Member Reviews

* This review will run the week of Dec. 5 on our website*

For the Last Time is the latest thinky thriller by popular author Heidi Perks. Ms. Perks has a talent for upending whatever the reader may think is happening, with this story including the numerous surprises and twists she is known for.

The blurb describing the book mentions something that happens at the literal fifty percent mark but doesn’t list the almost dizzying number of narrators included or timeshifts that take place. For the sake of clarity in this review, I will not name all the narrators, and I will review the book in a sequential fashion. I will also cover material up to the point where the event the description talks about takes place.

It begins with a necklace. Erin and Will typically don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day, but for this particular year’s observance, Will gives Erin a necklace to commemorate; it has a charm with their daughter Sadie’s fingerprint and name engraved on it. The beauty and thoughtfulness of the gift move Erin to tears, but when Will goes to put it on her, she flinches away from him. He is a bit hurt and confused; she, too, is bewildered but also angry. She suddenly feels something is wrong, wrong with Will and wrong with their relationship, even though moments before, she would have said everything was fine. A bemused Will leaves for work, and Erin spends an uneasy day with Sadie. They pretend everything is fine when he comes home, although both are well aware it is not. While Will is making dinner later that evening and watching their little girl, Erin takes some time to work on the children’s book she is trying to write. This leaves Will watching the stove, their daughter, and Erin’s beloved dog Coco. He manages the meal and toddler quite well, but at some point, Coco goes missing. They spend the evening searching for her but have no luck finding her. Erin is devastated and angry. Will had never loved Coco as she had, and she can’t help but simmer with resentment that her beloved pet went missing on his watch.

The text jumps forward to several weeks down the road, with Erin and Will visiting a relationship counselor. Erin has become cold and distant, and Will is desperate to fix whatever is wrong in their marriage. The counselor’s name is Maggie, and she encourages them to talk about what is happening. Erin is agitated and anxious throughout the sessions and becomes increasingly so as time goes on. Moreover, according to Will, she has begun to imagine things. She claims there was damage to his car, something he insists never existed and which she insists he had repaired the next day while he was at work. I had to laugh at this point. Anyone who has ever owned a car knows you can not get the kind of structural repair work done that Erin was talking about in twenty-four hours. Erin is convinced Will is gaslighting her regarding both Coco and the car. Will is concerned Erin is losing touch with reality. Maggie is worried that this couple’s problems are beyond what she can cope with. She continues to meet with them, but rather than soothing their anxiety, the sessions add to hers.

At yet another awkward meeting, Erin accuses Will of lying to her about a necklace she is positive she saw in the boot of his car. He denies it ever existed and points out that when he went to the car with Erin to address her concerns, it wasn’t there. When Maggie asks Erin to describe the jewelry, it sends a chill down Maggie’s spine. The pretty piece depicted by Erin is a unique charm that had been worn by Maggie’s dead sister. It was last seen on the day she was murdered and had not been recovered with the body. Suddenly, Maggie finds herself wondering just why Will and Erin chose to come to her office for counseling. Erin said it had been a word-of-mouth recommendation, although she couldn’t say whom, specifically, the referral came from. Are Will and Erin really a couple with marital problems, as they claim? Or is something far more sinister going on here?

Throughout all of the above, we are flipping back and forth between the present, where Erin lies in a coma in the hospital, the victim of a suspicious hit and run, and various points in the past. We receive the viewpoints of two different detectives working the case, Erin’s estranged mom, her best friend, her husband Will, her mother-in-law, one of the nurses, and, in the portions covering the past, Erin and Maggie. It is rare that I say this, but I don’t think this would make for a good listen. I would personally have had a hard time keeping track of who everyone was and when everything was happening without being able to reference the subheadings whenever I needed to.

The positives of the book are its numerous twists, the interesting (if often unsympathetic) characters, and the lovely prose. The language evokes a gothic feel even though we are missing the classic element of the creepy house. The idea that one of the characters is gaslighting the others - although whether it is Will, Maggie or Erin that is responsible, we simply don’t know - gives the story a chilling and very sinister atmosphere. I loved how, juxtaposed against the ordinary suburban lives of these three people, was the frightening idea of a manipulative, murderous villain in the background.

