Member Reviews

The Bergman Brothers, Book 7
ISBN: 978-0593642474
April 2, 2024
Contemporary Romance

Los Angeles – Present Day

Viggo Bergman and Tallulah Clarke are as different as night and day, yet they are somewhat friends. Her sister is currently engaged to his brother, so this means they often come into contact with each other. Viggo is romantic at heart and reads romance books that end with a happily ever after, while Tallulah is a newly published thriller author whose books don’t end with a HEA. But now they are about to help each other out and it may forever change their lives in ONLY AND FOREVER.

Viggo is getting ready to open a romance bookstore in Los Angeles and feels a bit overwhelmed. He encounters Tallulah and learns that she is struggling a little in writing her second novel and needs a place to stay. He offers her a room in his home. In exchange for free rent, she can help him prepare the bookstore for its opening and work there for a few weeks until he has everything under control. What starts as a friendly exchange of help soon turns into more as they become sexually aware of each other. Is it too close for comfort? Or is our couple about to find their own happily ever after…together?

Their relationship starts out distant but friendly in ONLY AND FOREVER. Viggo is a nice guy even though he seems to have his head in the clouds a lot. Or is that due to the audiobooks he likes to listen to? Tallulah doesn’t have much experience when it comes to love, especially since her parents were always bickering when she was a child. Viggo on the other hand, comes from a large family who are always getting together to celebrate one milestone after another. Living in close quarters as roommates soon turns into a battle of wills—of pretending that they aren’t attracted to the other. If they give in to the lust they’re feeling, will it destroy their friendship? Tallulah seems to think so. Can Viggo change her mind?

Much of ONLY AND FOREVER has Viggo and Tallulah waffling a lot about their romantic feelings for each other. With their bad road records in that department, one can understand why they are hesitant to embark on a trip down the romantic relationship path. Meanwhile, she helps him get ready for the bookstore opening, even as he keeps putting off the opening day. He has his doubts about its success. Will Tallulah give Viggo the push he needs? Will he convince her to add a HEA to her newest thriller? In fact, will she finish it as she has promised her publisher? So many questions and one that readers will want the answers to. Find out by grabbing a copy of ONLY AND FOREVER. Will it be a happy ending for Tallulah and Viggo?

Patti Fischer
Romance Reviews Today

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This was ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTFUL. I loved the reverse grumpy sunshine trope, the representation with both characters, the romance and the vulnerability shared between them. My marshmallow heart ate this up and loved every moment. Also I’m totally manifesting myself a guy like Viggo ❤️.


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The first thing that grabbed my attention in this book is how super sweet Viggo is depicted. He is the epitome of the best romantic guy you could ever meet or develop for a book. I mean, who in their right mind could not fall for him?

To balance that off is a stand-offish Tallulah who comes off like an ice queen. I really did not think I would enjoy her character much, but Liese won me over with her. Together these two had this spark and energy that bounced off the pages.

Only and Forever brings in many levels of anxiety between the two of them that sometimes came off to me as a lack of self-confidence. Needing others to validate you all the time is tiring, but at least it was balanced between the two of them as they both struggled with believing in themselves.

This story is one where you need to focus on the development of their romance, even though it was screamingly slow. Only and Forever is a delightful, swoony romance that makes your heart sing by the time they capitulate to the reality of what was meant to be.

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Viggo Bergman has spent years gently nudging his siblings toward love, but despite his love of romance, he's still waiting for his own happily ever after. A chance encounter with a former crush, Tallulah Clarke, may change that. Viggo and Tallulah don't particularly care for one another at first, but they have a way of challenging one another and a friendship soon develops. As their friendship deepens, so does their mutual attraction. But Tallulah, burned by her parents' fraught relationship, is reluctant to get too close to Viggo. Viggo and Talluah's love story, which sensitively depicts the characters' fears and desires, is a lovely conclusion to Liese's Bergman Brothers series.

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I've really enjoyed this whole series and it was nice to see Vigo finally get his happy ending. Getting to read about the Bergman crew has been an enjoyable experience and I'm a bit sad it's over. I liked the overall story of this one and thought that Tallulah was a great character. This series is comforting and just a good time. I would have liked more wrap up for the entire family at the end. I'm assuming this is the last book in the series and I would have enjoyed an epilogue of sorts that highlighted the entire family.

