Member Reviews

This is such a compelling and innovative way to outline women's roles throughout history. Each brief chapter shares a photo of an object and then gives us the context and backstory on the social and political context as well as either the artist, inventor or the subject depicted. It is very well written and brings a feminist lens to the writing. It is meticulously researched and brings in humor throughout. This is not necessarily a book you need to read cover-to-cover yet it does trace the history chronologically. I would read a few chapters at a time and always felt I learned something new and interesting. While at times I was upset that so many incredible women were overlooked in history, I smiled knowing that finally the spotlight has been focused on them and our history. A must read!
Thank you to Netgalley and Crown Publishing for an ARC and I voluntarily left this review.

This is a truly wonderful look at a diverse array of artifacts that represent women throughout history. Too often history books have left women out but it's hard to deny their existence in physical objects.

I'm so thankful to Crown Publishing, Annabelle Hirsch, and Netgalley for granting me advanced digital and physical access to this one before it hits shelves on March 5, 2024. I really enjoyed being transported into this storyline and revolutionized by its prose.

Annabelle Hirsch has compiled an idiosyncratic and interesting collection of objects here. They place a firm spotlight on women and their place(s) in history. Dip in or read in order. Either way this is a fascinating book with entries that offered pause for thought.
The time period that is covered is immense. The first entry is from 30,000 years ago. What makes this healed femur significant? The answer is perhaps surprising.
For each entry readers find an illustration and a short essay/reflection. I had many favorites.
This is a book to savor rather than devour. It is worth a reader’s time.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Crown Publishing for this title. All opinions are my own.

A History of Women in 101 Objects is a fascinating journey through human history, guided by 101 different objects that show different aspects of the history of women and their place (or lack of it) in history.
The items themselves are fascinating, but the biting commentary on many of them is quite the eye opener. It's interesting to see how things have changed over the millennia. Even more so, it's quite amazing to walk through the history, especially of the past century or two, with different visuals to see how the feminist movements across the Western world have shaped the present-day movements for equality for gender and other minorities.
What a truly fascinating journey through the pages of this well-written book!
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this advanced review copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review on the book!

4.5. It’s been ages since I’ve read quality feminist history. I love the object image paired with a biting historical commentary. Most excellent! The objects themselves cover the spectrum; bidets to pussyhats. There’s emotions among these facts, sorrow and joy in equal parts. I’d not thought of many of these stories in ages, and it makes me happy to see them again. A much needed volume and deftly executed. All women will enjoy this read.