The author also did a fantastic job of showing how average people can have dark sides we just don’t expect. And she does a spectacular job of showcasing the complexity of family - from Will’s family, who loves too much, to Erin’s mom, who doesn’t love at all, the text captures beautifully how difficult kindred can actually be.

I do have some quibbles, though. I really disliked Maggie, whom I felt from the start was irresponsible in how she handled her position. She seemed neither able to deal with all that Erin and Will had going on nor able to process what was happening/had happened in her own life. The pacing is slow, and very little actually takes place -the gaslighting aspect of the book leans heavily into the menacing ambiance to provide the mystery factor the text itself sometimes lacks. As a result, much of what does happen falls into red herring territory since we are meant to be questioning the sanity and perception of at least two of the players involved.

Those foibles mean that For the Last Time is, while very, very good, not for everyone. If you are a fan of clear-cut police procedurals or prefer stories with brisk pacing and a neat puzzle to solve, I would give this a miss. If you love books that depend more on psychology, subtlety, and/or the possible psychosis of the characters, then I would strongly recommend reading For the Last Time.

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For the Last Time by Heidi Perks is a gripping psychological thriller that intricately weaves together the lives of Erin, a stay-at-home mom entangled in a suspicious hit-and-run, and Maggie, a marriage counselor with her own traumatic past. The novel's dual perspectives and timelines create a suspenseful atmosphere as the complexities of troubled relationships and hidden secrets unfold. Perks skillfully builds tension from the outset, with an intriguing hit-and-run incident raising suspicions about Erin's motives. The marriage counseling sessions with Maggie provide a captivating exploration of trust, doubts, and divisions. While the characters may not be universally likable, their flaws contribute to the atmospheric tension, and the author expertly incorporates unexpected twists and turns, keeping readers engaged until the final reveal. For the Last Time is a compelling page-turner that explores the impact of hidden truths and the complexities of psychological trauma within the realm of suspenseful storytelling.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC of For the Last Time by Heidi Perks.

Erin is not herself lately. She keeps recoiling from her husband Will with no sound explanation, and the wedge between them just keeps growing. But when they enter couples therapy with Maggie, they truly have no idea just how much things actually will change between them.

Hooo boy, super twisty thriller that takes you down a dark road with zero clue how it's going to end. Very fast, very fun, a great summer read!

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Heidi Perks delivers a dual-perspective psychological thriller that weaves a complex web of secrets, lies, and fractured relationships. The narrative unfolds through two timelines, offering perspectives from various characters, creating an intricate and suspenseful plot.

The story revolves around Erin and Will, a seemingly ordinary couple seeking marriage counseling from therapist Maggie. However, the veneer of normalcy shatters when Erin inexplicably mentions details from Maggie's past, sparking an intense curiosity. The dual timelines explore the events leading up to Erin's life-threatening hit-and-run accident and the unraveling of her seemingly idyllic marriage. As Maggie delves deeper into Erin's memories, the boundaries blur between therapist and client, leading to an unconventional quest for truth.

The first two-thirds of the novel captivate with an indefinable sense of unease and compelling undertones. The portrayal of the Harding's fourteen-year relationship during counseling sessions is particularly revealing, exposing a growing lack of trust, doubts, and divisions. The characters, though not entirely likable, are well-portrayed, with the author introducing red herrings and plot twists that keep readers engaged.

While the novel is undeniably a page-turner with unexpected turns, it occasionally falters in pacing, especially in the second half. The multiple points of view introduce some repetition and confusion, and certain narratives seem tangential to the main plot. The plot's credibility is challenged by a reliance on coincidences, requiring readers to suspend some disbelief.

Despite these drawbacks, "For The Last Time" delivers an emotional and suspenseful experience. Heidi Perks' narrative skill keeps readers guessing until the end, making this psychological thriller a worthwhile read for those who enjoy unraveling intricate mysteries. With a 3.5-star rating, the novel successfully combines suspense, drama, and unexpected twists, offering a wild and engrossing ride.