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When going into Only and Forever, I was admittedly a little bit nervous. I invested so much time, energy, and love into these characters and their romances. Thankfully, I would trust Chloe Liese to write my own love story so she quickly put all my fears to rest but this book didn’t end up being what I originally thought.

The story follows Viggo as he’s set to make some big decisions including opening a romance bookstore, hosting a book club, and trying to find his own HEA. In comes Tallulah Clarke who is Ziggy’s best friend’s sister along with Viggo’s former classmate. The two reconnect in a way that only Chloe Liese could make me fall in love with.

With Tallulah’s sister getting engaged, she needs a place to stay and help with her book while Viggo has an extra room and needs help at his store. I’m sure you can see where this is going as the two end up being roommates and from there, it’s only a matter of time before their attraction bubbles over. While it seems inevitable, Chloe Liese isn’t afraid to make you feel that slow in the slow burn.

Even so, Only and Forever felt like an incredibly realistic romance as these two were dealing with so much. Tallulah has diabetes and it affects every single part of her life from what she does, what she eats, and how Viggo touches her. In addition, Viggo has ADHD and struggles with insomnia and burnout throughout the story. As always though, Chloe Liese handles these topics with care.

On the whole, Only and Forever was everything I never knew I wanted for the Bergman Brothers finale. I’m not even ashamed to admit that I cried multiple times while reading this book. As sad as I am to see this series wrap up, it’s one I know I’ll be re-reading in the future. Plus I’m even more excited to see what’s next for Chloe Liese.

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This was a beautiful and sweet conclusion to the Bergmans series. I enjoyed reading Viggos and Tallulah's story so much, it was a good slow burn with lots of tension, longing, and book-loving goodness. Viggo Bergman is the last Bergman sibling without a relationship despite being obsessed with romance and love. He has always had a crush on Tallulah and gets her as a roommate as they both come into an agreement to mutually help each other. Viggo needs help opening his romance book store and Lula needs help with writing the romance aspect of her thriller book. They start rooming with each other and there is a lot of tension as they both want to avoid a friends-with-benefits situation.

I loved both Viggo and Lula, they were both so compelling and perfect opposites. Viggo is the sunshine, helper, knitter, and emotional romance-loving mmc while Lula is more grumpy, does not like HEAS, and has not had a good experience with relationships. Together they were so good and I liked how they interacted with each other and the other Bergmans. There are some spicy scenes towards the end after a good slow burn with a very nice ending that ties the series together so well. I'm going to miss this world but I'm ready to see what the author writes next.

Read if you like:
-Slow burns
- Opposites attracts
- Some steam
- Romance book loving mmc
- Diabetes rep

Rating 4.5/5

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The perfect ending to an amazing series. I was a little hesitant about Tallulah and Viggo's book because series endings can either be really good or really bad. I should have known that with Chloe writing it, I didn’t need to worry. The banter, the conversations, the antics, the spice, it was all so good! I wanted to finish it to know the ending but I didn’t want to finish it because I really didn’t want it to end!! I’m so glad the resident romance lover finally got his happily ever after!

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I have been reading Chloe Liese’s Bergman Brothers series since the first one was a self-published “read now” on NetGalley in 2020, so to say that reading the final installment, published by Berkley Romance no less, is bittersweet is an understatement. I could read a dozen more books in this series and still love them.

Chloe delivered everything we’ve been waiting for in Viggo’s story. It is hopeful and tender, deeply romantic and lovely. The relationship between Viggo and Tallulah was so much fun to watch unfold. The black cat/golden retriever vibes are seriously strong and it made watching them come together even more special. We get plenty of time with the Bergman crew in this book, including a particularly lovely scene with the Bergman wives at the A frame that made me cry.

Content flags are mentioned at the beginning of the book and include a character with ADHD (Viggo) and Type 1 diabetes (Tallulah); family dysfunction (Tallulah); a sibling with addiction (Tallulah)

I voluntarily read a gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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A perfect end to a comfort series. As usual, Chloe Liese puts complex emotion into beautiful phrase, creating a green flag romance like no other. The depth and care with which she writes is apparent in each book, and Only and Forever is no exception. As someone with ADHD, I appreciated that same care applied to the hero's own struggles with ADHD. All in all, I am sad to see the end of this series, but I couldn't imagine a more wholesome or perfect happy ending.

