Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for an ARC of Keeping 13 in exchange for an honest review.

"It's just weird for me because I've never had someone in my corner before." Shivering, I added, "Not someone like you." "I'm not in your corner, Shannon." Johnny replied in a gruff tone. "I'm standing right beside you."

Keeping 13 picks up exactly where Binding 13 left off with Johnny in the hospital trying to recover from the extreme injury he received and from the extensive surgeries he had to have to fix all of the damage. Little does Johnny know, Shannon is also now in the hospital fighting for her life after an altercation with her father. All Johnny wants to do is protect Shannon and her siblings from the abuse of their father and all Shannon wants to do is hide from the world and do her best to ignore the fact of what has happened to her. Desperate to protect her brothers and to protect Johnny from her mother's ire, Shannon retreats deep into herself and only one man in her life has the ability to break through her walls.

This book was so much more heartbreaking than Binding 13. Shannon is trying to deal with so much trauma while also still trying to keep her family together to the best of her ability but with the unexpected return of her oldest brother, Darren, hiding the truth of what happens within the Lynch family home is slowly becoming harder and harder. My heart absolutely shattered for her and also broke for Johnny because his world is crumbling down around him and there is nothing he can do about it. I also found it so incredible that Johnny's parents stepped in and were willing to do whatever they had to in order to help Shannon and her brothers. The worst part about this book is that the situation that Shannon and her brothers were in is so incredibly real and there are so many people struggling that have no one to help them. Tadhg, Ollie, and Sean were way too young to have to deal with their situation and as the reader, you could see just how much Tadhg was becoming like Joey.

***Even if you were comfortable reading Binding 13, check trigger warnings on this book! This book was like Binding 13 on steroids.******

Overall, this book absolutely broke me but ended in such a beautiful and uplifting way. I would definitely rate this book 5/5 stars!

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I get it. I get the hype on this series, and I agree with it.

Angsty teen romance is (at my age) not always my thing. I’ve kept up on the big titles over the past couple years and have been disappointed by pretty much every single one I read. Chloe Walsh has had me hooked and invested here though. Don’t get me wrong- this series isn’t perfect. It falls into some genre typical pits of overdramatizing certain moments and “god why won’t they just talk to each other.” But to me those frustrations felt like more of a symptom of the fact that teens are sometimes overdramatic and not good at communicating. The characters and situations felt real and justified in that way. Put together with both the humorous banter and the fact the crux of the conflict in the story truly is dramatic and heartbreaking- and this overall feels like a real slice of life romance, straight out of the messy teen years.

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After Binding 13, I was left wanting to know what happens next.  I can easily see why this series is so loved, for more I enjoy the series.

This book (and series) is emotional and all-consuming.  I find myself completely invested in the characters and their lives.  It’s an amazing story, but I tend to prefer faster-paced books so I did struggle a bit.  There is romance, but most of all this is a story about relationships and family, both the good and bad.  You get a feel for each character and what they are going through. There were moments that made me laugh and moments that made me cry.   There is something realistic about the happy moments that arise even when things are dark and intense.

Did I enjoy it? Yes!  Do I recommend it? Yes?  If this is ever adapted into a television series, I’ll be one of the first to watch every episode and season. It’s an amazing storyline/plot with wonderfully developed characters but like Binding 13, it’s just a bit too long and drawn out for my preference.

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Was I reading about fictional characters or some sort of autobiography because these characters were all so realistic. There was emotional trauma, humor to breakup the emotional scenes, and Jonny protective over Shannon. We also get to know more about the friend group, Shannon’s brothers and Johnny’s parents.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

My Selling Pitch:
Irish Shameless. Enjoyably cringe and cliche and melodramatic. Still tries to make teenagers far too sexy but also, I am an old.

Wow, I really don’t wanna read this, but I am nothing if not a finisher.

Thick of it:
You get some lovely, dramatic lines that are made for TV, and then it immediately defaults back into the cringe. It’s such a shame.

Where’s Joey’s book? He’s the best one.

Oh man, what an opener. Where was this book lol?

Are they seriously trying to pretend this 17-year-old with a broken dick is psychic? (No guys, they just have like such a deep soul tie! Gag.)

What on earth does “like someone wired to NASA” mean?

I love Joey.