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FANTASTIC!!! Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

What an emotional and suspenseful psychological thriller that kept me guessing to the very end. This is my first read by Heidi Perks and it did not disappoint! The suspense, drama, tension, pacing, secrets, lies, dual perspectives, unique plot and unexpected twists and turns makes this a wild ride! I was completely engrossed from the beginning and could not stop reading. I absolutely loved this book so much!!! 💚💚💚💚

Erin and Will decide to get help from a marriage therapist when their perfect marriage starts to fall apart. As Maggie, the therapist, tries to help them open up and mend their relationship she becomes disturbed when Erin mentions something connected to Maggie's past. Now she is obsessed with uncovering her own truth and no longer trying to fix the couple's marriage. Fast forward six months later, Erin is involved in a hit and run accident and is in critical condition. Was it a horrible accident or did someone purposefully hurt her? I mean if it was an accident then someone close to Erin must be the culprit, right?

If your looking for a entertaining and gripping psychological thriller then this is the book for you! I cannot wait to read more books by this author and I highly recommend!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Your therapist may not have your best interest at heart...

Erin and Will’s marriage is on the rocks. Erin finds herself unable to trust Will. In fact, you could say she fears him! But why? What has gone so horribly wrong to cause this reaction that seemed to come out of nowhere?

Realizing they can’t fix the situation themselves they seek out assistance from licensed therapist Maggie. And that’s when things really go skidding off the rails. You see, Maggie has her own agenda and is about to cross some ethical lines!

Oh my gosh, this was delicious fun! This was one of those books that I snuck in a chapter every chance I had!

So many questions:
Why was Erin so distrustful?
Was Will hiding a dark side?
And seriously…what’s up with Maggie!?💁🏻‍♀️

Heidi Perks delivers a taught, captivating thriller that will keep you reading late into the night! I was absolutely hooked from beginning to end.

I realize this is my first read by this author. Not sure how I missed her previous books. Rest assured I’ll be fixing that right now! I’m off to add her previous books to my list!

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books

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Oh wow the plot for this book was amazing I love therapist thrillers. At times it was a tad slow paced but nothing too crazy. I loved guessing with who killed Maggie’s sister and what made Erin and will change so much. Very interesting and I recommend to everyone who reads and loves a good mystery with twists and turns

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Erin and Will’s marriage is on the rocks, and they seek couples counseling from a therapist, Maggie. But after a few sessions, Erin mentions something from Maggie’s past, which leads Maggie to believe there’s more to their story then they’re letting on. For The Last Time wastes no time in sucking you in with an attention grabbing prologue that only hints at the many mysteries yet to unfold. The alternate POV’s only adds to the suspense, as the reader’s allegiances are kept off-balance as you’re not sure who to believe. Plenty of surprises await in this page-turner. Well Done! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
For the Last Time releases December 5, 2023

A typical marriage in crisis mystery novel, told in dual timeline (then/now) and multi-pov (14).

In the present, Erin has been the victim of a hit-and-run and is now in a medically induced coma.
Six months ago, her marriage to Will started falling apart. Their dog went missing, and Erin started to feel uneasy and untrustworthy towards her husband. Soon after, they attend couples counselling.

As the story unravels, we start to learn that Erin and their couples therapist are connected in ways they would have never thought.
Will Erin and her husband be able to reconcile? And will their therapist Maggie get closure with her late sister’s death, or will she become too involved in the lives of her patients and blur the ethical lines she swears she’ll never cross?

This was a fairly quick read that came together nicely in the end, playing off of an unreliable narrator and repressed memories.
I didn’t mind all of the many pov’s, but there definitely didn’t need to be quite as many. The police figures could have been combined into one person.

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I had a hard time getting into this book, and unfortunately did not enjoy it. I wasn't a fan of the writing and there were a lot of characters and timelines to keep track of (which is fine, but not in this instance). The plot could have been interesting but it was also a bit predictable.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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3.5 ⭐️

I thoroughly enjoyed the characters in this book! Each chapter jumped from past to present and told from multiple POV. The story kept me interested throughout and wanting to see what was going to happen next. I did find that the “reveal” felt a tad rushed and was a little confusing. I also am not sure that I understand the thought process behind the title. All in all, a good book!

THANK YOU to the author, Netgalley & Crooked Lane Books for this ARC in return for my honest review. For The Last Time comes out on Dec 5th :)

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Maggie feels something is off with her new marriage counseling clients, especially when the wife mentions something from Maggie’s past she should not know about.

