Member Reviews

Neely Tubati Alexander's "In a Not So Perfect World" offers a heartening and effortless romance that will leave readers feeling restored. Sloane, a video game designer, and Charlie, an actor, cross paths at a bar, where Sloane's friend challenges her to kiss a stranger. She chooses Charlie, only to realize later that he's her neighbor. He and Sloane are both healing from traumatic breakups, with Charlie having recently planned a pricey trip to Turks and Caicos for his now-ex-girlfriend. In an effort to provoke jealousy and spur her to reconsider, he invites Sloane instead. Meanwhile, Sloane has just interviewed for her dream job, only to be told that having a relationship would make her ineligible for consideration due to the company's men-only secret policy. (And it's illegal!) To secure the coveted job, Sloane must also create a distinctive gaming concept to present. She realizes that a tropical getaway might be just the thing to spark her creativity and provide the peace and quiet she needs. As they soak up the sun and spend time together, Sloane and Charlie find themselves drawn to each other despite their respective heartbreaks. Charlie was a character who was impossible not to love, despite the pain and struggles he had faced in his past breakup. He had a natural ability to make everything fun and exuded joy and happiness, and it felt like he was someone you could easily be friends with. Sloane, on the other hand, was guarded and had built high walls around herself. Watching Charlie try to break through her emotional barriers and help her heal was heartwarming, and I found myself rooting for him every step of the way. As their connection grew deeper, it was heartwarming to see how they complemented and brought out the best in each other. Will they be able to overcome their pasts and embrace the present? Will Sloane be able to make it in the male-dominated world of gaming? I definitely recommend, “In a Not So Perfect World” if you are looking for a slow burn, friends to lovers, forced proximity, easy to read romance. Neely Tubati Alexander does it again after her debut novel, “Love Buzz”. Go check out this book!

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Sometimes, I just need a light-hearted romance to offset everything else that I read. This book was the right choice, and I loved the characters, premise, witty banter, and women working their way into what was predominantly a male-dominated field. In this case, the gaming world.

Sloane is the kind of woman that I can root for. She is trying to break into a field that she loves while not being stereotyped by misogynist males. She gives up her job in engineering and lands an interview with a local gaming company. While it is uncomfortable watching this interview go down, let's be honest: it is probably not uncommon to find this kind of attitude from men in the gaming world. Sloane does have someone in HR looking out for her as one of the few women in the company. It is down to Sloane and her ex-boyfriend for the position. Their task? Create a game for the company to showcase their skills. Is Sloane up for the task?

Charlie is Sloane's neighbor and apparently is very popular for an ad he did for spray-on abs. I can only imagine this product and commercial. However, despite his good looks, his girlfriend dumps him right before a trip to the Caribbean. I think this is to Charlie's benefit because what sane woman would turn down a free trip? So he entices Sloane to go with him as his fake girlfriend. He had planned to post photos to make the ex jealous, but what he doesn't expect is to fall in love with Sloane.

The crux of the book happens in Turks and Caicos at a resort. Charlie and Sloane have a good time, but there are rocky moments, too. I enjoyed watching them get to know one another over the course of the week and seeing Sloane in action creating her game. I know this is a book, but there are people out there who are geniuses when creating games or any other product. The story has its ups and downs, but in the end, they do get their HEA. It just takes some time.

There were many laugh-out-loud moments, some sweet, sentimental moments, and even a few that made you want to punch something or someone.

This book was an enjoyable read, and I liked the STEM connection. We give it 4 paws up.

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I adored her debut Love Buzz so I was all over In a Not So Perfect World by Neely Tubati Alexander.
This was a fast read because the story grabbed me from the very beginning.
I loved the different settings and Sloane and Charlie was great company.
Sloane was a great lead character and I rooted for her. Her journey kept me engaged throughout. I loved Neely Tubati Alexander’s writing style. Her descriptions were so vivid that I felt as though I were in the scenes with her characters.
This book was well written and the characters were well developed. I absolutely devoured this book in one day and cannot wait to read more by this author!!

