Member Reviews

I was looking for something steamy and this did fit the bill (although the progression here was a little weird). It wasn’t my favorite of the genre but I enjoyed it. Before I can even type if out, I gotta say, what’s with the names? They’re terrible. Breaker? Ryot? Eww. Anyway, I like Breaker at first. He is sweet and nerdy and cute. But by the end he’s sort of obsessive and overbearing and doesn’t seem nerdy at all. Lia is needy and her morals are totally off. It’s a little perplexing how these two could be THAT close but never think it’s going to get romantic. Anyway, a little cringey but still enjoyable.

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Oh my gosh this book was too freaking cute! I love this series so much! I loved Breaker, and their story was so swoon-worthy!

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A Long Time Coming
by Meghan Quinn
My rating:

Breaker and Lea have been best friends since she received an invite to a secret scrabble game competition in college. Lea is getting married to Brian and since her and Breaker have been best friends for years, he is going to be with her every step of the way as her Man of Honor. Their families always thought they had a connection, but Lea and Breaker always say they are just best friends.

Okay this was the third book in the Cane Brothers series and it was SO GOOD. I didn’t love the 2nd book in the series as much as I did the first and this one but oh my gosh, this was just perfection.

I loved the relationship between Breaker and Lea. I typically don’t love a friends to lovers trope but this one opened my eyes that I enjoy it more than I thought, but the writing has to be good. This delivered!

The slow burn!! The spice! I loved it all. Absolutely recommend this one!

Thank you netgalley for the ARC! You can read this one now!

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I think out of all the three books this one was my favorite by far. I couldn’t really get into the first book but after reading the next two. I’m glad I didn’t give up on this series.
- Slow Burn
- Best Friends to Lovers
- Billionaire
- Dual POV
- ROM Com

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The last Cane brother falls in love, actually, he was in love the whole time he just didn't know it. I loved this one, especially because it was so different than the previous two, the story was on a whole different level. I loved how the story between Breaker and Lia evolves and how they come to their special HEA.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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I would like to extend my gratitude to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advance copy of this book. It’s been a pleasure reading and reviewing such a charming tale of love, friendship, and the unexpected paths our hearts can lead us on.

“A Long Time Coming” by Meghan Quinn is a delightful journey through the complexities of love and friendship. Quinn’s narrative is both witty and heartwarming, as she explores the theme of unrequited love with a fresh perspective. The story follows the protagonist, who finds himself falling for his best friend on the eve of her wedding. The ensuing chaos and emotional turmoil are depicted with humor and sensitivity, making the characters relatable and their experiences tangible.

Quinn’s writing shines in her ability to craft steamy romance that doesn’t shy away from the laugh-out-loud moments that life often presents. Her characters are well-developed, and their interactions are a testament to her skill in creating dynamic relationships that evolve over time. The book’s pacing is perfect, keeping readers engaged from start to finish with a blend of drama, comedy, and romance.

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4 stars!

Meghan Quinn... you've done it again! Friends-to-lovers is not my favorite trope, but Quinn makes it work in "A Long Time Coming," the last book in her Cane Brothers series. Usually, I want to pull my hair out when two best friends that are so clearly smitten with one another don't tell each other when they realize are in love, but the slow burn between main character Breaker and Lia is sooooooooo good that it almost makes me reconsider my feelings on this trope. Breaker is honestly my favorite of the Cane brothers, probably because I'm also a huge nerdy geek just like him. I found him to be endlessly charming. I also loved that he didn't feel the need to flaunt his money like his brothers. The fact that Lia and Breaker met at a secret Scrabble society? Amazing. Their banter is perfection, their humor full of long-running jokes and funny nicknames. Their friend "date nights" typically include taco truck dinners complete with game show reruns. The wedding dress scene literally had me in a pile of goopy mush on the floor holding my breath. UGH, it was so freaking well-written. To the readers, they are obviously perfect for one another, but they just can't get there themselves. Every interaction Lia had with her fiance, Brian, who was wrong for her in every single way, made my skin crawl. It's so painfully obvious that he was not the man for her and that he was only getting married to please his horrible, awful, social-climbing mother! When your partner doesn't know even the most basic things about you, you're in danger, girl! I finished this book quickly because it was a super readable, easily digestible rom-com that had me hooked from the very first chapter. The chemistry between the characters was off the charts good, especially towards the last third of the book when the k1nk1ness flowsssss. I can't wait to read more of Meghan Quinn's books!

