Member Reviews

Book: For The Last Time
Author: Heidi Perks
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
Pub Date: December 5, 2023

This was a very clever story. It’s told from two POV’s Maggie and Erin. Will and Erin begin to have marital problems that Will doesn’t understand. Erin is scared of him and just knows he has done something but has no idea what. Eventually Will has to move out. They both agree to see a therapist Maggie Day. Maggie somewhat sides with Will from the beginning and that makes Erin mad. Maggie becomes way too involved in their marriage and their problems and soon discovers there is a connection to the murder of her sister Lilly years ago. This is what I like to call a solid read. I found myself staying up wanting to read one more chapter. I did feel like there was some repetition that could have been avoided but a very easy book to read. It’s not the most compelling book I’ve read this year but I very much enjoyed the plot and the way the author delivered it.

Thank you Crooked Lane Books and NetGalley for this sneak peak! Publication date is December 5, 2023.

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DNF due to formatting - I will 100% read this in the future, but when they aren’t even paragraph or sentence breaks? I cannot do that. arcs need to be formatted mostly correctly and not make it extremely difficult for readers.

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A solid 4 star from me! This was told in two timelines a dual POV between Erin and her Therapist, Maggie. I love going back and forth between viewpoints. I feel like it always leaves me wanting to turn more pages and connect the dots. However, on this one, I did not connect any dots. It left me guessing.

Erin and her husband Will have been having some major marriage problems and no one is sure why. Erin doesn’t trust her husband after her dog goes missing and starts to fear him. They reach out to Maggie, a therapist who is dealing with her own grief. Her sister was murdered when she was 11. The wrong man may be behind bars. She starts to uncover Erin and Will’s childhoods. After watching their character’s pasts crash into each other, will they end up with more than they bargained for?

This really got me with the twist. It was unexpected until the very end. It was a slower burn with good build up! I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely be checking out more of Perks’ work!

Thank you to Net Galley, Crooked Lane Books, and the author for this ARC copy!
Publication date: December 05, 2023 ☺️

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 5th Dec 2023. I love all of Heidi’s books and this one was no different!

My favourite character was Maggie and I was rooting for her throughout the book. It’s told over two timelines it was definitely a page turner and kept me at the edge of my seat. The plot, the twists, the characters I love it all!

If you are a thriller lover be ready for this world-wind of a book!

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Will and Erin seem to live the life most couples would pay to have. In For the Last Time by Heidi Perks, this couple starts to have marital problems for reasons that are hard to explain and harder to understand. Erin accuses her husband of things that he truly does not seem to understand. Erin starts to drive her loved ones away for reasons even she finds confusing.

Will and Erin find themselves in a therapist’s office. The therapist thinks this will be an easy fix, but she finds she cannot unlock the code to help her patients, until she discovers that maybe she can. She becomes so involved that she really needs to step back.

The marriage keeps unraveling for no obvious reason. Even Erin cannot explain why she suddenly distrusts her husband. Also, there is a murder that happened many years previous which also figures into the story. Read this book if you enjoy a mystery in a mystery.

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Heidi Perks had me guessing until the very end of this novel. I adored Maggie’s character and was rooting for her the entire book, great read!

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I honestly don’t know how I completely feel about this book. It’s hard to say because it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. I think for me, the big thing was that it lacked any angst that I usually like and thrillers. The writing was rather bland, and did not keep me on the edge of my seat whatsoever. Also, the characters were very hard to get involved with, and at times I felt confused as to who was who. For someone who mainly reads thrillers, this just didn’t pan out as one that I would recommend rushing to read.

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I really enjoyed the quick pacing of this book. It is told from dual POV's - Erin, a woman looking for help in her marriage, and Maggie, Erin and Will's therapist. I felt like both women were a little unhinged and untrustworthy. Erin grew up in a broken family and never felt like she belonged. Maggie has been tormented for years by the murder of her younger sister Lily. As Erin and Will go through counseling with Maggie, you start to question Erin's stability. Is she seeing things or is Will gaslighting her? However, when Maggie starts to pick up on things that Erin says, she is wondering the same thing - who should she believe, Erin or Will?

