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This cannot be the end ☹️ whyyyy must it end??? (Tears) incoming long review for the last Bergman book.

My most anticipated Viggio 🩷

Hopeless Romantic meets girl who doesn’t believe in love 🩷

Viggo is the historical romance king
Although he was the last of the Bergmans to find his own happily ever his story was So worth the wait and lived up to all my expectations!
I think that fellow romance readers will really love Viggo's bookish energy and adored his romance bookstore. (I myself own a bookstore so he was a man after my own heart). He is full of love, passion, patience, and loyalty, and is overall a phenomenal character. Lastly myself having ADHD felt such a connection to his character for also having ADHD i seriously love how inclusive Chloe Liese is with her characters.

I think that Tallulah was also intriguing as she is a writer struggling with the concept for her next book and he’s a historical romance nut so (obviously meant to be right??)
I really felt that she was such a realistic representation of someone struggling to love due to her past. She grew up in an environment that showed her a jaded view of romance, it explains everything so clearly. The growth within her character in this book was beautiful to witness and extremely well done. I also love how Chloe included Tallulah going to therapy and working on her struggles. Lastly Tallulah has a chronic illness (Diabetes) which adds a ton to her character. And can be relatable to so many people reading this books.
As someone who is a people pleaser i resonated also with Tallulahs people pleasing ways, it’s seriously so exhausting sometimes and it was nice to see in her character . It was wonderful to see her open up to Viggo about her health issues.

I also loved that there was no third act breakup in this book (my least favorite trope) Idk if that’s a spoiler but i feel like lots of people hate this trope as well 😂
Lastly it was so nice to see all of the other Bergman relationships and siblings mentioned in this book (like a trip down memory lane )
And although this is the ending for the Bergman’s it was a crazy journey and i loved every bit of this book.

read if you love :

Read if you love/things to expect:
- second chance romance
- mutual pining
- boy falls first
- chronic illness representation (diabetes)
- ADHD representation
- love proclamations

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I have been waiting for the Viggo story forever. He has always butted in his sibling relationship every bit of the way. And it’s finally time that he gets his love story.
Viggo is romantic at heart. Everything he does is 100% and more. And it doesn’t surprise me that his love story is going to knock him out of his seat without him knowing. Even though he reads romance books any time of the day, he isn’t going to know when he is falling in love with them. It’s unexpected yet beautiful. 
Viggo always knew that he was waiting for one. He didn’t know that it was going to take awhile. He has seen all of his siblings fall in love, so he questions why his love story isn’t happening. He won’t say anything to his fellow siblings because he wants to handle his feelings himself. And it doesn’t help when he sees his former crush, Tallulah, again after so many years.
Tallulah never expected to see the romantic, happy, chatty Viggo again. The last time they saw each other was during their university days, and that was years ago. It definitely doesn’t surprise Tallulah that she is still attracted to him, even though they are definitely different from each other. She is a more cynical and non-feeling kind of girl. 
You know what they say when it’s two characters totally opposite each other? They are bound to fall in love with each other. It’s going to happen to Viggo and Tallulah, but slowly. They are going to form something much stronger as they spend more time together. And it doesn’t help that they are going to live with each other for a while. 
Their love for each other was gradual yet undeniable. They truly get each other, and they were bound to fall in love. They slowly get to know each other without any judgment from either side. It’s such a beautiful love story for them, especially for Viggo.

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I have no words. I am destroyed--in the best way possible. Chloe Liese has done the impossible--she has written the perfect book. 10./10, no notes. It's a swoony, steamy, romantic masterpiece--a tribute to everyone who has ever longed for that happy ending.

Viggo is the last Bergman standing. He's watched as sibling after sibling found their person. He's even meddled (from a place of love), to make sure they got their happy endings. But now this hopeless romantic is ready for his turn. Tallulah doesn't believe in love--and she definitely doesn't believe in happy endings. The two first met in college, but they haven't spoken in years, not that they spoke much in the one class they shared, to be honest. But now, she needs a place to stay while she hammers out her second book, and he needs help with the bookstore he's trying to get off the ground. They decide to be roomies and help each other out, but like in all good roommate romances, their feelings don't stay platonic.

