Member Reviews

CHLOE LIESE!!!! FLAWLESS!!!! The Bergman Brothers series is incredible and this is no exception. The romance is everything!!!

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I will never not love a Bergman Brothers book and for the closing of the series? This was amazing. I laughed. I cried. I was supremely unwell in the best way possible. 10/10, no notes.

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Viggo loves love, but unfortunately, he's kept himself so busy that he hasn't found his forever person. It seems like all of his family is happy and paired up, and he's the last single Bergman. Viggo is even opening his own romance book store, but he's thrown too much money into updating the space that he can't really afford to hire help. Tallulah has a case of writer's block, and a change of scenery may be just what she needs - she agrees to move into Viggo's place rent-free in exchange for helping out at the bookstore. Tallulah is a cynic and definitely doesn't believe in happily-ever-after (thanks mom and dad) but her connection to Viggo challenges her in ways she never expected.

I love Chloe Liese. Viggo is just the cutest and Tallulah is very relatable - it's easy to let past relationships or the relationships you grew up in affect how you approach your love life. Viggo's dream is every millennials dream - to open a combo plant store / bookstore.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC.

🌟🌟🌟🌟 4/5 stars

Only and Forever is the final installment of the beloved Bergman Family series. We finally get to follow Viggo as he finds his own happily ever after years of matchmaking. His love match? Tallulah Clarke, a thriller author and a non-believer when it comes to love. When they decides to help each other out, they find themselves surprisingly falling in love.

I have always adored Viggo and I loved reading his love story. He is such a sweet character and Tallulah was perfect for him. I enjoyed the bookish elements of the story, as well as catching up with the entire Bergman family. I will miss all of these characters so much.

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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this book was the most perfect ending to the bergman brothers series *CUE ALL THE TEARS* 🥹🥹🥹 I have always loved viggo’s character. he’s the hopeless romantic, lover of historical romances, and always meddling in his siblings relationships (but in the best kindest possible way). but now that every single sibling has found their HEA, he’s left feeling like the odd man out. while at the fam’s A-frame with the whole fam in tow— his loneliness is really hitting him. the last person he expects to see at the A-frame walks through the door. tallulah clarke, his little sister’s best friend’s sister, who also happens to be his former classmate he had a huge crush on. he first met tallulah back in his freshman year of college and was enamored by her but she never gave him the time of day. so he’s shocked to see her back in his orbit. she seems a little out of place with his rambunctious family and makes an effort to help her feel welcome. they have a cute little moment but tallulah leave the A-frame first thing the next morning and they proceed to not see each other for a whole year.

a year later viggo has been making moves towards a big dream of his and he and tallulah cross paths again (thank god for meddling siblings!!!). viggo realizes his spreading himself thin with his new business and tallulah is stuck writing her second book and struggling to finish it. they come up with a plan to help each other. tallulah will help viggo at his store and viggo will help tallulah work on the couple’s relationship dynamic in her book which she’s been struggling with. viggo also offers to let tallulah stay at his house since she been staying with her sister and new fiancé. sounds simple and friendly enough however both tallulah and viggo realize and admit their mutual attraction pretty early on. they try and keep things friendly and platonic but let’s be so for real THEY CAN’T!!! but what unfolds between the two is genuinely so beautiful.

I already knew I would love viggo so much just from learning about his character in the other books. but wow!!!! his character was too damn relatable! his thoughts on love, relationships and romance were so beautiful I felt like I was looking into my own soul 😭 chloe really knows how to write some of the most beautiful, soft and kind hearted men and I was SWOONING for viggo. and tallulah’s character was incredible. she has been through so much due to her parents tumultuous relationship which has impacted her views on love and relationships. so by the time she meets someone she’s considering being romantic with (viggo) she clams up. which is valid asf!!! but I love how viggo knew to be cautious with her and let things happen slowly and organically. very early on they built an understanding that they wanted to be honest with one another and this set a good foundation to help them become vulnerable and open with each other. there were so many beautiful moments they shared where they could share their feeling, concerns, worries or fears but they always listened and offered comfort and security. like I could actually die at how beautiful their communication was. like to have what they have!!!!! I would honestly combust!!! (but like in a good way).

I absolutely loved watching viggo and tallulah’s love story grow. like they’re so totally meant to be and I loved seeing them go from “oh yeah we’re just platonic” to falling madly deeply in love with each other 😭

in addition to viggo and tallulah, the side characters were phenomenal. I love this family w my whole heart and they never cease to amaze me. the siblings are so sweet, caring, and funny. the kids are hilarious! mainly linnea who was so damn cute with tallulah. and I loved seeing all the gals welcoming tallulah into the fold. I wish there was a bergman sibling left for me 💔 as always, chloe included beautiful representation into her story. tallulah has been living with type 1 diabetes and viggo has ADHD. she writes these these elements into the story that help readers experiencing the same feel seen and help readers who haven’t experienced those things empathize with those who do.

