Member Reviews

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I’m a little backlogged with my ARC’s but working diligently to get caught up. I really enjoyed this romantic comedy! I’ve been a Meghan Quinn fan for many years but have trouble keeping up with all the storylines of series so I usually stick to the stand-alones. Whether you’ve read the first two books in this series or not, this one definitely has something for everyone! It works well on its own but probably even more enjoyable if you read them all in order. If you’re looking for a romantic comedy with an HEA to die for, give this book a shot!

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This book cemented Meghan Quinn as a top-tier author for me. Breaker is a dream and their relationship was perfect. I have always hated the movie My Best Friend's Wedding but this book took it, transformed the story, and made me love it

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I didn't love this. It was very over the top, and verrrrrry drawn out. A little too cheesy for my taste, but romance lovers it!

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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10/10 just for the title alone! This was my first Meghan Quinn book and I really enjoyed the characters and the plot and the happy ever after.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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I'm always skeptical of that finally seeing your best friend in a new light just before a big event trope. This is a best friends to lovers story that typified why the trope is so popular..

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WOW This one was so much better than the last and maybe my favorite so far. The characters were perfect and I could not put this one down. Please tell me this isnt the end!!

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I don't think there's a Meghan Quinn book that I don't like and I felt the same way with A Long Time Coming. I could tell that A Long Time was part of a series, but it was still enjoyable as a stand alone. It actually made me want to read the other two brother's stories to see how they got to where they were. As you read this novel you completely fall in love with Lia and Breaker and want to see both of them happy! Their friendship was fun to read about and all the mishaps during it. Now running to the store to buy the first two books in the series!

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Wow! What an amazingly cute and fun story! I am always up for a good friends to more story, and this one really hit the mark. Definitely gave off My Best Friend's Wedding vibes. Breaker and Lia have been bffs since college and now Lia is getting married. She recruits Breaker to be her "man-of-honor" and he is ready to help her with the wedding planning and her difficult mother-in-law. But somewhere along the way, the realization hits him that he is completely and utterly in love with his best friend. Now, all he has to do is convince her she belongs with him, and not the guy she's engaged to, Brian. Filled with humor, good fun, and achingly romantic moments, this book had me glued from start to finish. The quick-witted banter was on point and was such fun to read. The strong friendship these two had really shone through and was evident through the book. The chemistry between them was simply off the charts. A slow-burn, light-hearted, fun, and engaging read! I had a really great time reading this!
I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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This was my first Meghan Quinn book and I will definitely need to backtrack and read the first two in the series. This one was a delicious slow burn (I mean, years in the making slow burn) that was so fun to read once the pair of best friends realized their feelings after a decade long friendship. Breaker is the nerdy type of hot that makes a girl weak in the knees. While I didn't love Lia's character, she definitely deserved more than what she had settled for with her fiance, Brian. I loved how Breaker's brothers and their wives made multiple appearances, which has made me add both of their stories to my TBR list!

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I loved absolutely everything about this book. The characters were witty and full of spunk. Can’t wait to read more by this author

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I’m a huge fan of Meghan Quinn and this entire series may be one of my favorite of hers. Loved the characters, the dialogue and of course the signature Meghan Quinn spicy scenes. Yay! Can’t wait for what’s next.

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Friends to lovers isn’t something I’d usually pick up, but knowing this book is part of three brother’s story I couldn’t resist, and it didn’t disappoint! Breaker is just something else! I loved Quinn’s writing from the first book and she weaves a really good plot alongside some mouth watering smut, this book is full of highs and lows and I really loved the evil mother in law scenarios! I was worried there was going to be cheating which isn’t something I’m interested in reading, but this friends to lovers was handled really tastefully.

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Meghan Quinn is an all time favorite of mine and this book ranks in my top 3. I had been anxiously waiting for Breaker’s book and absolutely fell in love. Seeing Breaker and Lia’s friendship bloom into something more was something I loved! Meghan was able to show through her writing that even if you think you’re in the friend zone you might not be. Breaker and Lia are one of my all time favorite book couples. 5/5 stars!