Every single Bergman Brothers book is incredibly special to me, but there's something about Only and Forever that hits different. As someone who is both demi-sexual and diagnosed with ADHD, to say I relate to Viggo would be a humongous understatement. We are basically the gender-bent versions of each other. From the plants on every surface to the million and one hobbies to our hopeless romantic personalities, I have never seen myself MORE in a fictional character.

Thank you Berkley Romance for my advance review copy. From the bottom of my ADHD soul.

I wasn't sure how I would feel, reading the final Bergman book. In a sense, I never wanted the series to end, but I also couldn't wait to read Viggo's story. It's like Chloe really did save the very, very best for last. I cannot put into words how impactful this series has been in my life.

I still remember reading the very first ARC of the original indie version of the very first book, and I just knew, intuitively, that these books were going to be something special, and I'm happy to say my intuition was spot-on. I have laughed out loud while reading and rereading these books, and I've sobbed my eyes out. These characters are more than fictional people to me. These beautiful, messy, imperfect characters have quite literally changed my life. They have made me feel seen, helped heal old wounds, pushed back the darkness of depression, and given me hope.

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A perfect conclusion to this series!!

You can expect reverse grumpy sunshine, second chance, pining, ADHD representation.

loved that Viggio was the hopeless romantic! So sad to see this world end!

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This book was amazing! the perfect end to this wonderful series. I really loved the ADHD representation, as I don't see that often in books. especially how Viggo's medication makes his appetite disappear, as i experience that as well. Viggo and Tallulah are so sweet and perfect together and their chemistry was awesome. I did shed some tears at the end. Good job, Chloe Liese!!

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Thank you to Chloe Liese, Berkley Romance and NetGalley for sending me this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I can't even begin to describe how excited I was for this book from the moment that I first met Viggo in Willa and Ryder's book. Since then he truly has been the heart and soul of this series so to have his book conclude this series that has come to be so near and dear to my heart was truly the most perfect ending I could have ever imagined. I've said this before but Chloe has an extraordinary talent for writing relationships where two characters become a safe space and a home for one another. Maybe this is a common thread in most romance books but no one does it with quite as much depth and care as Chloe does. It's one of my favourite things about each and every one of her books.

Finally getting to perceive Viggo through his own eyes was such a surreal reading experience because he ended up being such a well-rounded and beautiful character. He was ever the sunshine golden retriever lover boy we all expected but getting a closer look into his struggle with ADHD and his worry that he was "too much" for people and his fear of failure were what made him so much more loveable and relatable. Watching him grow through and alongside his relationship with Tallulah was such a thrilling and satisfying experience. I also always like to commend Chloe on the way she writes intimacy in her books. Not just the spicier scenes but even more simple intimacy like hugs and cuddles and simple touches. She has this way of lacing these intimate moments with so much depth and significance that they never feel excessive or uncalled for, which is so refreshing.

Tallulahloo, my blue haired black cat princess!! She was everything! Just the most perfect love interest for Viggo. Her character portrayed so many complex feelings in such a raw and relatable way. Whether that be through her struggle with Type 1 Diabetes or the dysfunctional relationship with her family and the pressure of being the eldest sister in said dysfunctional family. Her development made me shed many tears throughout this book. Her discovery and experience opening herself up to love, not just romantic but all forms of love, was so moving to witness and Chloe did such an amazing job of portraying that on paper. Viggo and Tallulah truly feel like soulmates, just like every other Chloe Liese ship!

I can't believe I have to say goodbye to my family. They truly mean so much to me. The way the Bergmans embraced every sibling's significant other with such unconditional love was such a pure and heartwarming portrayal of family and FOUND family in particular (shoutout to the Honorary Bergmans, they deserve the world). Reading the final Bergman Brothers Summit was so bittersweet, excuse my dramatics, but it truly felt like the end of an era. I really will miss my family and their shenanigans in their little A-Frame in the woods.

I'm still holding out hope for the Elin and Alex novella. I think we would all love to know the origin story of our big, happy, chaotic, weird, silly, half-Swedish family.