I truly can’t believe this series is over!!! I cried many many tears but this was truly the most perfect ending to the series. ILY CHLOE UR AMAZING!

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Chloe Liese closes out the Berman Brothers series beautifully. She remains dedicated to showing love between people who struggle with medical/mental situations. Viggo is hopeless romantic who falls for Tallulah, someone who does not believe romantic love truly exists. Every Bergman makes an appearance and the entire saga wraps up with an HEA for all.

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Continued series of Bergman universe, good characters, good foundations continued stories throughout

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The swan song for the Bergman family is here, and it’s glorious. This book is a love song to romance readers and folks with chronic illness— it’s sweet, steamy, and endearing, with cameos from all our favorite Bergmans to round out an epic series. 

Viggo, our MMC, is a romance bookstore-owning cinnamon roll of a man, loving so hard on the FMC that we can’t help but worry for him at times (especially when he adopts a menagerie of animals— love that about him). Tallulah is a force who will not be tamed (read: watch her on that Vespa).

Viggo struggles with ADHD, and we meet him at a point in his life where he’s finally found the med for him while working on lifestyle regulation tactics, like remembering to feed himself. Tallulah, on the other hand, is a boss with her glucose monitor— and so together, taking care of each other isn’t a chore but a celebration and the best and most selfless sort of love. The pining is sweet and long— so when these two come together, they’re ready, and it’s magic.

Anybody who reads romances will love Viggo’s obsession as he makes his morning coffee and plows through his mass markets. His bookstore setup is also epic, and the sections— the sections! Chloe— it’s a magical place, let’s make it real:)

Chloe, thank you for this book. Romance readers, this is a must read— you will revel in the nods to the genre and snuggle into the love between Viggo and Lulu. Don’t miss this one, pals.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an advanced copy to review.

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I started reading the Bergman Brothers series when it was first being published on Kindle Unlimited and only Ryder and Willa's book was available so I had to go and read every tiny thing that Chloe Liese had ever published to try and get my fix. So based on that, you can probably tell that I was beyond excited and also very sad to be reading Viggo's book, which is also the last in the series. As always, it did not disappoint. Viggo has been someone we've been rooting for in the other books as he meddles in his siblings' lives and it was so nice to finally see him get his HEA.

While we didn't know a ton about Tallulah before this book, I also instantly loved her. She is sweet and is the only person that could actually survive being married or in a long term relationship with Viggo Bergman. I also really enjoyed how much her struggle with T1 Diabetes was talked about. It is mentioned a lot in both fleeting and more deeper, meaningful ways and you can tell a lot of care was put into that part of her story.

Overall, I love Chloe Liese, I love Viggo and Tallulah, I love the Bergman family, and I am very sad that the series is over but I am equally as excited to read anything and everything that Chloe Liese publishes next.

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The Bergman Brothers have been a delight from the beginning of the series to the end, but I think this one is my favorite. I loved getting glimpses of Viggo in the earlier books, but it really was a treat to get deeper into his story in Only and Forever and to watch him and Tallulah explore closeness and intimacy while they each grew and came to understand that love isn't necessarily what either of them thought it was.

My one caution, which I hope doesn't come across as a complaint, is that there are so many characters in the opening scenes of the novel. Even having read all of the preceding books, I still had to stop and orient myself to place which brother was which and whose partner was whose. I do not recommend beginning your Bergman experience with this title. Start at the beginning. Binge. It's really ok to set aside all of your adult responsibilities to read the series straight through, I promise.

Love. Respect. Connection. What more could I want?

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Chloe Liese saved the best Bergman Brothers book for last. I adored Only and Forever so much I don't even know what to say about it. Well, that's not true. The problem is more I want to say everything about it, but don't know where to start.

I guess I'll start with the characters. Ziggo had an energy about him. A lot of it could be related to his ADHD and the way his mind was always going, but it was a lot more than that. He was upbeat, loving, caring, helpful, and a romantic. The love he had for his family and friends was tangible. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for someone he held close. His affinity for romance novels was adorable, and I loved how it played into his story.

Tallulah was the grump to Ziggo sunshine. She was a thriller author who was anti-romance. Her upbringing had her shunning romance. One thing she had in common with Ziggo was the love she had for her family and doing anything she could to help her siblings. To be honest, Tallulah was a little hard to like at first because who wouldn't immediately love Ziggo Bergman, but I quickly grew to love her as I got to know her.

