Member Reviews

This book is amazing. It has so much - romance, intrigue, threat of violence, a credible storyline with complex and relatable and credible. There are several plots circulating within this accessible book. At the forefront is the romance between the two central characters, Jonas and Ava. Of course with World War II looming in the background, Jonas and Ava's fast moving romance has ended with Ava's disappearance. Jonas along with his father through themselves into their work within the Gestapo, in fact Jonas' work leads him to search for resistance leaders who are called Black Foxes.
How Jonas and Ava find their way back to each other is an interesting sub-plot in its own right. Along the way the reader is given incite into yetzer hatov (good) and yetzer hara (evil) and other relevant explanations of Judaism.
By the end the romance is back on and the future ahead looks good but not before there has been a bit of tragedy. This book has it all. Thanks for allowing me to read an advance copy - net galley and Project 613 Publishing. And of course thank you to Elyse Hoffman for bringing this story to life.

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I’ve been addicted to this series from book one, and somehow, it’s just gotten better! Hoffman has mastered bringing the historical setting to life, transporting the reader back in time. The characters are believable, with a lot of depth and nuance even the “bad guys”. I can’t help but marvel at how human she makes everyone feel, and how she manages to paint morally gray characters that you’d love to hate, but just can’t bring yourself to. The story moves along smoothly, with enough tension that you’ll find it difficult to set down for even a moment. A brilliant masterpiece of historical fiction, set in a time and place fraught with danger at every turn.

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‘Black Fox One: A Gripping WW2 Story of Love, Resistance, and Courage’ written by Elyse Hoffman is a historical fiction novel about two best friends who are devoted Nazis with bright futures. Jonas and Ava friends from childhood, fall in love, an engagement is proposed, then Ava and her family disappear. Jonas’ seeks to find Ava and while doing so becomes a Black Fox.

This book will have you on your toes! It is full of highs and lows, twists and turns. This book is fast-paced and emotionally engaging.

Similar to Hoffman, I have had an interest in studying WWII since an early age. This book introduced me to her other books that I look forward to picking up – The Barracks of the Holocaust (five in the series) and three other novels, The Book of Uriel, Where David Threw Stones, and Fracture.

Thank you #NetGalley and #Project613 #Project613Publishing for the opportunity to read this book early in exchange for a review. All opinions and thoughts are those of my own.

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Black Fox One is a rather unusual take on World War 2 history. Ava and Jonas grow up in 1930s Germany, both attracted to the National Socialist regime and the hope Hitler offers after the ravages of the First World War and the poverty of the Weimar Republic.
Jonas is about to propose to his beautiful Ava when she disappears along with her whole family. His father, Dieter, encourages him to join the SS and he becomes a “Fox Hunter” rooting out the resistance movement who are trying to save the enemies of the Reich. He is very successful in his job, working for Heydrich, but he never forgets Ava until one day, six years later, when he is trying to catch the leader, Black Fox One.
He discovers something so devastating that he can scarcely believe it and he begins to question all he has been told.
This is a well researched historical novel that examines the motivations of ordinary people at a time of extreme evil and poses the question- can someone really change and reject all they thought was true?
This was a compelling read which I was able to complete in a couple of days. I liked the characters of Ava and Jonas and how their love was able to survive despite their circumstances . Ava was a great invention, very feisty and energetic, never wanting to give up despite everything that has happened to her.
I did question whether Jonas’s love of Ava would have made him change his mind about everything he believed from childhood and decided in the end it was a possibility as I want to believe that there is an innate goodness in everyone as the book suggests.- “yetzer hatov”
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for my advance copy.

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Best friends as well as devoted Nazis. Ava and Jonas have bright futures ahead with world in the palm of their hands. Jonas is about to propose when his life takes a turn. Ava goes missing without any clues. For the next three years he devotes his life to his career in the Nazi Party and his search to find Ava. He has been tasked with capturing the infamous Black Fox One, a member of the anti-Nazi group, the Black Foxes’ most deadly and mysterious operative. No Nazi who has pursued Black Fox One has returned alive, but Jonas is determined and confident. Capturing Black Fox One might bring him one step closer to finding Ava. While on this mission, Jonas discovers rather shocking and devastating information.

