Member Reviews


Thank you @harperperennial for an early copy of In a Not So Perfect World by Neely Tubati Alexander. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. 🤍

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐/5
Release date: March 19th, 2024


🛑Read on with caution; review may contain spoilers🛑

In a Not So Perfect World tells the story of two broken-hearted neighbors Charlie and Sloanne who embark on a vacation together, with Charlie hoping to make his ex-girlfriend jealous with bringing another woman on the vacation they were supposed to go to together, and Sloanne hoping to get some inspiration in developing a game for a company she’s interviewing for. The two fall quickly in love during their vacation, but I found that their chemistry was lacking, but the activities they had at the resort was quite entertaining.

I had some issues with the company Sloanne was applying for, particularly the unwritten and implied rule that she can never date and basically have any personal life while employed with them, which at first Sloanne was okay with until her time spent with Charlie made her realize what a bad idea it really was working for that company (it really took a guy for her to realize that she needs a work-life balance, I mean, come on). What I did like though, was Charlie encouraging her that she can do whatever she sets her mind on to, which included starting up her own gaming company.

An overall okay read with a slow-burn romance; I would recommend if you want a quick read.

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4 stars!! and 3 hot peppers!

We've got fake dating, we've got only one bed, we've got forced proximity and a little bit of steam on a tropical getaway! This was so much more emotional and complex than what I was expecting it to be, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! I think Sloane and Charlie both had some real feelings and complex problems that were relatable and made them super vulnerable and diverse characters. There was also a lot of really playful banter, which led up to a sexy night in paradise that I loved the concept of 😏

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for a DRC in exchange for my honest review!

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Sloan and Charlie did not disappoint in this fun, Caribbean romp of a book. It was a quick and easy read with lot of humor. If forced proximity, island settings and slow burn romance are your kind of tropes - then pick this one up. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc.

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I liked the beginning of this book, the way the two MCs meet, and the circumstances that lead to them vacationing together. It had some cute and funny moments. You can definitely tell there's physical attraction between Sloane and Charlie right away, and an interest to learn more about each other beyond that, too.

I was not a big fan of the clearly illegal, sexist interview Sloane went through (it felt so, so icky). The ending felt rushed and the problem seemed to be "resolved" in just a couple of paragraphs.

I understand it was a part of her character growth, but seeing how many times Sloane could have explained something out loud and didn't was frustrating. So much miscommunication, even when Charlie initiated/tried to initiate conversations.

It was a mostly fun read, and I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in vacation romances, supportive MMCs, fake dating, and healing from heartbreak.

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I really enjoyed this book. The banter and spice between Sloane and Charlie were perfect. the writing was well executed. I also really enjoyed the growth between our two main characters. I did however wish that we see Sloane and Charlie getting engaged at the end instead of Tess. I would’ve loved to see another book about Tess and Nate.

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This one is super cute! And a quick, easy read. I liked the video game programmer aspect of the female lead, and I didn't find the romance aspect too far-fetched.

Recommend: YES
Level: High

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I thought this book was super fun. Felt like I was on vacation with the characters. Enjoyed the fake dating premise that turned into actual dating. Not the biggest fan of the forced proximity but I feel like it did work with the storyline. I vacation vibes were great and super cute. Also not the greatest fan of how the interview for a female gamer went initially even though I understand that that kind of thing probably still happens it was kinda icky to still see it portrayed that way. However by the ending it all works out for the better which I think is a big point of the main characters story. Just thought there could have been a better way to portray it. Overall great read nice pace. I’ve now read both her books and look forward to more.

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A fake dating, forced proximity romance | Super lovable and relatable main characters | The Caribbean setting brings the perfect vacay vibes | Just the right amount of spice for me | The story feels like a warm hug | Somewhat predictable in all the right ways | Recommend to any romance lover
This review has been posted to Goodreads and Instagram
Thank you to Neely Tubati Alexander, Harper Perennial and Paperbacks, and Netgalley for providing this ARC.