While I really wanted to stick with this one and find out what was going on, I had a hard time connecting to it. I didn’t connect with the characters and really did understand Erin’s sudden dislike of her husband. While I understand it’s explained, it just threw me off too much in the beginning. I also had a really hard time continuing to pick up the book because of Coco. I can’t stand hurt or missing animals in books and I was too worried about the poor doggie to enjoy the story!

“It’s important to realise how much influence I can have and, if I’m not careful, how much harm it could cause.”

For the Last Time comes out 12/5.

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This book had my attention during the first third or so, but then when multiple timelines and different characters were introduced so quickly, I lost interest.

I did finish but am ambivalent about how I feel. My biggest problem was that I just couldn't connect with any of the characters. It was an odd ending

A solid read that I didn't hate and didn't love. Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the early copy. FOR THE LAST TIME will publish December 5, 2023.

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Thank you for the advanced reader copy of For the Last Time.

I found this book to be a slow read. It didn't hold my attention, I found Maggie to be annoying but I liked the story line and twist with Erin and Will.

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Holy WHIZZ! I have adored every single book by this Author , this was one wild ride. It was the perfect mix of twisted, clever and diabolical. It kept me guessing until the end! 5 stars from me. I loved this one and feel a book hangover coming on !

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This book had my attention during the first third or so, but then when multiple timelines and different characters were introduced so quickly, I lost interest.

I did finish but am ambivalent about how I feel. My biggest gripe was that I just couldn't connect with any of the characters. The therapy sessions were interesting, but I found myself liking those and getting impatient with everything else.

A solid read that I didn't hate and didn't love. Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the early copy. FOR THE LAST TIME will publish December 5, 2023.

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*3.5 stars rounded up*
When a woman is found near death at 2 am on a Sunday morning near the woods, the police are left wondering why she was there in the first place and who hit her with their car. Erin has a nice life with a loving husband and young daughter. Things start to take a turn when their dog goes missing and Erin starts to have bad thoughts and feelings about her husband. When they start going to a therapist, things start to further unfold. Who hit Erin with their car and how is the therapist involved?

This book was very interesting. It kept me involved and needing to read more to find out the truth. I feel like the twists and turns were unique and interesting. I read this in only two days and I needed to find out the truth. The writing was good and kept me intrigued throughout. I don't usually like domestic thrillers between a husband and wife but I think this one was good!

My main issue was the characters. I didn't really like anyone involved except for the husband (who was treated poorly the whole book). I feel like Erin and Maggie were very flawed characters and they used everyone around them for their own personal gain. I also feel like the ending was not satisfying to me. I feel like some people should have been punished more than they were and everyone just went on with their lives like nothing happened.

I enjoyed this book! I am not the biggest fan of domestic thrillers between husband and wife but I think people who do will enjoy this one more than I did. Thanks so much to netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for the arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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This thriller/murder mystery was all that plus some! I was guessing it was the husband the whole time maybe living a second life or just wanting to start over. The more I read it the more I wanted more! It’s never what I would have thought in the end and I thinks that’s what makes thrillers and murder mysteries masterpieces. You have your readers thinking one thing and plot twist lead to what you would never imagine in a million years! LOVED IT!

Thank you to Netgalley and the Author for allowing me to read this masterpiece! I was not paid to do this arc this review is my honest opinion and I have actually recommended to quite a few people when it releases!

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Okay,admittedly some of the psychology in this book seemed a little strange, and I was able to figure out who the killer was rather early on.... However, I don't feel that any of that distracted from this book at all. I felt sorry for the two main women, and hoped they'd truly be able to deal with their demons, and I was quite happy with the conclusion. A very easy 4 and a half stars.

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I'm on the fence with this one. Its a very slow burn but very cleverly written and with a lot of threads and how they come together in the end. I didn't like the characters so found it hard to be that invested in their journeys and a lot of it seemed very far fetched.... but then again, that's the beauty of it being a fiction! I just felt it lacked the tension and build up but in saying that, there was a really good twist or two so yeah.... I'm not sure how I feel about this one lol.

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