Member Reviews

A movie star, some Christmas magic, and a whole lot of self discovery.

✨ Book Review: HOLIDAY STAR by Melissa Dymond ✨

🩺 Book Synopsis: Dr. Gwen Wright is dependable, reliable, perhaps a bit boring. She’s the one who people turn to for help. She’s in the midst of her medical residency and beyond ready for a break over the Christmas holiday. Instead of the time with family she’d planned though, she’s left house sitting her mom and stepdad’s home for the month of December. She’s beyond startled when movie star and cousin-by-marriage Caleb Lawson decides the home she’s babysitting is the perfect place to lay low to escape the paparazzi and fans. The forced proximity and holiday coziness leads these two to becoming closer than they ever imagined, but can their very different lives come together in a lasting way?

🎥 My Take: Based on the cover and book description I expected a light holiday romance. This was a lot more, and not always in the best way. I enjoyed the characters, but wished I’d been more prepared for this book overall. Very little of the book actually takes place during Christmas, there are a lot of demons that both protagonists are working through, and the open-door scenes were a lot. While I appreciate the character depth and back stories, this was not the light holiday romance that I was expecting. Trigger warnings below.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5/5)

👩🏻‍🏫 Reader Notes: Off-page death of a parent and resulting grief, anxiety, and depression; panic attacks; and alcoholism/substance abuse

😘 Thanks to @VictoryEditingNGC and @NetGalley for the eARC of this book in exchange for this honest review.

Note, this book comes in two versions: a sweet, clean version and a steamy, open-door version. While the advance copy I received was the full-steam version, I did compare it to the sweet version and found I preferred the latter, at least for this book. I’d love for more authors and publishers to offer this dual option so readers can choose their spice levels without feeling like they’re missing out on a trending story.

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This was a fun Christmas story! I also really appreciate the fact that the author offers two versions- the sweet and the spicy. As a closed door reader, this was so thoughtful to me

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Holiday Star
By: Dr Melissa Dymond
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4/5 stars

I absolutely loved how this story unfolded, it kept me involved and wanting more. It was a holiday read but not “christmas-y”, the MC we’re a movie star x doctor, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, he falls first all kinds of tension.

This book was packed full, it had heartache and loss, falling in love, finding yourself, struggles and grief, being with someone who makes you a better person and learning to love yourself.

The main characters are so well developed. Gwen and Caleb navigate through all of their differences and discover love and each other.

I recommend this book, it felt a little wordy at times but it was definitely worth it.

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This celebrity holiday romance is such a perfect holiday read. The tension between Caleb and Gwen is so thick and their banter is top notch. Wish this novel would have been written in dual POV would have been fun and more insightful to get inside Caleb's mind.

Celebrity Romance, Forced Proximity, He Falls First, Spicy, Single POV

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First thought: Love this one, it has celebrity romance vibes but with a fun holiday twist. This story has so many layers, with well written characters that make you feel connected to them and root them on. You to will fall in love with Caleb and Gwen.

Gwen is an ER Doctor who is far away from home. She works around the clock to exhaustion, and
is looking forward to Christmas as she gets a few weeks off. Her plan is to connect with her family who she misses dearly and work on her research. But her mom drops a bomb. Her new stepfather took a job overseas and they are relocating before she will arrive. To make it worse memories of losing her dad are strongest this time of the year, as it was his favorite holiday. So her perfect family Christmas turned into Christmas for one in LA.

Caleb has been in the eyes of the paparazzi his whole life. He grew up on the sets of Hollywood and doesn’t know a life outside of it, but it has taken a toll. He has hit his breaking point and needs a place to lay low where they won’t look for him. His Uncle has a house they are renovating and it be the perfect spot. To take some time reflect and work on some of his inner demons.

In the middle of the night Gwen awakes to noises of someone riffling through the kitchen below. She grabs a tool left by one of the workers and goes to confront the intruder. A solid wack to the head and he’s down on the floor. But to her surprise it isn’t a stranger but her new stepfather’s nephew, who is a major celebrity. I don’t think this is what they meant by falling head over heels.