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Viggo and Tallula’s story it’s a beautiful ending to The Bergman Brothers Series.
Viggo is the last of his siblings to find love, which is a little unsettling since he’s the romance reader, the one that has helped over the years with swoony quotes and puns his siblings to navigate their love journeys.
Viggo met Tallula back in college but they didn’t click then. It wasn’t until years later that they reconnected and decided to help each other with their talents that their love story blossomed.
They have a forced proximity, roommates type of situation going on that although is mutually beneficial, is also leading them to thoughts no friendly roommates should have.

Chloe did a beautiful job using the thesaurus in this book, the way she describes the feelings, the places, their sensations, its next level and not something you come across often in contemporary romance.

This book is an ode to love. Not only the romantic type of love but also self-love, fraternal love and the love you can feel for objects and other organisms (hello Ashbury, cats, dogs and plants).

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My heart. Viggo's book was bound to be my favorite, but it delivered leaps and bounds more than I expected. Getting to see all of the other couples felt so cathartic, especially with their little babiesssss.

But back to Viggo - my sweet lil romance reader. We finally find out what the sitch is with Escondido (and yes, I definitely had theorized that he was dating a zookeeper because it's straight up the only thing there) and meet the glorious Tallulah. She's an absolute badass writer with the softest heart ever, perfect for our Bigfoot-bearded Viggo. This book felt especially bookish with Bergman's Books and critiquing Tallulah's thrillers. And oh goodness, all of the little animals and baking. This book is packed with cute content and just a teensy bit of steam. (You'll understand why later)

I really enjoyed the discussion of mental health and diabetes, especially with how Tallulah manages her insulin. She doesn't let it hold her back, but we do get to see her at vulnerable moments. But these cuties still get their happy ending (with no third act break-up, thankfully!) and I'm overjoyed.

*Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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Sobbing. What a perfect ending to a perfect series. The Bergman Brothers series has been one of those series that I think about at least once a week and tell everyone I come into contact with about. The inclusion, the understanding, and the love (romantic, friend, familial, etc.) just makes these books one of kind. Finally getting that last book, that last sibling...broke me. This was the perfect love story for our romance loving boy and the perfect partner to meet him where he stood. These books are ones that I will read over and over again to remember that none of us are alone in what we're dealing with and we can all meet those we love where they are and be that support.

Thank you Chloe Liese for amazing characters and beautiful stories.

Huge Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing this copy.

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While I was SO excited to finally read Viggo's book, this felt like such a bittersweet ending to a phenomenal series. Chloe Liese has created a family that really makes you feel like you're a part of it. The relatability and representation in the Bergman Brothers series is unmatched to any other romance series I've read. This book was the perfect closure to their stories.

Viggo captured my heart early on in the series, so I was especially excited for his book. He has always been portrayed as the hopeless romantic of the family (thanks to his love of historical romance novels), eager to meddle in his siblings love lives. It was high time that Viggo got his happily-ever-after, especially considering how lonely he felt as saw each of his siblings find their people. It was great to see the ADHD representation with Viggo; I related to so much of this, from the started-and-abandoned hobbies to forgetting to eat until the moment you start to feel unwell. I love that Viggo <spoiler> not only opened his own bookstore, but got to highlight his passion for romance books and create a space that seemed so welcoming for everyone. </spoiler>

Tallulah was such a great person for Viggo! Big black cat GF/golden retriever BF energy between the two of them. The insight into her past and why she was so averse to love made their eventual connection feel even sweeter. I loved the growth that Tallulah had throughout the book and that she was willing to start therapy; it made this story seem much more realistic instead of the instant-connection-meet-cutes that sometimes happen in romance books. The scene where <spoiler> Viggo went to check on Tallulah during the night when her blood sugar had dropped was so sweet and definitely made me cry a bit. </spoiler>

"I'm no love expert, but I think I just might be an expert on loving you." STOP, my heart can't take anymore. 😭

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I have always been amazed with Chloe liese's writing and yet again she steals my heart with Viggo and Tallulah’s story. Throughout this series, I was desperate to finally read Viggo’s story and see how his own romance would come about and it did not disappoint. Viggo and Tallulah are two characters that shine on their own, but are electric together and their acts of showing love are some of my favorite of the entire series. My favorite part of this book was the constant reassurance they gave one another that they were enough and they were not only worth loving, but deserved it. I loved, I laughed, I screamed, I cried, this was a perfect conclusion to this heartwarming series that has become a comfort family to me.

