple times though, especially to my daughter who I also believe probably has ADHD (although also undiagnosed). Anything to help a child feel less alone and less weird is a good thing, and this book would definitely do that for kids with ADHD. The illustrations were very colorful.
Overall I give Different Thinkers: ADHD 4.2843 out of 5 stars.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book
Nice book that tell us a different way to understand people who is not weird, but are having ADHD
i liked it to understand better this situation.

I recommend this book to all my patrons who ask about what to read when their child has ADHD. There are many children who are not diagnosed, but have many of the symptoms. This is a great book to introduce to children to explain learning difference among their peers. I will be purchasing this book for my library.
This arc was provided my netgalley

Beautifully illustrated and massively important for kids with ADHD. I wish I'd had this book when I was insecure and wondering why everyone else didnt struggle with life as much as I did.

A great picture book explaining ADHD to kids to help them understand if not themselves but possibly their friends and classmates.

I really enjoyed this book as an adult with ADHD and I felt this book was great at presenting information about ADHD to children in a way that was engaging. It gives the reader situations that they or someone they may know, experience all the time and then inform them about why someone with ADHD may be acting the way they are. The authors do it in a compassionate and understanding way so as to not make the reader feel like they are being judged. I also love that the authors use visuals to explain what part of the brains are affected by ADHD so that the reader knows the science behind it. I felt like they represented hyperactive, inactive and combined as opposed to just hyperactive so that the reader knows there are different forms of ADHD. The authors also gave advice to adults at the end of the book on how to fully utilize the book to help children learn.

This book was short and to the point, helping children understand ADHD. Not really suited for young readers without the help of an adult as there are some big words used, and even though they are explained well, guidance might be needed to understand the topic properly. Nice illustrations demonstrate some of the explanations in the book and keep the reader glued to the pages.

Different Thinkers: ADHD is a child-friendly guide that explains what it means to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), how it affects emotions and behaviours, and what kids can do to handle its challenges while building on their strengths. The book is written by two clinical psychologists and experts in ADHD, who provide accurate and up-to-date information in a clear and engaging way. The book features three vignettes of children with ADHD, each highlighting different symptoms and strategies. The book also includes thought-provoking prompts to help young readers better understand their diagnosis and what it means to be a different thinker.
I liked the information and comprehensive overview of what ADHD is and the three vignettes of different children with different experiences with ADHD. The book covers a range of topics, such as the brain science behind ADHD, the common myths and misconceptions, the positive aspects and benefits, the coping skills and tools, and the resources and support available. The book is illustrated by Jennifer Ball-Cordero, who has created colourful and expressive images to complement the text. The book is planned to be the first title in the Different Thinkers series for kids, which aims to help them understand their brains and the challenges and strengths that come with being neurodivergent.
I do feel the information would be best for children 10+ as it is text-heavy on each page despite the illustrations. The book is not a quick read, but rather a detailed and informative one. Some younger children may find it hard to follow or lose interest. However, the book can be read with an adult or a teacher, who can help explain the concepts and answer questions.
Overall, I think Different Thinkers: ADHD is a valuable and empowering book for kids with ADHD and their families, friends, and educators. It helps them learn more about themselves and their unique brains, and how to embrace their differences and thrive. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand ADHD better and support the different thinkers in their lives.

A very insightful book that gave me many tips and strategies. Great focus and easy to navigate and understand. Will be of a great help.

I liked that this book is written in a way that children can understand what ADHD is. It focuses on what some of the difficulties of having ADHD are, but it also focuses on the strengths. I think teachers and family members of a child with ADHD would benefit from reading this book as it frames ADHD as a different way of thinking and not as something bad. Everyone needs reminders that children are diverse in their learning styles and more acceptance is needed to support neurodivergent learners.
Thank you to #NetGalley for an eARC of this book. I will share it with family members, colleagues, and students who I feel may benefit. The concrete examples are very helpful.

This a fantastically educational book. It's very informative and easy to understand. IT is great for anyone who what's to understand what ADHD looks like in the world. I really enjoyed reading it

Different thinkers: ADHD is a great book for families to read if someone they know or if they themselves have ADHD. I would say this book is for older elementary students (2-5 grade), but with a conversation or modification could be for younger children. I like how it gave examples such getting distracted when getting ready for school, or letting your mind wonder during school, or getting upset with friends at recess and then asks "Does this ever happen to you?". It gives children a concrete example of something that they too may have experienced.
Dr. Fredriksen and Dr. Rothman explain what ADHD means and they portray ADHD as a special way too see things. The way they portray this "different way of thinking" turns ADHD into a positive vs a negative thing. They still let children know that there are things that will be hard for them but there are amazing things that this different way of thinking can do such as move the word forward with new ideas, inventions, and more.
It highlights the strengths of individuals with ADHD, but also doesn't sugar coat that they need to work harder to focus and self-regulate then others may have to. I like that they showed both genders and different cultures in the illustrations. The illustrations are engaging and help with the complex vocabulary.
As a teacher, I would recommend this book to parents who have a neurodivergent child in my class. I would also recommend this book to anyone who knows a neurodivergent child. This book will help children understand more about neurodivergent children and help them to show acceptance and patience towards others.
Thank you Dr. Fredriksen and Dr. Rothman for writing a book to help others understand neurodivergent children and help students who are neurodivergent understand and see they have important strengths and lots to contribute even though some things may be hard for them as well. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to voluntarily read and review this book.
I voluntarily read this book and gave my honest review. This book will be release on Jan. 16th, 2024.