Tropes you’ll find:

* Enemies to Lovers
* Forced Proximity
* Celebrity MMC
* ER Doctor FMC
* He Falls First
* Grumpy / Sunshine
* Different Worlds
* Holiday Setting
* Mild Spice 🔥

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I loved the premise of the book, but towards the end I just got the Ick from the characters. The third act scene was a little to out of the box for me

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Because that's not who you are. You're not someone who gives up when things get hard. I know since you haven’t given up on me yet.
I was blown away by this debut. This was my first read of December and set the tone for the holiday season 110%. I’m STILL thinking about it. The dynamic between Caleb and Gwen just made me all giddy inside because I knew the outcome, and this book just read like the most fantastic Hallmark movie (huge compliment from this Hallmark junkie!). The tropes? Forced proximity? Chef’s kiss! In trying to keep this spoiler free, I won’t talk too much about it, but the “third act break-up” “trope” (do we call that a trope?) was done impeccably and in a very unique way, and I loved the way some of our side characters (hello to ER friends and nosy reporters!) nudged their way into my heart. The incorporation of holiday activities throughout made me smile and gave me Grinch and Cindy Lou Who vibes. Honestly, this was just one big festive smile throughout the entire book and my heart grew three sizes from reading it. I am desperately hoping for a cameo from Caleb and Gwen in the next book because I cannot get enough of them and am highly considering a reread already! Well done!
I'm not willing to compromise any longer. I won't change myself to conform to someone else's standards.

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Spoilers ahead..

Caleb is a star running from his hectic and misunderstood life. Gwen is on sabbatical, doing a research project over Christmas break, dealing with the news that her mother and stepfather are temporarily moving to Japan. Gwen is drawn to Caleb and when she learns more about him, falls for him. He finds himself with Gwen and is happier than he thought he could be. Naturally, life catches up to them and drives them apart. Gwen gets the support that she needs since the breakup and the death of her father a decade earlier. Caleb hits bottom and picks himself back up knowing he needs Gwen back. Gwen doesn't immediately take him back, making him work for it. Together, they achieve success they didn't know was possible. They work hard to be together and it's all worth it.
I was provided this ARC in exchange for an honest review

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ER doctor Gwen Wright decides to take some time off of work to spend time with her mother and new stepfather in LA for Christmas. Her mom threw her a bombshell... she was moving to Japan, and that would leave Gwen alone during Christmas. As depressed as that made Gwen, she decided she would still be in LA to house sit at her moms and take some much needed time to herself. Little did she know a surprise would come knocking on her door. The one and only Caleb Lawson. Famous nephew of her newfound stepfather. Wanting to hide away from the world, Caleb and Gwen are forced to share a space and get to know more about each other.

This was a quick read for me. The writing was done beautifully when it came to discussion on addiction, grief, terminal illness, and depression. Completely relatable and tastefully done. I enjoyed getting a deep dive into both Caleb and Gwen's personal lives, as well as watching them grow through what they went through. Both characters truly blossom into different versions of their selves at the end. This was the first Christmas read of the season for me, and I'm so glad I was given the opportunity to read this one. Did I mention there are two versions of this? Open door and closed door. No matter your preference, there is a version for you!

🎄Enemies to Lovers
🎄Forced Proximity
🎄Christmas Romance
🎄Grumpy Sunshine
🎄Forbidden Love
🎄He falls first

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is a really fun book. I enjoyed it a lot!

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I loved this book more than I thought I would! Such a good snuggle in by the fire and read for the holidays kind of book. Would recommend! Thank you net galley for allowing me to read and review.

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A house-sitting Dr just trying to do some work and a celebrity who's just trying to get some privacy end up locked together for the holidays. Nothing could go wrong... Right?

Honestly I really enjoyed this book. It did seem to drag on a bit with some (for me, anyway) drama that seemed totally unnecessary and I found myself skimming over those parts, but it was overall an enjoyable read!

