Member Reviews

lynn painter does it again! i know that if i need a fluffy, fun, and just perfect romcom vibe book, lynn painter is the girl to go to and once again, she does not disappoint. happily never after is such an interesting premise and with her signature wit and charm, painter makes it so easy to root for max and sophie. their chemistry is just so insane and i was rooting for them every step of the way.
i so highly recommend checking this one out when it releases march 12!

thank you berkely for the eARC in exchange for an honest review ♡

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Lynn Painter is an auto-buy author for me so receiving this e-ARC was one of the most exciting moments of 2024 so far!

HAPPILY NEVER AFTER was the perfect mix of heart, humor, and spice! A TRUE romantic comedy in its full meaning.

Sophie and Max were seemingly plucked right out of a 200’s rom-com with their off the charges chemistry, incredible banter, and relatability. For me, the thing I loved most was getting to witness their friendship develop in such a unique way. I loved each of the characters perspectives on love.

This book was filled with a great balance of lighthearted moments to make you LOL and yet plenty of depth to make you fall in love with all of the characters. Speaking of characters—- Sophie’s roommates were a RIOT!!!! I want a Roomate spinoff of Rose and Larry!

Thank you NetGallet and Berkley Publishing for the eARC!

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I like this one!

I love the way it started, thought it slowed down alittle, but really thought it was good. I love the FMC spunk and whit, and the MMC was enjoyable too!

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Rating: 4.5/5
Steam: 3/5

Thank you to Berkley Romance for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

This is might be my favorite Lynn Painter book so far, I could NOT stop laughing the whole time I was listening to this book. Truly, Helen Laser and Sean Patrick Hopkins, knocked this narration out of the park.

But mostly, I have no notes. Okay just one but really it’s tiny. I loved this couple, I love how they communicated and understood each other. The tension was SO THERE. I loved the humor. Rose and Larry were perfect. And all the cats, this was the perfect Rom Com.

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I really enjoyed this book! I love this author's books and her writing. The premise itself is intriguing, setting the stage for a romantic comedy with a refreshing twist. Painter skillfully develops the characters of Sophie and Max, two love cynics brought together by an unconventional profession.
What sets this novel apart is the perfect blend of humor and genuine emotion. This author's writing captures the essence of two romance cynics navigating the tumultuous world of weddings, creating moments that are both laugh-out-loud funny and touchingly heartfelt. The chemistry between Sophie and Max is electric, adding a layer of romance that unfolds with each page.
While this book follows a familiar romantic comedy formula, it distinguishes itself through its unique premise and well-developed characters. The author successfully blends humor, romance, and a touch of realism, creating an enjoyable read for fans of the genre. The story's exploration of love, cynicism, and unexpected connections makes it a compelling addition to the romance genre.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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“In your presentation,” he said, “you used the word love.” “Now wait a minute,” I said defensively. “I clearly stated multiple times that I don’t believe in it—” “But you said—and I quote—that if you did, this is what it would feel like.”

I loved it!

Unlike many, I liked but did not love Painter's much-adored YA debut Better Than the Movies. I attribute that to not being in the target audience. This book, however, I loved right from the start.

I smiled and giggled so much while reading this. The chemistry, the banter, the friendship, the sexual tension, everything melded so perfectly together into an absolutely delicious adult romance.

Sophie was charming and delightfully straightforward. Max was charismatic and honest. They each had reasons for not wanting to enter a relationship. But in each other, they find their perfect match.

I think this might be one of my favorite contemporary romances in recent memory.

Tropes: Strangers to friends to lovers, faking-dating

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Lynn Painter writing YA is my queen, Lynn Painter writing adult is kind to say she is hit or miss considering there are more misses than I can remember. This plot was silly and boring and did not make sense most of the time. Unfortunately my least favorite of hers, but I will forever be a slave to reading her books in hopes of finding the same high that Better Than the Movies gave me.

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A fun romcom full of hijinks, this takes on the major question of every wedding: who objects to this union? And after meeting in this very way, Sophie and Max reunite to become professional “objectors” for hire, breaking up weddings and exposing cheaters. But with each wedding adventure, the cynical dynamic duo learns that maybe true love is real, after all.
I had so much fun reading this! Sophie and Max are such a memorable pair, with great banter back and forth and plenty of humor (talking about you, Rose and Larry!) I also appreciated that while there’s spice, it’s not overly done and graphic like others…just enough!
Thank you to Berkley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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4.5/5⭐️ Thank you Berkley for the free earc of this book! I adore Lynn painters writing and her books never fail to make me laugh. This one specifically was so unique and I absolutely loved the storyline. This book was also super fast paced and short which made it easier to read! Also the spice was great!

