Member Reviews

A Long Time Coming is a delightful version of the classic trope friends to lovers. I loved the endearing back story of Lia and Breaker and how they met in college as part of a secret game night. This story made the characters relatable by sharing the nuances and traditions that are established with over a decade of friendship. I really came to love these two as friends. Then Lia gets engaged and Breaker comes to the rescue as her personal buffer between her and her to be mother in law from hell. It was fun to see how during the wedding planning both characters realizing they have more that friendship feeling for one another. Neither Lia or Breaker will say anything to the other because they don’t want to ruin their cherished friendship. Then Breaker see Lia in her wedding dress everything changes and their friendship will never be the same. Add in some “I told you so” brother and a circle of feisty females and you have the remarkable story of A Long Time Coming.

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Slow burn rom com at its best! A Long Time Coming is a must read for any romance lover. You’ll laugh and swoon in the same breath.

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The last Cane brother falls in this third installment of the series. This book is Breaker, billionaire, geek, and best friend to Lia.
I love their original meeting and their friendship but her boyfriend then fiance was terrible.
Yeah....she gets engaged. I didn't really like a lot of the story revolving around that but their friendship and his siblings make up for that
3.5-4 stars overall

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What a fun read. I anticipated most of the storyline but what romance doesn't end up that way? This was a sweet story with extremely likeable characters, although they can be frustrating at times. Another great reas from Meghan Quinn

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This is my first Meghan Quinn title. I enjoyed the writing style, but was not a fan of characters and their motivations. I'll be watching for other titles from her that I may enjoy more.

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Absolutely loved this one. And this whole series! Cannot wait for what’s next. Meghan Quinn always makes me laugh reading her books and this was no different t.

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I am so glad I read this. It was a little slow for me at the beginning but very quickly grasped my attention. I devoured this in about 5 hours lol.

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Lia and Breaker were best friends for the past ten years. They celebrate everything together, spending time with each other daily. Why then, is Lia afraid to let Breaker know that she is newly engaged and her fiancé wants to seal the deal in the next five weeks?

This book is apparently a part of a series of books about the Cane brothers. I was not aware of this and this was my first book by Quinn. I found it to be a bit mid tier as far as romance books. While the spice level in the book was fun, I felt it lacked a lot of development which is shocking because the book was well over 400 pages. There seemed to be an accelerated time line between Lia and Breaker, which I could understand because they had been friends for so long, but it just seemed so abrupt to go from friends to being obsessed lovers. Not really sure, just know that this one missed the mark for me. I still will likely read the other books in the series, though, because the writing was easy to breeze through.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions within this review are my own.

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The third book in the Cane Brothers series, A Long Time Coming is a typical friends to lovers story told with the spice and laugh out loud humor that I have come to love and expect from Meghan Quinn.

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC. #Netgalley #Alongtimecoming #meghanquinn

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Nice to have the story for the last brother. Typical friends to lovers story. Thanks for the advanced copy NetGalley. #NetGalley #ALongTimeComing

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A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn is the third book in the Cane Brothers series. This was a great best friends to lovers story that focused on Breaker and Lia. They’ve been friends since college and are each other’s person – they bounce everything off each other and rely on each other for so much. This book had a slow-burn romance element to it, with the chemistry between Lia and Breaker finally meeting it’s boiling point and there is no denying that there is a level of spice between them! I’m a huge Meghan Quinn fan and this book didn’t disappoint!

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A classic friends to lovers story. Breaker is asked to be his best friend Lia's "man of honor". While helping Lia plan her wedding Breaker realizes he is in love with her.

While the story line was cute, I found Lia's character really annoying. She was so wishy washy on things, yet expected Breaker to drop everything when she needed something from him.

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This book was rough. With the constant back and forth of “No, he/she’s my best friend, even though we literally moved so we could live across the hall. And I don’t let men sleep over because our beds are right next two each other…etc.” Like be soooo for real. Also, you are really going to let your mother in law steam roll you into having a tacky expensive wedding in 5 weeks? AND your boyfriend doesn’t even like your glasses that help you see. Absolutely ridiculous. The one saving Grace was the sex scenes. Megan Quinn can definitely write a sex scene or 5.

If I had read the two books before maybe I would have liked it more, but alas the last book is not that great.

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Almost lost me at the Secret Scrabble Sociegy and the level that she was stressing about it💀

I was so close to DNFing but I did end up skimming the middle part quite heavily.

Their banter was cute. Loved that they were nerds together and proud of it.

Did I really need to know that breaker sits to pee??

Most unrealistic part of this whole book was her admitting she writes Supernatural porn the first night she’s met someone 😂 I was dying

Her fiancé tried to get insider trade info from her best friend and she’s just blasé about it. Isn’t this the same girl panicking over breaking a rule of the secret scrabble society???

Why was she with Brian so long, he was terrible?

Almost tapped out again at the equivalent of an ad for Mikayla’s tiktok. Cannot stand that girl.

The immediate switch into Breaker being all dom was jarring and odd. And the excessive amount of sexual talk after they get together was too much. Im big into spice but can they get thru a day at Disney without each convo reverting to sex. I bet Breaker and Lia are that couple at a theme park making out in line for a ride.

Very fast paced once they got together which I liked. It made sense with their history and I feel like too many friends to lovers books have things move slowly once they get together.

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Another great book in the Cane series by Meghan Quinn!! Oh my goodness, this one had me hook from the beginning! Much like the movie My Best Friend's Wedding, A long Time Coming is about two best friends who would do anything for each other--and that means when it's time for Lia to get married, her best friend Breaker has to help her navigate the murky waters of her very unkind, very unaccepting soon-to-be mothe-in-law. But as they are tackling tasks and run ins with the MIL, Breaker starts to see Lia in a whole new way. It's a very fun, feel good story that I definitely recommend!

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I dug into this Meghan Quinn series after seeing it advertised on my Kindle a bunch, but after reading these three books, I'm not sure this series or Quinn's writing is for me. I find her MMCs a little unlikeable, though Breaker (the MMC in this book) was my favorite of the bunch because he oozed the least toxic masculinity. But these stories, and this book specifically, lack the depth that I'm looking for in a romance.

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I just love the blue cover with cupids and hearts. The purple cover with fireworks is cute too, but I love that blue. As for the story, it is adorably sweet, funny, and romantic - My Best Friend's Wedding vibes for real! The wit and banter were perfection. I don't often purchase a print book to go with the kindle, but this cover will look pretty on my shelf.

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a long time coming is sickly sweet, wonderfully slow-burn, and super spicy!
a great read to pick up for the upcoming valentines season!

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When I saw that there were more books featuring the Cane brothers, I was excited. I had enjoyed the other two quite a bit, and was curious to learn more about the Cane family. That being sad, this book is not as strong as the other two. Breaker is an adorable guy, and I think this book would be a super cute movie that I would definitely watch, but it just wasn't that believable. I also have no idea what Lia does for work. Maybe it said at one point but I don't think it did? It was a little odd to me. The other books are so centered around the work lives of the characters, so it was a little strange to have this book just mention that Lia had work to do, but never anything more than that. It made her fall a little bit flat. I think the book had potential, but I just don't feel like the execution was really there. It was a quick and entertaining read, but definitely my least favorite of the three books. Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for this ARC.

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This book was a lot of fun to read! I enjoyed that the couple started as friends and I even enjoyed how Lia gets engaged to someone else at the start of the book. It was so rewarding to watch her realize she deserved better. I love how Breaker put his all into being her man of honor even though the process let him discover that he had deep romantic feelings for her. This book is friends to lovers and I enjoyed ever second!

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