Member Reviews

3.5 stars ⭐️

For some reason, I initially had a hard time getting into this one. Maybe, I should have waited for the Audible, because that format really worked for me, with the first book in the series.

Ernest Cunningham survived a serial killer in book one, and lived to write about it-penning his novel, “Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone”.

The book earned him an invitation from the Australian Mystery Writers’ Society to join them aboard the Ghan, the famous train that runs between Darwin and Adelaide. He was hoping for some inspiration for his second book-Fiction this time-as he needed a break from real people killing each other.

Obviously, that didn’t pan out.

Still playing by Ronald Knox’s Ten Commandments of Detective Fiction, written in 1929, this will also be a “fair play” mystery, where the narrator will be RELIABLE, and if you follow the clues, you may solve the crime.

Here is your first clue: the killer’s name will be used 106 times.

There will be six writers on the Ghan- 5 will become “detectives” and one will be the murder victim.

Can you figure out who is who? I didn’t.

Here is one more clue to help you out-with both the first case, and now this one, the case is solved by a piece of punctuation. Last book, it was a full stop. This time, a comma saves the day.

Good Luck solving this very CLEVER crime! 🕵️‍♀️

Expected publication date: January 30, 2024

Thank You to Mariner Books for the gifted copy provided through NetGalley. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!

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Benjamin Stevenson's books are frequently touted for those who enjoy Richard Osman's mysteries. I don't really understand why in that Osman's works are gentle, cozy mysteries where the key is the relationships between the murder-solving senior citizens and their friends. In contrast, s, Ernest Cunningham is the focal point of both Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone and this new work, Everyone on this Train is a Suspect. Just like in Stevenson's first novel, Cunningham is surrounded by a large, eclectic group but Cunningham is the narrator and the "I" through which all of the events are processed. But that's ok!

Cunningham remains funny with a touch of introspection even if it sometimes comes a little late. And he applies his rules of mysteries to solve the newest murder(s) as a participant in the Australian Mystery Writers’ Society's festival that takes place aboard the Ghan, a famous train shuttling between Darwin and Adelaide, Juliette returns too along with some cameos from Uncle Andy and Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone (the fictional work by Cunningham within the real works by Stevenson, just to keep everything straight). If you liked the first book, you will like the second!

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This was so good! I loved the writing style. I loved Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone, and I was hoping this was going to be just as good, and it delivered. Loved the character development and the twists and turns.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Mariner books for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Pay no mind to "Henry McTavish's" 1 star "ghastly" review on Goodreads - this was another fun one featuring Ernest Cunningham, back for a "locked-room" murder mystery on a train full of mystery writers. I love how this author gives us all the clues and rules upfront but still leaves us guessing until the very end.

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I loved the first and LOVED this sequel. One of my favorite literary tropes is the writer acknowledging the reader - in essence making us a part of the story. I got to step into an Agatha Christy-esque thriller with tons of humor, red herrings, and fun.

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Ernest Cunningham is back! Having published his first book about the horror he and his family experienced on a family reunion skiing trip, he is now writing about his experience at a crime writers festival held on a train. And not just any train. This is the Ghan, the famous train named after the Afghan cameleers that would carry mail and other essential goods to from rail depots to outback communities in the early 20th century. Transecting Australia from Adelaide to Darwin, the railway is almost 3000 km long. With up to 30 carriages and two engines, the Ghan itself is almost a kilometre long and Ernest’s journey will take four days including stops and excursions at Coober Pedy, Alice Springs and Katherine Gorge.

Ernest is one of six authors invited to the 50th Anniversary of the Australian Mystery Writers’ Festival, along with a group of guests, to be held in several carriages at the back of the train. The biggest drawcard of the festival is Henry McTavish, author of a series of popular murder mysteries featuring a taciturn Scottish detective. Accompanying Ernest is his girlfriend Juliette, who we first met as the owner of the ski lodge where Ernest’s family had their harrowing experience on the ski fields. She has also written a bestseller about those events, but has come along to the festival as Ernest’s guest. Also on the train is McTavish’s publisher Wyatt Lloyd and Ernest’s agent, Simone, who has some undisclosed business of her own to conduct.