The story, while super far-fetched, comes across as believable and fun, with so many cute holiday-hallmarky feels, (which I personally love), and it also touched on deeper mental health topics, which gave it a well-balanced feel.

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE how the author made a fade-to-black and open-door version. It really spoke of their dedication to inclusivity!

Overall, a 4/5 stars from me

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"Holiday Star" by Melissa Dymond, is a cute romance novel that, while delivering on its promise of sweet moments, falls into the realm of the so-so. Dymond offered her readers the option of a clean romance vs. a steamy version. Apparently I received the steamy version. It was a bit of Nicholas Sparks-type story with a jolt of Fifty Shades of Gray rolled into one. The storyline follows the conventional trope of a blossoming romance; however, both main characters are quite needy and whiney. While it appears to be marketed as a holiday story, it is not very light hearted. "Holiday Star" doesn't quite stand out in a genre saturated with more compelling and memorable romantic tales. Despite its shortcomings, the book manages to provide a dose of escapism for readers. Perhaps the clean version would have been a little more my style.

Thank you NetGalley for an early peek at the book.

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This is one of the best romance books that I have read all year, they quickly fall in love but when he is forced to make a decision to leave her behind so that he doesn’t drag her into the rich and famous lifestyle that he lives it breaks her heart. The part that I love so much is that there is so much self discovery in this book for both characters, and unlike most romance books where they quickly get back together, this book she makes him work for it cause she is unsure that she can trust him again after breaking her heart and making the decision for her and not letting her make the choice for herself of whether she can withstand his Hollywood lifestyle. After a mental breakdown at work she goes back to her therapist that recommends art therapy to help her recover and discover who she is again. The art therapy helps her get the courage to stand up to her boss and pitch the idea to start and art program at the hospital to help patients to heal faster. Her family has moved away and gone on with their own lives but she quickly befriends an older nurse at the hospital that helps her along the way. Caleb realizing that he messed up began to do ward spiral and starts to drink again, after checking into rehab and getting his life back together he moves to New York to be with Gwen and win her back, and to start his singing career that she had encouraged him to do.

Most romance books they quick

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Holiday Star is such a good read for the holidays!
Gwen is bummed....she is all alone in NYC; at least she will see her family for Christmas....unfortunately that is not the case. Instead, she is now spending the holidays with her new step-dad's nephew, who happens to be a famous celebrity!

I really enjoyed this book! It was an easy read and you really feel for the characters. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a fun holiday rom com!

Thank you to @netgalley and the publisher for providing me an E-ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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The absolute perfect holiday read. I enjoyed this story so much. It was cute and spicy. And I love that this author wrote 2 versions of this book as well. So amazing!

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I really enjoyed this book! You will too if you like forced-proximity enemy to lover type books! Plenty of humor, angst, steam, and sweetness! Thank you Netgalley for an arc in exchange for my honest review!

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A sweet holiday romance but lacked the substance that others have, overall a fun and light hearted holiday read.

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Gwen and Caleb meet at the wedding of her mother to his uncle. Gwen is in an ER residency and Caleb is a global acting superstar who don't get off to the best start but also don't think they will ever see each other again. A few months later they are unexpectedly secretly living together in her mother and new stepfather's house. As you might suspect, love is in the air. The story is only told from Gwen's perspective as she handles grief, self-esteem, and trust issues. I would love to read Caleb's version. That said, I still give the book 5 stars.

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🎄enemies to lovers
🎄celebrity romance
🎄opposites attract

I needed a palette cleanser as I am a mood reader and I was needing a change of pace from what I was reading at the time. What a perfect palette cleanser holiday books normally are, so I grabbed this off my ARC list.

I did finish it within a few hours so it definitely did the job and it was cute, steamy, funny. The author really made you feel connected to the characters which I always love.

My problem with the book is I started feeling bored 50% through, so much could have been cut out of this book, the last half just felt unnecessary. This is just my opinion though, and the first half was amazing to me so I pushed through and didn’t DNF it.

Did I personally love it? No
Will I still try out the author again in the future? Absolutely.

Thank you so much Netgalley for this ARC copy! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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