Member Reviews

Rating: 3.75/5
Steam: 2.5/5

Thank you to Berkley Romance and NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

I have such mixed feelings about the end of the Bergman Brothers series. Viggo's story was most anticipated for me and many others but I left this book feeling disappointed. I just kind of hoped for more at the end of this journey.

This book was sweet, I loved the dynamic between Viggo and Tallulah, I loved how honest they were with one another. The tension and the humor they brought to their dynamic. I loved the roommates element and the animals. I adored being back at the A-Frame and seeing all the siblings.

What I found lackluster was the plot, there wasn't really one. This book was just vibes. I sometimes talk about romances where it is just a glimpse into their life, there isn't a "point" to the story you are just hanging out with them for a bit. This is what this book was. Another aspect for me that felt off was the fact that Viggo was a virgin hero, it just felt off. Or at least by the standard of how you came to know him in previous books.

I don't know, I sat on writing this review for a week because I wanted to love this book but I just left it feeling meh. So many people have loved this one so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

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This book was an absolute delight. I spent the past two weeks reading each of the Bergman sibling’s books and this one was a wonderful ending to the series. Viggo and Tallulah’s story was so real, it left me laughing, crying, squealing with excitement, and feeling all the feels. If you look back at my kindle, it’s FILLED with highlights and notes, of quotes that I loved and moments that made me smile and so much more. I am so grateful to have been able to read this book as an advanced reader’s copy - I know I will be telling everyone to go get this book as soon as possible.
I’m sad to see the end of the Bergman Brother’s series, but I’m so happy for the time I had with these characters. (Rereads sure to come)

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I think this is a good book but just not a book for me. I LOVED the representation in this book and thought it was so important but I just couldn’t connect to the story or the characters unfortunately.

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Chloe Liese does it again. Where can I find a man like Viggo? I would let that man— oh, never mind, this is supposed to be professional. Petition to have Chloe Liese raise the entirety of the next generation so men know how to act with compassion, respect, and integrity. TYSM!

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“I’m no love expert, but I think I just might be an expert on loving you.”

Where do I even begin…

This series truly has my entire heart and saying goodbye to the Bergman fam made me cry several times. But Viggo and Lula’s story was everything I wanted and more. Viggo has been my favorite Bergman sibling throughout this series, and seeing him finally get his happily ever after was very emotional to read. The historical romance Easter eggs were ask beautifully added and honestly? This entire book is historical romance coded and, as a historical romance girly, I adored every minute.

“You and me, Lu. We’ll be brave together.”

Chloe flawlessly weaves her love stories with so much hope and authentic love, & they are very healing to experience honestly. I will genuinely sing her praises forever.

“This is what they do, love people who’ve got baggage and hang-ups. The Bergmans are different.”

P. S. Thank you NetGalley & Berkeley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I have been waiting for Viggo’s book for so long but I’m definitely feeling sad that it’s over. The Bergman Brothers series has been so amazing and my heart is not ready to let them go!
Viggo is in love with love, and he has a very specific vision for how his HEA will happen. He also has a BIG secret he’s been keeping from his family: he’s opening a romance bookstore! Tallulah is Viggo’s sister’s friend’s fiancée’s sister, and she’s a prickly, sarcastic mystery writer with writers block. She offers to help Viggo run the store, and you can guess what happens next. I really appreciated the ADHD representation in this book. Chloe Liese created a character I could see myself in, and I really appreciated that.

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"...not a victory over her, but with her." One of my absolute favorite lines in the whole book although it was close to impossible to pick one. I love love loved my time with Viggo and Tallulah. Viggo's ideas about what love should look and feel like based on his PERFECTLY HEALTHY (thankyouverymuch) obsession with romance novels really hit home. It's tough sometimes to read HEAs and not compare your life to them. However, as he grew and spent more time with Tallulah and began to identify his own emotions in regards to his relationship with her, it was beautiful to watch his open mind open even more to understand what love can be like in the real world. Real-feeling characters is one of the reasons I love Chloe Liese's books so incredibly much. As an ADHDer myself, I was able to see a lot of my thought processes on the page. It is so lovely and validating to feel seen like this. And Liese's handling of Tallulah's family trauma and her Type 1 Diabetes was a masterclass. Tallulah's strength and self preservation were so inspiring and also understandable once we got to know her better through Liese's beautiful prose. Watching her thaw and be so mindful of how she was treating Viggo and herself was really touching. And oooooo watching them come together? Stop it. I cheered every time they came a little bit closer. I laughed and I cried through this beautiful book, so happy and warmed to see the Bergmans once again. What a heartwarming and incredible end to such a lovely lovely series.