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What a beautiful ending to the Bergman Brother series. It’s very bittersweet, because we of course have been waiting to read our romance lover Bergman, Viggo’s story, but it’s sad to know this sibling series has come to an end. The representation in this book hit really close to home, Viggo’s ADHD rep most specifically. I wish we got just a teeny bit more of the siblings in this book, but I still really loved their story.

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I can't believe my favorite series is over. This book was amazing and the perfect end to a perfect series. I have been anxiously awaiting Viggo's story, and Chloe Liese did not disappoint! Viggo is just so PERFECT and his relationship with Tallulah is so beautiful and heartwarming. They were really made for each other. I love the reverse grumpy x sunshine trope and I think it's done perfectly well here. I loved seeing all of the Bergman family again. It truly felt like coming home and a piece of me is finally complete. Chloe Liese is the greatest when it comes to representation in her books, and I thought she wrote Tallulah (Type 1 diabetes) and Viggo (ADHD) in such a respectful, kind, honoring and realistic way. The mystery is finally revealed as to why Viggo is constantly in Escondido and I would have NEVER guessed! This was the perfect plot and every single character was my favorite; I will miss this family so dearly. I cannot say enough about this series was life changing for me, and how much I have enjoyed this journey, from book one to book seven, Only and Forever.

Thank you to NetGalley, Chloe Liese and Berkley for the eARC of this book.

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Rep: ADHD, type 1 diabetes
Thank you so much to Berkeley Romance for the ARC!!
Overall, this was a great ending to the Bergman Brothers series. I’ve loved this series and every book, and it’s been such a fun ride with these characters. This one was no exception-I really liked Viggo & Tallulah’s story and all the cameos from the rest of the Bergman family.

This series, including this book, is so beautiful with the best, healthily depicted relationships as well as wonderful representation. I’m sad it’s over, but I can’t wait to see what Chloe has next!

All in all, this was a great send-off and I’m so glad I got the chance to read early🫶🏻

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No third act breakup + final book in a series + rescue animals!

Viggo is a hopeless romantic. But his life is spirally into chaos, even for someone with ADHD

Tallulah is cynical and cold, and has a massive case of writer’s block for her second thriller novel.

Viggo needs help running his bookstore. Tallulah needs help with the plot of her book. They decide to swap skills & become roommates.

Read if you love…
- forced proximity, roommates
- dual perspective
- workplace romance
- bookstore owner + thriller author
- it’s always been you
- grumpy & sunshine, adjacent
- caretaking
- no third act breakup
- cameos by all previous MCs & Bergman clan
- rescue animals
- last book in a seven book series
- the cutest nicknames

If you’re new here, this is a Bergman Bros fan account. This series is my all-time favorite, and I’m both ecstatic and heartbroken this is the last book in the series.

I devoured it in one sitting because I absolutely had to know what happens, and it was so freaking worth it!

Viggo & Tallulah are everything.

The banter is 10/10.
The perfect mix of melt your heart & the best humor.
The rescue animals.
The Bergman clan & all of their cameos.
The nicknames.

The queer (not explicitly stated, but confirmed by the author) rep was just so good. As someone who is demisexual, I felt so so so seen in Viggo’s thought process and the way he views relationships.

The diversity rep in ADHD & Type 1 diabetes was just so good. While parts of Viggo’s ADHD shows up differently mine, so much of it is the same for me and I felt so seen & so validated.

And oh gosh. So many things I can’t say because spoilers!

If you haven’t read this series, it’s a must read!

Thank you Berkley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Location: California
Representation: ADHD; type 1 diabetes; demisexual MMC
Content warnings: navigating toxic family relationship

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I've been reading the Bergman series from the beginning and have enjoyed several of the books in the series, however Only and Forever fell very flat for me, along with the last few in the series.