Thank you to NetGalley, Meghan Quinn, and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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Meghan Quinn is definitely one of the queens of spicy romance. This is the third book in the Cane brothers series. I loved the friends to lovers trope. This is a slow burn but it's worth the wait when it all comes together. This is adorably sweet, hilariously funny, so romantic, and it squeezed and tugged at my heart strings in that pleasurable, painful way I adore. I couldn't ask for anything more in a book. Breaker and Lia were both fantastic characters and I loved their connection and chemistry. If you want a swoon worthy book then this is for you. I would highly recommend this book and the other books in this series.

Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Bloom Books | Bloom Books for allowing me to read this ARC for my honest opinion.

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This was an entertaining read!

It took a bit for me to get into, but it kept me interested once I got to a certain point. The characters were lovable, and getting to revisit some of the main characters of the previous books in the series was fun.

I enjoyed this one.

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A series you must read if you haven't yet!!!!
I really did enjoy this book, and it was the perfect ending to this series.
When Breaker & Ophelia first met, their connection was instant but platonic. Now as they settle into their adult life, living next to each other and spending their free time together has become a norm. But everything is about to change since Lia has been roped into a quickie wedding with her boyfriend and Breaker has suddenly come to realise his feelings.
Thank you to NetGalley, Bloom Books, and Meghan Quinn for this arc. All thoughts are my own.

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I have to say, out of the three brothers I was the most interested in reading Breaker's story. He never quite fit the same description as his brothers and with the whole nerd story line I was interested in seeing how his romance played out. Ophelia did have me wanting to strangle her at times. Like girl, really, Brian??? He was the most vanilla bf/fiance I've ever read. A momma's boy to his very core. Why did it take Lia so long to not see how Breaker treated her like she walked on water?

Anywhoooo, once the engagement was called off, THANK GOD, their romance moves quick! Maybe a tad too quick? I would have liked to see more into their transformation from bff to bf/gf.

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Absolutely loved this Cane brothers story! Breaker and Lia are so great together. From best friends to Breaker becoming Lia's Man-of-Honor to Breaker realizing he has feelings for Lia. Lia is content in getting married, but doesn't feel that deep connection to her fiance. You'll love this read! It's steamy and romantic and will give you all the feels!

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loved this romance and how the characters changed through the story. also loved the friends and all of the interesting things that happened during the story. loved the growth of the main character and all of her trials .

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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A long Time Coming is the last (I think) book in the Cane brothers series, this one focused on Breaker. It is a friends to lovers story with plenty of spice but also so much heart and love. I really loved the two of them together, i loved their friendship especially getting to see the beginnings of it in the first chapter and then watching it unfold. This was my favorite of the Cane brothers books and now I want to hear more about their friends in adjacent books.

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Something hits me. Something so strong, so foreign that I don't know how to categorize it. Like this overwhelming sense of...breathlessness. For a moment, my heart actually stopped beating, and the world stopped spinning, and everything was on pause as she came into view"

This book stole my heart immediately and I had no choice but to read it all in one sitting and stay up until 4am.

Breaker and Lia have been best friends for a decade. Like bonded over a secret scrabble society, moved to be neighbors, funny nicknames, tv game show nights type of best friends. There has never been any type of romantic, sexual, or non platonic feelings between them... until Lia is engaged and Breaker is her man of honor.

When her fiance leaves Lia with his mom to plan the wedding, in just five weeks, Breaker offers to be there along the way to support her against her soon to be monster in law. Between her fiance's mother being insane, and her fear and uncertainty with the engagement, Breaker is there to comfort and support her... even if that means crossing a few "best friend" lines.

Now, after 10 years of friendship, he's staring at his best friend and realizing he's head over heals in love with her and has to find a way to win her.


Oh my god. I love this book with my whole heart. THIS IS LITERALLY THE MOVIE MAID OF HONOR ON (smutty) CRACK . Right off the bat, this book has a completely different vibe than the first two books in the Cane brothers series. I knew within the first couple of chapters this would be my favorite, and Breaker would be my favorite brother. This book is now one of my comfort reads, just like Maid of Honor is one of my comfort romcoms.

There's something sooooo damn swoony about best friends to lovers. There's so much love and support in that friendship and it's no wonder everyone in their lives saw what they were both too blind to see.