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Viggo's story was everything I have been waiting for. I am so sad that my time with this family is over, but so happy to end on such a high note. I loved the ADHD rep with Viggo and the diabetes rep with Tallulah. This book also has all of the heart, humor, and passion that all of Chloe's books have. Somehow I found myself relating to both the hopeless romantic in Viggo and the cynic in Tallulah. In the end I loved how they both were able to adjust expectations to come together.

Highly recommend this one, but I also recommend reading all of the other books in this series as well.

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Chloe Liese just gets it. She understands me and I want to know how she got into my brain and found my deepest secrets and insecurities. Everything about this book (hell, basically this whole series) is perfect from start to finish. I knew from the dedication alone that Viggo’s story was going wreck me (in a beautiful way obviously).

Viggo and I are the same when it comes to being hopeless romantics that read too much romance and sets high expectations when it comes to having a partner, when in reality we just want to loved and cherished by someone. And then you have me and Tallulah who at the same time want to experience love, but don’t want people to get too close because things always end poorly. It’s a constant cycle, but these two characters made me feel so seen and loved on every page. I could go into heavy detail about how much I absolutely loved this book, but we’d be here for a very long time. Just know that Viggo Bergman is the literal blueprint for a book boyfriend. He is the one for me.

Chloe’s writing is like the sun peeking through the trees and above mountains in the morning, shining warmth and comfort when we need it most through dark times. Only and Forever is the perfect book to wrap up this beautiful and raw series that I will forever be recommending to everyone I know. Thank you Berkley and NetGalley for an arc!

-forced proximity
-a whole lot of family chaos and love
-spicy time in a bookstore
-adhd/anxiety (mmc) and type 1 diabetes (fmc) rep
-he names his plants after his fav historical romance authors

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“I will be needing 3-5 business days to recover from how perfect of a story this was, both for Viggo and the ending of the Bergman series. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner than Tallulah for the man who only wants to see everyone in his life showered with love. The two of them in a petting zoo of animals, supporting each other while being big silly ding dongs about their feelings has me making kicky feet just typing this. 11/10, would recommend.

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The hopes I had for this book might have been too high. The beginning of Viggo and Tallulah’s book was slow for me, and I think that set the pace for this review. Viggo wanting a perfect definition romance while discovering his real story was right in front of him was a good idea, but the initial execution and history between the two characters was poorly done. The forced proximity took too long to establish. Around 50%, once they kissed, the book picked up and got interesting. I loved the ending and seeing Viggo finally get his happy ending. Overall, I wish the pace at the beginning was a little stronger. I enjoyed reading this book as a whole, and I look forward to seeing what Chloe does next!

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I was so excited to read Viggo's story. I feel like his character got (well-deserved) hype from the other siblings' books. And he was a dream character in Only and Forever!! Viggo, the romance-reader/baker/soccer player/goofy uncle was the star of this book! It was just Tallulah that brought this book down, in my opinion. Even after learning about all her trauma, I found her abrasive, and I could not stand behind some of her decisions. I'm glad Viggo got a happy ending, but this book fell short for me.

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I enjoyed this one more than Ziggy's story in the previous book. This is Viggo's book and while his characteristics were not to my taste I felt he and Tallulah were a good match. Realistically, I don't know how a romance book store would be profitable, but it's a nice dream to have and it fits Viggo's personality. Tallulah was a little harder of heart, someone who didn't believe in love and I felt like her softening was organically done after spending time with Viggo and the Bergman's. I still prefer Chloe's Willmot Sisters books to the Bergman Brothers but this is still a great contemporary romance, that avoids the stupid breakup trope that tends to populate these books. Viggo might seem like the least put together, with his head in the clouds, hopelessly romantic, but his and Tallulah's story was more mature than I was expecting. I enjoyed this one and I think fans of this series will love the conclusion, 4 stars. Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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ARC Review: Only and Forever by Chloe Liese
Pub Date: April 2, 2024
Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This book is perfect, but this review will not be because I'm not sure I can eloquently talk about this book in a way that is coherent.

But basically this is the perfect ending to this series and the perfect story for my sweet sweet Viggo. I absolutely loved the relationship between Viggo and Tallulah - watching them navigate their relationship and learning how to trust each other was so lovely. It felt like a really mature and adult relationship. The level of spice perfectly matched their relationship and that bookstore scene will live in my head for the rest of the eternity.

