Member Reviews

This read as more middle grade to early YA to me. Maybe because the characters start off as children. So it's not my normal go to genre. It's also more on the sci fi end than it is fantasy. It read very quickly and it felt like the plot was on fast forward and then it would pause for some action before fast forwarding again. I think like 3 or so years go by in this book. It's very reminiscent of Ender's Game with lot's of training and proving oneself. I think fand of YA dystopian and Sci Fi will enjoy this.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lost Island Press for providing an eARC of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lost Island Press for giving me a free eARC of this book to read in exchange for my review!

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
Mel Torrefranca is a new author for me and it is always an amazing honour to find a writer who writes with such fluidity to engage with the reader instantly.
I had such a fun time reading this first book in a new trilogy. The world building is great and well detailed, the characters are all interesting in their own way - students and guardians, storylines are so interesting and believable. I couldn’t put it down I just wanted to keep reading another chapter then another chapter - it is that exciting. And the ending - WOW - I am desperate to get book two asap.
Highly recommend to all readers of dark academia.
Very easy 5* .

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This book is for people who loved The Poppy War but wanted the time at Sinegard to last longer. And also wanted less vulgarity.

Nightshade Academy follows Yahshi as he is chosen to be a Guardian trainee at the famous academy that only allows five students to graduate each cycle. If you do graduate, you will work for the emperor in either the Research, Defense, or Medical division and fight against a rebel group known as the Underground. Yahshi had lost faith in the Guardians after witnessing a traumatic childhood event and yet being chosen as a trainee will secure his future. Thus begins his journey.

The story is overshadowed by the conflict between the East and West: the Underground rebels and Vakoi Empire (royal family). What previously occurred during the Atherus War allowed the West to gain control of the East by murdering its royal family. The world building and politics are great. There’s a lot of gray area.

I think this happens sometimes with self-published books or books from smaller publishing houses but the writing doesn’t feel tight. Particularly the dialogue. This isn’t meant to be degrading but rather critical of how large publishing houses sometimes over-edit forcing the authors into corners.

Including a song title at the beginning of every chapter felt very juvenile. I’ve seen other authors include a playlist at the beginning of a book but never for every single chapter. Isn’t it better for your audience to connect songs with your characters and plot rather than forcing your ideas on them?

Some aspects reminded me of The Hunger Games such as how the Guardian trainees chosen receive a pension for both their families back home and for their province. While in THG if you win, your family and you are set up for life. Both stories also feature dark politics and the uncovering of plots. In THG the idea that the games are good for Panem is questioned and in NA being a Guardian is seems as a worthy role until you actually get to that point.

I am not a mystery reader so when I do end up reading a mystery or thriller type story I’m not on the lookout for hints or reveals. I just want to enjoy the story. Because of this, I did not see the reveal at the end coming at all. 😅 Kudos to Torrefranca.

At a certain point I was thinking when will it end because it’s dragging! And then the last like six chapters happened and there was not a single miss! Boom! Boom! Boom! Interesting action! So the story redeemed itself.

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3/5 Stars

I want to thank Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this copy in exchange for an honest review.

In this story, we follow a young boy's journey as he joins an elite academy for fighters and protectors, Guardians of a Force that keeps the peace between East and West. Our protagonist, Yahshi, has seen a glimpse of the scary truth behind this Guardianship and is torn between believing the pretty story they show the public or seeing the truth.

I enjoy academy-type or trial-type books. It feels impossibly nostalgic if done right, and a good trial story will always grip me from start to finish. Think Hunger Games or Divergent or many newer additions to this subgenre. I'm not sure what it is about these stories for me.

Unfortunately, while this story was a YA academy story and very typically dystopian, it was not my cup of tea. The story and characters never gripped me and so these pages felt endlessly long with no true goal in mind as the protagonist keeps being torn between his options, which is fair. Even by the end of the story, you're not quite sure if what you've read is plausible and where the plot will go. A lot happened in this book, yet it did not manage to inspire me to keep my interest in it.

I would still encourage readers of YA fiction to pick this one up, as it might be the beginning of a great series. I've noticed that I personally oftentimes don't enjoy YA fiction the way actual young adults do (I do fear I am getting old with my 20+), so if you're looking for a book to hook you this might as well be it!

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🥷🏻A la Academia Belladona de Guardianes sólo va lo mejorcito del Imperio. Pero allá ha ido a parar Yahshi, estudiante prometedor caído en desgracia. En la Academia aprenderá artes marciales, el uso de venenos y armas, y todo lo necesario para convertirse en la guardia de élite que defenderá al Imperio de los Bárbaros del Este... aunque quizás, y sólo quizás, este no es su sitio, y el Imperio esté ocultando cosas.🥷🏻

🕯️Mel Torrefranca es una joven escritora, autora ya de varias novelas, que da un gran salto con Nightshade Academy. No es Dark Academia, ni tampoco diría que es Young Adult, sino más bien tirando a juvenil. 🕯️

🐇Aún así, trata temas que dan en qué pensar, en función de dónde esté uno mismo como lector cuando aborda un libro. Y eso es bueno. Que un libro te haga pensar.🐇

©️Por lo demás, no es una obra super original (hay ecos de los Juegos del Hambre o de Las Guerras de la Amapola) y tampoco los personajes son memorables. ©️

A favor:

✅ Cal, la antagonista del libro, por representación de todo lo que está mal en el sistema, está muy bien hecha. Casi hasta dan ganas de animarla.