Thank You NetGalley and Harper Perennial for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Sloane is applying for her dream job as a game designer and is up against her ex who dumped her for a cheesy girl from the gym. She has one week to build the perfect game for them when her cute neighbor, Charlie, asks her to join him in Turks and Caicos, a romantic trip he spent his savings on before his girlfriend dumped him for her co-worker; he needs selfies to make her jealous. Sloane sees it as a great place to concentrate but needs to make sure it stays platonic because her potential employer made her promise that if hired, she stay single and fully dedicated to her job during her employment, but sparks inevitably fly.

This was very cute though some of the story was just frustrating silly, just the blatant HR violations of saying Sloane can’t have a personal life and making that an employment stipulation drove me a bit batty. I liked how the author ended it, giving the reader what they wanted but not wrapped in a bow. If one can ignore a basic plot hole (I’m someone who can if the rest of the story keeps me entertained) it was a fun quick read and I would definitely read another by the author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial for the ARC

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A fun read, the story of Sloane and Charlie. Great to read a book about a woman in STEM. Looking forward to more from this author.

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a cute rom-com (with some moments of cringe). i did like the main characters and their relationship, but hated that the main premise revolved around sloane’s potential employer telling her she had to stay single to get the job because women always “have relationship issues”. yikes! also, the fact that charlie almost exclusively wore punny t-shirts like it was 2003 was such a red flag? again, it was a cute read, but not my fave!

thanks to netgalley and harper perennial for my advance copy of in a not so perfect world by neely tubati alexander. all opinions are my own.

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IN A NOT SO PERFECT WORLD – Neely Tubati-Alexander
Harper Perennial
ISBN: 978-0-063292949
March 19, 2024
Romantic Comedy

Los Angeles & Turks and Caicos Islands – Present Day

Sloane Cooper is unemployed but has high hopes of landing her dream job at an up-and-coming video game company. During the interview, the all-male interviewers wring out of her a promise that she will not get involved in a romance while employed with them. Not a big issue since Sloane hasn’t been dating since she broke off from Zane months ago after he cheated on her. She soon learns that she is a finalist candidate and must create a new game and send it to her potential employer. She can do it.

Meanwhile, to get her mind off missing her ex, Sloane heads to a bar with her best friend where she is challenged to kiss a stranger to show she is over her ex. She chooses a guy at the bar and convinces him to kiss her. Later that night, banging on the door awakens her. The smoke alarm is going off due to a fire in the apartment complex. The person at the door is the hot guy from the bar—whom she now recognizes as her neighbor. The fire is dealt with and Sloane and her neighbor—Charlie—chit-chat a little. He suddenly asks her to go with him to Turks and Caicos Island for several days as he already paid for the resort stay. He needs Sloane to pretend to be his new girlfriend so that he can make his ex-girlfriend jealous. He convinces her that she can work on her employment project while there. Sloane agrees, because who wouldn’t want an all-expenses paid trip to an island resort?

It turns into an adventure Sloane never expected in the hilariously funny IN A NOT SO PERFECT WORLD. She has been trying to prove herself apart from her overprotective family as she loves working on video games. But with her bank account funds dwindling, her last hope before she throws in the towel is getting the job at the video game company. Okay, the men interviewing her asked questions they probably shouldn’t have, such as asking if she planned to have children, but she is desperate. Things get even more interesting when Sloane learns that her ex, Zane, is also up for the position. The stakes suddenly got higher. Charlie and Sloane head to the Caribbean and check into their room. Unfortunately, there is only one bedroom, but he agrees to sleep on the sofa. Charlie is a nice guy; someone Sloane might date under normal circumstances. But he is trying to make his ex jealous, which means he is off limits.

IN A NOT SO PERFECT WORLD is an enjoyable read and readers will relate to Sloane’s problems. Her parents think she should do something stable, not work in video games, which is notoriously a man’s world. She is also still pining for Zane even though he has moved on to the woman he cheated with. Will Sloane get the job she wants and still remain friends with Charlie? Or will something happen between them that leads to awkwardness? Charlie’s goal is to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. Will that work? To give a hint…somewhere along the line, they kind of forget what—or who—were the reasons for pretending they were dating each other.