As an added bonus, this story is not super trope-y. Don't get me wrong, I love me a trope (or 6), but I also really love when we get a love story that doesn't rely on tropes and instead is a wonderfully realistic love story with two imperfect people trying. I think what this book shows so incredibly is how love really is the small moments - showing up for each other in small but significant ways. The caretaking scene and how Viggo cares for Tallulah while also allowing her to tell him what she needs just got me. It was perfect.

As always with Chloe's books, the representation is wonderful - between Viggo's ADHD and Tallulah's Type One Diabetes.

I could not recommend this series enough, I highly recommend reading in order for the best payoff.

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Viggo is the sweetest hero I have read in a long time and he has it bad for Tallulah. Unfortunately for him, Tallulah’s dysfunctional family dynamics have made her cynical about romance and she has spent her entire life avoiding pesky feelings.

There is a very obvious mutual attraction but there is also reluctance and uncertainty on both ends. Watching Viggo and Talullah navigate the complexities of falling in love and learning to trust one another was lovely. I also loved the slow burn, the communication, the romance.

Only and Forever was the perfect ending to the wonderful Bergman Brothers series and I already miss it.

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5⭐️ 2.5🌶️

“Home is not a place. Home is . . . this. Our hearts, our love, knitting us together, wherever we are. Wherever life takes you, may you know you have a home in our hearts, and may your hearts always be each other’s home.”

What a conclusion to this amazing series 😭 I cannot believe it’s over. At least I have the bonus stories in the new editions but it’s not going to be anywhere near enough Bergman craziness for my taste 😩

Viggo is truly so special. I 100% agree he made his brothers into what they are and he is the foundation for the romance in this series. It felt so right that he’d be the last one to find his happy ending. The story was amazing, his character development fantastic and Lu’s even more!!! I most of all loved that their relationship was far from insta lovey. There were years and then some in between them meeting and them reconnecting and I appreciated that a lot because things moved pretty fast after that.

The pacing was amazing. There were so many emotions. I was kicking my feet and giggling. AND THEN I STARTED BLUSHING… I mean I knew he was going to be good, the man is a walking historical romance encyclopedia 😏 but I was pleasantly surprised to find out he had never been with anyone. It felt so much more special that Lu would be his first 🥹

I knew the book was going to hurt from the dedication alone and hurt it did babe. HURT IT DID. Chloe came knocking a little too close to home with several things in this book. Always the best tears.

I’m particularly sad the bookstore isn’t real because it sounded so freaking good!! I’m extremely sad the series is over but equally excited to see what Chloe will do given her second series is ending soon too.

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I cannot imagine a more beautiful end to this remarkable series! Chloe cracks your heart WIDE OPEN with Viggo and Tallulah’s messy, vulnerable, and quiet love story. The burn is slow and sweet and the emotional journey these two go on will leave your heart feeling tender, hopeful, and full. My heart was fragile going into this book not only because we’re saying goodbye to the Bergmans, but because we’ve witnessed Viggo grow, fight for, and rally around his siblings for six books, and I was so very excited to see his story unfold and how the siblings showed up for him.

The slow burn was fitting for Viggo and Tallulah, who were on journeys of healing and discovery, and I appreciated how they pumped the breaks on physical intimacy to prioritize emotional intimacy and personal learning and healing before exploring their physical connection. Their decision to be brave, little by little, and slowly break down walls in order to build their own perfectly imperfect love story had my heart overflowing.

Love isn’t always loud nor does it require a grand gestures - don’t get me wrong, I still love a grand gesture - BUT it’s the quiet moments of showing up for and supporting each other every day that builds a lasting foundation and deepens intimacy. And it’s those moments of being present, listening, offering a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, or the chance to cuddle that may appear small, but is actually quite grand.

Lastly, I am grateful for the immense care Chloe takes to ensure that her characters authentically mirror the experiences of readers living with chronic conditions, anxiety, and ADHD. I can’t tell you how many times I felt seen not just in this book through Viggo’s character, but as someone also living with chronic pain and illness, I felt validated throughout the entire series. I have never felt so seen and I cannot thank Chloe enough for this gift of representation.

What a treasure this series has been and I am so grateful to Chloe for giving us all a home and community full of love, acceptance, pranks, joy, laughter, and hope with the Bergman family!