OK, the family drama in this is leaps and bounds better, and it’s probably because we’re getting more Joey.

Except like you literally are a child.

Oh, absolutely horny jail. Ugh, the romance is gonna ruin any family drama points this book was winning. God.

I don’t think some random schoolboy is entitled to ask you that, and I know they think they’re in love because book one set that up, but I just don’t buy their relationship at all.

Literally their mom is so ill that she’s a villain, and if this book doesn’t treat it like how Joey treats it, I’m gonna be pissed.

I think it’s just silly how sexual and how serious their relationship is because the book doesn’t need that. The book would be so much better without all that. If this book was just a family drama, I would eat it up.

Why is Johnny’s mom so weird? She doesn’t act like a real person.

How does she know that Shannon‘s mom tried to have him suspended in January if she didn’t know about the ball incident that sent Shannon to the hospital?
Oh lol, they’re literally telling me right now. It’s like they’re closing the gaping plot holes of book one.

Aw, Joey is a Capricorn. I knew I liked him.

This is a fundamentally different book from the first one. She’s low-key kinda good right now. All these arguments and perspectives are so valid.

Oh, let’s not pull a Tamlin and lock a bitch away.

There must’ve been a year or two between this book and the first one because the writing has improved a bunch.

And then the second I say that, it careens off a cliff again.

If he’s just smoking weed, I swear to god-

It’s still take a shot every time it’s Shannon like the river and not just fucking Shannon. (You would die.)

Me: wow, the series is really trying to be more serious.
Also the series: arguing about the plural of genitals
Also, also the series: chapter 17-dangerous pussy

Why does his mom think he’s sitting around watching porn with his buddy? That’s weird.

She would like pineapple on pizza.

See, the book’s like let’s tackle serious topics like rape, and abuse, and codependency. The book’s like this is a serious, healthy relationship. And then the book’s like he thinks he’s in love because he could fuck a bunch of other girls and it wouldn’t mean anything. It’s just so unserious, and such bad internalized misogyny, and like the objectification of women, and also just so much sexualization of children. I’m not saying your teenage characters shouldn’t fuck or be horny. I’m just saying you as the adult writer should not be trying to make those scenes sexy.

Take a shot every time this book drops in keep to play off the title.

Dare I say I’m having a good time? Three stars so far.

Why does everyone keep saying he’s 18. He’s not 18. Stop calling him that. He’s literally 17. He is also a child. And 18 is still a goddamn baby. Fuck me, I’m OLD.

Guys, what if I like this book? Like it’s still not well written, but the dialogue is really hitting this time. She’s juicy. She’s drama.

I love Joey.

See, again. Why the predatory adults around children? And the book’s like tehee, it’s a joke because they’re boys. It’s not funny.

If book one was Normal People, this is Shameless.

Oh, don’t do that. Men know what makeup is. They know.

Kinda live, laugh, loving this time around.

Guys, I’ve hit the I want a Joey book. I want a Lizzie book. I want a Gibsie book.

See, like I would buy all this dialogue if they were older, but you can’t tell me people are seeking out a 16-year-old boy for oral. It’s so GROSS to me.

I could do without them trying to make underage sex sexy.

I don’t trust Joey not to kill himself, but like I love Joey.

Me: this book is very serious this time around.
Also this book: chapter 35- tissues and ejaculation issues. Right at work. Right at the front desk. Thank you so much, Chloe.

God, I think about that constantly-how statistically your first few relationships won’t last, and I’m like please, just let me get them over with!

Someone gets this boy a Snickers.

I would like to see that playlist. (Criminal that it’s not included.)

This tiny shit irritates me like nothing else. Me and my size 10s will be over here lmao.

Again, would be on board if they were of age, but let’s not make children sexy thanx!!! (Chloe can clearly write sex scenes, but let’s take that talent and put it on twenty-somethings instead of teenagers ffs.)

She’s not going on 17. She literally just turned 16. She literally is a child.

I want to be on board, but they’re just so little omg.

This book is way better than the first.

It’s a little fanfiction-y with the snippets, but it’s fun.

Not the do you feel like a man when you push her around 🎶

I. Love. Joey.

I’m really enjoying myself this time around. Like I want to pick up the book.

I am dying for a Joey book.

