Member Reviews

OMG this was such an amazing ending to a fantastic series. I can almost guarantee that I will be buying all of these books and revisiting the Bergman family over and over again!

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Chloe Liese has again written a novel with real human characters. This particular series has characters that are neurodiverse, have medial issues and are overall just regular people that are relatable and special. Viggo and Tallulah are no exception and I absolutely love that Viggo is “sunshine” and Tallulah is “grumpy.” We met Viggo all throughout the series when he hands off romance books to all of his siblings and their significant others. It was a perfect fit for him to own a romance book store. Tallulah, the writer of psychological thrillers, is a perfect contrast to Viggo’s romantic nature. This book was a wonderful conclusion to the series and I will miss all these characters, their loved ones, and the setting. In fact, after I finished reading Only and Forever, I decided to start from the beginning and read this lovely series over again.

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I don't think it's possible for me to dislike a book by Chloe Liese! This was absolutely amazing !! I adored everything about this! The romance was absolutely incredibly written! I was swooning like crazy! I will miss the Bergman fam so much! This book was so bitter sweet! I will forever love this series.

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I'm going to say (write) something controversial...This book was my second-least-favorite of the series. I was so looking forward to this one because Viggo is so Viggo and loves romance novels and meddling and I wanted to see who would turn his life upside down. Meh, was my answer to that.

There were so many fun Bergman brothers scenes, especially with Seb, but the rest was pretty mediocre. I loved seeing Viggo use his many different skills to create a romance bookstore, but that was all that happened?

Tallulah was a pretty boring character to me. She wrote books and felt like Viggo's opposite in a lot of ways, but opposite doesn't always equate perfect match or chemistry. It kinda felt like these two characters were being forced into this relationship by the author.

I thought Viggo's book might top Freya's as my number one or even Oliver's as my number two, but unfortunately no. I still recommend rounding out the series and reading this one, but low expectations are the way to go.

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I’ll never not love a Chloe Liese book and oh am I sad to see the Bergman Brothers series end with this one!!! Seriously, I’ve been reading this series ever since Ryder and Willa’s story first came out, and the way Chloe writes love stories chokes me up every time. There’s so much love and grace and understanding in these books. I really appreciate how she represents different struggles normal people have. It really just shows that everyone is deserving of love, even though it may look different. Viggo the romance reader getting his HEAD was amazing and I really like Tallulah.

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Anything from Chloe is always a 10/10. I can't even fully articulate my feelings because this book was just too beautiful. I loved that Viggo finally got his happy ending. He was so much more than the Bergman who reads romance novels and I loved him wholeheartedly throughout this entire book. There was a lot of buildup here, and while I'm impatient, the love story came together beautifully. I wanted to hug Tallulah. First of all, I thohght the diabetes representation was so important and I love that Chloe always makes her characters feel so real. Both of these characters had important things to work through, but I thought it was incredible to see them be open and vulnerable with each other. This one truly tugged on all the heartstrings and I really enjoyed the different ways that Chloe represented love. It was powerful and emotional and so well done. I'm going to miss this entire fictional family and it was great to see how much they had expanded since book one. What an amazing conclusion to an incredible series. Thank you to Berkley for providing me with an e-ARC to read and review.

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What a beautiful ending to this great series. I'm very sad that it has ended, but also excited for the masterpieces Chloe is gonna give us in the future. Tallulah and Viggo had a great slow burn romance. They were so supportive of one another and their bant was top notch. I loved getting to see the whole Bergman family again, I'm going to miss them

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The last book in the Bergman brothers series did not disappoint. I loved getting to revisit this family again. Viggo & Lula were a joy to read and this was the perfect end to the series

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I discovered Chloe Liese a few years ago and have been in love with her writing ever since. I completely devour each and every single one of her books. After reading about Oliver and Gavin, I thought those two were my favorite of the Bergman's, but after reading Only and Forever I stand corrected. Viggo and Tallulah were an absolute delight. I love that it was a reverse grumpy sunshine and I love how complex the two of them were. Chloe has a way of writing such great characters that stand alone well but also fit well as a couple.