I loved the Type 1 Diabetes rep. I thought this was handled with great care and sensitivity. It was portrayed authentically and realistically.

The ADHD rep was a different story for me. As someone with ADHD and lived ADHD experience, the ADHD rep felt to me like it was handled with less care and consideration.

Check ins with the family and familiar characters were well done, if out of character for some. Ziggy's relationship with Charlie was surprising, as something that was supposed to have carried some weight for the overall narrative, it felt quite suddenly developed.

Viggo's story has been teased for a while as being in Escondido, only for a very sudden shift back to an area with all of his family around, which seemed like the opposite of what he's been wanting -- to step out on his own and follow his own path. I did appreciate his journey as he learned that real life is different from what he's read in his favorite books and has had to adjust his expectations.

I'm a romance reader. I love historic and contemporary romances, sometimes sports romance, occasionally a fantasy romance...but even as a romance reader there were a few things that felt VERY heavy handed in terms of discussion of romance as a genre.

Overall, is this a good ending to the series? Yes. Was I satisfied by the finale? Yes. Blown away by it? No.

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A series I've been reading since the second book published, it was exciting to see the series come to the end, but this feels like a more of a bang than a whimper.

I loved Viggo being called on his shit throughout the book and finding his own path, and I also really love a virgin hero. However, the setting move from Escondido to Culver City felt out of place (he wants to escape his family's expectation, but then moves by all of them?) and his overall character development felt messy. Also, the timeline of this series seems to be all over the place, and Viggo acts less like a 25 year old than more like a bratty child or a grumpy old man. Also, who adopts two dogs and five kittens and doesn't tell their roommate? That plot line feels abandoned, as well.

Some of the final hints at what the previous couples are doing seemed a bit out of character (a couple that did not seem inclined to children is expecting) and I was thrown off by how much Ziggy's friend Charlie was central to this book. I struggled with Talullah -- not her Diabetes rep, which I felt was natural and authentic, but the ways in which her character development and growth happened off page and with relative ease. Also, her enormous financial privilege and wealthy upbringing (not to mention her family dynamics) were glossed over, but that's kind of been a common theme for the entire series.

The first four books in this series remain 5/5 stars for me, but the back half of the series really lost steam.

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*4.5 stars but once again, I cannot do half stars on this platform lol*

I have loved the Bergman Brothers for years now and I'm so excited we are finally getting Viggo's story. I have never related to a character more. I mean come on, a chronically single, romance novel obsessed person with adhd?? that's literally the phrase my mom uses to describe me to her friends. I was near painful at some points. I've never seen a character that so accurately represents what adhd is to me, usually adhd is seen in media through the lens of how it affects others, but rarely how it affects the actual person who is neurodivergent. It was such a joy to experience it in this way.

The story as a whole was phenomenal! The romance was impeccably done, watching Tallulah grow from someone who was afraid and so skeptical of love to someone who shows it freely and willingly, and Viggo learning finding and falling in love isn't necessarily a lightening bolt moment but something that is made up of little moments was such a wonderful journey to go on.

This was definitely my favorite of the series!

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Chloe Liese closes out the Bergman Brothers series with a smashing slow burn romance!

Viggo has been a central force in all of the other Bergman's books. He's a romance lover, a hopeless romantic, and a bit of a mystery. It's finally his turn to shine in Only and Forever.

Enter Tallulah, a love cynic with a complicated home life and an upcoming book deadline with pressure to perform after the success of her first thriller.

Their attraction is undeniable, but so is the fact that they're unsuited for each other. Now, they're living in close quarters and faced with the reality that the flame of attraction they first felt all those years ago when they met hasn't died down.

A romance story full of learning and love, Only and Forever is a must read.

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This is a beautiful way to wrap up the Bergman sibling series. There are all of the things we've come to know and love from Chloe's work with Viggo's 6 siblings: chronic health condition and neurodiversity on page, real emotions grappled with, siblings interfering with each other in funny ways, and love. So much love.

Chloe has once again created a story that reflects her belief that EVERYONE deserves a love story. You will be so happy to finish these books, and yet so sad that it is officially over.

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