Ziggo and Tallulah romance was kind of a second chance romance. They had a history their families didn't know about. When a family connection brings them back together, what they both think is unlikely happens - they end up as roommates. Close proximity brings them closer together and we all know what that leads to in a romance. I loved how Ziggo and Tallulah's romance was a slow burn that started with fierce attraction, built with friendship and trust, and ended with passion and a love to swoon over. Every stage of their relationship strengthened their bond and brought them closer together. They gave parts of themselves to each other they hadn't given to anyone, including their family and closest friends. There was a respect and love for each other that was so pure. It made my heart happy over and over again. 

To add to that happiness was all of the side characters. The pets in this book made me smile. The Bergman clan was back in full force with all of their significant others and families. The way they showed up for Ziggo (and Tallulah) was expected, but still heartwarming. There were some great moments of advice and love. Tallulah's sister Charlie and her fiancée Gigi were right there with them. Everyone helped the couple out along the way, while also helping to make this final Bergman Brothers series to come a satisfying conclusion. 

I'm beyond sad this book and series are over, but I am hopeful and excited for what is coming next from Chloe Liese.

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I don't really even know how to start this review because this series has been such a mainstay in my favorites in the past couple of years but I am so delighted how beautifully Liese ends the Bergman saga.

The last book is Viggo's, the youngest of the Bergman siblings and while he's pushed many of his siblings to happily ever afters, the hopeless romantic is lacking in connection himself. Until he runs into Tallulah, a college classmate from years ago who he's harbored feelings for since. Tallulah is an author stuck with writer's block, and Viggo needs help at his about-to-open romance bookstore: the two strike a deal to help each other out.

One of Liese's strengths is to make the love interests just as strong as the Bergman siblings characters - a feat when we've followed them for seven books up to this point. We know who Viggo is going in, but Tallulah feels like a whole character who we understand just as well as any of the Bergmans. The vulnerability of both Viggo and Tallulah is beautifully written and imbued with real and sympathetic struggles.

This series is known for its excellent disability rep and Only and Forever continues that streak: Tallulah's Type 1 diabetes is a part of the story in a realistic but not pitying way, and Viggo's ADHD struggles of mania, hyperfixations, doing multiple things at once and forgetting to eat are very real moments in any ADHD person's life (yours truly included).

Despite the heartrending parts of the book, the buildup of the opposites attract relationship between Viggo and Tallulah is funny, full of banter and delicious tension, as is custom for the series. I was kicking my feet and giggling the entire time.

I'm so sad to leave this series behind but there's always time for rereads.

I received an eARC as a member of the Berkley Influencer Program, and chose to voluntarily review and rate it.

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Only and Forever was a really enjoyable ending to the Bergman Brothers saga. For me, this series started strong. I looked forward to reading them all, but I felt the last few books were a little lacking. However, this book ended the series on a high note- it is definitely one of my favorites. Of course it included all of the silly requisite Bergman Bros book plot points- the “summit,” the weekend at the A-Frame house, etc. But something about it made me connect with it more than the last few books in the series. Maybe it was the heroine, who is in a larger body and sort of grumpy and therefore reminded me of me? Unclear. But overall, this one stands out. I admire the author for that, because I think it would have been easy enough to run out of material with these characters, but I think this book added some new depth to the series overall. I definitely recommend it to fans of the series, but newcomers should start with Willa & Ryder or you will be pretty confused.

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this was a wonderful ending to the bergman brothers series!!!

viggo’s character has always intrigued me & i absolutely adored every bit of his hopeless romantic heart. his passion oozes out of him in every facet of his life, both in how he expresses himself & his love for others. his loyalty, humor, and caring personality was so admirable and enjoyable. he had depth, growth, relatability, and was overall an extremely well-crafted character! i related strongly to his character in how lonely he felt seeing the rest of his family in relationships, as well as his ADHD!! chloe liese is a master at representation in all forms, and i truly appreciated the way she represented ADHD in viggo’s character!

tallulah was such a well-written character that possesses depth, growth, and a lot of relatable aspects to her personality. after being burned by love in the past, she struggles with believing in love and opening herself up to it. her struggles with diabetes, the representation of the chronic illness, and what it adds to her character was also so well done. her overall character is so enjoyable & works so well in tandem with viggo’s personality!!!

viggo & tallulah’s relationship is so lovely & i adored seeing it grow. the openness they share, the support, care and love, is so special. their dynamic was so great, i absolutely loved seeing these two people find their happily ever after.

chloe liese does an incredible job, once again, at creating two complex, beautiful, and relatable characters. representing communities of people in respectful, educated, and insightful ways. as a hopeless romantic myself, i related so strongly to viggo! i also loved getting to see the advocation & representation of therapy through tallulah, it was so special to see!!

thank you to NetGalley & Berkley for the arc! i am immensely grateful!

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I've loved following the Bergman Brothers series, and I'm so happy our fellow romance reader, Viggo, finally gets his HEA! This could be read as a stand alone, but will be so much more fulfilling if you start the series from the beginning.