Wow, Gibsie’s family drowned. Lizzie‘s sister got raped by the rugby team. I can’t wait for these backstories. Book one was so surface. There was nothing there. Book two is juicy.

Y’all, I’m so invested. I love these stupid kids. I see why people like this series. Book one is so trash. How did anyone make it onto this book?

… guys, I like this book. I’m so glad I continued.

I love Joey more than anything.

Oh, I don’t want her to be pregnant for fuck’s sake. Don’t turn Joey into an early dad AGAIN. That’s not fair.

Oh my god, this book is so dramatic. It’s so good. Oh my god, I’m so invested.

Oh my god, I knew he was going to go all family annihilator, but like those babies better not die. oh my god oh my God

Why aren’t they calling 911 or the Irish equivalent? Oh my god. How did he not call the police? He called the police last time!

Shannon’s like don’t call the police or the foster system will take us! And I’m like that’s not how it works, babe. Let’s stop the arson first. Priorities, girlypop.

Why is it whiskey? Like no one has that much whiskey. Shouldn’t it be gas or something? (It is. He’s just like a 17-year-old in shock, which you know, valid.)

That is the perfect redemption-not-redemption arc for Mom.

All this plot and so much more book left!

Oh god, poor, Joey. Oh god.

Hey, I know they’re traumatized and shit, but like them drugging her and then putting her to bed with her boyfriend while she’s underage? No. Nope. Don’t like that.

Joey has come back every single time and that has wrecked me. I love that boy. Congratulations, book. You made me cry. I love him more than anything. Godddd.

I love Gibsie. I love everyone. This book is making me cry. Oh my god, the empathy button still works.

His girlfriend having to fix him and grow a baby all on her own is bullshit. They both deserve so much better.

I like how the book’s like oh right, rugby! It’s not just a family drama!

I’m so impressed with how much the author’s improved. Like the dialogue is so much better in this book. We did so much growing.

Shannon’s extended family is such a gaping hole in this story.

Wow, I want all of the romance books. I love this. I love these characters. This shit’s gonna be rent-free. I wish they were in college so bad.

Hey, you know what I don’t love? Baby girlypop not remembering them having sex while she’s a minor. Don’t like that. Please, don’t do that. (This book plays so fast and loose with consent and statutory rape and it deeply upsets me.)

And title drop

I’m so happy for them all. This is such a good ending.

This book has me weeping. I’m just so happy for them all.

Guys, I really liked it. I really, really liked it.

Four fucking stars. What a comeback.

I get it. I so get it. I understand why people like this series.

Look, the writing itself is still not great. It’s repetitive. It’s too long. It needed an editor. Its melodrama tips into cringe territory far too often. But it’s so much better than the first book. Characters had depth this time around. Everyone’s getting a tragic backstory and dear god, am I invested. I adore Joey.

I can’t believe I’m going to be continuing this series. I can’t believe I want to. We’re talking I put a library hold out on book 3 before I was done with book 2. I went into this book with such a bad attitude because the first book was godawful.

I don’t think this should’ve been two books. I think book one barely had 150 pages of content. If you edited out the cringe and the filler of these two books, I think you would have 600 pages of solid family drama.

I know these are high school romances. I’m fucking old, guys. I want these characters to be in college. You could tell the same story with these people in their 20s, and then your sex scenes could actually be sexy. That is my biggest problem with this series. There’s a fair bit of fade to black or characters getting interrupted for humor which helps to downplay some of the horny, but some of the scenes still needed to be toned down given how underage the characters are. This book’s humor and romance revolve around sex, and that’s just not appropriate when your protagonist is 16 and you’re also trying to tackle weighty issues of addiction and domestic abuse.

For a romance book, the romance is the weakest part. It’s hard to take teenagers’ love confessionals seriously.

I’m still just amazed at how much better this book was. I had written the series off as Wattpad garbage. And don’t get me wrong, the writing in this book still feels amateur and like a first outing, but the dialogue during the arguments was so good. The pacing was excellent. The ending felt a bit like an after-school special, but it was also nice to have a heartwarming break for these kids. You just fall in love with the characters. There was less of a fixation on the couple’s size differences. There’s still too much, but it didn’t feel like we were reading it every other sentence this time. Shannon‘s age wasn’t fetishized, however the book’s still sexualizing teenagers and playing fast and loose with consent and statutory rape. Knock that shit off. There’s still a preoccupation with girls’ bodies. But those are such easy fixes. And it’s all secondary to the character growth we get from this book.