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Thank you to Berkely and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

The seventh book in the series, while it can be enjoyed as a standalone i think the best experience is reading the series prior (which is incredible)

I would recommend if you're looking for (SPOILERS)

-m/f contemporary romance
-mutual pining
-hard and soft one
-Diabetes and ADHD rep
-plus size

Sometimes some books come into your life at the right time. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and Viggo's experience throughout the book, throughout the series, feeling like too much, being seen as chaotic when really it's just how his neurospicy brain works hit even harder finally getting his POV. I've been so excited for the buildup to see what he's been up to, as his time finally came. I loved all of the glimpses of the other Bergman HEAs, the A-frame.

Viggo and Tallulah's love story was soft yet angry. Both had their beliefs going in about what love should look like, their walls up in their own ways. Slowly bringing them down to be there for each other and ust help with their dreams. To be there at the low points, when you thought you'd only have yourself to rely on, and finally let yourself open up to another person and take that risk. This story was bittersweet and lovely, a perfect look at all of my sad feelings that this series is ending and a beautiful story all on its own.

Incredibly grateful for all of the Bergmans and this series.

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Viggo is a Bergman story worth waiting for and may become my most read Bergman to date (sorry Ren and Frankie).

Viggo has been waiting for his family to realize he's gone from man cub to fully functioning adult. An adult who is terrified to take his next step in life: opening Bergman Books, a bookshop focused primarily on romance novels. Viggo loves and loves hard. He wants to share the love with all those around him and those he will come in contact with--especially Tallulah Clark.

Tallulah is backed into a writing corner. Her debut thriller novel was an instant best seller but the draft of her second book is falling flat. According to her editor, her characters marriage lacks all sense of sexual tension and emotions. What isn't lacking tension is Viggo Bergman coming back into her life and offering her a place to stay (she's been staying with her sister and future SIL). Tallulah hasn't seen Viggo since his only semester at college, but when he offers an exchange of services, help with the bookstore/help with her book's subplot, she can't say no.

Can a romance enthusiast, a thriller author, foster kittens, and two dogs survive and flourish in the back of Bergman Books? Will Tallulah and Viggo's slow burn fizzle or flourish? More importantly.... will the Bergman Brother's Summitt bat signal fly?

What I loved:
-T1D representation
-ADHD representation
-All of Viggo's shirts
-All the Bergman antics

What I didn't Love:
-Psh, like I could unlove a Bergman novel.

I will say, I identified so much with Viggo through the series and cried while reading his journey. All the emotions and feelings boiling over and left me a wreck but in the best possible way.

5 stars hands down. A beautiful end to this phenomenal series.

My thanks to Chloe Liese and Berkley for this eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A bittersweet ending! For me anyway, because I’m sad this series is over. It has been a delight to watch the close-knit Bergman family fall in love, one by one.

This time it was sweet Viggo’s turn, our ultimate cinnamon roll romance lover. We’ve seen him interfere in his sibling’s lives throughout the series, always pushing romance novels and rooting for their HEAs. He’s been waiting for a real life romance like he reads in his romances, but that doesn’t seem to be working for him. It’s okay because he’s busy opening a bookstore, being the best uncle ever, and adopting a whole lot of animals.

His life is shaken up when Talullah Clarke, the girl he once had a big crush on, re enters his life and the two make an agreement. Talullah needs help with her latest thriller from a romantic perspective, and Viggo needs help with his new bookstore. They agree to live together and exchange their skill sets, just as platonic friends, of course.

The forced proximity does as it always does and the roomies start to feel more, but both have a lot of baggage to work through. It was a slow burn, and the tension built most excellently.

I loved Viggo, he’s always been one of my favorite Bergmans and I loved getting to know him better. Talullah was a little harder for me, not necessarily because she’s a ‘chilly cynic’ but because she was kind of mean to Viggo and since I already loved him, it felt kind of like she was being mean to my friend.

She comes from a toxic family with a lot of drama, but I felt like we never really got to understand what that drama was. We’re told her parents were bad, but I didn’t understand why. Her brother is a handful and enters rehab, but that happens in the background. I guess I just felt like her family stuff could have been expanded on so we could see it instead of just telling us they were toxic.

Another thing I felt like could have been explored more was Viggo’s ADHD. We know he has it but it doesn’t really seem to affect his life all that much, at least not that we see on page.

Overall it was a good read and ending to the series, just one I felt needed to be fleshed out a little more in some parts so we are shown more than told.

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