✅ El proceso y mentalidad de quien participa en el sistema y poco a poco va desconfiando, desafiando e incluso protestando contra él me ha parecido muy fidedigno.

✅ El libro cubre un periodo de 3 años, pero no aburre. El tiempo pasa razonable y adecuadamente a cada fase.

✅✅✅ El Cliffhanger final. (Chef kiss)

❌ Ningún personaje memorable. Quizás Vell, la ladrona, pero tampoco. Una pena.

❌ El worldbuilding está muy poco desarrollado. Es una pena, porque con un poco de historia directa, hubiese quedado muy bien.

Muy recomendable y entretenida. Creo que Mel Torrefranca nos va a traer cosas muy buenas en el futuro.

Valoración: 🥷🏻🥷🏻🥷🏻➗➗(3,75 Shinobis)

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This is one of those books that I really enjoyed but wish I had not read until the trilogy was complete as now I have to wait ages till I find out what happens next ! So well written and constructed that it held me from page one.

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Thanks to Mel Torrefranca and Lost Island Press for the ARC.

Nightshade Academy is a mysterious dystopic read which intrigued me very much with its complexity. I felt that the world-building was done very well and made it easy for the reader to be immersed in the military academy and the idea of the Guardians. I also enjoyed the presentation of the conflicting sides, and how perception twists as the novel goes along. I also liked how multifaceted the characters were, being very flawed but still having positive aspects. I especially like the way she had written the students of the military academy, though they had differing opinions and backgrounds I felt as if all their struggles were equally sympathetic.

The aspects of corruption and propaganda were the parts of the novel that interested me the most, as it gradually became more obvious as the plot moved forward, and I feel as if this was perfectly paced. The emotions of the Yahshi and the way reacted to the travesties occurring around him, made him a compelling protagonist struggling to appeal to his own moralities and that of the Empire. The friendships he had with Vell and Pinto felt very genuine and I also enjoyed the rivalry he had with Quax, along with the connections with other students like Sunna or Keiyo.

The last part of the novel had a lot of exciting action and a surprising twist at the end that really brought the hints across the plot together, and made me very interested in the next installment of the series.

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Well this was undoubtedly fun!

Whilst marketed as a fantasy, Nightshade Academy feels as if it’s rightfully belonging to the golden age of YA dystopia! With its character-driven, immersive writing style, you are plunged right amongst the action with the protagonist, with a plot that propels you with each page. The cast of characters is likeable, their motives understandable, and the villains are appropriately dubious as their layers are slowly revealed.

The world is confined, in its intentionally suffocating atmosphere riddled with obsession, betrayal and bitter rivalries, and I can’t wait to see the wider scope that was teased towards the conclusion, in future instalments! The novel poses questions of morality; of freedom and control, of egocentrism and accountability for actions, all with a seamless ease, thrusting characters into impossible choices that the reader can empathise with acutely. Mel Torrefranca crafts a gritty analysis of wealth and privilege, and the extent people would go to to attain them, as well as touching upon themes of coping with trauma.

The book covers the journey of young student Yahshi, after being selected for a military academy that twenty students may enter, but only five can remain. This closed setting allows for heightened tension, and endearing friendships to emerge. As time unfolds and questions arise, the stakes increase ever higher, all building to the third act which occurs at a breakneck pace, only to leave with a plot twist that makes me desperate for the next novel!

All around a fun, fast-paced, tightly plotted, dystopia-esque fantasy read, that provides a strong start to a trilogy!

Massive thanks to Mel Torrefranca and Lost Island Press for the ARC!

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Mel Torrefranca’s ‘Nightshade Academy’ is a thrilling dive into the supernatural world of magic and mayhem. The book masterfully combines elements of mystery, fantasy, and the supernatural to create a story that keeps readers enchanted from start to finish.

The main character, a young and gifted student of the Nightshade Academy, takes us on a captivating journey filled with unexpected twists and magical discoveries. Torrefranca’s character development is impeccable, making it effortless to connect with the protagonist and their trials.

The plot is a rollercoaster of suspense, packed with secrets, betrayals, and hidden agendas that keep you eagerly flipping through the pages. The author’s world-building is immersive, crafting a school for the supernatural that feels both enchanting and dangerous.