The novel is similar to the conversational style of Stevenson’s previous novel (Everyone in My Family has Killed Someone), with everything seen through Ernest’s eyes. This does mean that the other characters are not as fully developed and we know little of their backstories, but we do learn more as the plot moves along and it turns out that most of the writers have met before. Ernest has already told us that some people present have more than one persona and that of the seven writers who board the train, only five will leave alive, one of those will be in handcuffs.

This is just as cleverly written as the previous book, with wit, laugh out loud moments and humorous asides and observations on the nature of writers and festivals. When one of the writers is murdered and the police can not immediately get to the train, Ernest and the other writers become amateur detectives (they are crime writers after all). Although, Ernest drops many clues along the way to point at the murderer and their motives, he is always one step ahead and the final revelations caught me by surprise. If you enjoy meta fiction and Stevenson’s previous novel featuring Ernest, then you will surely enjoy going along on this wild and deadly train trip with him.

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Ernest Cunningham is back, baby! This book shot straight to the top of my TBR as soon as I saw this was a sequel to on of the best books I read in 2022, Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone. You don't need to have read the first one to enjoy this one, but somethings will make more sense if you had. Plus, its just a phenomenal book that deserves to be read regardless.

I am a huge fan of locked room thrillers and this was a perfect rendition. It felt fresh and new and had so much humor to it. This whole book makes fun of itself and the layout/timeline of traditional murder mysteries, which adds a whole new level of enjoyment. It's one of those books you immediately want to read again as soon as you turn the last page just to see if you can catch all the little clues sprinkled throughout. And that ending?! Holy smokes! That took a turn I didn't see coming!

This book drops January 30th, 2024 and I PROMISE it will be one of the best books you read of the year! I give this one an easy 5/5 stars!

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After surviving the events in this series' first book, Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone, now-author Ernest is attending a writers' conference on a train through the Australian outback along with an eclectic panel of mystery authors. When one of the writers is murdered, Ernest tries to figure out who the killer is while simultaneously staying alive and getting fodder for his next book.

I liked this book better than the first, maybe because as an avid mystery lover the idea of being on a train with a bunch of crime fiction authors sounds like a fantastic experience (minus the murders). The romance and claustrophobia of the setting is broken up by several stops along the route, and Stevenson doesn't hesitate to take shots at both writers and readers. Recommended for fans of Golden Age mysteries and smart, clever stories who aren't intimidated by a large-ish cast of characters.

*Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced review copy.

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They typically say nothing is as good as the original when it comes to sequels. I think this one certainly gives the first one a run for its money! Ernest Cunningham is back in action and better than ever. This time, on a train going through the heart of Australia, featuring some of the worlds most famed mystery/thriller authors. Reviews and blurbs cause tensions to be high, but is it cause for murder?? I definitely recommended this read. While it does feature a few characters from the original book, it can seemingly be read independently. But why would you want to??? Can’t wait for more Ernest Cunningham adventures.

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Legacies aren’t words but the fingerprints left on us. Oh my god that whole ending gave me literal chills! I’m incredibly grateful to Mariner books to have let me give this book a go! It was a constant ride that had me reeling! I lived for this second book! (Truthfully more than the first!) I loved it!

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Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest rating and review.


Benjamin Stevenson does it again! He’s back with the dry, clever humor and ridiculous murder rules. He’s breaking the fourth wall to talk directly to the reader to try to solve some murders. My cheeks hurt from smiling the whole time I was reading this book.

With a mostly new cast of characters and a brand new setting, we get the same feel as the last book, but a new mystery. The author does a great job of presenting a giant cast of characters in a way that never causes confusion as to who is who.

This was a really fun read. If you enjoyed Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone, this should definitely be on your TBR.