Seriously every single thing about this book was just perfect. 100/100 stars. I am so so sad for this to be the end of the Bergman family stories, but so happy that I got to experience each one as well.

Thank you so much to Chloe, Berkley, and NetGalley for this amazing e-ARC.

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A cute ending to the Bergman Brothers series! Viggo is the sweetest character, and I adored his optimism and love for romance novels. He and Tallulah were the perfect grumpy-sunshine set-up. I also enjoyed seeing hints of the other Bergman couples' happy endings. This was overall a very fluffy and feel-good book. It's not my favorite of the series, but I was satisfied with it!

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Chloe Liese sucked me in with her Bergman Series a few years ago, and ever since my life has been better for it! This is Viggo's story and the last of the Bergmans to get the book. It's bittersweet to see this families story come to an end, but a great ending for my favorite swedes!

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While this is a slow burn, it’s the perfect ending to this series. I’m obsessed with the new covers as well. You won’t wanna miss out on this one!

Thank you Berkley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review

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This was a slow burn. Since we waited so long for Viggo's story, it seems appropriate!

Viggo spent a class with Tallulah, sister of Charlie, friend of Ziggy, back in college, and caught feelings even though she's not the most open of personalities. He left college, tried a bunch of other things that never quite fit, and has finally decided to reveal the secret project he's been working on for years: a romance bookstore. He is going to run the store, bake goods for its cafe, sling coffee, throw little pots for plants, and crochet stuff for every inch of the store-- he's running himself ragged.

Enter Tallulah, who is fresh off a bad breakup, a bestselling author, and very stuck in her life and her second novel. She offers to help Viggo at his store in return for somewhere to stay and for Viggo to help iron out some of the kinks in her book. Oh, and she doesn't believe in love after her parents did her dirty. And she's living with Mr. Romance Novel, who she actually did think was cute back in the day, and is also so cute now and has the biggest of hearts.....

I thought this was a fitting story for Viggo. I am sad that it was a very slow burn because I found myself not itching to get back to picking up my Kindle as soon as possible, but it was realistic for the issues the two characters had. I'm going to miss all of the Bergmans, and I hope that they keep appearing somewhere in the future!!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my thoughts.

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Viggo is a hopeless romantic looking for his happily ever after, but his schedule keeps him so busy he doesn’t have time to date.

Tallulah is a cynic. So much so, that her editor sent her book back saying she can’t write the romance sub plot in her recent thriller.

With Tallulah needing help with her book, and Viggo needing a pair of hands at his book story, the two offer to help each other out and end up moving in together. They hardly get along, so this is bound to work, right?

Oh Viggo! I was so happy to get to read his story as he’s such a sweet character. Chloe Liese always brings a unique blend of humor and romance to her stories, and that was present with this one. I loved that Tallulah turned to Viggo to help her write her romance sub plot in her upcoming thriller since Viggo is such a romantic. They worked together so well, and their chemistry really came off the page and was apparent. As with all her other books, Chloe Liese continues to write about medical conditions in a wonderful way. She brings awareness and does a good job with them. I do think that all the books in this series are more of a slow burn, but this one seemed to be even more so to me. I think I would have preferred the romance to have occurred a little earlier, but it did work.

I thought that this was the perfect ending to the Bergmann Brothers series. I am so glad that I started and finished this series, it’s not often that I dive into a series, but this one grabbed my attention and I loved it.

Thank you to the publisher Berkley Publishing, @berkleypub, and Berkley Romance, @berkleyromance and Netgalley @netgalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of Only and Forever by Chloe Liese.

