Member Reviews


Things I was thinking while reading the first twenty percent of this book:

“Do I need to re-rate all the other books I’ve reviewed, because this book is awesome, and they were nowhere near this funny.”
“Why does ‘The Voice’ have to start tonight when I just started reading this?!”
“I remember liking them, but were the Mr. Wrong Number books this awesome? Maybe I should reread them.”
“Karen and Joanne. Hilarious! We should have had one and named it My Friend Marie.”
“Blonde? Really?!”
“Bunco driver. Priceless!”
“Nobody writes banter this good.”
“I really want cowboy boots now.”
“Am I going to read this too fast and wish I had more to read?”

So, was the rest of it this good? This isn’t Wine and Twenty. You’ll have to find out for yourself.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley and Berkeley Publishing Group in exchange for providing an unbiased review.

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Omg this book was adorable. Sophie and Max met in an unconventional way, but it was so perfect. Their banter was, fantastic right from the start and I loved the development of their relationship. It certainly wasn't typical, but I like how neither of them changed themselves. It kind of happened naturally even though Sophie was a little love-averse. I was hysterical at so many parts and I loved the humor as well as the idea of respectfully crashing weddings. The love story was a slower burn and not as in your face but I really liked how it was done. I also loved the secondary characters. Rose and Larry were everything and they had me snorting at moments. This was super cute and a perfect quick read. Thank you to Berkley for the gifted finished copy!

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This book is so fun and I fell in love with Sophie and Max as they fell in love. The witty banter, the fantastic secondary characters (including Karen and Joanne), and the idea of wedding objectors (is this a real thing?) blended to create romcom perfection. Lynn is one of my favorite authors that does romantic comedy so well and this novel is pure joy. I listened to the audiobook and the narrators do a fabulous job of bringing these characters to life.

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Witty banter your jam? Then look no further! This book has hilarious banter between the two main characters and in their inner dialogue with themselves. I was happily entertained from the first page to the very last which I am sad to say was way too soon as I just couldn't put the book down, so I finished way faster than I had intended! Realistic yet quirky characters made this book the perfect book to while away the day with. If you like a fun rom com with lots of giggles, then this is absolutely the book for you. That isn't to say there aren't some angst-ridden moments, but then to be a good rom com you also have to have the angst to overcome to reach the happily ever after. Both of our main characters have been heartbroken by love and both swear they will never do love again.....or will they? You'll have to read to find out, but trust me this is absolutely the read you are looking for if you want a fun time finding out if the main characters will let themselves fall in love again!

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Short synopsis: Sophie is set to get married, but finds out her fiancé has been cheating on her. Her best friend hires a “wedding objector” to stop the wedding. Months later, she joins Max “the objector” in stopping weddings.

My thoughts: After reading and loving the Love Wager, I immediately fell in love with Lynn Painter’s banter, character development, and fun storylines. Lynn, i will just read everything you write…. Including but not limited to your adult books, YA Books, and your grocery lists.

Starting on chapter 1, I was immediately hooked. The banter had me laughing out loud. I loved the chemistry between Sophie and Max, and the way their friendship developed. They were both extremely hurt in the past, and watching them open up and be vulnerable with each other was everything.

My next favorites…. Sophie’s roommates Larry and Rose. I am a huge fan of elderly side characters especially when they are hilarious. And Sophie’s cats Karen and Joanne.

Read if you love:
- Weddings
- Elderly friends (roommates)
- Fake Friends to Lovers
- Great Banter
- Character growth, vulnerability and learning to trust

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The book has a serious but comedic premise. People don't want to go through with their marriage but they don't want to face the risk or consequences of breaking it off; so they hire someone to object at their wedding. I thought the explanations of both Sophie and Max's motivations for doing this job were well done and worked into a well-balanced story instead of just being all laughs.

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3.5 stars rounded up

When I first heard the premise of this book I was all in. Who doesn't want a guy for hire to break up your soon-to-be-disasterous-wedding-to-a-serial-cheater? Max has a side gig. He'll object at your wedding using evidence you give him and get you off the hook. You won't look like the bad guy stopping your own wedding, no one can slander you, AND your fiance gets stuck with the bills. When he rescues Sophie from her big mistake, she wants in. They'll do it together, that way there's back up. What could go wrong, right?

This book is funny, and sexy but sometimes I wanted more from their wedding hijinks than I got. Max and Sophie have chemistry but I needed a bit more emotion from them. The ending delivered, for sure!

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Lynn Painter has done it again! I’ve been a huge fan of her writing and storytelling after I first picked up ‘Accidentally Amy’ in April of last year. I’ve been going through her entire collection since then, so to be granted an eARC for her latest Adult Romance nearly made me cry.