I cannot wait to read Joey‘s book.

This was fanfictiony and tropey and easy to read. I think it’s excellent melodrama to hook burnt-out early 20-somethings back into reading. I think it’s worth reading, and I’m excited to continue, and that should be all the proof you need about how much heavy lifting this book does for the series considering I went into this actively hating characters and not wanting to read it.

Who should read this:
Family drama fans
Sports romance fans
High schoolers
Wattpad girlies
Fan fiction girlies

Do I want to reread this:
Honestly, kinda would. Excited to continue. What a complete 180.

Similar books:
* Beartown by Fredrik Backman-small town, sports romance, heavy family drama
* The Deal by Elle Kennedy-college hockey romance, traumatic backstories
* Icebreaker by Hannah Grace-college hockey romance, traumatic backstories
* Normal People by Sally Rooney-lit fic, bittersweet Irish romance, character study

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I did not enjoy the first book (Binding 13), but I thought I would give this one a shot regardless. Unfortunately the writing style still did not work for me. I think this series is better for people who read YA and enjoy a lot of angst (not the mood I was in when I tried it.

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I loved this book.. this series just keeps getting better and better. The emotions and the rollercoaster. I just love it. I highly highly recommend.

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this series is fucking MAJESTIC i’m a slut for found family and they DELIVERED. i’m disgustingly attached to these characters and now you’re telling me i have to switch to joey??? jesus wept. (kidding. i’m a little bit more invested in his storyline now).

to everyone who keeps saying “i wanna read this 😫” WHAT IS STOPPING YOU! GO READ IT

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rip my heart out!!! that's is all I can say about this book (which is book two in this story). I am so glad this story is getting trad published and the attention it deserves because it is incredible and being able to pick it up again years later and remember why I loved it the first time, and maybe torture myself a little again, is so worth it.

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Never in my life did I think that I could read over 1,000 pages about one couple but boy did this series prove me wrong. I really don’t know what it is about these books that just completely sucks me in and makes me feel so invested. Every single thing that happened to these characters I felt like it had happened to me because I just felt so connected to them. I mean there was literally one point in this book (if you have read it I’m sure you can guess when) where I was literally bawling for an hour as I read. I had no idea how this story could progress from the first book and what could come of it but I am so so glad that I kept reading to find out.

Shannon and her brothers deserved so much better and my heart breaks for everything that they had to go through. I am so glad that they were all able to create their own family and find people who loved them. I am also so glad that this book gave us some more insight on to Shannon’s brothers and that we got to know them better. I can’t wait to see more from Joey and to see how he heals and progresses with his life.

I also adore Shannon and Johnnys friends and loved seeing how they uplifted each other and supported each other through everything. There was so much beautiful found family in this story. I am also obsessed with Gibsie he is so funny and I’m glad that we got to know a bit more about him and his backstory in this one.

Shannon deserves her happy ending and I am so glad that she got it. I can’t wait to read the next books in this series and hope that we continue to see Shannon and Johnny throughout.

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First of all I want to say thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an ARC of Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh. I went into this series blind, and was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Once I finished the first book, Binding 13, I immediately picked up this ARC and finished it in less than 24 hours. If I had to rate Keeping 13 out of 5 stars I would give it a 4.25 and here is why..

Things I loved about this book -
• I absolutely ate up the banter in this series but especially in Keeping 13, Walsh definitely stepped it up for this book in terms of dialogue for her characters.
• I loved the character arc of Shannon and how she was finally able to face her fears and stand up for herself.
• This book made me feel so many emotions. I would go from shedding actual tears to laughing out loud at times and that is no easy feat, which is what made me give it that extra 0.25 stars.

Things I didn't love about this book -
• As a 25 year old female who grew up in America, it felt weird to read about minors doing adult things (drinking, smoking, having intercourse, etc.). Which I understand is totally normal, we've all been 16 before, but as an adult I struggled with it.

From what I understand this is an ongoing series and I am thrilled to see what the next book is all about!