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Sophie finds herself becoming friends with the man who disrupted her wedding, joining him on his wedding disrupting adventures for hire in this latest banter filled romcom from one of my very fav authors. Lynn Painter can do no wrong and Happily Never After is no exception. I adored this dual POV, friends to lovers romance that sees two jaded friends falling for one another. Fresh, funny and heartfelt, this was great on audio and huge hit for me. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review.

Steam level: open door

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Paid to object weddings, Max Parks saves Sophie Steinbeck from a lifetime of unhappiness by exposing her soon-to-be husband as the cheating douchebag he was. With this belief that true love does not exist, Max and Sophie go down an unexpected journey of friendship when they start objecting weddings together. Unfortunately, the chemistry that draws them to each other cannot be ignored and when lines get blurred, would they continue this so-called friendship or take a leap into something more?

Painter always sucks me in with her writing—funny dialogue and banter, likable main and characters, amazing chemistry. I loved how this was just purely a fun rom-com without any severe heaviness roped in. Yes, there was cheating in relationships, but not as bad as coping with the grief or loss of a loved one. This just hit the spot! I was supremely amused the entire time and just loved the easy-going friendship that developed between Max and Sophie. Surefire treat if you’re into Painter’s books! On the plus side, it’s less than 300 pages and it’s got short dual POV chapters!

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Short Synopis:
Sophie’s getting married. But she just learned her fiancé is cheating on her. Her Maid of Honor then hires Max to breakup her wedding. Months later Max contacts Sophie to help at another wedding and they become Objectors.

My Thoughts:
Lynn Painter always brings the humor, the heat and the warm fuzzy feelings. Max and Sophie were just the cutest. Their personalities just jumped off the pages. I loved them both so much. Their banter was next level. The chemistry burned off the pages. And Sophie’s roommates were hysterical.

I mostly listened to the audio of this one and Helen Laser and Sean Patrick Hopkins might now be on my list of favorite narrators. They both nailed it.

Though this one was fun, the wedding planner in me was cringing most of the book. Objections at weddings aren’t a thing. They haven’t happened since marriage licenses become widely distributed …. especially built into the ceremony itself. It’s not just outdated, it’s never done. And once upon a time was only done for legal purposes. I know this book is fiction, but it’s something I couldn’t let go of. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And I wish more books about wedding were better researched and actually talked with someone in the industry. Okay, rant over. If you’re not a wedding professional you’ll enjoy it more. 😂

Read If You Like:
💒 Friends to lovers
💒 Banter
💒 He falls first
💒 Fake Dating
💒 Laugh out loud moments
💒 Swoony book boyfriends

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The first time Sophie sets eyes on Max, he stands up at her wedding and objects to it going forward, sharing information about her fiancé’s infidelity. The crowd is shocked, the groom denies any wrongdoing—but Max tells Sophie the proof is on her fiancé’s phone. And then the wedding is called off.⁣

⁣In the end, Sophie isn’t really surprised by Max’s appearance at her wedding, perhaps because her best friend paid him to stop it. Max has a part-time gig as an objector—he is hired to stop weddings, usually by one of the intended or a close friend or relative, because they don't usually feel they can call it off themselves.⁣

⁣Sophie thinks being an objector sounds like a pretty cool job, especially because she no longer believes in love. In her post-wedding drunkenness, she offers to help Max if he ever needs her. And although she is surprised when he resurfaces, her reluctance gives way to enthusiasm when he explains why they were hired to stop this particular wedding. (And then she got to put the bride in a headlock.)⁣

⁣Of course, the more time they spend with one another, the more their chemistry intensifies. But even though they’re attracted to one another, there aren’t any romantic feelings attached, right? Yeah, sure, okay.⁣

⁣Swoon. I love Lynn Painter’s books and this may be my new favorite. These characters are amazing and their banter rocks, plus the steam is utterly sizzling. The supporting characters are a hoot, too.

My thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Romance for the advance copy; the book publishes 3/12.

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I absolutely loved this book! Lynn Painter has such a talent for infusing her characters’ dialogue with humor. As a result, her books are all feel-good romances that we need with so much wrong going on in the world. In Happily Never After, she employs the fake relationship trope…that isn’t.