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This book was a vibe that I enjoyed from beginning to end. I loved the touches of nerdiness with Star Wars, and board games to the fancy outfits, and billionaire daddy vibes. I enjoyed the friends to lovers, and both being in denial until they both realized they'd made a mistake not dating from when they first met in college. Having the men made into babies and acknowledging that aspect when it came to them talking about their wives and how much they loved them. I'm excited to go back and read books 1 and 2 because I think I'll enjoy those books too, although I have a feeling that Breaker's book will be my favorite.

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I thought this was well crafted, with unique characters and although it took me a little bit to get into it, it was a great read! One to add to your list.

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This book was the perfect conclusion to this series. The cane brothers are all so lovable and it was nice to get to see breaker and his growth.

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Meghan Quinn's "A Long Time Coming" delivers a classic romantic comedy premise – the best friend falling for the bride-to-be – with her signature humor and charm. However, while entertaining, the novel fails to fully capitalize on its potential, leaving readers with a somewhat uneven and predictable reading experience.

The story's strength lies in Quinn's ability to create likable and relatable characters. Breaker Cane, the loyal best friend turned reluctant "man-in-waiting," is an endearing protagonist whose increasing feelings for Lia are both humorous and heartfelt. Lia herself is a vibrant character, and the dynamics between the two friends-turned-potential-lovers are often delightful and authentic.

Quinn's writing style is breezy and engaging, infusing the narrative with plenty of witty banter and laugh-out-loud moments. The supporting cast, particularly the overbearing mother-in-law, Mrs. Beaver, provides ample opportunities for comedic situations and misunderstandings, keeping the pace brisk and the reader entertained.

However, the novel's predictability becomes its Achilles' heel. While the premise is ripe with potential for emotional depth and character growth, Quinn's execution often feels surface-level, relying heavily on well-worn tropes and clichés. The lack of genuine conflict or obstacles beyond the typical romantic comedy fare robs the story of its emotional resonance, making it difficult for readers to fully invest in the characters' journey.

Additionally, the pacing suffers from occasional lulls, and the resolution, while satisfying on a superficial level, feels somewhat rushed and lacking in the emotional payoff that the buildup promises.

Despite these shortcomings, "A Long Time Coming" remains an enjoyable and lighthearted read for fans of romantic comedies. Quinn's comedic timing and her ability to craft charming characters help elevate the material above its more predictable elements. While it may not break new ground in the genre, it delivers on its promise of a fun and entertaining escape.

Overall, Meghan Quinn's "A Long Time Coming" is a solid 3-star effort – a enjoyable romantic comedy that entertains but fails to truly soar due to its reliance on familiar tropes and a lack of depth in its execution. For readers seeking a breezy, humorous read without high expectations, this novel may just hit the spot.

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This is the last in the series of Cane Brothers books. Each was a little better than the last. A Long Time Coming features Breaker and his best friend Lea. Lea is recently engaged and being railroaded by her mother in law to be with a fiance who doesn't seem to care. Lea asks Breaker to be her man of honor and help distract the mother in law. Breaker discovers along the way that he has always loved Lea.

I wasn't sure how this would go along with Meghan Quinn's spiciness with Lea being engaged but it all works itself out. There is a ton of spice from the spice queen! I loved Breaker's brothers but he has to be my favorite of the three. A little nerdy and such a sweetheart with a potty mouth. The perfect combination!

Thank you to NetGalley, Bloom Books and Meghan Quinn for the e-ARC of this book. This review is my own opinion.

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I loved the banter and true friendship this book brought. The perfect recipe for a beautiful marriage. Quick, easy, entertaining, light & fluffy read

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Many Meghan Quinn books are on Kindle Unlimited but this is my first one. I enjoyed it alot but be warned it is steamy

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