Member Reviews

This book is the perfect conclusion for the first couple for now. I cannot wait to see the other couples books and how everyone develops as the series goes on. I do hope we return to Johnny.

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After received the first book as an ARC, I was very excited to get the second installment as well!

Set against the backdrop of a sidelined athlete and a girl haunted by her past, this novel takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and the power of love to overcome life's darkest moments.

Johnny Kavanagh's struggle with identity and loss following a career-altering injury provides a poignant foundation for the story. The absence of his beloved number 13 jersey becomes a symbolic reflection of the challenges he faces, and Walsh skillfully portrays his emotional turmoil with authenticity. The mysterious girl, Shannon Lynch, adds an intriguing layer to the narrative, her secrets and traumatic experiences creating an air of suspense.

Both Johnny and Shannon are multifaceted, flawed, and relatable. Walsh masterfully explores their individual journeys, allowing readers to connect with their struggles and triumphs. The dynamics between the characters, especially the central love story, are portrayed with depth and nuance.

The pacing of the novel is well-executed, keeping the reader engaged as the plot unfolds. The author introduces a sense of mystery that propels the story forward, and the anticipation of secrets being revealed adds an element of suspense. The themes of resilience and the healing power of love are prevalent throughout the narrative, creating a heartwarming and uplifting undertone.

While the novel is emotionally charged and skillfully written, there are moments where the plot could benefit from a more concise exploration of certain subplots. However, these instances do not significantly detract from the overall impact of the story.

Thanks to NetGalley and BloomBooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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My heart HURTS. I laughed, cried, physically put the book down before throwing it, etc. This book drew out every single emotion I have ever had, and I loved it!!

Shannon and Johnny were unforgettable in this. From dealing with extreme trauma to just being teenagers, I felt like I watched them grow in real-time. Johnny was probably my favorite, but I still love Shannon like the river. His thoughts sucked me in every POV, and I was in awe of how he seemed like the perfect boy. Where was he when I was 16? Anyway, I am SO happy they got their happy ending.

I thought Chloe Walsh did a wonderful job pulling us into this world. I think she also dealt with these issues in a way that did make me uncomfortable (as it should for anyone) but also wasn’t so terrible that I couldn’t continue. Everything in this book was perfectly balanced, and I recommend this to anyone who wants to read a SOLID romance with layers. Make sure to check TWs!

I cannot wait for Joey and Aoife’s story. They made me bawl my eyes out towards the end (iykyk). I cannot wait for next year! Thank you to Bloom Books and Netgalley for the ARC.

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✨“I already told you, I need you for keeps,” I replied gruffly. “There’s no expiration date between us.”✨

This book continues on with Johnny and Shannon’s story, there was pain, grief, love, healing and so much more. I’m so connected to this world and these characters. 🥹 I cried, I laughed, I felt so much and I’m so happy with how this book ended.

✨ “You woke me up, Shan. Made me see things differently. Gave me a life outside of rugby. Something to look forward to.”✨

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This duet is the type of coming-of-age story I have always wanted! The one high school romance that I would recommend to people who don’t even read high school romance!

I loved the characters, the plot, the relationship, the writing, and the entire found family. The reason this story is practically flawless is the way that we see truly healthy relationships contrasted with tragically broken relationships, which is rarely ever shown so well in fiction novels.

Johnny Kavanagh is the broody, cocky golden boy of Ireland, but when we see him meet Shannon, the protective teddy bear will make you swooning and then when he falls in love with Shannon, the sexy bad boy will have you obsessed with him as he is with her. I don’t think there’s one single facet of this boy’s personality that I did not absolutely adore!

Contrasted with the darkness of her home life, Johnny shows Shannon a side of love that is pure, wholesome, raw, and real. Don’t be mistaken- this is not a fluffy romcom teen love story; it is so much more. Crafted with depth, emotions, complexity and beauty, Chloe Walsh has become one of my go-to authors with the Boys of Tommen series!

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This book is absolutely heartbreaking. Shannon has had such a hard life but her mother finally came through for her children in this book. Johnny's family is literally the sweetest and I adore them. The characters in this book will live in my head forever. I cant wait to pick up the next book in the series.

