Member Reviews

This entire series its so good I cant wait to re read it. I am all for big long books and that is exactly what this series is and I devoured it. I would love to have my own Johnny. some day. I wish I could say I enjoyed this one more than the first one but honestly its a tie. you know those type of long ass books where you're satisfied but you still want more? yeah, that's how I feel reading this book and it's rare for me to feel this way. it's a perfect contradiction, really. I don't know what to say but JUST. READ. THIS. BOOK. it's perfect. it literally has everything I never knew I needed. it's long because it has a lot of showing than telling. reading this, it honestly felt like I was there with all the characters, I didn't feel disconnected or anything because the characters felt so real.

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Chloe Walsh does it again! If you're hesitant to read this after Binding 13, it does get better for the Lynch kids, I don't think I've ever been so attached to fictional characters, esepcially highschoolers. After Binding 13, I was desparate to read more of Johnny and Shannon. This is not the book to read if you want a lighthearted read, rather a heart wretching story but also gives you hope in the world. Johhny is Shannon's rock through everything and knowing she has makes me hope that all the Shannons out there eventually find their Johnny.

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I can’t even with this super angsty series. It’s CAPTIVATING. I couldn’t put it down — there’s so much hurt and healing in this book and I am FLOORED by it.

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5 freaking stars!
The emotion impact in this book had me crying like bawling my eyes out. The side character Gibbs is my absolute fav and I am so excited for his story later. This is definitely on my reread list for sure.

Thank you Bloom and Netgalley

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The writing continues to be phenomenal and I absolutely loved this book! I could feel the emotion from every character and will 100% be continuing on with the rest of the books.

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I stopped after chapter 1 (3%) but I liked the tension and the pacing. It feels like a book that will yank you in and keep you there. Easy 3 to 4 stars for the target audience, and 5 for the right readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC.

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I found this conclusion to Johnny and Shannon’s story to be absolutely beautiful, heartbreaking, and the ending that I needed for these characters! I am so excited (and slightly terrified) for what’s to come next as the timeline of this story continues and JohnnyShannon have come to an end. Each side character has been perfectly set up for their distinct stories down the road, but it’ll be hard to let go of this couple too quickly.

Thank you to NetGalley for the arc! This is the kind of story you want to tell everyone about

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5 ⭐️

Johnny and Shannon forever!!!! 😭 Oh my gosh what an emotional second book this was. After the ending of Binding 13 I knew this would be a long journey to happiness, but I did not expect all the horrible trauma these characters were to experience in book 2! They deserve the world. Chloe's writing is so fun to follow - she weaves in humor so well despite this being a dark storyline. I love the side characters - especially Gibsie - and am so excited to get to more books in the series. The little peeks at future couples are so fun, and this little universe she has created is becoming one of my favorites. Amazing and a must read for fans of 2000s tv shows like One Tree Hill. This was so nostalgic!

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I was excited to dive back into Shannon and Johnny's world after "Binding 13" left me hanging in the balance. Keeping 13 started off where book 1 left off. It took me. on an emotional roller coaster ride. At some points, I wanted to be let off the ride because the some of the more mature situations that Shannon had to endure was too much for me. Other than the fact that Shannon and Johnny's bedroom scenes kind of gave me the ick because they were still in high school, this book was great. The characters had overcome so much trauma, had to grow up before they were ready, and had to make choices that even the most mature adults don't have to make. There were some repetitive parts which would have made sense if the books in the series were standalones in an interconnected series, but you had to have read "Binding" to really understand "Keeping." At any rate, I was grateful to the Kavanaghs for taking in the Lynch kids and making them feel wanted and loved and showed them the true meaning of family.

I received an advance copy of this book at my request and voluntarily left this review.

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ | 🌶.5

18+ check TWs

Note: I try my hardest to not include spoilers in my reviews. However, spoilers and how you define a spoiler is subjective. Proceed with caution.