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This was a good adult contemporary romance, that I would definitely recommend to those who think it sounds interesting!

I received an e-ARC from the publisher.

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I’ll never say no to an opportunity to read a fake dating, forced-proximity, destination romance, so I was very excited to dive into In a Not So Perfect World! I love traveling to fun locations through books, and this one is set in a place I’ve been before (Turks & Caicos) so I could picture the water and the sand and the balmy breezes off the ocean. I initially had fun with this one. It was heartwarming and got me in the feels at times, but I also felt like things spiraled out of control and ultimately fizzled. Anyway, let’s discuss.

Right off the bat, things started strong for me. Sloane has a unique and sexy meet-cute with Charlie, who for some reason she doesn’t know is her super hot neighbor. Like, actual neighbor. Not a down the hall or one floor above kind of neighbor. She can see his door from her door. How does one miss a guy like Charlie?? They’re both reeling from recent break-ups and when he offers her his ex-girlfriend’s spot on his fancy tropical vacation (to make his ex jealous, of course) she reluctantly agrees to go, thinking it would be nice to get away from the possibility of running into her own ex. We’ve seen this premise before, so it’s obvious that shenanigans will ensue and the feelings will flow. This storyline is my kryptonite, and I quickly settled in. But things grew clunky for me as I read more.

I liked Charlie a lot and thought he was sweet and very caring. His punny t-shirts were very entertaining. Sloane wasn’t as easy to like. I wanted to see a strong woman challenge the norm in an often male-dominated sector of the business world, but she practically laid down and invited these guys at the video game company to wipe their feet on her. Watching her value herself so little was infuriating. I did LOVE her dog. Her dog is my favorite character in this book. Charlie and Sloane are cute together, and they have some very silly, chaotic interactions that I wish I had seen more of. When they got deep into their banter, I couldn’t contain my smiles. They have some purely golden moments. However, they got boring. I wanted to see these two spending more time enjoying the resort and sightseeing together than sitting on their balcony having the same conversations over and over again. There was a LOT of sitting around talking about their past struggles, and I did start to skim at times when things began to drag. The fake dating plot was seriously overshadowed and nearly wiped out completely because the emphasis was on their painful pasts instead of leaning into the fake dating and the forced-proximity tropes. I really enjoyed the connection they developed but, I can’t believe I’m saying this, when all was said and done I actually liked the friendship parts of their relationship much more than the romantic parts. The romance developed so slowly that when it finally happened it was all way too fast. It’s like they fell in love because this book is supposed to be a romance instead of general fiction, and I didn’t believe in it.

This might be a bit spoilery (maybe?), so stop reading here if you’re worried. The third-act break-up was so long that, again, the romance was unbelievable. I was getting Elsa feelings like… how do you fall in love with someone you just met and hardly know? A week-long vacation, followed by months of not even being on speaking terms does not a love story make. The ending is so messy. For all the conflict and drama that Sloane had to wade through, things were wrapped up too quickly and too perfectly. Like the romance, the ending came out of nowhere. There was so much more that could have been done to let Sloane really shatter the glass ceiling of video game design, but it all fizzled. I wanted more oomf from her. More power. I wanted to be jumping up and down, fist-pumping, and living vicariously through a strong woman that actually declared her worth and stuck it to a group of misogynistic, egotistical men. I wanted her to grow a spine, but she never did. At least, she didn’t on-page. She put up with so much crap and I never got the satisfaction of her telling anyone off about it. So much of what happens in the epilogue should have happened in the story, with details on how we got there. Instead, the ending seriously just happens and then an “oh, by the way, let me tie up some loose ends really quick” epilogue was slapped on at the end. “This happened and this happened and this happened…” NO!! As a reader, I want to see an ending happen. I don’t want to be told about it after it’s over. This issue right here is what made me give the book a much lower rating than I was planning. The last 15%-20% made the entire book plummet for me. All in all, this was not what I wanted.