If you love a romance where the two lead characters are fun and the laughter flows easily, then don’t miss IN A NOT SO PERFECT WORLD.

Patti Fischer
Romance Reviews Today

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A wonderful love story with a realistic ending! I read this book within a few days, it was incredibly captivating to me. I feel like it’s easy to relate to the idea of trying to have it all and maintaining your dreams! I most certainly recommend for a fun entertaining read!

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I am not finishing this book. It’s a little too slow for my liking. The misogyny is annoying to read about. DNF at 25%.

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I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley and am voluntarily posting a review. All opinions are my own.
Neely Tubati Alexander is a new-to-me author, but I was drawn to the premise of In a Not So Perfect World. I’ve read a couple other books about the sexism in the gaming industry, and I was intrigued to read another. Fortunately, this subject does not figure to heavily/intensely in the narrative itself, but I did still get a sense of the environment and how women like Sloane need to prove their worth to be allowed in these spaces.
Sloane is very relatable in this regard, and she will definitely resonate with every twentysomething (heck, even some thirtysomethings) who are struggling to make ends meet while in the pursuit of their big break. Add in a rough breakup, and I truly sympathized with her. I also did not blame her for taking the chance of a once-in-a-lifetime trip...with the caveat that she’d keep her eyes on the prize.
Charlie is a solid love interest, and I love how his journey complements Sloane’s. He too has gone through a breakup…in fact, he was meant to take the trip he’s now taking Sloane on with his ex. And while, I, along with Sloane, did wonder why he was wasting time trying to make an ex who clearly did not respect him jealous and win her back, I also understand that emotions aren’t rational. The romance is a great slow burn, and while it’s complicated with some misunderstandings about where they stand, and whether he’s still not over his ex, I felt that this was ultimately handled in a believable way, and I rooted for them to get together in the end.
This was a solid read, and I’d recommend it to readers looking for a fun contemporary romance.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Perennial for the eARC.
I ended up DNFing it at 78% because the writing was just incredibly frustrating. I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. The premise that she’s not allowed to have a personal life and must stay single is, as others have pointed out, illegal and an HR violation. The writing was really clunky at times and the constant on and off nature of Sloane and Charlie’s ‘relationship’ just became too frustrating to see through to the presumably happy ending. I get that the author was exaggerating this job interview premise to make a point about the current video game design world but it’s really unrealistic and unbelievable they would ask those questions in an interview and demand those things. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief once it got to so late in the book and it was such a sticking point. I really enjoyed some aspects of Sloane’s character and learning about her game designs, how she worked, and her doomsday prepper tendencies/background. I love a girl in STEM but not in this absolutely absurd setup. I’m sorry. No. I would have loved if that aspect was removed and she was just applying for this job. Things definitely could have been improved to make this book really good, but it was a miss for me.

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Looking for an HEA? This is one where an odd couple become a couple. Sloane works as a game designer and she's got to finish a project as an audition of sorts for a new job. Charlie, her neighbor, was meant to travel to the Turks and Caicos with his girlfriend but she ditched him so he asks Sloane to join him. I can't imagine why she thought she would be able to work at a resort but so be it (also, the question she's asked in her interview is illegal and inappropriate). The forced proximity and pretend dating leads to a real relationship. While I liked both of them, this was just too trope-y for me. Thanks to the publisher for the ARC. Over to others.

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I thought this was really cute. I enjoyed the heartbreak, that led to strangers to become friends. The main characters were really cute - they had their own struggles and challenges. Their romance was a very slow burn - but it did not annoy me. Their relationship was fun to read about - they had some entertaining parts and the banter was great. There Caribbean location was envy inducing. The hardworking, determined characters were a great addition. I just enjoyed the story, characters and reading this. It was a quick, easy read - and a great escape from reality.

Thank you Netgalley for my advanced reader copy.

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This was a fun and easy read! I've not read any books where the heroine was trying to get into the gaming world, obviously run more by men, and like that storyline where a woman can make it if she's allowed in. Sloane and Charlie have a fun relationship that you root for, and this was a fun read.