*A special thank you to Netgalley and Bloom Books for early access to this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*


”But don’t forget that you’ll always be my 13.”

The way this book and its characters have a choke hold on me is insane. When I picked up the first book, I had no idea what to expect. But, I definitely hadn’t planned for becoming obsessed with another book series.

This series literally took up so much of my mind, that for the first time since I started reviewing, I went back and retroactively gave Binding 13 five stars.

I loved every minute of this book. Johnny and Shannon’s story literally broke me and put me all together again in 600 pages. The found family of the whole team being there throughout Johnny and Shannon’s trials and tribulations literally had me in tears. I love them all so much.

These books have my heart and I’m so excited to read about Joey and Aoife. I already know that it’s going to tear me to pieces and I’m so ready for it. And Claire and Gibsie? I CAN’T WAIT.

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Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

Unfortunately I cannot give this book a proper review because I found out while reading it that the author is pro-Israel :/

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Did I dive into Keeping 13 basically one minute after finishing Binding 13, yup I definitely did! What a cliffhanger, maybe one of the most brutal I have read this year. This book wrecked me even harder than Binding 13, it had me bawling my eyes out.

Check out my more detailed thoughts below…
Characters: Johnny and Shannon have my heart! This book took all our characters on such an emotional journey. I want to ensure I do not spoil the events of this sequel, but I thought the worst was behind Shannon and her brothers Joey, Tahdg, Ollie, and Sean, but it was not. I will not get over the emotional wrecking ball that is this story and neither will Joey (I cannot wait to read Saving 6, I need to know that Joey and Aoife are going to be okay!). Chloe Walsh has pulled off what I love in an ensemble story when the side characters are so rich that you cannot wait to devour their stories too.
Setting: This story is set in 2005 Ireland, in the small town of Ballylaggin and I had no idea just how attached I would get to this town and all the people in it. I love all the Irish slang and the early 2000s references. This small Irish town matches the heaviness of the book perfectly.
Pacing: I read this book in a few days, back to back with Binding 13. It made me stay up late and get up early to read, which is always a good sign of just how much a book is enthralling me. I do feel the need to say that I still find this series too long and I will be interested to see how the lengths affect future instalments.
Romance: I adore Shannon and Johnny and their relationship. This book features their physical relationship much more than the previous instalment. As they are given so many more moments to be alone together in their feelings. I adored the reformed gentleman Johnny, matched against the bolder Shannon who in falling in love with Johnny grew her confidence and willingness to ask not just for what she wanted, but what she deserved.

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This is the second book in the duet and it gave me all the feels. The last book left off on a cliffhanger and oh boy did it come to a head. I love these characters so much and I can't wait for the next books. You follow the two characters through grief and depression and falling deeper in love. I feel like this is a book where you very much grow up with them. The found family trope in this book is chef's kiss.

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Johnny Kavanagh and Shannon Lynch.
I was immediately hooked in Binding 13 with Johnny and Shannon’s story. It was captivating, heartbreaking, and made me feel anxious all at the same time. This left me wanting more, so Keeping 13 became one of my highest anticipated reads for 2023 and I must say, it delivered! Johnny and Shannon are one of my all time favorite book couples, I think their love is so pure and wholesome it just makes you want to smile all the time. Johnny’s nickname “baby” for Shannon makes me melt! I genuinely don’t think any other book couple could use this nickname the way that Johnny does— its just that good!!

I’m so thankful that there is a glossary in the beginning of the book which is SO helpful to refer back to while reading! Also, at the end of the book the “Song Moments,” “Playlist for Shannon,” and “Playlist for Johnny” sections make the whole reading experience so much more immersive and enjoyable.

The ending was perfectly wrapped up for this duet and made me want to get to know more about the Tommen boys! I can’t wait for Joey’s story next, especially since we got a peek at his relationship with Aoife!

I would like to thank the author, publisher, and Netgalley for this ARC.