BREAKER CANE IS PERFECT. The wedding dress shopping scene actually turned me into a big ass mushy pile. That entire scene felt like the magic in a romance movie, the slowed down scene, the everything quiets down but his heart beat, romantic moment. Watching this man realize he's in love with her was SO DANG CUTE. He was actually panicking and going around for help, but maintained that he had to support Lia and couldn't just sabotage the wedding. He's SO ROMANTIC. AND LOVING, AND PROTECTIVE, AND KINKY, AND DOWN RIGHT SWOOOONY.
He's all the best parts of a friends to lovers story.

I love Lia so much. We learn early on that her parents both passed away recently and she's still grieving and dealing with the emotions that come after loss. I was so proud of her for standing up for herself, at all times! The moment where she confronts of fiance, Brian about a comment he made about her I LITERALLY WAS HER CHEERLEADER READING THAT SCENE. She deserves so much love and seeing her be treated the way she should by Breaker made my eyes water. She went through so much in this book and Breaker was her safe landing for all of it.

This book is easily one of my favorites by Meghan Quinn. I CRIED, laughed, and THE SPICE IN THIS BOOK? I WAS BLUSHING. Breaker is easily the kinkiest of the brothers, and it's hilarious because the girls discuss it too. I loved seeing Huxley, Lottie, JP, Kelsey, Breaker, and Lia all together. My little family. This series is such a great time and this final book is perfect if you're a fan of best friends to lovers, billionaire romance, Maid Of Honor vibes, strong female characters, and families in books.

-5 pickles

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A Long TIme Coming is a friends to lovers, he falls first romance about Lia and Breaker. When Lia gets engaged to a mommas boy, business man who isn't right for her, Breaker finally figures out that no one will be good enough, except for maybe him? To protect his best friend's happiness and support her, even though he hates her fiance, Breaker decides he will attend all the wedding planning meetings with Lia and her future mother-in-law and become her man in waiting?
My biggest issue with this book was how UNLIKABLE Lia's fiance is. He had no redeeming qualities, and I can not see any reason she went along with this wedding apart from to prolong the story in the first place.
To say I loved Lia and Breaker's relationship would be an understatement. This is a book out of series, but I haven't read the rest of the series and did not feel like I missed out on anything AT ALL (I am scurrying to read the rest of the books in the series ASAP though). I loved how supportive Breaker was and how much he just wanted his friend to be happy.. even if it wasn't with him.
I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a spicy friends to lovers romance with a whole cast of loveable characters and a group of MMC's who are all brooding and fit and everything anyone could want in a man.

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Enjoyed the story! Meghan Quinn always knows how to satisfy my need for an easy, can’t put it down read.

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This book is an absolute delight, blending adorably sweet moments with hilarious humor and achingly romantic scenes. Lia and Breaker meet in college and become best friends, but it's not until years later, amidst wedding planning and unexpected realizations, that Breaker realizes he's in love with Lia. With Meghan Quinn's signature wit and irresistible banter, the story unfolds into a wonderfully quirky and charming friends-to-lovers romance. Breaker and Lia's journey is filled with laughter, tears, and swoons, making it an unforgettable and heartwarming read.

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Breaker and Lia have been best friends since college and have been each other's person for a decade. When Lia gets engaged and her fiancé's mom insists on a wedding date 5 weeks away, she asks him to be her man of honor and recruits him to come to all the wedding planning events with her monster-in-law. For some reason, the groom's mother seems to forget that this wedding is for Lia and making her dreams come true, and instead cares more about the guests than her future daughter-in-law. Somewhere along the way, Breaker starts to see Lia in a new light, and before he knows it, it hits him that he's fallen in love with his best friend.

Another amazing hit from Meghan Quinn! I absolutely adored Breaker and Lia from jump, seeing how they met in college during the prologue, to the present day chemistry between them. Lia is a bit awkward in the cutest way, and the wedding antics that came from that awkwardness were absolutely hilarious. And Breaker... oh my heart! He was somehow both the sweetest closeted nerd and the hottest alpha male all wrapped up into one! The way he interacted with his brothers in the first two books was great, but having him come to center stage in this one made me fall in love with him even more!

This is THE PERFECT slow burn friends-to-lovers romance, and though I didn't think anything could top the hilarity of book one in the series, I stand corrected! This one was by far my favorite.

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