Member Reviews

I’ve had Tryst Venom Six on my TBR since it was first released back in 2021. When Penelope Douglas announced it was getting published and getting a new cover, I had to make time to sneak this book into my reading schedule. This isn’t my first bully romance from Penelope Douglas, but it is my first FF Romance from them, and I devoured it just like I’ve done with their other books.

This book made me go through so many emotions while reading it, but I already expected it since it’s a bully romance. I also expected it since it’s a book written by Penelope Douglas, and they are always making my emotions go haywire. The bully in this book, Clay Collins, made me not like her at first because of how mean she was to Olivia ‘Liv’ Jaeger. Clay is the popular, good girl who does no wrong and gets everything she wants, while Liv is the girl on the opposite side of the track who just wants to graduate high school and leave Clay behind. I loved Liv because she dished back what Clay would do to her. Some of the scenes between Liv and Clay were brutal, though, especially when Clay’s so-called friends were involved, but Liv had her five brothers who were sometimes there to protect their sister. Liv could handle herself, though, and I loved how she wasn’t going to let the bully win.

I may not have liked Clay Collins at first, but she started growing on me after I found out what was going on with her internally while reading her POV. She has anger issues and is still dealing with the grief of losing a loved one. You would think her parents would be there for her and notice what’s going on with her, but they are dealing with their own issues. She also felt pressured to be someone she wasn’t and she saw Liv being her true self, not caring what people thought.

I loved Liv because she was the complete opposite of Clay, who knew what she wanted in life and didn’t hide herself. She was also determined, outspoken, and a fighter. She had lost loved ones, too, but she had a great support system with her five brothers, who I can’t believe our getting their book.

This is a slow-burn romance, so there’s a lot of angst and emotion before the two characters eventually get together, but I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation the whole time. I saw the signs of the two becoming something more, and these two were definitely meant to be together. Liv helped Clay find herself and even healed her through her grief and everything else that was happening in her life. Clay became a very likable character, especially at the end and what almost happened to Liv.

The beginning of the book did take me some time to get through, but the second part had me hooked. I needed Clay and Liv’s happily ever after, and Penelope did a phenomenal job with their story, especially in the epilogue.

I give this book four stars and can’t wait to read Liv’s brothers’ book. I can’t wait to read everything Penelope writes this year. =) They are one of my auto-buy authors.

If you enjoy reading a spicy, new adult, FF Bully Romance story, then this book is a must-read.

This book does have some challenging scenes regarding the bullying aspect, so it may not be for everyone, so I recommend checking the TW.

✓High School Bully Romance
✓Enemies to Lovers
✓Opposite Sides of the Track

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Tryst Six Venom is a rollercoaster of emotions. Clay and Olivia are high school seniors, and their intense dislike for each other is a thin cover for their feelings. There is a lot to keep them apart, Olivia is from the wrong side of the tracks, Clay is still confused, and their families are both damaged messes.

Even though there was a lot of teen angst, I never once felt like the author had really reached - it all felt plausible and realistic. Even the ‘villian’ had depth and deep wounds that led to his actions.

I was very pleasantly surprised and am excited to read more from Penelope Douglas.

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Okaaaay, I did not expect to like this. Bullies are just not my thing, and combining them with romance seemed like it would be an absolute nightmare as a reader. Ha. I was so wrong. This was both sweet and hot, and at least within it's world entirely believable. I'm so excited to read the next book!

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Honestly, this one just wasn’t for me. I couldn’t connect with any of the main characters, and it just felt a little disappointing considering the hype surrounding this author. I’d definitely buy for someone else though! It was totally a me thing.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Penelope Douglas always delivers on the steam and this was my first bully saphic romance

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This book kicked ass! I was obsessed with this f/f bully romance and then having it written by Penelope Douglas?! GOALS ❤️

Clay and Olivia are perfection. And the spice?! Phew 🥵
They truly were enemies to lovers and I loved every minute of it.