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Every Bergman book feels like coming home, and this was no different! If you've been with this family from the first book, you know that Viggo Bergman is the family romantic. He loves all things historical romance and is the first one to champion his siblings' relationships. Ironically, love has not happened for Viggo, and he hopes that one day soon his happily ever after will show up and change his world. Well, Viggo got his HEA, but in the form of his grumpy ex-classmate, Tallulah.

Tallulah is the exact opposite of Viggo, which is what made their journey much more special. Whereas Viggo is the romantic, Tallulah is a thriller author, whose experiences with love included growing up with toxic parents who constantly got married and divorced just to repeat the cycle and her own relationships that have gone south when she wasn't able to commit beyond a physical relationship. These two reconnect at a time where they need support, Viggo with his bookstore endeavor, and Tallulah with writing her second book that encompasses a romantic element.

So what happens next? After being kicked out of her last place, it makes perfect sense that Tallulah become roommates with Viggo, leading to their lives being intertwined in ways that lead to love before either of them can say the words. I loved watching Tallulah go through therapy and face her fears associated with love. She wanted a relationship with Viggo, but she wanted to give him all the love he deserved. Likewise, Viggo had to let go of what he thought was the ideal relationship, and accept that life doesn't always present itself in a storybook fashion. Love takes time, effort and two imperfect people willing to do the work to make their relationship grow, and that's exactly what these two did.

Of course, catching up with the Bergman family was as nostalgic as I thought it would be. It's bittersweet seeing everyone with their families, knowing that this is the last book. I have enjoyed seeing every single sibling find love, all while having the unconditional support from their family to help them flourish. Viggo and Tallulah were a great way to end the series, and I can't wait to see what this author does next!

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I am so glad that I still have the first 4 books in this series to read, because I am SO not ready to say goodbye to the Bergman Family. I have never felt so seen as I have while reading this series. These books have been literal perfection and goodness, this was such an amazing conclusion.

I have to start with the fact that I absolutely adored Viggo. He was just the most precious, genuine, loving, and sensitive soul and I ate it up. Even with the banter between him and Tallulah, his remarks were always so loving and cute. And can we talk about all of his nicknames for her???? *all the heart eyes* As soon as he called her "pipsqueak" it was an immediate 5 stars!

While I couldn't personally relate to Viggo's ADHD or Tallulah's type 1 Diabetes, I could still relate to feeling different and longing to be loved and accepted as I am. It was such a beautiful journey for them both, and I am grateful to have read it. Now to go figure out how to open my own book store that mainly features books with HEAs!

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for this arc. All opinions are my own!

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I am so sad that this was the final Bergman book but I cannot imagine a better way to say goodbye to my favorite fictional family. Viggo and Tallulah’s love story was PERFECT and I adored every word. Reading a Bergman book truly feels like coming home and it’s such a gift to experience.

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Format - EARC (NetGalley)

Rating- ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Spice- 🌶 🌶

Series- Bergmen Brothers #7 (😭_

Troupes- Room-mance, intra attraction, forced proximity, mutual pinning,

Representation- ADHD, type 1 Diabetes


I was not ready to say goodbye to this family. And While Chloe did it in the most gentle way possible, I am still unwell.

Viggo’s book is everything we’ve been waiting for and so much more. It’s just so him. So him, while we continue to learn who he is and what he’s been up to and where he struggles.

I’ve always loved Ren and Frankie the most, but Viggo took the top spot. I identified with him so much it was like holding a mirror up to my brain and reading it verbatim, his thoughts about love and romance, and wanting something so specific that you don’t know what it is until you feel it. I highlighted so many passages from his POV that just resonated with me to my toes.

Tallulah was completely unexpected in the best way. She’s strong and independent and completely fucked up in her ideas about love. She’s his perfect project to convert to his ways but all he wants is to love her and care for her.

Watching these two circle and pine and give so much of themselves to each other, while trying so hard not to fall was agonizing and beautiful. And in true Chloe Fashion I was in tears for the last 25% of the book.

This is the end of the Bergman series but these character will always be a safe and loving space to return too when you need them, forever.

Thank you Chloe Liese and Berkeley Pub and NetGalley for the advanced copy, all opinions are my own.