I didn't really like any of the characters in this book. There were a lot of things that were a bit unbelievable and weird coincidences that you have to suspend belief. It definitely kept me guessing.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

For the first 65% of the book, I couldn’t put it down. However, it took a turn that I wasn’t thrilled with and I wasn’t all that much of a fan of how therapy and its ethics were portrayed. I really liked the ending, though, which made sticking through the eye rolling parts well worth it.

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This book was full of twists and turns. The characters were well established and had me constantly guessing on what was coming next.

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I liked this thriller. I quickly became emotionally invested in the characters and the storyline. There was some time-shifting, and multiple narratives, but I liked the fact that as a reader, I got the perspective of different characters, at different times, and I was able to identify with some of the characters in different ways.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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This was one of those twisty-turny stories that I thoroughly enjoy. The author did a great job keeping me guessing what the husband was up to, and whether or not he could be trusted. There were quite a few red herrings and possible reasons to believe someone else might have been responsible for Lily's murder many years before; the coincidences and suspects were there in numerous places.

I liked this and hope to read more by this author!

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Honestly, I was not a huge fan of this book. I didn't care for the writing style as it was too blunt and lacked the suspense that I look for in thriller books. The characters were annoying and hard to connect with. The plot was interesting and would have made a great story if it were executed better. Plus, the ending was very predictable.

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This was a slow burner but it captured my attention. I dont know how i feel about this book. As much as it captured my attention i just couldn't connect to the characters.

Thank you Netgalley and Crooked Lane books for allowing me to read this arc for an honest review

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Maggie, a couples therapist, begins seeing her new clients Erin and Will, whose marriage is falling apart. But the more she gets to know then the more she realizes their pasts are connected, and she will stop at nothing to find out the truth.

This was a slow burn of a story, but with enough suspense that I kept reading because I wanted to know what happened. It isn’t until almost 50% of the story that we finally hear about the necklace that connects Maggie to Will and Erin, which I found kind of strange as it’s mentioned in the synopsis as a main plot point. But as I said, something about the way the story was written kept me reading on to find out the truth along with the other characters.

The more I think about the ending the more annoyed I get. Writer/editor/anyone who can help. How are we supposed to believe that Maggie hit Erin with her car hard enough that she almost killed her but her car would have not a scrap of damage on it because no one assumes she did it? There would be a dent or a broken windshield or anything on her car and the cop would have seen it and been suspicious. But somehow she just gets away with it?

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Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the copy of For The Last Time by Heidi Parks. I liked the story of Erin and Will, then it felt like a lot of other characters were thrown in. The story finally started to come together about halfway through but by then I didn’t really care. The timelines were confusing and at one point Erin started repeating what she had already told Maggie, but even though she was remembering more it was boring. This book wasn’t for me, but I see many other people really liked it so maybe I just wasn't patient enough to let the story unfold.

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Erin begins to lose trust in her husband. Things are happening that he tells her didn’t happen. She doesn’t believe him, and feels like she is in danger. This book goes back and forth between the past and the present. This is one where I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. Full of twists and turns and just when you think you have it figured out you find out you are wrong. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Wow! What a wild ride this book was! This author was so good In misleading my thoughts! When you think you have it figured out, let me tell you, You haven’t!

Even though I loved this book I didn’t really care much for the characters. I could not relate to any of them. I feel they were all really selfish. They made me feel really angry for not understanding each others predicament/ situations .

If you like a murder mystery then this one is for you .

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC

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Thank you to the Publisher for my Arc!

Okay I will admit, as i was reading this. I got very bored and didn't like Erin at all. UNTIL the story started progressing then it got wild. I called the twist early on but it made the story more enjoyable. However i feel like the ending was really lackluster and very un satisfying.

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Talk about a page turner! This grips you from the start and doesn’t let go till you find out “who done it” at the end. Really like the Erin and Maggie characters- very believable. Just a juicy mystery that I really enjoyed!

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