Black Fox One is a gripping historical story with romance, resistance and the will to do what is right.

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Really good book, i enkoy this genre and this one didn't disappoint, full of twists and turns. I look forward to more by this Author.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own opinions.

A refreshing unique spin on the Nazi resistance. Interesting book, although I did not find any of the characters remotely likable. Ava's actions are admirable, but I still didn't like her. There were some inconsistencies like white out being invented in 1956 (I seemed weird when I read it on page 39 and had to Google it)

It was a good book, despite never quite drawing me in.

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First I want to thank NetGalley, Elyse Hoffman, and Project 613 Publishing for an ARC of this book. I read it of my own free will.

I liked the idea of this book. They have both been best friends since they were kids but then one day things change. What I didn’t expect was to read the German/Nazi side of things in such detail.

It is written so you appreciate the struggle the German citizens felt. However, Jonas was like super proud he served under Hitler and as an SS for over half of the book. It was during his time right after he meets Black Fox One that the book slows down a lot.

You read some heart breaking things that happened during WW2 and some are pretty terrible and you start to see him struggle with his beliefs but it was also during that time that I struggled with the book. It was hard to read him question what they are telling him and his own personal battles within.

Overall a good story but one I will never really read again. As for those who read my reviews and appreciate it when I give warnings. This comes with a few. There are about 15 f words, mention of some very violent acts, characters who are proud of what they did to hurt Jews, and a smidge of sexual statements.

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This is the second book by Elyse Hoffman I've read and it's just like the first book, something I would not normally read. Because of the first book, The Vengeance of Samuel Val, which is book two in the project 613 series, I decided to read this book as well when I got the opportunity via Netgalley. I received a copy from Project 613 Publishing and it'll be out on the 1st of November.

In this book we follow Jonas Amsel and Avalina Keller who are a couple before the war. Both Jones and Avalina and their families are devout Nazis and completely agree with this ideology. Jones and Ava are engaged when suddenly Ava and her family disappear. Jonas completely submerges himself into the Nazi regime under the command of Heydrich and becomes the Fox Hunter hunting down Black Foxes. He is tasked with finding Black Fox One, the most deadly and mysterious Fox.

I'm not normally into these stories but, because of the previous book I've read, I've come to appreciate books regarding this subject. The characters are described really well and they absolutely carry the story. The story itself is quite impressive and you only wish for it to have been true. Once you start this book you cannot put it down because you need to know where the story goes, how it evolves and where it will end. I'm curious to read the third book in this Project 613 series.

5/5 ⭐

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BLACK FOX ONE by Elyse Hoffman is a WWII Historical Fiction that follows the friendship of Jonas Amsel and Avalina Keller, which started in Germany in 1927. Both of their families are avid National Sociailities, and both of these friends' families join the Nazi Party.

As Jonas and Avalinea- Ava's relationship and the Nationalist Party reaches its zenith while they're teenagers, Ava disappears on the night Jonas is going to propose. The story continues six years later once Jonas is thoroughly indoctrinated in the Nazi movement and is now known as the Black Fox Hunter—the Black Foxes as a guerilla group of Jewish rebels. The Nazi higher-ups want a solution to the Black Foxes, and Jonas is an effective Black Fox Hunter.

From the onset, I liked the title of this book, as was expected; it was going to be an excellent, suspenseful story about espionage and intrigue. It did not disappoint. I've read a lot of WWII fiction novels, but this was the first redemption story arc I've read. Jonas is a Nazi and a Hunter of people. It's hard to like him and empathize with his character, but the author does an excellent job of removing the "veil" and letting us see his motivations.

When Jonas embodies The Fox Huter persona, I liked that he speaks about it in the 3rd person. Being The Fox Hunter is a part of who he is, but it doesn't define how he sees himself.

