Member Reviews

I could not and DNFed at 42%. I really wanted to like this so I could finish the Cane Brothers series, but the more I read, the more I hated it and the previous two books. Breaker is just boring. His story and plot is so far from the other two brothers, but then again when you’re billionaire empires, there’s only so much you can do.
Lia was unlikeable, I’m sorry. I wanted to root for her and watched grow into this badass person. Maybe she does at the end, but I just felt so bad for her and couldn’t keep reading if she wouldn’t stand up for herself.
I also hate hearing every single inner thought and feeling, and the pages worth of text conversations. I know they’re “important” but they’re definitely not relevant.
Overall, this book really just made me dislike the whole series and contemplate why I read them

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I love the cane brothers, and I was really looking forward to this last book. A love story which starts with a strong friendship foundation is always going to end well. The comfort, the love, the friendship between these two main characters that slowly develops into a epic happily, ever after was exactly what I was waiting for with this book.

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Thank you Netgalley & Bloom Books for my ARC!

I should really make sure books aren't trilogies or parts of series before I start them, but hey, like someone else said, this one worked as a standalone. A little cheesy, a little romance. A classic friends to lovers story that I enjoyed.

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Lia and Breaker have been best friends since college where they bonded over their nerdy interests. Now as adults, they live next door to each other and continue their friendship antics. When Lia gets engaged, Breaker steps up to be her man in waiting. even though But when he realizes he's been in love with Lia this entire time, his job becomes a whole lot harder. Because now all he wants is for Lia to see he's the one for her.

What I loved:
- the spice! Oh my, definitely the highlight of the book
- Breaker overall was just a lovable character - possibly my favourite of the brothers
- the bond between the brothers; I enjoyed the previous books so it was fun to see them all together again
- the connection between Breaker and Lia was very cute; it was clear they were meant to be even though they couldn't see it
- I am so glad the author wrote Birdy as a lovable character - I hate when authors create unnecessary woman drama or the caricature of the "wrong type of woman"

What I didn't love:
- some of the banter itself just felt over the top and I skimmed over it; I feel like people don't actually talk like this lol
- I wish there had been more dual timeline; maybe more time spent with Lia and Breaker in the past would've made me pine for their romantic connection or give me some insight into their friendship. I prefer in friends to lovers when one of the characters pines for the other secretly or we at least get their POV in why it needs to stay a friendship only. In this case it seems the platonic to romantic switch happened so quickly for both characters
- the very clear "soft cheating" or whatever you want to call it; I don't care if you are best friends, there are still things that cross the line and I get why her fiance would be jealous of Breaker
- over the top mother in law had me rolling my eyes

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I really love Meghan Quinn and this one did not disappoint! I didn't realize this was the final book in a trilogy, but it still worked well as a standalone. It was a cute, quick, easy read and I really loved Lia's character - she was sweet, quirky, and had great chemistry with Breaker. I'm a sucker for a friends to lover trope! The whole magic dress spell thing felt a little odd to me, but overall I still enjoyed this one. Thanks so much for the ARC!

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I read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I gave this book 5 stars, because it was fun, full of chemistry, and I enjoyed the two main characters and their story. It was a wonderful conclusion to the trilogy. I'm not a huge fan of love triangles, so I'm glad Quinn gave Lia an easy out. It was definitely easy to dislike The Beave.
It was slightly frustrating that Lia had no clue about Breaker and his feelings, but it made for a fun discovery anyway.

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I’ve read her other two book about the Cane brothers, so I was excited to read about the last brother. Classic story of best friends to lovers. Breaker and Lia have been best friends for over a decade, and Breaker finally realizes that he’s in love with his best friend as she is getting ready to marry another man. This story was slow to get started into their romance, but once it did, boy was it spicy. Overall I liked this book although there were some parts that were cringe or made me roll my eyes.

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I really enjoyed the whole series with the Cane men. . How many couples start as friends? Each couple must find their own way to get together.

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I loved this so much that I have picked up several more books by Meghan Quinn since I read this a month ago. I really enjoy this author and will be reading more of her books in the future.

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When I applied for this one I also applied for the first two in this series at the same time. For some reason I was denied the first two but approved for this last one. Super disappointed since I now have to read and review the last book without reading the first two. Hopefully I didn’t miss much but either way I don’t think I’ll bother with the first two anyway. This was so cheesy and sappy and honestly I’m glad it’s over.

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This may be one of my favorite friends-to-lovers book that I have ever read. While it is based on My Best Friend's Wedding, in this version we get the satisfying ending of the two friends actually ending up together. On of the best parts of this book though has to be the fact that there is no third act breakup!

Breaker and Lia have been each others person since college, even as it is so obvious that Breaker has been in love with her this entire time while Lia definitely has some feelings for him. A classic example of he fell first and harder. Although Breaker has some hidden love, he doesn't necessarily realize it until Lia gets engaged to a total douche canoe and is asked to be her man of honor. This is when things start to fall into place for him. Through helping Lia with the wedding planning and dealing with an absolute Monster-in-Law, Breaker realizes that he is the right man for Lia at last.

The chemistry between these two is unmatched. They are truly soulmates and belong with one another. The spice is of course amazing as with all spice that Meghan Quinn writes. This book as well made me non stop laugh with all of the hilarious and outrageous wedding antics.

Thank you Bloom Publishing and Meghan Quinn for an eArc of this book in return for an honest review.

