Member Reviews

I’m really impressed with this cover—it immediately caught my eye with its vibrant details and colors. Monarch Falls is a sci-fi fantasy featuring an amateur PI who lands a major job offer and finds herself in peril. I enjoyed the futuristic crime elements, and Reese did a fantastic job bringing the story to life with rich details. The narrative is both entertaining and action-packed, and I particularly liked the main character. Overall, it’s a gripping read!

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This is the first book in the Four Quarters of Imagination series. A futurist story that starts off at a resort that caters to the rich. Where they can live out their fantasies. Unfortunately, they are dealing with real people and their lives. The fantasy stories are played out by poor people and the rich people determine their fate. All it will take is money. The plot and the story overall are amazing. The author does a great job keeping the reader focus on the story and keeps them at the edge of their seat. Well written characters and story. An exceptional start to a new series.

Disclaimer: Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for this review copy and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This book had a very interesting setting and premise. A fictional world one can enter and live out their wildest fantasies in four themed provinces, as long as you could afford it. It has sort of a West World vibe, that initially attracted me, though I haven't watched that show.

Inside this imaginary world ( The Four Corners of Imagination), there is a man out of place -- He's hopping story to story, corner to corner and needs to be caught before he disrupts the fantasy for top buyers. Que protagonist Stella, a 26 year old P.I. who is desperately trying to provide for her family. She takes the job to hunt down this hopper, and discovers an entire untoward truth about the underbelly of the Four Corners.

I loved the idea of this book, and I really was disappointed in the execution. So much time is spent on the move, that the reader never gets to sink into the vast world the author created. There is description of transportation. It's setting changes constantly as the characters go place to place and I felt like time could have been better spent on developing the plot or characters. Or even describing the fantasy plots in Four Corners.

Speaking of plot and characters, they are very flat. We get a sense of trauma from Stella, but the connection between her past and her actions is never explored until the very end. We don't know what she's invested beyond helping her family.

Corso is a stereotypical cop, and I could never get a read on his age since he's Joey's (Stella's father figure) partner. Is he way older then Stella? Or some Rookie cop that is age appropriate? Their relationship rubs me the wrong way because I didn't know for sure what was up with them.

Jericho is flat flat flat. I suspected him the whole time because there is little to no development beyond he's a rich dude who hired Stella. They kept implying that a hirer up was involved with the schemes inside, and the reveal was quick, lacking excitement or closure.

Great ideas, bland execution. I wished the book had more depth, but it ended up fairly shallow the entire time. I want to thank Net Galley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I have decided to get the e-book of this and have decided to read it there. I will be taking my time with this to figure how this book is and review further at a later date.

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The world building in this book is amazing. I really liked the themes of the four quarters. The love triangle that kind of happens for a second was interesting and kept it intriguing. The finale was written very well, were the we know exactly where each characters leave off. Overall it did give a west world vibe which I enjoyed.

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I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book wasnt for me. Anytime I put it down, it was an effort to pick back up. It was too YA for my old cynical brain so I dont think its fair to give it a bad rating but again I didnt enjoy it so I cant give it top marks. A nice middle ground 3 star and a review that tells you absolutely nothing about the story.

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Thank you NetGalley for the eARC of this book

There were several things I enjoyed about the book: certain characters, the fact that our main character can have purely platonic relationships that are still really meaningful, the idea of the four quarters and mystery of it all.

Nevertheless some aspects were a bit disappointing. I wish the different quarters would be described more. This feels like such a lush world that we simply don’t get to fully be immersed in. If it was more atmospheric, I think I would have enjoyed it more. There are other aspects of the story that I also didn’t really enjoy but that would give way to spoilers. Finally the writing was sometimes a little confusing to me regarding whether people were standing or sitting and where in the rooms they were, which was quite important during more action heavy scenes.

All in all I am certain that this story has an audience, and I am still glad I read it!

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Very entertaining, action packed, dystopian thriller with a Westworld vibe PI story. I appreciated the smut free story and loved the fact that there is a bisexual main character. Not sure the chosen trauma inflicted to her was really necessary though. I'm curious to tead book 2!

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An entertaining futuristic crime thriller that tackles some pretty heavy topics. The futuristic setting threw me off a bit, because I thought it was going to be a science fiction story, but turns out the story probably could've been set in the present day, so if you're looking for scifi, the setting might make it seem like a missed opportunity that the book didn't really capitalize on. But otherwise it was mostly a good read. Most of the characters are likeable, interesting and not two dimensional, the story is mostly thrilling, and the writing is mostly perfectly adequate, never sticking out in a bad way.

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I loved the Westworld-esque concept of the book more than the actual book itself. I loved the idea of the Four Quarters and Stella was a compelling protagonist but the dialogue felt very artificial and the overall writing needs some editing. I’m still giving it 4 stars as I have read an advanced copy and I’m sure the final version will be more polished.

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When I found out this was set in the future I was immediately excited. This book did not disappoint AT ALL

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I was instantly immersed into this futuristic read. It's 2147 and Stella Grady has decisions to make. A story that has humor, crime and digs into society's not so pretty depths. I can't wait to read more! For fans of dystopian reads. I'm so grateful that #Netgalley and #VictoryEditing gave me the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are totally mine.

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A futuristic setting for this action packed crime thriller. This is a gritty story, with humour and plenty of tension set within a massive role playing city sized park for the super-rich. But hidden in the dark places something is wrong. Stella Grady, hired to catch an interloper bounty style will find the job is much more than it first seems. Thank you to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I really enjoyed the world in which Reese plunged me into with this book. Every character had both strengths and flaws, and I never knew exactly what was coming around the corner. If you love dystopian storytelling, then this is definitely the book for you. I’m just bummed the next book won’t be here for a bit!

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This was a good read, but I don't know if I'm the intended audience so that's really on me. Interesting concept, a bit of a drag in some sections, but overall entertaining.

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