Romance novel aficionado and bookstore owner, Viggo Bergman, loves love stories. He's seen all of his siblings get their HEAs and is impatiently waiting for his own. Tallulah Clarke also loves books--but of the mystery genre--and doesn't believe in love. Despite their differences, Viggo and Tallulah end up roommates and swapping their skills to help each other in their careers. With the forced proximity and a little sibling interference, their annoyance with one another evolves into more than either could have predicted.

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First off… I’m so sad that this is the final Bergman Brothers book!😭 This series has been a favorite of mine ever since I started reading it back in the spring of 2022!

I absolutely adored Viggo and Tallulah’s story. It was sweet, sassy, and everything good I want from a love story. I also appreciated that while they were working through their own trauma/personal things, there wasn’t an insanely large amount of miscommunication.

I also always love the representation that Chloe Liese adds into her story. I truly felt seen in this book (neurodivergent rep), as well as Ziggy’s book (neurodivergent & celiac disease rep).

I can’t wait to collect all of the beautiful new covers for these books!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | Publication Date: 4/2/2024

Thank you to Netgalley and Berkeley Publishing Group for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm a huge Chloe fan, I've been screaming about her since I read the very first Bergman installment and I will continue to scream about her forever. I'm incredibly attached to this family. I think that's the beauty of Chloe's writing; her characters are so real and so imperfect, that it makes loving them so easy. The way she touches on so many different types of people and their very real struggles, it's just comforting. I've been waiting for Viggo and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I could not stop reading. She gave this family the send off they deserved and Viggo finally got his HEA.

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I've been having a hard time with final books in series lately, and unfortunately Only and Forever did not break the mold. I have loved the Bergman Brothers ever since it was a duology that I stumbled upon on my library's website. I have liked and loved and even disliked a book or two in this series, and I find myself feeling okay about this last installment. Lula is relatable, and I think my favorite part of this book was watching her blossom into someone open to love. Weirdly, I think the part I had the hardest time with was Viggo. Maybe I didn't clock enough of who he was in the previous books and so he felt a little hollow to me here? I also struggled with all the sex on velvet chairs in the workplace. Like... velvet is very unforgiving and patrons are going to sit there?! Everyone has those things that throw them out of a story, and apparently this was mine. However, I would still recommend this book to anyone looking for diabetes representation in their romances, or anyone who loved the rest of the Bergman Brothers titles and is looking for some closure.

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And with this, the Bergman Brother’s series is concluded.
I’m not ready to let go.

However, this was a wonderful conclusion to one of my favorite series. I have been waiting for Viggo’s book for years, and I absolutely loved it. He’s one of my favorite characters, and the premise of him trying to open his own romance bookstore? Perfect. He and Tallulah were also adorable together. Sizzling chemistry, deep emotional connection. Tallulah wasn’t my favorite of the Bergman in-laws (or Bergman in-laws to be), but I did still love her and enjoy watching her grow. I think she and Viggo balanced each other wonderfully. And I loved the absolute myriad of animals Viggo brought home—he is me, for real.
It was not my favorite Bergam Brother’s book, and I was felt that the pacing lagged in a couple of places (though I’m hopeful that will be tightened up in the finished edition), but ending with Viggo’s story felt very full circle. It feels complete, though I am not ready to be leaving this world forever--I will definitely be rereading this book in the next year or so, and it is one of the best books I read this month.
I also, of course, adored the disability representation. Here is where Chloe Liese shines. Viggo has ADHD and Tallulah had Type 1 Diabetes. Both are handled with care and knowledge and are represented in an earnest, raw, and real way. I learned a lot about T1D, and despite having different disabilities, connected heavily to both Viggo and Tallulah’s experiences.
I am not ready to say goodbye to this wonderful series, but I am satisfied with the ending and my heart is full. I cannot wait for all the Bergam Brothers fans to get their hand on this book.

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I received this book as an ARC for an honest review.

A T1D FMC and an ADHD MMC - that’s what drew me in. I had never read any of the Bergman brothers books but saw that it could be read as a stand-alone. My 3 year old daughter is a Type 1 Diabetic who I provide full time care for. I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I saw the description and had to go for it.

I was blown away by how well Liese is able to describe the intense loneliness of dealing with diabetes. She clearly researches well as she was up to date with all of the technology as well. She also touched on the lack of insulin security there is for people in American which I greatly appreciated. I could relate SO hard to Viggo of feeling like “too much” as an ADHDer.

I really loved this one because it was clear that Liese took the time to really consider her characters. I will say I wish there was a little more third act strife, but it wasn’t necessary for a wonderful book.

The vibes: second chance romance, disability representation, black cat FMC and golden retriever MMC

Final rating: 4.5 but rounded to a 5

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