Member Reviews

Talk about a page turner! This grips you from the start and doesn’t let go till you find out “who done it” at the end. Really like the Erin and Maggie characters- very believable. Just a juicy mystery that I really enjoyed!

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This was my first Heidi Perks novel and I really liked it!

Erin wakes one morning and begins to have concerns about her husband, Will, and their marriage; the only problem is he’s done nothing to deserve this. With the help of a therapist, Maggie, the couple tries to unearth where Erin’s apprehension is coming from. Maggie has a traumatic history of her own that she battles. As their stories begin to cross paths beyond their professional relationship, Erin, Will, and Maggie will have to come to terms with their realities and the truth.

The storyline was original, the characters and their backstories were flawless, the back and forth timeline and POV style of storytelling were well executed and the writing was fantastic. The pacing was great and added to the suspense. You could really feel the storing building with urgency as it progressed, and I enjoyed how both timelines intersected at the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to read this book before it’s expected release date of December 5, 2023. I look forward to reading more books by the author.

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This was an excellent read. ! A fact paced, page turner you will keep you guessing I definitely want to keep turning the page to see what happens next. Highly recommend it to others. Many thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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If you're interested in reading a story full of mystery, this one is it. Reading For the Last Time you're embarking on a guessing game revolving around a husband, wife, and their therapist while trying to figure out how a past murder and a present hit-and-run are connected.

Unfortunately, this one wasn't a favorite, it's written well but it was hard to get into, even though it's fast-paced with action-packed dual timelines, I didn't like the heroines and the ending was disappointing and far-fetched.

Thank you Netgalley, Heidi Parks, and Crooked Lane Books for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a fun and quick read that kept me guessing. It's essentially a two-mystery story: one of a past murder, and one of a present hit-and-run incident. The question is how they are related. The author reveals secrets bit by bit, delving into her characters' inner states and motivations. The book kept my attention throughout, so I enjoyed it. However, the constant switching between characters' perspectives, some of which weren't very important, didn't quite work for me. Although the ending provided answers, I didn't find the characters' reactions believable. After being hurt and disbelieved by the ones closest to her, the main character goes back to her normal life with them as though nothing happened. It all felt too neat, too easy. While the genre doesn't exactly call for an in-depth exploration of the characters' psychological states, considering how much the author spent on that aspect, the quick wrap-up seemed cheap and unearned. The book might have benefited from a more open-ended interpretation rather than a feel-good ending.

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Ehh it was alright?? Idk, don’t really have particular feelings about this one, other than the fact that I really didn’t like the ending

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This book captivated me from the start. Couldn’t put this down!! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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For the Last Time is fast paced and a quick read. At times it was a little repetitive, but that did not keep me from devouring this book. The timelines switch between before the accident and present day where we find our MC, Erin, in a coma in the hospital. The story made me feel like I couldn't trust Erin, but then maybe there was some truth to what she was saying. A very interesting and different way to write with an unreliable character. I did not see the ending coming at all and the shock factor made this a 5 star for me!

Thanks to Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book, while the style was somewhat choppy and the timelines jumping around too much was also an interesting read. repressed memories, unreliable narrators, suspicious husband, challenging family dynamics and a therapist who was desperate to solve her sister's murder and broke all ethical guidlines. 3.5

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Erin and Will, along with toddler Sadie are a loving family, perfectly happy with their lives. On Valentine’s Day, Will breaks with their tradition of no gifts and presents Erin with a pendant imprinted with Sadie’s fingerprint. Erin is overjoyed, but when Will attempts to fasten the chain for Erin she has a “moment”, flinching away from him. Later the same day, Erin’s beloved dog Coco goes missing whilst in the care of Will, and yet again Erin feels something is not right. These episodes lead to problems and a couples counsellor, Maggie, is consulted and becomes the family confidant. Unfortunately Maggie has more issues than the warring couple!

An interesting slow burner, this becomes an involved, twisty plot with no one being quite who they seem. Is Will cheating? Is Patricia the interfering mother in law with an hidden agenda? Can Zoe be trusted? How many rules can Maggie break? Where does the murder of Lily fit in?

Though the outcome was no surprise, it was handled well and made a good read. Not one of Perks’ best books, but enjoyable all the same.

Thank you NetGalley.

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For The Last Time⏱️
By Heidi Perks🌲


I was so excited when I got the opportunity to read this before its release. I am in my thriller era, so I’ve been reading a lot of them lately, but this one stood out from the rest. The writing was fantastic, and it just flowed so nicely. I wanted to read it as fast as I could, as I was dying to know the ending. This is definitely a page-turner and kept me at the edge of my seat. The plot, the twists, the characters—everything was amazing! Thriller lovers, be ready for this gem!

This book is out December 5th and buying it is a night brainer! Absolutely fantastic read.

Two timelines⏰
Domestic thriller👀

5 stars

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Wow! What a book! This book was definitely a bit different for me! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, memory loss, with a crazy who done it and some really crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I have mixed feelings about this book. Overall, I think it's well written. It's just not for me. I'd written a long review explaining why but when I was re-reading it, it felt too negative and I appreciate other people may enjoy it. I'd describe it as a very slow burner, a novel about a couple's therapy sessions with a bit of mystery about a case from decades ago. Thank you for my ARC!

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This one wasn’t for me unfortunately and to be fair to the author and the publisher I will
Be giving an average rating. I could not get into it and I didn’t enjoy what I did read.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of For the Last Time by one of my favorite authors, Heidi Perks. In this twisty and unpredictable thriller, Erin seems to have the perfect marriage until she starts to feel uneasy around her husband Will. Her discomfort quickly turns to fear when a series of suspicious events have her questioning everything that she's believed to be true, all while Will vehemently denies any wrongdoing. As their therapist Maggie works desperately to discover the truth, connections and long-hidden secrets are revealed in an utterly shocking and unexpected conclusion.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC.

I usually enjoy books by Heidi Perks, but I struggled with this one. I found it difficult to get into right from the beginning. I did continue to read it even though. It wasn't the thriller I expected. The ending was kind of all over the place also, but it did have a twist that was interesting.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this arc.

I read one chapter and had to DNF. I can’t stand 3rd person books and the writing style for me was very hard to read.

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A husband and wife seek help from a therapist when their marriage seemingly starts to fall apart overnight. However, as their sessions increase, so does the therapist's interest in them. Soon, accusations are made and the therapist's interest slowly turns into obsession.

Each point of view told in this had such an intriguing mystery to it that I found this extremely difficult to put down, immersed completely into the story. The writing was remarkable, being able to pull the reader in quite like it did. The suspicion towards the husband escalated quickly with each turn of the page and making the reader question what was real and what was not, and who to believe. This was a well thought out, well told story and this author has definitely earned a new fan. Four solid stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for this ARC.

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I really couldn't get into this book. I got a couple chapters in until I DNF it. Just didn't enjoy the characters or how the storyline was going.

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Not sure how much I liked this book
Easy enough to follow the different people's perspectives but as one talked then the next I found things were repetivly said.
Good ending that honestly did not see coming at all brings this book up to a 4 star for me because of that.
Overall a good book but not a read in one sitting for me took me a few days.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley fir an early release of this book.

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