Member Reviews

Meghan Quinn can write no wrong… The BEST book in the Cane Brothers Series YET!! Breaker Cane is by far my most favorite Cane brother… Nerdy, hot, best friend?! Yes, please! Breaker and Lia’s relationship is a true “friends to lovers” romance with ALL THE SPICE!!! If you haven’t read this one, you’re truly missing out! Add to your TBR today!! Heck, add the whole series!!!

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This is a book of two halves. Half fun and witty and half romance and sexy. Overall a fun romance with good characters.

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do i love enemies to lovers? DUH. is this book quirky and fun at times? yes. did I get bored at times? also unfortunately yes. I really liked the first book in the series but this one seemed to miss the target for me. i didn’t particularly care for with kelsey or JP, sure at times they were tolerable but eh. i’m going to finish the series because i think breaker is going to be my favorite but if this was the couple to start the series i’d probably dnf.

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Meghan Quinn can put out literally whatever book she wants and I will read it. A Not So Meet Cute holds my heart but this book was soooo good.

Breaker was just swoon worthy and Lia is amazing. I love a good best friends to lovers trope and this really really hit in such a great fun, nerdy way. I mean the book starts with a scrabble joke.

I will always continue with this series

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Not sure how I missed the Cane brothers up to this point but I will be rectifying that soon.
I love a good friends to lovers, dual PoV and definitely loved the ending.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC.

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I have a deep love for the Cane brothers and this story did not disappoint! I read it all in one day because I was so invested in the relationship between Breaker and Lia. The Beave was so easy to hate and Breaker is so easy to love! I’m not normally a friends to lovers girlie, but I found myself rooting for these two throughout the whole book.

Also, where can I find a billionaire boyfriend who takes me to DisneyLand on a first date?!

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In this third and final installment of the Cane Brothers series by Meghan Quinn, we’re finally treated to Breaker’s story. The youngest of the Cane brothers, Breaker seems to be the most well-adjusted in that he’s not a raging jerk or a slightly obnoxious goofball — he’s ridiculously smart, very nerdy, and (as with all the Cane kids), absurdly wealthy, but manages to take it all in stride and be down-to-earth. Ophelia is his equal point-for-point which we learn at the start of the novel as we’re treated to their college backstory. They’ve been friends for so long and they balance each other perfectly.

Each of the three novels in the Cane Brothers series is based (loosely) on a popular romantic comedy film with A Long Time Coming drawing some plot points from My Best Friend’s Wedding. Whose wedding is the focus of this novel? Well, Ophelia’s of course and Breaker is now just realizing that he cannot afford to lose her, especially not to the milquetoast, clout-chaser that is Brian Beaver. Yes, his last name is Beaver.

Breaker’s relationship with the lovely albeit insecure Ophelia is, by FAR, the sweetest one we’ve seen in the trilogy and the progression of their friendship the most realistic. My one criticism with this novel, as with most Meghan Quinn novels, is the dialogue. It’s *****almost***** realistic until it’s just not. And a lot of the time, it’s easy to ignore, but sometimes it’s so apparent that people just don’t talk like this that it sort of gets under your skin as a reader… or maybe just mine.

If it seems like this novel has been out for a while, that’s because it has. This publication is a reissue as this trilogy was originally only available on Kindle Unlimited. I’m ecstatic for Quinn to finally start getting some main-stream recognition in the form of traditional publishing because she deserves it, even if this wasn’t one of her best.

Newer fans will definitely enjoy this conclusion to the Cane Brothers series and seasoned veterans of Quinn’s work will continue to cheer her on regardless.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for the opportunity to review this reissue — keep ‘em coming, Meghan Quinn!

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4.25 stars out of 5!

This was such a cute book with a fast pace that immediately draws you in. I have not read the other books in the series but I think this can be read as a standalone book. I absolutely loved Breaker and Lia and I was so happy with how this book ended. This is your classic lovers to friends troupe splashed with a lot of comedy. The part where The Beave is compared to Yzma had me laughing out loud. I am going to go back and read the first to books in this series since this one was so good.