Sophie’s wedding ceremony is interrupted by an objector, and she’s absolutely relieved by it. Desperate to get out of her engagement, her best friend hires Max to step in and air out her fiancé’s mess so she can walk out scot-free. Months later, Max reaches out to Sophie to offer her the opportunity to do the same for another groom in distress. And it all spirals from there.

Sophie and Max just might be my new favorite Adult Romance couple from Painter. They’re both complex with their individual reasonings as to why they’re willing to put themselves in the line of fire in order to help others escape a life they no longer want. I relate to Sophie’s stubbornness and had so much fun watching Max fall harder and harder for her. I love a good Dual POV and could feel my heart pound waiting for the two of them to figure themselves out. I was kicking my feet and squealing the entire time while reading this one, and I cannot wait to get my hand on a physical copy.

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I hate to report that this one was a huge disappointment for me. I LOVE Lynn Painter and while I prefer her YA to her adult romcoms, I went into this with high expectations. but for a book that wasn't THAT smutty, this was really only about their physical connection in my opinion. I can handle a romance that doesn't have any other plot lines but this just felt blah. it felt like Sophie and Max's relationship went from 0 to 100 and there was no tension that makes a romcom so good. I also know that they became best friends but it felt like we barely saw them together and the "you're my person now" switch happened with no real basis. I feel like Painter's books are usually fluffy and romantic but this one missed the mark for me. if it wasn't so easy to get through (like her other books, I read it within 36 hours), I would've dnf'd.

a HUGE issue I have is that most of the book is spoiled in the synopsis. the third act conflict doesn't happen until like the 75% mark but it was mentioned on the back of the book?? for it to be included there, I think it should've been part of the build up and we should've had a different conflict.

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This is my first Lynn Painter book, although I have a couple on my TBR shelf. I wasn’t too sure what to expect. The story was cute; he falls first . No strings attached. I was really turned off with the amount of F words in this book. I’m by no means a prude but I would have lived without so many f bombs.

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4 wedding interruption stars

What if you need to call your wedding off, but you can’t do it for any number of reasons? Call in the objector, and he will interrupt things at just the right moment and save the day!

Sophie Steinbeck found herself in this situation, and she’s eternally grateful for the objector who said “I object” at just the right time, and she called off the wedding. Sophie has a chance to meet her savior later and loves his approach, and he only takes on cheaters.

Sophie decides she would like to help others in the same situation, and the two team up for potential future wedding objections. The two agree that love and marriage are a waste of time and don’t believe in them. Except . . . are they starting to have feelings for each other?

The pair spends more time together, and the chemistry is evident! I loved the banter and fake dating in this one. Sophie has the best roommates – Rose and Larry – and they totally added to the story!

This was my first Lynn Painter story, and I can’t wait to read more of her books!

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This was just not a good fit for me. I've only read one other book by Painter, which I also did not love, so I'm thinking I just am not the right reader for her books.

I didn't care for the writing – I felt like there were some inconsistencies with the characters' personalities and actions. I thought overall the writing came across as cheesy – not in a cute rom-com way but in a cringy cliché way.

There was also a storyline or discussion or whatever (I'm not sure what to call it), about the characters doing things for themselves– like kissing someone with only themselves in mind – I'm pretty sure the character literally said something like 'kiss like I'm kissing myself' which I dunno, is weird to me?? And then they go on to discuss sleeping with someone with only their own wants/desires in mind – as in not worrying what the other person wanted or liked or whatever. And I just found that whole thing to be very odd. Because sadly there are people who act like that all the time, thinking only of what they want and not caring about their partner. I get if you and your partner discuss that beforehand and everyone's on the same page, okay. But I found it strange how the characters discussed it like it never happens to others and is actually an issue in some relationships. I dunno. Maybe I missed the point of what they were trying to say, but it just bothered me.

I probably should have DNFd it, but I ended up pushing through via the audiobook.

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Rating: 4.5 Stars

This book started with the most fun and sweet dedication, and it really set the stage for a book that was filled with laughs and zany rom-com moments. When I pick up a Lynn Painter book, I am guaranteed giggles and grins galore, and she did not disappoint with Happily Never After.

Sophie was about to marry a man who had cheated on her more than once, but she wasn't sure how to break it off without causing other issues. Enter The Objector, a paid stranger who was planted at the ceremony to object to the union. I found this to be a brilliant and hilarious premise for a rom-com, as well as an interesting sort of meet-cute for the hero and heroine.

