Member Reviews

This was an interesting book. I was irritated with the protagonist because she always whispered during therapy and never seemed to be able to answer a direct question. I also thought the storyline was gearing towards the supernatural, but fortunately it wasn’t and everything had a logical explanation.

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I loved this book! I love mysteries, but they can become predictable when you read them often. However, I didn’t feel that way with this book at all! I also loved the push and pull between Erin and Maggie.

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For the Last Time is an intriguing domestic thriller by Heidi Perks. I've read this author before and this one was one of her best. A great fun to read chilling mystery featuring dual POV. The end and reveal was shocking and I didn't see coming. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for an early copy of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane books for the opportunity to read this arc!

This book will have you intrigued from the very beginning! We are given just enough information to be captivated by the story but not too much that we can guess or figure out the ending! Definitely had me guessing until the very end!

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Thanks to Crooked Lane and NetGalley for the ARC. Quick read. Enjoyable domestic thriller. Not my favorite from this author, but still a good book.

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A domestic thriller, For The Last Time (2023) by Heidi Perks is a family-focused domestic noir. A woman is the victim of a middle-of-the-night hit-run accident, near Harberry Woods, with no obvious reason for being there. The narrative moves back and forth in time to recount events and the central characters leading to that fateful night. As the police investigate the circumstances behind the critically injured woman, the backstory is revealed of a disintegrating marriage, a conflicted marriage counsellor and a murder more than two decades ago. An enthralling mystery tale ensues with three different storylines that coalesce into a tightly tensioned four star rating thriller. With thanks to Crooked Lane and the author, for an uncorrected advanced review copy for review purposes. As always, the opinions herein are totally my own, freely given and without inducement.

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Another ripper from Heidi Perks. Therapist thriller are always a delight, and For The Last Time had plenty to keep me turning the pages. While it was a slow burn at times I was left completely satisfied by the last page.
Thanks to all involved for this early reading copy it is one I recommend to the lover of a good popcorn thriller.

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This had me gripped and kept me questioning what was going on? What was the truth? Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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A dual time line novel that, thanks to the short chapters and zippy (albeit a tad implausible) plot, will keep you turning the pages. What did Erin's husband Will do? Is he connected to the murder of Maggie's sister Lily? And what about the dog? Maggie had no idea what would end up in her lap when Erin and Will came to her for counseling and now, now she's got more questions than answers. It's an intriguing plot. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This book starts off slow. Luckily it is a quick read so you can get the suspenseful fun bits faster. Overall, the book didn't work for me.
Erin feels as if something is off with her marriage and we go through that with her. In the other timeline she is in a coma from a hit and run driver.
It was a lot. There were a lot of pieces. Maybe I need to be a littler smarter to keep track of the threads.

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This book had a slow start for me and was a bit hard to get into. At around 50% it did start to pick up. I did like the premise of the story, though I can’t say I truly cared about the characters. This wasn’t one of my favorite domestic thrillers, but I did like the author’s writing and would definitely try another book from her. Thank you for the opportunity to read!

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Felt like a typical marriage in crisis book with alternating perspectives and timeline, I couldn’t really get into this one .

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FOR THE LAST TIME had me playing detective. I didn't know if Erin was really mentally unstable or her husband, Will, was making her feel the way she did. I liked how the author built up the suspense, she gave little hints along the way, but never enough to fully solve the mystery. Through the different points of view I was kept engaged and it kept me racing to end to get my answers. Overall, this was a well written thriller and one of the best I've read to date by Heidi Perks.

Many thanks to Crooked Lane books and NetGalley for my gifted ARC.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( on Pub date.

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I was captivated by this novel from beginning to end. It was hard to put down and I had to know what was going on so I read the second half all in one sitting! Told through dual POV's, we follow Maggie, the therapist and Erin, her client, with their connection becoming obvious when Erin is hit by a car. I don't want to tell you too much as it's best you go into this one blind.

While I enjoyed the full story, I do believe there were a few holes left towards the end and wish it had been tied up a little nicer to complement the remainder of the book. Still a solid read however and one that thriller lovers will enjoy.

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Erin and Will were always the perfect couple. But when little cracks start to appear, they start counseling with Maggie. But Maggie starts to suspect they sought her out for a reason. Is it possible they are the key to solving her sister's murder from twenty years ago?

This book was a quick read, but it overall felt pretty far fetched. The odds of these Maggie and the couple being connected this way seems overall outrageous, yet the book still felt very predictable at the same time. I figured out the killer nearly immediately.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley, Crooked Lane Books and Heidi Perks for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed For the Last Time. It hooked me right from the start, I just couldn't put it down and I finished it in one sitting.
It was full of mystery, suspense and intrigue. The twists were great and I definitely didn't see the last couple of them coming at all.

The characters were interesting and likable, the writing was excellent. I'll definitely be looking into the authors back catalogue.

I highly recommend.

4 stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review..

This book had me hooked from the beginning. The story line definitely has you questioning who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. I didn’t think the book was predictable at all and I thought everything fell into place great. I would recommend it to others.

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For the Last Time by Heidi Perks was a fantastic psychological thriller.
I was hooked from the very beginning till the end.
Heidi Perks has a way of telling a story that will just have you hooked almost immediately.
The story began relatively slow really setting the scene with twists and turns along the way.
Wonderfully written, with amazing character development made the story much more intriguing and engaging! Her storytelling is incredible
A clever and suspenseful thriller that will keep you totally absorbed and turning the pages all night.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Not my favorite by this author. It was just ok.

This story revolves around Erin, Will and their therapist Maggie. Seems there are secrets surrounding them all. Of course there are. This book was just too predictable for me and just not as good as I had hoped it would be.

The writing was great as usual with this author but the story in my opinion was dragging or lacking something that I can't quite put my finger on.

I say read it for yourself. You may love it. It just was not the one to wow me.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Three stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of For The Last Time by Heidi Perk in exchange for an honest review.

Although I’ve really enjoyed this author’s books in the past, this one wasn’t my favorite. The writing wasn’t as crisp as her other outings but I did stick with it to find out what happened in the end.

We meet Erin on the night she’s been brought into the hospital after a hit and run accident, but get to understand her more through the dual timeline thread that explores her marriage to Will, and their relationship as divulged in therapy sessions with couples counselor with Maggie. It’s clear that Erin’s and Maggie’s past will eventually collide, and when they do, it provides a somewhat satisfactory conclusion to the story.

I’ll give three stars.

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