And even though I could guess why Ava left, having that confirmed didn't lessen reading about it and seeing how these two characters move the story forward. Also, Ava was such a story character; it was refreshing to see that strength in historical fiction. A lot of WWII historical fiction does not portray the woman this way.

From the ending of this book, it will be the first in a series. I look forward to reading the follow-up.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Project 613 Publishing for the digital ARC. All opinions & the review are my own. This book review and others can also be found on my blog:

I just reviewed Black Fox One by Elyse Hoffman. #BlackFoxOne #NetGalley

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A terrific, fast paced story that will grab and hold your attention! The story is suspenseful and I could not put this book down! A great read. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Elyse Hoffman weaves a very interesting tale. The usual childhood sweethearts trope is definitely different from the usual norm. The romance outshines in the writing and the plot. One can definitely feel every emotion that is depicted in this book. Black Fox One definitely has Hoffman's dedication and adroitness working for it.

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The friendship of Jonas Amsel and Avalina Keller started in Germany of 1927. But she had a funny nickname for him. She did not call him by his given name, as children sometimes do. Their friendship grew as they got older, they fell in love. As time approached and he was going to propose to Ava. Her and her whole family just dissappeared. Not knowing where she has gone, he decided to serve in the Nazi Party as an SS man. As his father had done for years and years. His mother, was lost to him at the time of his birth. So it just semed right to follow in his fathers footsteps.

Although, he was given the task of being "Fox Hunter". The Black Foxes were a anti Nazi group. He agreed in hopes of being able to find Ava, the love of his life. Elyse Hoffman did an amazing reasearch for this book. It is a part of history I never totally understood and now I do. Such a hard life to be German and Jewish in this time era.

The reason I wanted to read this book is I have a love for history, all history. I recommend you read this novel and learn more of the history we all have wonder about.

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There are literally hundreds if not thousands of books written about the Nazi and refugee/Jewish situation during WW2. Personally, I have read dozens, possibly hundreds, of this genre but this one was different. Not just because it was told from the point of view of a Nazi SS soldier, as those stories already exist, but somehow the angle taken by Elyse in writing here is quite unique. On the one hand it gives a deeper insight into how the German mind was brainwashed against the Jews but it also shows a glimpse of how and why some of the Jewish people responded as they did. I realise much of the book is pure fiction but there is a reference chapter at the end which indicates the facts on which the story is based including some of the aspects of Heydich's life during WW2. I am looking forward to reading other works by Elyse Hoffman and will be recommending this book to friends and family.

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Being an avid reader of WW2 historical fiction I was intrigued by the description of BLACK FOX ONE. It was interesting to read a book with a different perspective coming from the viewpoint of a devoted Nazi. As he begins to question his beliefs and those around him, he realizes he needs to do what is right and not what he’s been brainwashed to believe. Don’t miss this book to get an insight to the other side of the story.

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I did enjoy this book, it had a ok plot (although at times a little predictable). The characters were likeable, even when sometimes they shouldn’t be.
It did give deeper insight into how the German mind was brainwashed against the Jews and I found that really interesting.
The ending however is where I dropped a star, it didn’t flow with the book. I think it removed from the character and theme of the book.

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Once again, another amazing story and book from Elyse Hoffman. It definitely is an eye opener on how the Germans and others were brainwashed to hate the Jews. Every book I read on the holocaust is a different perspective each time. Truly sad period in our history. Would definitely recommend.

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Each book in this series just gets better and better. Black Fox One is particularly intriguing because it centers around Reinhard Heydrich, the Butcher of Prague. A few characters from the previous books make an appearance but this story features two new ones, Ava and Jonas, childhood sweethearts.

Eventually, Jonas must face a reckoning regarding the Nazi lies he has believed and acted on as an SS officer. I was struck by how similar it was to cult indoctrination that we've become familiar with now. There are some truly horrific accounts in this story but how could there not be? Things wrapped up nicely in the end, except for Heydrich, of course, and I am ready for the next book in the series!

Many thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC. All opinions & the review are my own.

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