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This was so funny! No ones makes me laugh and makes me blush in a book as well as Meghan Quinn. Breaker and Lia have a wonderful friendship and it's so fun to watch it turn into more. I love the dual point of view in this book because we get to watch it happen in real time. The evil MIL was hilarious and really quite evil. I love the friend group here. I love the hilarity. I just all around loved reading this one. It is definitely spicy and if you liked a well placed "good girl" you'll love this.

Just a heads up: This is number three in the series! I haven't read the first two and it will give you a glimpse if you read this first. It doesn't ruin them to read this first though, it just gives you a peek. I want to read the first two now.

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I loved this heart warming story of two best friends finally getting together. I did read in order, after the first two book, but can definitely read as a stand alone. Great story, just keep wanting to read one more chapter.

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A Long Time coming is a friends to lovers romance. This book is about Breaker and Lia and is told from both of their points of view. This book starts off with Breaker and Lia meeting when they are both in a secret group of playing games (ex. Scrabble.)

Now years later, they are best friends and neighbors. Lia's boyfriend proposes and Breaker agrees to be her man of honor. While he is helping her out with her wedding he starts to realize his feelings may be more than just friendship.

This book frustrated me at time. Lia wanted to have her cake and eat it too. She was engaged and got mad if Breaker was hanging out with someone else. I did like their friendship, but I felt like Breaker was giving more than he got. Lea lets her husband to be and her future mother in law to push her around as well. She doesn't have a backbone to stand up to them, and makes Breaker do it for her.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the 3rd book in the Cane Brother's trilogy but can easily be read as a standalone. In book 3 we find Lia (Ophelia) and Breaker (no mention if this is his real name or not so just imagine a Muppet). These two have been best friend's since college and if you have any doubt about their 'best friend' status, don't worry they will mention it every chapter if not every page. As her best freind, Breaker is selected as the 'man of honor' in Lia's upcoming marriage to a person who isn't important so you don't need to know his name.

I found it very hard to ship the two mains when one of them was engaged to someone else for literally 65% of the book. Even if you don't like her fiance, it's still a weird line. And poor lia just didn't have two brain cells to rub together so all her 'this just doesn't feel right' and 'why aren't I happy' internal dialogues going absolutely no where will endlessly frustrate you. Also the level of absurd situations that Lia gets herself into remind me of that video on Tiktok of a grown woman saying she's a toddler then accidentally dropping a cup and the whole internet just being done with her foolishness. Like this person, if she really existed would not be able to function in society. The fire, the throwing of the blood AND the boob punch to her mother in law all in 2 days is too much. I would not be friends with this character if I knew her irl.

This is absolutely a slow burn but when the spice starts happening, it is objectively good spice. You just are so ready to be rid of these two that you don't bother investing in said spice.

There is really weird writing at times that forces the reader out of the story: 'uh... I believe I just blessed you hard with holy water' like that is a weirdly constructed sentence.

'I want to see if there is more emotion behind it or if I'm the one who is only feeling this way.' like that is a weird way to say that. You should be wondering if you 'are the only one who is feeling this way' like you don't *only feel that way*

These two finally find their happily ever after when a magic wedding dress removes a spell on breaker assigning Lia exclusively 'best friend' status. Poor Lia isn't brought along for the ride though so then you get like 50 pages of her going 'what is happening' and 'I can't date you, I actually like you as a person' Lia needed therapy not yet another fiance.

Also there are these little illustrations throughout the book that I know are meant to add to the story but there were so weirdly drawn and didn't match with the picture in my head that it really just ended up pulling me out of the story even more. Like trying to sort out if she's a red head with blonde highlights why is this person a brunette?

I'm giving this book 2 stars because while there are just so many things that will annoy you, it is technically readable and has enough to keep you captivated. This wasn't a DNF when I thought it was going to be so it gets a little clout for that.

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I really love Meghan Quinn. It has been awhile since I have read one of her stories. This was so entertaining and combined with the audio was even better. I recommend it this friends to lovers romance, Lia and Breaker story was well written.

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WOW! What can I say about Breaker Cane?! He’s the perfect combination of his older brothers. I’d describe him as a cinnamon roll alpha 🤣 is that a thing? If not, I’m making it one, just for him.

Meghan Quinn’s spin on My Best Friend’s Wedding was absolute perfection. Outrageously funny, deliciously sweet, paired with some sweat-worthy spice, this book was the total package. All the stars in the sky, for real.

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Besties to lovers I'm all for it. But the BANTER and all the cool 90s/2000s pop culture going on?! OMG SWOON! Breaker and Lia are so damn cute together and that slow burn is intense but when they finally get their head out their asses and realize what's right in front of them it's well worth the wait 🥹🥵🙌🏽 I've read a few of Meghan's books before but this one was my favorite by far I devoured it in 24hrs. Definitely recommend if friends to lovers is your type of trope!

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The sweetest and my favorite of the Cane Brothers Trilogy. I’d give this book a 4.25/5 stars; it has all the elements of a best friends-to-lovers rom com. I loved the slow burn and lack of third act breakup between the MMC and FMC. These characters felt the most developed out of the three books, and I liked that the leads from the previous two books were incorporated as side characters in this story. Breaker was the start of the show for me!

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I stopped after the first section (4%) but it’s compulsively readable and I can see exactly why it blew up on TikTok. Definitely and easy three to four stars for the target, with five for the right readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC.

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