Sophie meets Max, a architect/engineer, when he is hired by her best friend and maid of honor to object to her wedding to Stuart on the grounds that he’s cheating. (It’s a side gig he fell into by accident.) Since she didn’t actually love him, she’s able to work out her aggressions by lobbing Twinkies at his car from the balcony of the bridal suite. When Max comes to collect payment, they end up spending hours drinking and talking. A couple of weeks later, he calls out of the blue to remind her of her offer to be the Objectress to his Objector, thus starting a beautiful friendship fueled by “halting a lifetime of misery, one wedding at a time.” When her boss tells her she needs a better work-life balance if she’s going to recommend her for promotion and his father says he can’t retire until his mother is convinced he’s “taken care of” (i.e., in a committed relationship), they play up the “friendship” with cosy photos posted on social media and conveniently-timed FaceTime calls in front of witnesses that hint at a deeper relationship, while stressing they’re just friends. With Max believing in love but avoiding it after a painful break-up (figuring the risk is greater than the reward) and Sophie convinced it doesn’t exist at all (especially after being cheated on in every relationship she’s had), a friends with benefits scenario is awfully tempting. Will they be the exception to the rule and manage to not fall in love?

The chemistry between these two delightful characters is scorching, in large part because of the respect they have for each other, their honest communication, and the laughter and lightness they share. Max is the perfect book boyfriend, and Sophie is a smart, successful businesswoman who actually does manage to find time for a social life. To add even more levity to this delightful story, Painter introduces Larry and Rose, Sophie’s meddling, irreverent, geriatric roommates who move in to help with rent after she kicks Stuart out. They’re like cool, protective grandparents who live to embarrass her but who also dole out sage advice on her love life.

If you’re looking for a convincing, witty, light-hearted romance that doesn’t rely on tired tropes, you’ll love this book. Highly recommended!

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from Berkley through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

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This was a really fun read! I really enjoyed my time and the idea behind the story. Definitely original and creative. This had everything you’d want from a happy, go lucky, fluffy rom-com from Lynn Painter, including a swoon worthy MMC. The only thing that frustrated me towards the end was Sophie’s character / the miscommunication (or lack of communication) trope for the last 20% or so. I also would’ve loved to see more tension between the two, but that still didn’t take away from the story.

Max and Sophie’s banter was top-notch, and I actually loved that the romance was open door but not over the top. Lynn, this was such a great one! Thank you SO much for an early copy - it did not disappoint!

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No one is writing banter like Lynn Painter!! Everything I’ve read from her has dialogue that is so fun and quick and flirty. It’s *chefs kiss*

I flew through this book, it’s pretty fast paced and an easy read. Starting the story with Sophie literally at the alter hooked me right from the start, and I thought the concept of professional wedding objectors was so unique and fun.

The friendship between Sophie and Max felt so natural and easy. Sophie’s roommates were such a fun addition, too. It was a fun twist that her best friends in the city weren’t actually her age but much older.

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This was a perfectly enjoyable romcom - a unique premise, great writing. But for some reason her YA books are always so superior in my opinion! The audiobook was great, I enjoyed the light read, but I wasn’t blown away.

Thanks to Berkley Publishing, NetGalley and PRH Audio for the ARC/ALC.

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"Happily Never After" by Lynn Painter is a charming and whimsical romantic comedy that blends humor with heart. The premise of a professional objector hired to disrupt weddings adds a delightful twist to the usual romantic plot. Sophie and Max's banter is both entertaining and endearing, and their evolving friendship before romance adds depth to their connection. The absurdity of the weddings they crash provides laughs, and the chemistry between the characters feels genuine. The book navigates the line between practicality and selfishness in the characters' choices, occasionally leaving room for interpretation. The conflict at the end may feel a bit forced, but it serves its purpose in prompting the pivotal conversation about their relationship. Overall, "Happily Never After" is a fun and cute read that delivers on its promise of a unique and enjoyable romantic adventure.

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This was pretty cute! The overall concept was really fun, a little bit goofy, and felt unique. A bride desperate to cancel her wedding, but can't because of the potential fallout, hires a professional objector to stop everything and save her.

The beginning of this book hooked me right away and I was excited to get in to it. Sophie and Max were fun together and their first bits of banter were a delight. I loved how it felt like Sophie and Max genuinely became friends throughout the course of the story before getting together. The different weddings they went to were ridiculous but fun and I did feel like their chemistry together was real. There were a couple moments when I couldn't tell if the characters (Sophie in particular) were being practical or selfish in terms of their physical relationship. While they were always up front with each other about what they wanted, there were times that I didn't totally agree with their perspective/choices.

The conflict at the end felt slightly forced but I understood that they needed a push to have the BIG conversation about their relationship. Overall, I liked how everything was resolved and thought it was a fun and cute book!

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If you're looking for a rom-com with fake dating, friends-to-lovers, and two MC's who have ruled out love, Happily Never After deserves a spot on your TBR, asap!

As with all of Lynn's books, this was fun, charming, and filled with laugh-out-loud banter. Both characters were super likable, the whole "objector" concept, while obscure, was unique and quirky, and the chemistry between the MC's is undeniable.

Overall, if you want a funny, light-hearted romance with some spice, I definitely recommend this one!

I received an advanced copy from Berkley Romance, but all opinions are my own!

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