Member Reviews

There are no Dragons in This Book was a fun story for us to read. My 6 year old and 10 year old both sat with me as we dove into this world. They each found enjoyment studying each page to see who could spot a dragon first. They both giggled very hard at the idea of a dragon being stuck in a very special part of this book. And by the end they were both taking turns shaking the book... if you haven't figured it out yet, this book is very interactive and we LOVE it for that! The storyline is a bit predictable, we have read plotlines like this before, but the interactive side to this one definitely elevated this book for us and took my 10 year old from, "I know what's happening mom" to giggling and exclaiming "That was a really fun book mom!" My 6 year old is on a nonfiction only kick, but even she was pulled into this story. Well done.

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My kids were giggling all the way through this book. This would be so fun for a kindergarten setting!

The sketch like illustrations were different than what you see in most books. I really enjoyed reading this to my kids.

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There are dragons in this book! This is like a peek-a-book 😂 do read aloud with different antonation voice with them (exciting and curious voice) to makes them excited to read the boo and to know more; is there any dragons in the books with the clue given, an interesting just the illustration kinda boring. Can improve it in other times.

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Simple text and art. There were some clever moments that will likely appeal to younger readers. And there may or may not have been dragons in this book. It's hard to say.

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There are No Dragons in This Book encourages readers to look closely at the detailed illustrations to find the dragons who may have snuck into this funny read.

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Quirky. This interactive picture book is definitely quirky with a "Monster at the End of the Book" vibe. I like the concept; I'm not as sure that the illustrations are kid-appealing. I need to test it with some real kids.

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While I’m sure most kids will love this book, I’d like to give the book an alternative title.

Gaslighting for Kids.

Teach them young, teach them early on that they are not to trust what they see and what is happening in front of their eyes. Teach them young that everyone lies and you must believe them even if what you see is the direct opposite of what you are told.

But that’s just me. I’m an old and silly lady who sees things that aren’t there, like in this book, I did see a dragon that was not there, and then all of a sudden it was there.
Other than me being this stubborn old lady, I think most kids will find this book hilarious.
And, on a side note, the drawings are nice. The art in the book is super, super nice. Really well done. The text is easy to read and catchy despite being mockingly borderline gaslighting. I’m sure this book will bring out lots of giggles and will be the cause of very many laugh-out-loud moments.
Just don’t be like me and don’t look into it too deeply. Otherwise, you too might see Gaslighting for Kids there. And we wouldn’t want that, would we? And, most kids aren’t fluent in sarcasm and irony either, are they?

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This is a wonderfully imaginative and beautifully illustrated children's book. I adored the story and the artwork was an absolute delight! Thanks to NorthSouth Books for the advance digital copy!

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There are no dragons in this book is an adorable picture book for kids. It's short and humorous and has sweet illustrations. This would be a cute read aloud book for story time or parents as a "secret reader". This book would be great for kids in pre-k through 2nd grade. I wish there had bit a little more to the ending I felt like it ended so abruptly. I don't think kids would notice as much or care about that! Still a cute book for dragon loving kiddos!

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This was as silly book at my 6 year old and I really enjoyed. It was fun but not a new favorite. Loved the dragon with glasses.

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I received this book in exchange for a honest review from NetGalley.

My niece and I absolutely loved this book!! We had such a good time looking for signs of dragons on every page. The story is so cute!! This will definitely be a favorite at storytime with my preschoolers, they love anything that they can participate with.

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I enjoyed reading this book and my son loved it as well. The illustration with a style that looked like it was just playfully drawn was utterly unique and fun. I appreciated the fact that there were so many detailed drawings in every page and that drew our attention, so after every paged read, we stayed on it for a little while to talk about all the drawings. Thank you so much NetGalley and Donna Lambo-Weidner for the opportunity to read this book in advance!

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Oh dear. While the whole "this book talks to you, and tells you what to do with it which allegedly has a bearing on what happens overleaf" thing has been running itself into the ground over the last few years, I didn't quite expect it to get this naff. The narrator here promises there are no dragons in this book, despite the evidence we can see for ourselves, of a particularly mouth-like fireplace, a bonkers set of claws, and this and that. This is mild fun, as we get to see the unreliable narrator at play, until the voice just ups and proves itself to be a complete, rampant liar, trying to get away on a technicality of some kind that just doesn't work. Then we get the do-this,-do-that section, then the end. If it didn't look OK it would be irredeemable, for this has been done so much better and more often than you'd perhaps think. I'm tired of the whole shtick of the instructions, I'm tired of this kind of title, which again is getting ten-a-penny, and this is only one and a half stars at best.

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This is cute. A really quick read. I can see it entertaining kids by having them look for the hidden dragon.

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This book is adorable! Quick story that adds an interactive element as you get to the end with a fun surprise!

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This is a fun book for a child who loves dragons or finding things in a book.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC for my review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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This is a very cute picture book that young children will enjoy. It reminds me of The Monster at the End of this Book, one of our family's favorites. Because this was an eArc, I was not able to engage with the interactive nature of the book, but I know that would have only added to the enjoyment.

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The book beautifully defines a child’s imagination, which has no limit. The idea of a dragon in a house was really wonderful. Never stop or limit yourself. The story is entertaining, with some cute graphics. The main attraction is the dragon living in the attic. Definitely, the book deserves 5 stars.

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Buyer beware. There are a surprising amount of dragons in this book.
There are No Dragons in This Book is a charming children's book. My 7 year old son loved searching each page for clues. The word choices were easy for an early-reader to read by themselves.

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There are no dragons in this book was interactive and fun. I love children’s books that involve the child as the reader. As a teacher, this book was wonderful for engaging students. Asking questions to get the reader invested. The illustrations were wonderful and the ending was great! This is a book that my personal child and classroom students would enjoy!

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