Member Reviews

This was an excellent conclusion to this series and as always I appreciate the author's representation of neurodivergence, disabilities and chronic health conditions. I loved the grumpy/sunshine aspect and Viggo's love of romance novels! I laughed so many times while reading this! Sad to see the series end.

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Only and Forever is a gentle, slow-burn conclusion to the Bergman Brothers series. Liese, as always, shapes her characters with so much care, creating a story that will speak to so many. As a person with ADHD, I love when I can read about someone like me in a way that feels truthful to my experience, and Viggo is an absolute delight in this respect. Even before he had his own book, Viggo was quite possibly my favorite Bergman. Tallulah's cynicism paired with Viggo's unrelenting romanticism is a match made in heaven, and an exploration of what it means to fear love while desperately needing it, and of releasing expectations. Not to mention, steamy af. These two were a beautiful pair with which to close out the series.
This is a series that I hold close to my heart. Only When It's Us was among the first romance titles I picked up at the start of what has become a months-long obsession with romance novels, and I burned through the rest of the series with fervor. The neurodivergence and disability representation in Liese's writing is unique, unfortunately, amongst most fiction. The care with which Chloe Liese shapes these stories, the depth that she brings to all of her characters, is something that all authors should strive for in their work. The Bergman Brothers series as a whole is such a joyful, steamy celebration of love in its many forms, and absolutely my favorite romance series.

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Falling in love with a Bergman is easy, but falling in love with one who loves romance novels?! The best! I loved Viggo and enjoyed seeing him find his HEA. I loved how his bookstore was in Culver City, home to the Bodice Ripper! Not sure if it is intentional, but in my head it was a nod to the romance bookstore.

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I am unwell. I have eagerly devoured each book in this series as they come out, and I am so devastated this series has come to a close. What am I going to do without the Bergman family!? I loved Viggos golden retriever energy, but also seeing the side effects his constant enthusiasm and "go, go, go" took on his life. I loved that Tallulah made him slow down and take care of himself. I liked that she was able to take a look at herself, realize she needed help, and conquer her demons. I loved their energy together, loved all the other Bergman family cameos, and just loved the book as a whole. LOVE is the theme of this review. I am so sad this series is over. I can only hope and dream that we get a Bergman parents novel. The book hangover is SO REAL.

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A beautiful ending to the Bergman family series!! This dual POV, reverse grumpy/sunshine, friends to lovers, slowburn roommance delivered on ALL the feels and was completely satisfying!!

Tallulah Clarke is a cyncial thriller writer struggling with her next book who makes a deal with romance-loving Viggo to help him with his new bookstore in exchange for his help with her new book. I loved the disability rep in this book (Type 1 diabetes (her), ADHD (him) and the way therapy is such an integrated, normalized part of Tallulah's journey.

Lots of cameos from all the Bergman siblings, their partners, kids and of course their parents too plus a few trips to the family A-frame cabin and LOTS of new cuddly pet sidekicks. This book was everything I wanted and more and I couldn't read it fast enough! I especially enjoyed that there was no third act break up AND there was such emotional depth and mutual caring between the MCs!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Romance for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!! If you haven't read any of the books in this series what have you been doing with your life?? While this could be read as a standalone, it works much better after reading the other books first.

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I requested access to this digital ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The seventh, and final :(, book in the Bergman Brothers series, Only and Forever follows Viggo Bergman. Viggo is a romance reader, a hopeless romantic, a meddling matchmaker in the love lives of his siblings, and sadly watching all of this siblings live their HEAs around him while he waits for The One. His college crush, Tallulah Clarke, is thrown back into his life and he's still wildly attracted to her. Except she's a jaded, cynical thriller writer who does not do love.

Viggo and Lula agree to "skill swap". He needs help running the romance bookstore/cafe he's just opened. She needs help whipping her second novel into shape. For convenience, they end up as "roomies" in the apartment at the back of the bookstore and shenanigans unfold!

I loved the conclusion to this series, especially as Lula ends up more and more folded into the Bergman brood. It was great seeing all of the couples from the rest of the series living their HEAs, getting little updates on where they are at in their relationships, lives, etc. I felt like we saw just the right amount of the family to nicely wrap up the series without overshadowing the central couple of Viggo and Tallulah. I definitely wept reading the ending...

I do wish at least one of the 7 couples were child-free by choice. In a series all about giving folks with different disabilities, autoimmune diseases, neurodivergences, etc a romance and HEA, I was kinda hoping one of the couples would imagine an HEA for themselves that was child-free by choice. There are so many niblings in the Bergman brood, and so many of the women have lofty professional goals, that I'm surprised how many of the couples are having children as part of their HEAs. I would have loved to see an explicit choice from one of the couples to embrace another kind of HEA. I'd love to have seen someone like Rooney (who in the first book is a college soccer player, doing a double degree in chemistry and law with the goal of being a lawyer, I believe???) actually live that dream. Instead we learn here that she's become a children's book author with her husband as her illustrator and is pregnant. I know dreams can change, but she went from professional ambitious badass athlete to default settings lover, wife, and mother... and that's just such a tired imagining of what a HEA could look like.

Finished this ARC only to turn around and start the series from the beginning. I know this is a series I'll be returning to whenever I need some cozy big family comfort reading.

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Chloe Liese's Bergman Brothers series has become one of my very favorites to read. I look forward to every single book and am feeling a little bereft that it's over.

"Only and Forever" was, hands down, a beautiful, fitting, perfect end to the series. Oliver and Tallulah are the epitome of a sunshine and grumpy couple. The build to their relationship was HOT (hello, slow burn!), appearances by the beloved Bergman siblings were frequent and pitch perfect.

No notes- reader's simply couldn't have asked for more. (Except, maybe, a Dr. B and Elin prequel? Please?)

If you're a fan you'll love it. If you've never read any of the Bergman books and enjoy romance- remedy that situation tout de suite. I think "Only and Forever" could function well as a standalone, but reading its predecessors will make the ending more meaningful.

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It will never stop being a truly indescribable thrill for me to open a new Chloe Liese book. An author who, time and time again, keeps delivering unforgettable tales of swoony, soft romance with absolutely charming and adorable characters, Ms Liese never stops breaking creative new ground with her stories, and this book is perhaps her boldest one of them all.

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probably the MOST excited i’ve ever been for a netgalley approval email. BLESSED to get to read viggo’s story - the final bergman bros book 🥲 - early.

it’s perfect. everything i wanted from the final installment in this series that i will DEARLY miss.

viggo & tallulah are so kind to each other, so well matched. the glimpses of viggo we get in the other books in the series made me so excited for his story, to take a deeper look inside his head, and for the loving, hopeless (hopeful?) romantic to find his person.

the tropes are all wonderfully done. i really have no notes.


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CHLOE LIESE I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THIS SERIES i have been reading this since the first book came out and it is the series that got me into romance i absolutely love it

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At this point, I should dedicate my whole bookstagram to Chloe. I am obsessed with her writing, I cannot get enough. This series somehow needs another eight billion books because I never want to stop reading about them

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