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One of my earliest reflections of In a Not So Perfect World was how much character there was in the first few chapters. These characters immediately enter the page with flair, unique qualities, and a characteristic of being memorable. I loved Sloane from the beginning. We always love a career driven video game developer who just wants to be taken seriously. To be given a shot. In a Not So Perfect World balances the toxic masculinity and sexism of the video game sphere with Sloane's desires to make a space, an impact, of her own.

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A flirty, feel good vacation romance between Sloane, a South Asian American female video game designer recently dumped and Charlie, her hot neighbor who is also fresh off a breakup. When he proposes Sloane accompany him on a vacation for two to Turks and Caicos he had planned to go on with his former girlfriend, the two find themselves slowly falling in love while Sloane works on a designing a game to win a new job and finds out she's competing with her ex. I liked but didn't love this one. It was good on audio and a quick, light-hearted read. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I loved this romantic Caribbean adventure! I always adore Neely's voice and this book lived up to Love Buzz! The fake dating was so well done, and I always love the forced proximity trope. A must-read for sure!

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LOVED this one! Sharp dialogue, good pacing, a sense of humor, and plenty of spice. Tubati-Alexander writes so smoothly that it's easy to get lost in the narrative - the mark of a good book! Loved it.

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I loved the push and pull in this book! I think it really worked well that when they were out of town it was pretty focused on the two of them with no distractions. The thing that frustrated me the most was what I felt was a false conflict with Catapult keeping her apart from Charlie. I am certainly not saying the world of video gaming is not horribly misogynistic. But even in this world it is not acceptable to so blatantly try to dictate your employees personal lives. So I hated that part. But everything else I loved.

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"In a Not So Perfect World" by Neely Tubati Alexander is a delightful rom-com that effortlessly blends humor with heartfelt moments. The story follows Sloane Cooper, a talented video game designer who faces pressure to prioritize her career over romance. However, when she unexpectedly agrees to accompany her *super hot* neighbor, Charlie, on a vacation to Turks and Caicos, Sloane finds herself catching unexpected feelings. Sloane's plan to focus on her video game development during the trip is thrown off course as she navigates the complexities of love and career. Despite her initial reluctance, Sloane soon discovers that she may have found more than just a vacation companion in Charlie.

Neely Tubati Alexander skillfully tackles themes of balancing love and career, challenging unfair societal expectations placed on women, and overcoming heartbreak. What sets this rom-com apart is its ability to address these serious topics in a lighthearted and playful manner, without diminishing their importance.

Overall, "In a Not So Perfect World" is a charming read that will leave readers smiling. Alexander's witty writing and endearing characters make this book a must-read for fans of rom-coms.

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This was a cute and funny story about finding love after a breakup. I really enjoyed Sloane and Charlie’s energies - they balanced each other well. I liked learning about the world of gaming and unfortunately found the sexist heads of Catapult to be very realistic. If I am ever asked about my personal life in an interview it would be a big nope for me if I was offered the job. The majority of the story takes place in Turks and Caicos and it was delightful - I am ready for my next beach vacation!

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If the cheery cover to In a Not So Perfect World by Neely Tubati Alexander didn’t pull you in already, then hopefully this glowing, gushing review will convince you that this is the perfect uplifting romance you need right now!

Sloane Cooper is a heartbroken video game designer. She found out the man that she thought was the love of her life had been cheating on her, and she was left to pick up the pieces of her heart after the shock of betrayal. Sloane tries to avoid all of those messy heartbreak feelings by throwing herself into her career aspirations to work a dream job at Catapult—a top video game company. But in her very first interview it seems the all-male team is skeptical about her focus, until she promises to remain single and not let her personal life interfere with her dedication to her work (can you imagine a male having to promise the same thing?).