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The Title of this book grabbed me and would not let go. What trope is this?! Well, let's see, this is a sapphic; queer; bully; enemies to lovers; sports; dark romance and it's STEAMY. Whew. This is the first (and only) Penelope Douglas book I've read, as I primarily read sapphic romances. With that being said, Douglas' books aren't new to me, I've seen them around and have many dear friends who love their writing so when I saw that they had an f/f coming out, I was really excited.
This book knocked me on my ass. It was so freaking good, not to mention, I love love loooove how long it is. Douglas' character development was absolutely stellar. The hatred between Clay and Liv was so deep, deep enough for the line to become blurred, and left me as the reader panting and sweating like I was in the Florida heat. The tension between the two, the lust, the anger, the pining - mother of all things steam - it sits on you like summer humidity. You can legit FEEL it through the pages.

There's so much in this book - it's almost 600 pages- and I went into this blind, just knowing it was a Douglas f/f story. I really loved so much about this story. The darkness in it was completely gripping. It kept me on the edge of my seat and the pages turning. There are a lot of ups and downs in this book and it's not a light read. If you're looking for something kind of twisted, dark and steamy - get this. get it and read it because it will become a re-read for whenever you're feeling a little villainous.

I'll just leave this at the end. The shower / bath tub scene altered my brain chemistry. There. I said it.
OMG. Read this book for that scene alone. You're welcome.

Thank you to Penelope Douglas, Berkley Romance and Netgalley for an e-ARC copy of this book.

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Give me Cinnamon Roll or Golden Retriever, Enemies to Lover trope all day everyday but I cannot deal with Bully trope in books or IRL. This book dragged for me because I actively avoided it due to the Bully premise that I didn’t realize was part of the story before I requested only based on Author’s name. 3.5 stars because the Bully sorted their $#!+ out eventually.

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“It’s like being in her orbit, I can feel the shine, too. I feel bigger with her close.”
What a wild ride! Two FMC and an enemies to lovers story!? Yes please! This book was 🔥🔥. The sexual tension between beautiful Catholic school girl Clay and bad girl Liv was wild.
Like many other Penelope Douglas books (and I know you’ve heard me mention this before) I do NOT like the ages of the main characters. Personally, it’s weird to me that all of these kids in her books are in high school. I don’t wanna be reading about 17/18 year olds but that’s totally a preference thing. This book also felt a little unnecessarily long to me and I struggled through some of it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 from me! Thank you Netgalley for an ARC copy of this book!

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I was entirely unprepared for this book based on the cover! It’s best for you to go in unprepared also!
Thank you #berkleypub and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow. . . so I usually hate bully romances, but this was SO good!

I think it was more enjoyable for me because it was f/f and the dynamic didn’t feel like the regular over-dominating, overly masculine alpha nasty male bullies that bully romances usually include.

Clay and Olivia were so dynamic and I loved their development throughout the book, as well as their sparking chemistry in every single chapter. I also loved Olivia’s brothers and I wouldn’t mind getting a book for each of them sooner or later…

This was also a sports romance, which I enjoyed. The competitiveness and the scenes in the locker room were key in making this book HOT. This whole book was hot, actually. The spice, once introduced, was frequent and well written, and left me wanting more intimate moments between the two. I love Olivia and Clay so much, and I’m so happy they had a HEA.

ALSO THE FACT THAT CLAY ALWAYS NOTICED OLIVIA AND JUST PRETENDED TO HATE HER?!? Gasp sigh swoon. Idk what else to say. This book was perfection for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and Berkeley for the ARC!

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What an interesting story... I don't know that it was for me, but it wasn't badly written! Some interesting characters, and interesting chemistry. Loved Liv's brother Macon, too!

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This is my favorite book of Penelope Douglas to date! I knew that I was going to enjoy this but I had no idea this book was going to tear me apart as much as it did.

Clay is the quintessential 'it girl' in school. She has everything; beauty, money, opportunities, a handsome guy who doesn't seem to be pressuring her for more... But Clay finds herself obsessed with ruining the life of the girl from the other side of the tracks. Olivia gives as good as she gets, though. But she is the youngest in a house full of mayhem causing brothers so a princess with a grudge is no match.