Torrefranca’s writing style is both eloquent and gripping, ensuring a reading experience that’s both delightful and engaging. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing for moments of introspection as well as heart-pounding action.

‘Nightshade Academy’ is a brilliant addition to the realm of supernatural fantasy, leaving readers craving the next installment. If you’re a fan of magic, mystery, and adventure, this book is a must-read that transports you into a world where the darkness holds as much allure as the light.

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Twenty teenagers enter. Only five become guardians.

Really well-written YA fantasy mystery. Great plot and great characters.

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4.25 stars
Nightshade Academy, the first book in the 'Belladonna' trilogy, follows Yahshi Konya. After witnessing a murder as a child (with the knowledge that he could have stopped it) and obsessing over it for years, causing his grades to drop drastically and his friendships to be endangered, Yahshi did not expect to be selected as one of the Academy.
(spoiler alert: he has never regretted anything more than signing that contract)

I'm going to be honest, I did not expect much from this book. I expected next to nothing, actually. but I ATE IT UP. This was everything I could've wanted and so much more.

The characters all felt 3 dimensional and real and the FOUND FAMILY IS SO REAL GUYS (except for the conflict at the very end but I'm not giving spoilers)
The book being divided into two parts: "corruption" and "redemption" and it all makes so much sense now.

The only issue I had was that some aspects of the book were glaringly unsubtle. They didn't bother me a lot, but when those things did pop up, it took me out of the book for a moment.

It's honestly unfair to expect us to read this (before it is released, might I add) and not immediately give us the sequel. Like ??? Mel, the nation needs answers.

Also, as a writer myself, I want to take a moment to applaud Mel for this book. The amount of research that probably went into this is astounding. I also really like her writing style.

Thank you for Mel and Lost Island Press for this arc! Hope you have a good day!

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Nightshade Academy is an absolutely thrilling, fast paced, classic fantasy adventure novel that kept me as a reader enthralled every step of the way. It's one of my favorite reads in quite some time, and that's only because of how well written and compelling the characters and story are. I blew through the book in the span of two days because I couldn't stand to put it down and, now that it's done, I will be waiting with bated breath for the next one in the series.

The story is another outstanding flavor of classic coming of age stories in which our young protagonist enters a new environment and must face countless challenges to survive and succeed. Like classic favorites such as The Hunger Games or Divergent, our main character slowly discovers there's more to the society he's grown up in and taken for granted, and it is this knowledge that thrusts him into further dangers, eventually making him put his life and the lives of those he loves on the line for his ideals.

Yahshi, along with several other same aged peers, have their moral character, physical fitness, and mental fortitude put to the test in the titular Nightshade Academy. Complex characters, with unique motivations, goals, and pasts, fight each other for the privilege of being the final five accepted to be the members of the elite Guardians of the Empire. As they struggle together, unlikely friendships form from shared memories, and these same bonds challenged as new stories and conflicts come to light.

Mel Torrefranca somehow manages to effortlessly weave in fast paced plot with heartwarming moments that keep us rooting for our hero. And, to top it all off, you can look forward to an ending that will leave you breathless and frantically searching for the next release date.

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thank you to netgallery & lost island press for the free earc in exchange for a fair and honest review!

this is one the best starts to a series i've read in a long time. every word read as if it had been meticulously placed there, and the themes and characters explored throughout made this book a joy to read. i'm sure that upon publish this book will perform extremely well, and i will definitely be recommending it whenever i can. the characters are portrayed deeply and richly, depicting both their good and bad sides without discounting their innate goodness. i was completely enthralled throughout the entire book by how well the author is able to portray people.
another thing i enjoyed a lot was the songs at the beginning of each chapter - i spent most of the book listening to the songs along with the chapters and it gave it a kind of cinematic feeling. i highly recommend listening to the songs while you read; the experience is very unique.
even though book 1 isn't even out yet i'm still hoping book 2 gets announced soon. this was absolutely incredible and i'm fascinated to see what happens next.
also - the cliffhanger at the end? amazing.

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I loved this!!!! It was such a fun read and really enjoyable. I definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC on exchange for an honest review.

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Yahshi Konya is one of the students recruited to join the Guardian Academy where in the end only five of them will be chosen.
The story introduces us to the characters and develops them as we progress through the story. In the first part we meet the academy that trains them and confronts them with different challenges. Each of the characters has joined the academy for different reasons and that also leads them to react to the tests in totally different ways. They also form bonds with their companions, friendship as in the case of Yahshi, Vell and Pinto and a kind of rivalry with Quax.
The second part of the book confronts them with the real world in the roles assigned by the Academy and this is where a certain conflict develops that for some, like Yashi, had already begun in the academy.
I enjoyed the book immensely, with characters that evolve as they evolve, trapping you with the complexity of their relationships and their personalities. The book leaves us with a tremendous cliffhanger that will keep me waiting until the next one.

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