This is not the first romance I have read where the hero and heroine had both been burned causing them to be anti-love, but Max's experience which resulted in this Objector side hustle was something fun and fresh. I did feel that this subplot took a bit of a backseat, but I couldn't complain because that space was filled with watching the friendship between Sophie and Max take shape and grow.

I found I could not resist rooting for this couple. They had chemistry galore, and the way they fit so easily into each other's lives was something magical. "The Conflict" actually came as quite a surprise to me, so good job, Lynn Painter, but I think it was necessary in the grand scheme of Max and Sophie hitting that "over it" milestone.

Overall, this was a wonderful rom-com filled with humor, quirky characters, and lots of comedic moments. I found myself laughing often and filled with glee as I watched Sophie and Max fall in love.

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This was a fun and fast read - I finished it in less than a day. My only gripe is that Sophie came off as a little manic pixie dream girl at times which for me, is a tough sell. But the banter and steam more than made up for it. Another delight from Lynn Painter.

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Lynn Painter has a certain "speak" (erm, dialogue) that I absolutely love! It's funny and fast. Best of all, it makes for a very quick read where I won't easily put the book the down and not pick it up again.

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I love Lynn Painter but this book just didn’t do it for me. Max and Sophie are really cute and the friends to lovers angle had me in a chokehold but I wish they were a couple for longer throughout the book.

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Thank you Berkley and Lynn Painter for the advanced copy of Happily Never After in exchange for my honest review!

This was my first book by Lynn Painter and I'm honestly wondering what the heck took me so long. It was *so* good and bingeable I devoured it almost in one sitting! The chemistry between Sophie and Max was so good, I loved all of their banter as well.

I didn't really remember the synopsis of the book before I started it, and now that I've finished I went back and read it and I have to say it may be better to go into this one a little blind! I kind of liked that I forgot a certain big detail that happened at the end. (Super cryptic I know).

Based on this book, I think I'm going to need to go ahead and read Painter's entire backlist!

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🎧Song Pairing: You Set Me Free - Michelle Branch

💭What I thought would happen:

I thought assholes who hate seeing people happy coming together dating for a wedding or 2 for mutual destruction/emotional preservation

📖What actually happens:

Max is an objector. He stands at people’s weddings and objects to the marriage - every bride’s nightmare except for one Sophie…who hired Max to save her from a future divorce.

Max and Sophie form a connection and decide to partner up. Sophie could use the extra cash and has fun when she’s with him. Their working relationship soon becomes a friends with benefits situation. Nothing more nothing less.

🗯Thoughts/sassy musings:

I laughed out loud many MANY times. Bless Lynn P and her sense of humour ✌🏻make me chuckle Queen 😂

I was giving up on romances after a couple duds. This resurrected my faith in the genre. I didn’t want to quit you ❤️‍🩹🥹

I am certain people will enjoy this one a lot. The audiobook is superb 🤌🏽

🐈🐈‍⬛Check it out just for the cats Karen & Joanne. I peed a little 🤫

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<b>"I can't imagine any two people more right for each other than us. I can't imagine any reason why we shouldn't be together when we both feel so much for each other. Shit." My voice cracked and I glanced around the kitchen, desperate to make a point. "See? No one is objecting, Soph."</b>

HAPPILY NEVER AFTER is funny as hell! cute *and* four-alarm fire! guaranteed to fall into a pit of feelings! do you need it? infinity times yes.

ps. can’t wait to get my physical copy so i can go HAM with my tabby tabs and annotations.

pps. let’s all send lynn a gift card to spaghetti works and/or starbucks. is there a rockstar store? a store that sells rockstar.

-soph & maxxie
-dual pov
-PTL for the objector
-twinkies & tequila
-karen & joanne *meow*
-a flirt here and there
-chemistry gone wild
-“ha ha, sure, they’re just friends”
-powerpoint presentation
-pizza in bed
-#IsThisAKissingBook: open door. "I could kiss you forever," I said…"No, you couldn't," he whispered back, …"Because there's pizza in the entryway."

Thank you Berkley Romance for an advanced copy!

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Thanks to Let’s Talk Books Promo and Berkley Romance for the copy of this ARC!

Lynn Painter’s romances are honestly just so perfect: they’re escapist and funny, swoony and feel-good. Literally everything I look for in a romance read.

HAPPILY NEVER AFTER has a great premise: the main characters meet at her wedding, where he’s hired to be an “objecter” and make sure the wedding doesn’t happen. Their friendship and fake dating is a really fun adventure, and the conflict in the relationship honestly made so much sense and worked really well. Sophie’s cats and roommates are also shining stars in this novel that deserve a mention, as they provided another level of humor. You will definitely want to pick up this book!!

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