I enjoyed this, it's nice to see different aspects of ADHD featured and not just "fidgety naughty boy"!
I liked how 'gentle' it was about explaining the downsides, and how positive aspects to a neurodiverse brain can be embraced
Here's hoping the new generations have much less shame attached
I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley, on the expectation that I would provide an honest review.

This is a very informative and engaging book that would make a great shared read for parents and kids with ADHD. I really loved the different characters included in the book, which made the symptoms feel much more real and relatable, and the sections in the book where a kid could write in their strengths and challenges.

I appreciate how this book took a common but difficult subject and approached it from a professional and child's perspective. I did feel the sections were a bit out of order. It would've made more sense to put the kids sections first, the quiz/notebook second, and the professionals last.
This would work best with an elementary aged child who has the help of a knowledgable adult or a professional.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A clever, positive way to help a parent and child find ways to adapt to their thinking patterns. I know this is geared towards children but I think the activities within will also help reframe parent’s attitudes with some of these situations. There was a lot of front loaded knowledge about the brain which may cause children to lose focus, but overall a solid read about ADHD.

This is a very cool educational book where the authors themselves are introduced as characters and walk the reader through different medical terms and diagnosis and explain things such as adhd.
There is content in this book that likely needs further explanation for young children so is good as a read along with an adult or parent. I think the information is useful and covers important topics.

What a clever method on introducing this content! The authors appear as characters in this beautifully illustrated book. They introduce themselves as pediatric neuropsychologists (they use those words and explain that means they are "thinking doctors for kids" and parents. The vocabulary is ambitious, so a child would need an adult to read along with them, but the art and explanations are accessible and make the information interesting. There's a workbook, of sorts, after the initial introduction of material and I think this is a great way to keep young readers engaged!

Last Diwali ( a big festival in India) I was asked to a friend's home for celebrations. There I met a young boy of about 5-6 years who was quite active. He did not sit for a minute and in about 10 minutes of us being there he fell down and injured himself badly.
My friend told me that all of the friends around feel worried as his behaviour was always like this and she wondered if this was ADHD. As I met him and his parents for the first time I could not ask them to access him for ADHD. But I too was wondering that he might have ADHD. Nowadays with advanced medical facilities, it can be easily diagnosed and treated. But stigma around it still exists which prevents many people not to seek help.
Different thinkers : ADHD can help these parents to understand that ADHD is not what people think it is. This book written by two child neuropsychologists can help kids and their parents understand how ADHD works.
I would have loved it if there were some things or tips which can be followed to help ADHD get better. Not the treatment part of course but as a parent to an overactive kid myself, I want my kid to be engaged in activities which will keep her entertained for longer duration. Still I will recommend it to those who want their kid to understand what is ADHD. This can be a useful tool for teachers and parents to teach their kids.
Thank you Netgalley and Boys town press publishing and Dr Katia Fredriksen and Dr Yael Rothman for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

This book is written by two pediatric neuropsychologists. I think it will appeal to parents of children who have been diagnosed with ADHD, as a way to explain neuro-differences and for ideas on how ADHD children can adapt to a traditional classroom.
However, I found this book to be heavily based in the medical model of neurodivergence - that is, it places the responsibility for "lack of self-regulation" and "difficulty with executive function" squarely on the shoulders of neurodivergent children. In contrast, a book written with a foundation in the neurodiversity paradigm would have
discussed the need to find or create an environment that best matches the needs of neurodivergent kids.
I also would have liked to have seen more inclusion of lived experience, with stories from adult ADHDers, about how they have experienced both challenges and success. While the book gave a nod to ADHDers being "different thinkers" with "lots of strengths," it missed the opportunity to be truly of affirming of neurodivergent people. For example, asking a child to relate to "I have trouble sitting still" instead of questioning the expectation - why are children expected to sit still and be quiet for long periods of time, when we know that is not developmentally appropriate?
I personally would not give this to neurodivergent kids and am instead holding out for something more affirming. That said, I do think it will appeal to parents who have a goal for their children to assimilate in traditional classroom environments.