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In Chloe Liese's captivating novel, "Only and Forever," readers are transported into the chaotic and heartwarming lives of Viggo Bergman and Tallulah Clarke. With a perfect blend of romance, humor, and unexpected plot twists, Liese crafts a story that will keep readers hooked from beginning to end. Viggo Bergman, a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, finds himself exhausted from waiting for his own happily ever after. Juggling multiple responsibilities, including managing a romance bookstore, leading a book club, coaching soccer, and caring for a multitude of pets, Viggo's life is anything but simple. The prospect of finding true love seems increasingly unlikely in the midst of his hectic schedule. Enter Tallulah Clarke, a chilly cynic battling a severe case of writer's block. Desperate for help with the romantic subplot of her thriller novel, Tallulah seeks assistance from Viggo. In a twist of fate, they agree to exchange skills and cohabitate for the sake of convenience. Viggo's expertise in romance will revive Tallulah's book, while her organizational abilities will salvage his struggling store. Despite their differences and initial clashes, they embark on this peculiar arrangement, convinced that friendship is not a prerequisite for being roommates and coworkers. However, as they share both a home and their lives, Tallulah and Viggo begin to unravel a connection that challenges their preconceived notions about love. Their journey uncovers a plot twist neither of them saw coming: happily ever after may already be right under their roof. Liese's writing effortlessly brings these characters to life, making readers feel like they are right there alongside Viggo and Tallulah. The chemistry between them is palpable, and their banter is both witty and heartwarming. Viggo's endearing hopeless romanticism is beautifully juxtaposed with Tallulah's icy cynicism, creating a dynamic and engaging relationship that evolves throughout the story. The author skillfully weaves themes of love, self-discovery, and the power of human connection throughout the narrative. As Viggo and Tallulah navigate their individual challenges and eventually find solace in each other, readers are left pondering the unpredictable nature of love and the unexpected paths it can lead us down. "Only and Forever" is a delightful reminder that love can often be found in the most unexpected places and that true happiness may be closer than we think. Chloe Liese's ability to create relatable characters and craft a heartwarming story makes this novel a must-read for anyone seeking a captivating romantic tale. In conclusion, "Only and Forever" is a remarkable novel that will make you believe in the power of love, with its charming characters, engaging plot, and emotional depth. Chloe Liese proves once again why she is a master of the romance genre, leaving readers eagerly awaiting her next enchanting tale.

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I fell in love with the Bergman's many years ago when I first read Willa and Ryder's story and I have been addicted ever since. Only and Forever was the perfect completion to this series. Chloe Liese wrapped up this beautiful series in a way that did justice to all the characters both past and present. Viggo and Tallulah are the perfect contradiction - just opposite enough to complement one another. I loved their story and was so happy with the way little easter eggs were dropped throughout to give us updates on all the characters. A must read to complete the Bergman series! Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The Bergmans!!! This series has been so sweet from start to finish. Every story gave the feeling of coming home - and that theme of love and home throughout this final installment was so fitting! I am so happy for Chloe Liese as the Bergman books release under their new publisher, with beautiful covers to match the characters and their relationships. I couldn’t have asked for a better wrap-up to this family saga and can’t wait to come back and visit the Bergmans for a reread 💕

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for the ARC.

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So I really liked this one, until about 70% of the way through when a magical switch is flipped and in the course of a couple weeks Lula just completely changes as a person, sort of. And almost all the intimate scenes. Almost. Once they get passed their last hang up, I feel like things were more natural.

But that really started it all for me was the self-pleasuring in the presence of each other. It was…odd? I felt a little cringey. For others it will probably be fine but for me, I didn’t enjoy reading about it. I also didn’t like the whole scene at the parents’ house, which is FULL of other adults and children, and him shouting her name....and no one notices? For me it kinda kicked me off the pace of the plot every time these two actually physically got together during hot and heavy scenes. It was a speed bump when you weren’t expecting it. I think it made me more critical of the rest of the book too. It only was smooth sailing for the flower field. It kinda tracks with the two characters.