Sloane isn’t too worried about remaining single, until she meets her hot neighbor Charlie who surprises her by asking her to go on a trip to a resort in Turks and Caicos. Sloane may barely know Charlie, but he’s hoping to win back his ex by a bit of good old-fashioned jealousy. Perhaps a mysterious new girlfriend is just what he needs. Sloane agrees to the vacation, figuring a bit of island paradise might help her creative energy working on a game design for Catapult.

Sloane may have looked at this as an opportunity for a free trip, but she didn’t count on how attracted she is to Charlie—not just his looks, but also his kindness and supportive nature. As their connection deepens, Sloane can’t help but worry about her commitment to stay single and land her dream job. Not to mention that Charlie is still hoping to win back his ex, isn’t he? Sloane will need to avoid falling for Charlie if she hopes to land the job—but maybe she really can have it all?

The meet cute between Sloane and Charlie in a bar is adorable. Don’t we all dream of meeting a hot neighbor who invites us on vacation? Unfortunately, Charlie was desperate to make his ex jealous—not ideal if you’re hoping he falls in love with you. But Sloane also needs to stay single. Paradise does have a way of turning platonic friendship towards the romantic, though…

Charlie is a very likable leading male. Sometimes with a story like this where a couple is forced together, the author draws tension from the characters being a bit surly toward one another at first. That doesn’t happen with Charlie. He is hurting from his break up, but he also makes an effort to actually have fun with Sloane and have a good vacation. The whole trip isn’t solely about the photographable moments to make someone jealous.

The romance develops in a lovely, slow way. This isn’t a hot and heavy physical attraction that revs up right away. Of course Sloane is attracted to Charlie, but their relationship felt organic and their chemistry is undeniable. Sloane may be trying to focus on work, but she can’t help it when feelings start to develop for Charlie.

An adorable romance in an idyllic location and two compelling leads make this an easy, breezy read with a heartwarming ending!

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It is rare that I get time to myself but I had that after dropping my daughter back at college after Spring Break and in that time I finished this absolutely delightful book. Love Buzz was a favorite in 2023 and In a Not So Perfect World is in no way a Sophomore slump by Ms. Alexander. The characters in this book are just delightful but not without their share of foibles. Sloane has always loved playing video games and is now poised to get her big break at the biggest gaming company. Coming off a pretty bad break up, she doesn't even flinch when the 3 men ask her to basically devote herself to the company and stay single. Yes, it's all kind of illegal but I get the feeling this isn't uncommon in these types of companies. Enter, Charlie, the hot neighbor guy she kissed at the bar the other day and his offer for a paid vacation after his horrible break up.

Sloane thinks that she can use the vacation to work on her game demo for her final interview without interruptions but her best friend, Tess knows that she's going with the biggest distraction there could be, Charlie. While he is a distraction, he's also encouraging to Sloane and understands how much this interview and job mean to her. He even plays her games.

Of course it's not without misunderstandings and wrong turns and silence. Both Charlie and Sloane have baggage and Sloane has some control issues she needs to deal with as well. I did love the ending to this book and hope that they both get their happily ever after.

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Sloane is a video game designer who recently goes on her dream job interview at one of the most successful game company in the country.
This is a field that is dominated by men. They interview Sloan and ask her to remain single and fully dedicated to the job. At first, Sloane didn't give the request a second through because she just ended her relationship with Zane, who cheated on her.

Sloane gets to know Charlie, who she meets at a bar and realizes he is "The Hot Neighbor Guy" who also just got out of an relationship. Charlie surprises Sloane and invites her to an all inclusive vacation to The Turks and Caicos. Well, needless to say, Sloane says yes, but the catch is that she would have to pose as Charlie's new girlfriend and to make his old flame come back to him.

There were several sweet moments and adventures on the island. I really enjoyed this slow-burn romance and the character development between Sloane and Charlie. The beach setting in the Turks and Caicos make this for a perfect beach read!

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