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In a Not So Perfect World delivers everything you need for a good beach read: reliable romance tropes, witty banter, steady pacing, sexual tension and a happy ending.

I liked Charlie and Sloane from the jump, although I had a hard time buying into how easily Sloane accepts the outrageous personal demands from her prospective new employer. (Talk about toxic workplaces. Is the gaming industry like that in real life, perhaps?) I enjoyed watching Sloane come to recognize her own worth and go after what really matters to her.

I always struggle a bit to buy into stories where characters fall in love really quickly, and this book relies heavily on the epilogue to tidy up loose ends and sell it as more than a vacation romance.

Overall, it’s a quick, easy breezy read that will leave you feeling warm, fuzzy and in the mood for rum punch and sunsets on the beach!

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“What are you doing?”
“I clear my throat, move even closer… the grand gesture”

This book is very sweet! It starts with a favor and ends in true love. Sloane is getting over a break up when her best friend dares her to kiss someone -- cue cute guy at the bar, Charlie. Not looking for any strings, Sloane is desperate to land her dream job as a designer for the top video game company in the country which unfortunately is run by a group of complete jerks who make it clear to her that if she gets the job she must remain single in order to prove she is dedicated to her work. Charlie who was also recently dumped is about to embark on a romantic all inclusive vacation -- solo. To make his former girlfriend jealous Charlie suggests Sloane pretend to be his new love and join him in Turks and Caicos. Even Sloane who is prepared for everything may not be prepared for this.

In a Not So Perfect World is beautifully written with strong characters who I rooted for the whole time. Sloane is smart and funny but sells herself way short by agreeing to even interview for the job at Catapult Games. Charlie is the absolute sweetest. He definitely falls first and does all he can to show Sloane how he feels. I love the way he gives Sloane space when she needs it and supports her with his whole heart. In a Not So Perfect World is just delightful!

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I struggled in the beginning of this book to connect with the characters, it felt rushed and superficial. I really wanted to like Sloane because she has a STEM based career (love that), but I had to get halfway through the book until I started to enjoy what I was reading. I think I would have enjoyed the beginning of the book more if it wasn’t so linear and it jumped around a bit. The vacation part of the book was great. I would have loved to read more about Sloane’s career ending/beginning at the end of the book (trying to make this vague so as to not spoil the ending). Note - I would love to read a spin-off of the HR woman, she sounds fun and interesting!

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This was an okay read. The premise, a trip to the Caribbean, posing as a couple, to get back at an ex had me intrigued. But diving into the story, there were a handful of things that were lacking. The subplot of the FMC interviewing for a gaming design job where she's expected to remain single had so many things wrong with it....a woman in STEM putting so much emphasis on a job with these types of hiring practices, I'm sorry, no. The trip that Sloane and Charlie went on had such promise, a little fake dating, beautiful scenery, and some fun food and activities but the hurt from each of their past relationships played such a huge role that it felt like it took away from playing up the fake dating, minimized them being able to communicate and just made things messy. The wrap up and conflict resolution was clunky and didn't feel super satisfying.

That being said, it was a quick fun read and I really wanted to see how everything was resolved. I also want to see Tess's story....I felt more invested in her romance than I did with Sloane 🙃

Thank you Netgalley and Harper Perennial and Paperbacks, Harper Perennial for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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I enjoyed this book but felt that it did drag at times. I think this is one that would've been really great with dual POVs, especially in the third act "breakup" when we don't hear much from Charlie. For the most part, it was cute and we saw a lot of character development with Sloane. However, the ending where she's thinking about how it may or may not work out kind of killed it for me, when she already made the whole spiel to Charlie about being in love with him and wanting him more than her job (and we just read a great epilogue of their relationship over the past year). For me it just cheapened the feel good HEA at that point. While it wasn't my favorite, it was a good story and had great banter, so it wasn't entirely a miss.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the ARC!

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This book is a good fit for readers who enjoy lighthearted and emotional contemporary romance stories about pursuing career goals, overcoming heartbreak, and finding love in unexpected places.

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