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Honestly, this series has no right being as good as it is - they’re books about teenagers ffs. And yet I am gripped 🙃 so enthralled that I’ll power through a 900 PAGE book at alarming speed. This is the sequel to Binding 13, which ended on quite the cliffhanger. The drama is UPPED in this one and is at points so heartbreaking. The climax of the novel is so incredibly tense. And among this, somehow, is such a sweet romance and some absolute hilarity. I want to go so far as to say it’s a masterpiece?! How can it be so dramatic, romantic, heartbreaking and laugh out loud funny at the same time? It straddles all of these things beautifully. Can’t get enough of this series 😭

What to expect:

- school romance
- rugby romance
- family drama
- first love
- opposites attract
- touch her and die vibes

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This didn’t quite have the same impact as the first book but if you love the characters and you’re invested in what the actual relationship between them looks like, you’ll enjoy this and it’s definitely worth the read. Johnny Kavanagh is ELITE book boyfriend material.

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Never in my life did I think that I could read over 1,000 pages about one couple but boy did this series prove me wrong. I really don’t know what it is about these books that just completely sucks me in and makes me feel so invested. Every single thing that happened to these characters I felt like it had happened to me because I just felt so connected to them. I mean there was literally one point in this book (if you have read it I’m sure you can guess when) where I was literally bawling for an hour as I read. I had no idea how this story could progress from the first book and what could come of it but I am so so glad that I kept reading to find out.

Shannon and her brothers deserved so much better and my heart breaks for everything that they had to go through. I am so glad that they were all able to create their own family and find people who loved them. I am also so glad that this book gave us some more insight on to Shannon’s brothers and that we got to know them better. I can’t wait to see more from Joey and to see how he heals and progresses with his life.

I also adore Shannon and Johnnys friends and loved seeing how they uplifted each other and supported each other through everything. There was so much beautiful found family in this story. I am also obsessed with Gibsie he is so funny and I’m glad that we got to know a bit more about him and his backstory in this one.

Shannon deserves her happy ending and I am so glad that she got it. I can’t wait to read the next books in this series and hope that we continue to see Shannon and Johnny throughout.

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I am so happy I gave in and decided to read this series; it is so good! I love all the characters, and the development is done so well. I am excited to read the rest of the series!

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In this follow up to Binding 13, Johnny and Shannon are both dealing with life altering revelations and secrets that threaten to tear them apart. A slow burn, intensely emotional read. I really enjoy how large the friend group is in this series. While the book does focus on Johnny and Shannon as the main couple all the included found family vibes and friend drama makes for a gripping read.

Dual POV, Sports Romance, Friends to Lovers, Found family, Slow Burn, Trauma/healing

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I absolutely adore Shannon and Johnny!!

This story will break your heart and put it back together, slowly. Shannon’s family and back story is one that will genuinely break your heart.
None of them deserved any of that.
However, the way Johnny stood by her throughout it all quite literally makes my heart burst. I love this story and each of the characters. This series is
one of my favorites!! Reading about them all makes me smile and cry every time.

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This is officially one of the best books/series I've ever read in my entire life. The hype is more than well-deserved. The way this is 100s of pages long but I could've read thousands more?!? Literally nothing compares. Chloe Walsh has written a true masterpiece here! If you haven't read this series yet, make it your 2024 reading goal to do so.

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I love how much this book is based on character development. These characters will hold a special place in my heart. I love how the next book connects with this one. I felt so many emotions when it came to reading this one. I can’t believe how Johnny got to Shannon’s home right before her dad set it on fire with her mom inside. I love that the kids got to be in a home that loved them at the end and that Johnny got to live his dream with Shannon by his side.

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This entire series its so good I cant wait to re read it. I am all for big long books and that is exactly what this series is and I devoured it. I would love to have my own Johnny. some day. I wish I could say I enjoyed this one more than the first one but honestly its a tie. you know those type of long ass books where you're satisfied but you still want more? yeah, that's how I feel reading this book and it's rare for me to feel this way. it's a perfect contradiction, really. I don't know what to say but JUST. READ. THIS. BOOK. it's perfect. it literally has everything I never knew I needed. it's long because it has a lot of showing than telling. reading this, it honestly felt like I was there with all the characters, I didn't feel disconnected or anything because the characters felt so real.

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