In A Long Time Coming, Lia and Breaker have been best friends for a while. They met at a secret scrabble group in college and have been inseparable ever since. They live next door to each other currently and see each other most days. Lia ended up getting engaged to Brian and needs to plan a wedding in 5 weeks. Brian's mother, The Beave, has taken the reins on wedding planning so Lia has Breaker helping her try to plan the wedding she wants. Throughout all this, Breaker realizes he is in love with Lia and has to figure out what to do and how to win her over.

Overall, this was an excellent read and I am excited to read more from Meghan in the future. Thank you Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a cute quick read. I fell in love with Breaker though Lia drove me nuts off and on during the whole first 50% then she kinda started growing on me when she found her backbone. I loved the Friendship even the parts that made me cringe. over all this was a good read and now that I know there are 2 other brothers with books in this series I will probably return to the Cane brothers and enjoy their stories as well .

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Thank you to Sourcebooks Bloom books & NetGalley for an ARC of this book, in exchange for my honest opinion.

Oh boy I’m not even sure where to start, but this book was amazing! I fell in Love with the Cane brothers in book one with Huxley’s, continued to fall in love with JP’s story, but Breaker swept me off my feet with his story. Each book in this series is even better than the one before. Although I loved each brothers love story, Breaker and Lia’s is my new favorite. Their story is a real life “endgame” by Taylor Swift. Not to mention I really love when the title fits a book perfectly and is referenced in the story. Everything about this book was just perfect!

The youngest of the Cane brothers is Breaker who spends his time working, or with his best friend Lia. They met in college and have been inseparable for the last decade, even having apartments right next door to each other. But suddenly their friendship begins to feel weird after Lia’s boyfriend Brian proposes. Determined to not let their friendship change Breaker agrees to be Lia’s maid of honor and accompany her on all the wedding planning excursions. But slowly each event turns into a disaster because Brian’s mother Mrs Beaver is less than kind to Lia. Her fiancé Brian doesn’t want to spend any time with her. And Breaker has been acting weird. Lia feels like something is off but she can’t put her finger on what it is. What ensues is probably the best and ultimate friends to lovers storyline ever written. We see Lia grow and realize her life is for the taking, and realize what will truly make her happy.

This can be read as a SA, but I recommend reading all three books in the series so you can get to read about each brother. I’m so sad I finally finished this series, because it was completely enchanting. Meghan Quinn is the master of weaving intricate romance stories full of alllllll the spice. Pick this series up, you will not regret it!!

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Friends to lovers is a classic for a reason. And gosh did I love Lia and Breaker!!! I loved the man of honor scenes as she planned her wedding (that monster in law was something else!!!) Their friendship has all of the sweet moments you would expect, the teasing about feelings from all of their friends, the absolute intentionality that one could only dream of from their significant other, and then. They go dress shopping and he sees her in her dress and it's all over. Those feelings he didn't think he had were front and center. But she's still engaged to someone else. For those that have had a bestie of the opposite gender and been in a similar boat, the emotional roller coaster is SO relatable! And then when Lia ends her engagement because the ex is an absolute douche canoe, Breaker is there. Right where she needs him, everything she could have hoped for. And he slowly, but intentionally sets the stage to lay all his feelings on the line. And I wanted to see so much more of that. But their disney date and first kiss under the fireworks. I mean my gosh 🥰🫠🥰 I wish there was more story because I so wasn't done yet!!

Thank you Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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A Long Time Coming is the third book in the Cane Brother's standalone series and follows the youngest Cane brother, Breaker, and his longtime best friend, Lia. Such a great friends to lovers story! Nerdy MMC and FMC, tons of spice, and of course a brand new cover with publisher Bloom Books. I loved every minute of this book! I think Breaker is my favorite brother and that's a really hard choice as I've loved all of their stories! The pictures sprinkled throughout this book are great to get a visual!