These girls fight and torment one another but only to cover up the fact that they desire one another. This is a sultry, dark bully romance that checks all the boxes. Watching these two as adversaries trying to ruin one another was easy because as the reader, you KNOW the motivations behind their actions and their vile words. But this book was so much more than just a couple of girls who simultaneously hate and want each other... These girls each have families, pasts and hardships and some of it was heart breaking. I would be lying if I said I didn't cry a heck of a lot while reading this. And it was perfection!!! I am so desperate for this to become a series. There are some characters that I am worried about myself for wanting more of, considering they are not necessarily good people. But I need more!!!

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I was addicted to this book. Basically started and finished one sitting. I have loved every single Penelope Douglas book so far, and thus far I always get the ending I want… this is a bully romance and I think it’s a little sad to get through some parts but it definitely comes around and there’s so much feeling in it, and the spice is amazing, probably some of the best I’ve read in FF romance- which we need more of!

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Not sure what to say about this. It's very long (too long) and contains quite a lot of bullying which is then replaced by sex. There is quite a 180 in this book!
I guess this is being rereleased and was published in 2021. It has lots of reviews and people seem to like it so go and check those out!

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I have been a fan of Penelope Douglas' books in the past but I have to admit that this title was not one of my favorites. The book is very well written, I think that I personally just could not relate to this title due to the age of the main characters.

Tryst Six Venom is a high school, bully trope romance that features the characters Clay and Olivia, both females that are finding their own way in their hometown. Clay is a rich girl who has gotten everything she has ever wanted in her life, Olivia is from the "wrong side of the tracks" and is just waiting till she can escape to college.

There were several times that I felt almost like I was just too old to relate to these characters. My opinions are based solely on my own age and not the book, characters, and topics addressed in this title. The author did a great job writing this title and I am sure that younger readers will truly enjoy this book.

Be sure to read the trigger warnings, there are some dark topics addressed in this book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this topic.

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This is supposed to be a new adult title but the girls are in a Catholic school and conceptually, it just made me uncomfortable. Stopped after chapter 2 (9%). But I'll keep trying with Penelope Douglas, as her writing itself is easy to read and she's incredibly popular.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC.

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I am a fan of Penelope. I am. I've loved her past stuff.

Unfortunately, this one was a total DNF. I couldn't like the plot (total meanness, for meanness sake). I didn't like the characters. I didn't like the tone. Lots of sex which normally is fine but if I can't like the characters or even get the plot, what's random sex scenes?

DNF about halfway when I realized there were too many good books out there. Read some vintage Douglas, she's fantastic. This one just didn't do it for me.

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An all consuming obsession, cruelty like a game, and two girls who are one moment away from tearing each other apart. Clay is the princess, a beautiful wealthy girl who has one single obsession, getting under Olivia's skin... but what Olivia doesn't know is that Clay wants to hurt her so badly because she wants to be the only thing that Olivia thinks about because for Clay... her mind is consumed by Olivia. Olivia "Liv" is the openly out girl who lives on the poor side of town, all she wants is to get into the theater program at Dartmouth and survive school, she only has a few more months and that means all she has to do is survive Clay's venom for a few months... but Clay is escalating the game... and now Liv has had enough. Liv knows that Clay is obsessed with her, that under her good girl facade, under the spoiled princess, is someone who Liv can't stop thinking about. The more Clay and Olivia ramp up their games the more pain they'll inflict on one another... but as the saying goes... sometimes to best way to deal with venom is with antivenom... which just happens to be more venom. Clay is obsessed with Liv but she isn't out, it's her little secret, she's suppose to be the picture perfect girl for her family, but she wont let Liv escape her, if she can't have Liv no one else can and she'll tear apart anyone who gets in her way. But the question becomes... what if the only person in Clay's way is herself? Clay and Liv were AMAZING. This book was EVERYTHING for me. Morally grey girls who are toxic to each other but deeply obsessed? Check. The "only I can hurt her" and "she's mine" trope? Check. The "You are the only person for me" and "I only think about you" but make it toxic and amazing? Check. Seriously this book was a dream come true. It's giving villain girls romance and I LIVE FOR IT. I had such a blast with this one and I absolutely adored the relationship between Liv and Clay so much. Seriously, I can't stop thinking about this book at all, so DEFINITELY add it to your tbr!

*Thanks Netgalley and Berkley Publishing Group, Berkley for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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