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Just when I thought it couldn't get better, Chloe Walsh does it again with book 2 in the Boys of Tommen Series!!! I absolutely loved this book!

Chloe's writing is not only so well-done and easy to follow, but completely captivating to read. I was hanging on every word and entirely sucked into the drama! The way she made me fall in love with Joey and Shannon in the first book and then not only fueled that love in this book was incredible!

Although these books are long, don't be deterred from reading them because once you start, you won't be able to stop! This series is one of those that will suck you in and live rent free in your mind for days to come after finishing the book. I guarantee you will fall. in. love.

Thank you so much to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this book!

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An unbreakable bond born from heartache.

Johnny Kavangh is an injured rugby player recovering from a sports related injury. His world is turned upside down when his girlfriend, Shannon, is sent to the hospital after a domestic violence altercation with her father. Johnny is drawn into Shannon's world of fear, heartbreak and insecurity as his love deepens for her over time. Johnny's fight to remain with Shannon exposes him to detrimental effects of domestic violence as it extends to her brothers. Through Johnny's unyielding support for Shannon through her most painful times, she learns to live and embrace life.

Chloe Walsh's novel is a tear jerker and highly emotional read of teenage love. Chloe holds nothing back on domestic violence and it's physiological and psychological effects as experienced by Shannon. Shannon comes from a home of violence, fear and insecurity as her father is often drunk and violent. When she goes to Johnny's house, these things do not exist. Johnny must also decide his future as a rugby player and with Shannon.

I enjoyed this book tremendously although it does pull at your heart. The frustration and feelings of helplessness to take Shannon and her brothers out of that situation is felt by Johnny throughout the book. Although domestic violence is a difficult subject, Chloe writes a gripping novel. Readers will root for Johnny's and Shannons love to conquer all as they fight to stay together through tragedy and Johnny's career decision.

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A great follow up to Binding 13. I didn't realize that Binding 13 would end like that so the moment i was accepted for this arc, I dove right in and didn't stop. Going into the series blind like I did was probably the best thing to do because I'm still in shock and in tears. Johnny and Shannon's stories were a struggle and to read their journeys was heartbreaking but also a gift that I'm so grateful for.

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Wow - I'll be the first to admit I wasn't expecting the depth that this romance novel contained, but I'm glad I was wrong! I was expecting a lot more fluff and outlandish plotlines like I'm typically used to with this genre, but I finished this one very impressed with the development of the characters themselves as well as in their relationships. I think it was still a bit too racy for a lot of my middle schoolers, but I know the higher grades will devour this one. Thanks so much for the ARC!

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This book was a rollercoaster! I loved this so much! I loved Johnny and Shannons story. It was sweet and bittersweet and I loved seeing the trials they had to overcome. Johnny and Shannons character growth was amazing!! I loved seeing them overcome all the odds stacked against them and be together

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After the events in Dublin, the adults in their lives are more determined than ever to keep Johnny and Shannon apart. Johnny is fighting to keep his rugby dreams alive while recovering from a possible career ending injury. He knows something is going on with Shannon, but being in the hospital and sheltered by his parents, he's unable to contact her. Things have changed drastically in Shannon's troubled household and the secrets she's forced to keep are pilling even higher. She feels like she can't trust anyone and is desperate to protect her little brothers. The only one she can trust is Johnny and he's blown her secrets wide open, determined to be the one to save her... even against her own family.
I really liked the way the story ended. I love how protective Johnny is, but I felt like Shannon had so much room to grow up and find her own strength, but she was too dependent on Johnny. He's right, when he likes something he becomes obsessed with it, a behavior that his friend Gibsie labeled bulldozing. I didn't like that he became so obsessed with her that rugby, the thing he's been working for his whole life, took a backseat and didn't seem to make him happy anymore. The story was really repetitive and I found myself skimming through some of it, but I'm glad I ultimately pushed truth to the end to find out what happens. Overall, I liked the book but it could have been a lot shorter.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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