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Benjamin Stevenson’s books scratch two literary itches for me: books talking about books, readers, writers, and writing; and, a meta-take, insider’s view on mysteries. I’ve been seriously reading since I was eight and reading murder mysteries since I was fourteen so “Everyone on This Train is a Suspect” was fantastic for me. I like the narrator, thought the supporting cast was fun, and enjoyed the unraveling of the whodunnit. A sequel that is equal to its predecessor isn’t necessarily rare but it can be difficult to achieve; and Mr. Stevenson has succeeded in not only holding my attention but also building on what came before. I’m looking forward to the next installment and all the humorous asides about third books in a series.

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Being that I have binged both Ernie books in the pass two days I would definitely say that I love this series. While I didn’t figure out who dunnit in the first book I will say I figured out relatively fast who it was going to be in this one…did I know why exactly? No, but still I had the feeling and said out loud “it’s going to be this person”. Even though this was the case I will say that I did really enjoy the book and devoured “Everyone on This Train is a Suspect” within 3 and a half hours. It was an addictive read and I really enjoy the way that Benjamin Stevenson writes this series.
Having the main character who is also the narrator of this story speak to the reader has become addictive and I find that since I don’t have many other books that do this in my library, which is vast, I come to enjoy this as it is something very different then I am use to and wish there was more of.
This book, unlike a lot of other sequels, had a different cast of characters, minus Ernie and SURPRISE one other person from the first book! I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next and hope I get more books in this series!

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I think I liked this even more than the first book - that never happens! While the first was very Knives Out, the second felt more like Glass Onion mixed with Murder on the Orient Express. Ernest is still precocious and bumbling at times, but I loved the references to the first book. Take a group of cutthroat writers and mystery fans, put them on a rocketing train, and just wait for murder. It's delightfully dramatic, chaotic, and fast-paced, and yet the plot seemed perfect in its intricacy. I did predict the killer, but there were SOOOOO many subplots that I missed (and I was completely satisfied with their identity btw!!). And the whole book wraps up in a delightful curtain call in the Australia brush. Here's hoping for another book and one that features Juliette more prominently!

*Thank you to Mariner Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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I received an Advanced copy from NetGalley.

I'm going to jump right in and say I really enjoyed this book. I bought the first one when it came out, but hadn't read it yet so I was a little nervous going into this one first.

The narrator is Ernest Cunningham and he makes a promise right away that he won't spoil anything from his first book. He published a book from the events of that occurred in the first book and he was invited to participate in a Writers' Festival that was taking place on the Ghan, a famous train that travels from one end of Australia to the other.

Things go south and someone dies and, in a great Murder on the Orient Express pattern, pretty much everyone on board has a motive.

What I really like about this book is that it is basically a constant fourth wall break. You're not just reading from the perspective of the character, you're more involved. There are loads of breaks where Ernest stops to engage the reader and is basically having a conversation with you.

I would also say that my favorite parts about this are the times when it's pointed out to Ernest and others trying to solve the murder that they are writers and not detectives. I feel like I don't see that too often in murder mysteries even when the main character isn't an actual detective or otherwise have a career that would have them dealing with crimes.

There was one part in this book that I felt slightly deviated from the overall tone during the big revealing climax, but overall, I give this a 4.5 out of 5.

So I would say that if you like murder mysteries and the occasional silliness and lighthearted tones, and if you read the first book, read this one when it comes. If you haven't read the first book, but still like murder mysteries and lighthearted silliness, give it a chance.

Everyone on This Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson releases on January 29, 2024 and is published by Mariner Books. Happy reading!

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Ernest is back, this time on a train, and there has been a murder....

Poor Ernest can't get a break. People seem to be murdered around him. Coincidence? The Australian Mystery Writers’ Society has invited Ernest and other authors onboard the Ghan, the famous train between Darwin and Adelaide. It's a time for networking and for Ernest, hopefully it will provide him with inspiration for writing his second book.

When one of the authors is found dead on board, fingers get pointed as everyone on board is a suspect. Who wanted him dead the most?

This is a locked room/locked train mystery with Ernest telling readers what is happening and what his thoughts are. I struggled with this book initially. I kept looking for other books to pick up and read. I enjoyed Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone more than this one. I was invested in the story enough to want to know whodunit. I enjoyed how Ernest broke things down at the end and exposed the motives and secrets of the other authors. I did not see the reveal coming at all. That was a shocker.