Thank you so much Netgalley, Bloom Books and Meghan Quinn for the advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. I like reading books in the correct order (even if they can be standalone). So I read them all right before reading this ARC. I really enjoyed all of these books that involve the Cane Brothers. The brothers are all so different.

This book is mostly about the youngest Cane brother and his long time friend, Lia, this Friends to lovers book is steamy! I’m hoping there’s more to come with The cane brothers…

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This book was definitely a fun, entertaining read! The chemistry between the main characters was well done and enjoyable to read. However, I didn’t feel the same level of sparks as I did with the two previous books. The plot also felt pretty slow for the first half of this book and eventually picked up a little after halfway. Otherwise, I had a fun time reading this story!

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Breaker and Lia have been best friends for years. But now Brian, Lia's boyfriend just asked her to get married. In the whirlwind of the preparation, Breaker is trying to find and keep his place in Lia's life, despite the fact that he hates Brian and that Brian hates him. And Lia is trying to navigate Brian's distance and his very overbearing and judgmental mother.
This best friends to lovers romance is book 3 in the Cane Brothers series and I think it was my least favorite of them all. I really love a best friends to lovers trope when it's done right, and I don't think this one was. Their denial in their feelings for each other was so ridiculous. The burn was way too slow. I hated how selfish and manipulative Lia was. I see in the reviews that this one is everyone's favorite out of the 3. So of course, it's my least favorite! Some of the names were too similar so it made it confusing (Brian, Breaker, Birdy). I have to admit that I did skim most of it, because it was painful to read. We get it, Breaker and Lia are so different than everybody else.
I received an advance review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was a wonderful friends to lovers story.. Lia and Breaker had been friends for a long time and had not really thought about taking it to the next level UNTiL, she gets engaged, doesn't love the guy, hates the ring and the mother in law is not her best friend. There was lots of sweet and sexy that made the book so enjoyable. The characters were perfect for each other and written perfectly

I got this book from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review

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I really dislike this book. I just could not get over how inappropriate the main relationship is. This is not normal. Anyone who will treat their former partner this way will treat their future partner this way.

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This book was great and I ordered it for my library! I hope all my patrons love reading it as much as I did.

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Despite not having read the second book in this series, I know, shame on me, I really enjoyed this book! The character development and the way the book was written really made it a enjoyable experience.

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Unfortunately, I didn’t love this one. While I usually love a friends to lovers story, I’m not a fan of FMCs with no backbone and the entire first half of the book left me annoyed with Ophelia and the way she wouldn’t stand up for herself and what she wanted. Breaker makes a great book boyfriend and any guy who brings cupcakes to a date is going to win me over. But the friendship between the two MC’s was weird. To me, it was inappropriate and the fact that they couldn’t admit that they were crossing lines was frustrating and problematic to me. If you’re not engaged to someone else, sure you can sleep in your “best friends bed wearing his T-shirt and spooning” but the moment you enter into a relationship with someone else, especially when that person is now your fiancée, you are in very dangerous territory and it’s completely inappropriate. This is why I only love some Friends to Lovers books. It’s all about the circumstances in which they discover their love for each other.
Controversial opinion, but I don’t believe that guys and girls can be “best friends” as in their #1 person because if not already, eventually someone is going to develop feelings. It’s just natural! Otherwise, your best friend becomes your significant other. There’s no need for a best friend of the opposite sex.

I liked the Huxley/Lottie storyline much better in the first book of the series. Now I’m debating if I should go backwards and read book two, or give up and just assume I may need a different series.

Thank you to #netgalley and #sourcebooksbloombooks for this copy in exchange for my honest review.

I do love the new cover art! I didn’t love the character art inside the book. It’s not how I pictured Breaker and so it distracted me.

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