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Chloe Walsh's "Keeping 13" masterfully continues the Boys of Tommen series, delivering a narrative that seamlessly blends heart-wrenching romance and riveting mystery. The story revolves around Johnny Kavanagh, a character whose life takes an unexpected turn after a career-altering injury. Walsh skillfully portrays Johnny's emotional journey as he grapples with the loss of the iconic number 13 jersey that has defined him. Readers are drawn into the depths of his struggle, creating an instant connection with a character whose vulnerability becomes both relatable and endearing.

Enter Shannon Lynch, a mysterious and resilient young woman whose secrets add a layer of intrigue to the narrative. Walsh paints Shannon's character with depth, exploring the aftermath of her traumatizing trip to Dublin and her fierce determination to shield her younger brothers from a harsh reality. As Shannon and Johnny's paths intertwine, the novel unfolds into a captivating dance of love and resilience.

The strength of "Keeping 13" lies not only in its well-developed characters but also in the author's ability to maintain a perfect balance between romance and mystery. The pacing is expertly executed, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as secrets are gradually revealed. The emotional depth of the characters and the authenticity of their struggles make this book a powerful exploration of the human spirit's resilience in the face of adversity.

The love story between Johnny and Shannon is at the core of the novel, and Walsh crafts it with a delicate touch that tugs at the heartstrings. The evolution of their relationship is both tender and tumultuous, creating a dynamic that keeps readers invested in their journey. As secrets come to light, the suspense is heightened, making "Keeping 13" an engaging and emotionally charged reading experience.

Chloe Walsh's storytelling prowess shines through on every page, creating a world that feels authentic and characters that resonate with the reader. "Keeping 13" is not just a love story; it's a testament to the strength found in love and the human spirit's ability to endure even the darkest moments. For fans of the Boys of Tommen series and those seeking a gripping tale of love, self-discovery, and resilience, "Keeping 13" is a must-read that will leave a lasting impression.

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Keeping 13 is book two in the Boys of Tommen series by Chloe Walsh.
I don’t know what to say other than this book wrecked me!
I have never felt so many emotions at one time.
The storyline of this book is an emotional rollercoaster that will just leave you want more! I couldn’t put the book down I was so engrossed in the story. The characters are freaking so well developed and relatable.
Y’all just go and read this book if you haven’t already!

Thank You NetGalley and Bloom Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Johnny and Shannon are my everything. They actually changed lives with this book. Johnny is so protective of Shannon and just wants the best for her. The way that his whole family takes them in is so sweet and I love his parents. Shannon deserves the entire world and Johnny is there to give it to her. I know he goes away at the end of the book but he is always going to be there for her.

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Thank you Sourcebook Bloom Books and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Keeping 13 by Chloe Walsh starts off right after her Binding 13 in her Boys Of Tommen book series. Keeping 13 was my favorite out of the two books I read. This book was heartbreaking for various reasons, which you will know if you read it. Overall the two main characters Johnny Kavanagh & Shannon Lynch were written beautifully and had great chemistry. Chloe Walsh did an amazing job writing Keeping 13. I loved reading this novel and was rooting for Johnny and Shannon from the start of their story to the last page of the book.This is definitely a five star read and will be recommending it.

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Johnny and Shannon’s heart wrenching story picks up where Binding 13 left off. With the way book 1 ended, I was scared to continue but Shannon is such a resilient character! Every time she gets knocked down, she gets right back up. I have to say that Shannon is one of my favorite characters ever and Johnny isn’t far behind. He will do anything for her and I mean ANYTHING. Theyre both extremely well written characters and have stories that aren’t related to their love interests.

Chloe Walsh has done such a great job with tackling the topic of abuse. It’s not an easy topic to delve into but she handles it well. The writing is also great. Not only are you rooting for Johnny and Shannon but you’ll also find yourself invested in the supporting cast as well.

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The amazing sequal from Chloe Walsh! I am so exited to see this series traditionally published and cannot wait to see what happens with this collaboration next

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I was lucky enough to discover Chloe Walsh when she was publishing independently, these books quickly worked their way to my favorites lists.
I cannot even properly express the magic of her writing in these books, I have never read a series that conveys as many different emotions as these do. Trust me, as a reader you will feel everything that these characters feel. These books are emotional rollercoasters in the absolute best way possible.
It is the kind of book I could reread and not get tired of. I am super excited to see everyone learn more about these characters.
Currently, a lot of people are making book challenges for next year, and they are taking recommendations. I think I have got this series placed on at least twenty different Bookstagrammers challenge boards.
Breathtaking work and perfect for a romance reader who loves an emotion-heavy story.

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