To me it felt like ‘suddenly’ Lula was motivated to change…for a guy. I don’t like that trope in anything. I feel like she decided to work on her issues because she wanted to get in Viggo’s pants but knew that he only does serious relationships. So, for the first time ever she’s like, “okay, even though I have resisted it up until now, I feel like I could actually emotionally like you and that’s necessary, for you, to sleep with me, so I am going to find a psychiatrist and work on myself.” She goes 3 times a week for what, two weeks, and she’s already super into trying things. Okay, great. Feels a bit sudden, but maybe she really wants it?

For a little bit you get that struggle in her head, but I felt like that internal struggle was more or less pushed to the background super too soon in favour of a teaching moment scene about her type I diabetes. While I applaud the author for working it in there, but the sudden emotional openness of Lula really clashes with who she has been for the first 75% of the book. She wants Viggo to stay, get her snacks, hold her hand, cuddle her, wipe away her tears, listen to her...I do see Viggo doing it because that is his personality to want to, but Lula is this super independent, self-sufficient woman who has just started therapy to address the root of her mistrust that led her to be that woman since she was very young. She takes care of everyone else. She keeps her emotions bottled up. She’s how old? 26-27? Roughly two weeks of therapy just…fixes it? I want her therapist’s number please.

I dunno I just felt like it was a little too much too soon. It literally shifts her whole paradigm in the span of 5% of the whole book. Between70-75% we really see this huge shift in personality. It would have been nice if it started to be noticeable sooner and the change more gradual. I mean, cramming in a whole relationship building montage between two arguably super messed up people within two months and with one of them only just starting therapy about a month in, as I understood it, I needed more time to feel it was real..

Ignoring this huge shift in personality problem, and the overall lack of time problem, it's good book. It’s shows a nice building of a relationship into something potentially sustainable. It shows that if two people work towards something as a supportive team, they really can overcome anything that would impede their relationship. It's a great representation of what a long term relationship needs. And the fact the Talluah buys in and it's not Viggo doing all the leg work, awesome.

I originally liked Talluah for her strong opinions, strong stance on making it her own and then her desire to change enough to be able to make meaningful connections to people because she finally recognized she was lonely and wanting connections to others. Not to mention she knows when to remove herself from a situation that is burning her out to allow herself time to think. I really enjoy every moment of their non-physical time together. I like how Lula is almost always the aggressor and Viggo literally takes everything at the pace she's comfortable with, waits for her to make the first move, and asks permission for doing new things. His eagerness to learn makes him a great guy. It’s the reverse of maybe 95% of the romance books out there. Refreshing.

Maybe it was the humor of that I found in the whole end part before they confess that had me re-invested in them as a couple, but I quite enjoyed that last bit of the book, including the epilogue that sort of ties up the series in a nice, hopeful bow.


The shift in personality left me struggling to keep that connection to Lula as a character. Overall, Absolutely loved Viggo and all that he is as a person. I didn’t like the flavour of ‘spice’ for the most part, but I loved the first 69% and the last 10% of the book. There was just a little hiccup in the middle for me, personally. The epilogue was quite nice and a decent way to wrap up the series…which I am reading out of order.

I can't wait to get my hands on the other book in this series!

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The much anticipated final installment of the Bergman Brothers series does not disappoint. Once again Chloe Liese finds a way to create characters that convey her values of inclusion and acceptance. The disability representation here is ADHD (Viggio) and Type 1 Diabetes (Tallulah). These are the two softest characters of the entire book series, I think. Tallulah crunchy outer shell is about as thin as an M&M coating. She's all warm and melty in Viggio's presence and pretty quickly acknowledges and tries to grow out of. These two are so hot for each other and there are definitely some steamy scenes, for those interested. Always considerate, Liese makes sure her characters are too, in those scenes. For Bergman family fans, you'll get a lot of what you are hoping for, I think. Lot's of family time and updates. I suggest starting the series at the beginning, not here, for anyone interested. Great series with lots of positive, insightful messages about love, acceptance, and family.
Thanks so much for the ARC!

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