Although I enjoyed this book, I didn't love it. Most are enjoying this book more than I did, please read their reviews as well.

Well written whodunit

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Ernest is back! Reluctant author and reluctant narrator solves a mystery with too many clues and too many suspects. Struggles between imposter syndrome and feeling as if he is the main character made this one fully relatable. Great humor and nice homage to the great mystery writers of the past.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of Everyone on This Train is a Suspect.

Ernest Cunningham is back...and he's still annoying.

After the success of his first book and dealing with imposter syndrome, Ernest is invited to a crime-writing festival hosted by the Australian Mystery Writers' Society aboard the Ghan, a famous train.

What could possibly go wrong since no murder mysteries have ever taken place on a train before?

Yes, it's another locked room mystery but set on a train. And you know what, it wasn't that bad!

I prefer mysteries just like this, with clues dropped here and there, forcing the reader to pay attention most of the time and the detective (or Ernest) explaining how he solved the crime by referencing the tidbits and clues mentioned earlier.

There are no ridiculous revelations and twists that come out of left field that make no sense.

Some of the revelations I did guess, but as I often say, I read a lot of mysteries. It's pretty much all I read!

Most of the characters are unmemorable, and Ernest is once again his annoying, irritable self. For someone who doesn't hold himself in high regard, he sure is snotty and acts like he's the smartest person in the room.

I'm not a fan of the fakemance between him and Juliette; there's no love and chemistry between them and I wished she had a bigger role in his life. But then, this is Ernest's show, right?

Most of the male characters were deplorable and unforgettable, and just a reminder of how patriarchal the publishing industry (and every other industry) is.

I did enjoy the mystery, though the pacing was slow in getting there since exposition and background needs to be established for all the key players.

I did like the ending so I guess Ernest will be back. I'll read the third book if NetGalley is kind enough to grant my request.

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This book was splendid! Funny, conforting, clever and all nice things would probably fit as a description.

I didn’t read the first book of this duo - everyone in my family has killed someone - before picking this one up to read (which, my mistake! will read it asap) but the sequel made me realize i desperately want to! This style of writing was SO FUN! The way Ernest connects with the readers as he tells the story, having us play along trying to find out who was the killer, fair play and all with the set of rules he places in the beginning and keeping a tally of how many times he said the name of the murderer… Everything was so interesting and made me want to keep going and never stop!

This book is very aware of itself, making it known that the author knows sequels are usually not great, but this one definitely beats all the allegations. Also, the mystery was great. Kept me on the edge of my seat so many times and the breaking of the fourth wall was very very captivating. As an added bonus, it was incredibly funny! I cannot count how many times i laughed out loud reading it - what i CAN tell you is that i annotated variations of LOL and LMAO at least 20 times during the book.

Side note: the book/author WILL try and help you discover who's the killer, as i previously stated. It's a fair play mystery, so he will give you clues and little tells if you really pay attention. That said, i did not find out who it was until the midst of the revelations. Annoying as hell but not the writer's fault at all. All this to say that even if you have no idea who did it, you'll have the time of your life trying to beat Ernest and the others to it.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read a digital ARC in advance of publication in exchange for an honest review.

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Cleverness at its finest! I really enjoyed Stevenson's first novel, but this sequel is even better. I can't even begin to express how much I loved it! The use of the first-person narrative is so eloquently done with Ernest. A perfect mixture of humor and mystery solving. I loved all of the clues and asides that he incorporated into the story. As an avid thriller and mystery reader, I can usually guess how things are going to go, but even with all of the little insights and easter eggs leading up to the big reveal, I still had no idea who done it. My mind was blown at the end. I missed so many clues!! This book is definitely next level and Stevenson is a genius! Add it to your TBR list and preorder now! I promise you will not be disappointed.

Side note: I hate that dang Oxford comma!

Thank you to the author, Mariner Books, and NetGalley for granting me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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