P.S Be sure to read Chloe acknowledgments at the end and have the tissues ready.

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The conclusion to the Bergman Brothers series is finally here and will romance book lover Viggo finally find his happily ever after in the grumpy author who doesn't believe in romance? Viggo has always dreamed about finding his soulmate, about getting his happily ever after, and after seeing each one of his family members get theirs' he is desperate to find his. He's always been able to charm everyone... everyone except for Tallulah Clarke, the chilly cynic who is uncharmed by Viggo. Tallulah doesn't believe in love, she's seen what its done to her parents and she wants no part of it, too bad her next book requires she write a actual convincing couple and she's got zero experience with love and has writer's block. Tallulah needs help writing and who better to help her than a romance book lover like Viggo. Viggo is opening up his own romance bookshop and desperately needs help running it so Viggo and Tallulah come up with an agreement, she will live in his flat and help him run his store while he helps her write her book. Yet for two polar opposites, there is an undeniable attraction between them... but can they make it work when one of them doesn't believe in love and the other only wants to find his true love? This was a cute way to end the series and was heavy on the romance book lovers theme. The story is perfect for fans of grumpy cat x golden retriever, doesnt believe in love x believes in love, and grumpy x sunshine trope lovers out there. I have always loved and appreciated the representation that Chloe puts in her series and the authenticity and care she puts in conveying the struggles of these characters and their growth. This series has and will always be dear to my heart because of how beautifully written each of the love stories were and I was so happy we got to see Viggo's happily ever after.

*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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Dare I say, this was the best book of the Bergman Brothers (siblings) series. Viggo and Tallulah are perfection. I cried so hard through the final few chapters because it was such a perfect ending. Must read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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While I’ve read the author’s Wilmont sisters series, I haven’t read any of the previous books in this Bergman Brothers series. While this made some of the family scenes a little confusing since I wasn’t familiar with all of the characters, this book can still be read as a standalone.

This is a very sweet grumpyxsunshine romance between a prickly thriller author and an absolute golden retriever of a man who is obsessed with romance novels. I appreciated the communication between Viggo and Talulah, even though it’s clear that it didn’t come easy to either of them, and the Type 1 Diabetes and ADHD representation. The sheer number of Viggo’s hobbies/talents required a bit of suspension of belief on my part 😆 I would have loved to have learned more about the origin of Viggo’s love of romance.

Thank you to NetGalley, Chloe Liese and Berkley for proving me with an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review!

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3.5 stars!! A beautiful conclusion to the Bergman Brothers series. I had been waiting on Viggo’s book since the beginning as the certified lover boy of the Bergmans. I think I wanted a little bit more sunshine and giggling my feet but the slow burn was too slow for me. 😫 He’s very “man written by a woman” coded to the point where I had to say bffr? And the plethora of nicknames for Tallulah was… a lot! HOWEVER as a fellow ADHD-er I’m happy to see positive rep. No one does chronic conditions/illnesses and mental health representation like Chloe Liese. And I’m always so thankful her stories exist so people can feel seen and loved in romance. I loved the cameos from the entire crew and how supportive they are as a family! I think I enjoyed that more than the romance? So fans of the series are in for a treat but I’m not sure if it would be a standalone I’d recommend.

Thank you so much to Netgalley, Berkley Romance, and the author for this arc! Only and Forever comes out 4/2/24!

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I've enjoyed the entire Bergman Brothers series by Chloe Liese, but Only and Forever has been my favorite.

All Viggo Bergman wants is to find "his person". He has been searching for the love of his life for years and is feeling discouraged that he hasn't met them yet. Enter Tallulah Clarke, a woman who does not believe in love after years of witnessing and being affected by the toxic relationship between her parents.

Viggo and Tallulah agree to help each other with projects they are struggling with, but insist that they will just be friends. This is a true slow burn romance, and my favorite thing was how these two openly communicated with each other every step of the way. They showed so much respect for the feelings of the other person. It was beautiful to read and even made me tear up at one point. What a wonderful end to this series.

I want to thank Netgalley and Berkley Publishing for the eARC of this book.

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I truly can’t find enough words to express how absolutely perfect this book was and how much I loved it. I haven’t been able to stop crying, not only because of how much it made my heart soar, but because the series is now over. What a perfect way to wrap up the most perfect series.

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