Member Reviews

Tgis is my second attempt at reading this book, and i made it all the way through this time. However, I found this quite a boring read and predictable.

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This is a heartwarming and romantic tale that will captivate fans of small-town western romances, particularly those who enjoy stories about second-chance love, family, and the magic of the holiday season, with a dash of humor and a whole lot of heart.

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This is a good book. The two main characters are Olivia and Tate. Olivia is a mother of twins and works for a nonprofit. Tate manages his family’s ranch. They meet five years ago on a cruise. Olivia got an emergency phone call and had to leave. Five years later, she has moved to Tate’s hometown, but she doesn’t know he lives there. He rescued Olivia and her five years old twins. He realizes that is Olivia from the cruise. Olivia tells him he is father of the twins. They both have issues it together they work them out and fall in love.

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Sweet story, when Olivia and her twin daughters find themselves in need a of rescuing, who come to their aide but a love from the past!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGallley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Finding love on the first meeting and losing it the next day seems to be a sign for Tate that love wasn’t for him, or so he thought. Without warning, his latest rescue was the love he thought he had lost, only this time, she had two little girls with her. Tate and Olivia were the sweetest couple, and their story of them losing and finding each other again was a delightful, sweet, and lovable tale.

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It was okay, I enjoyed it. It was a bit of struggle, it didn't pull me in as much as I had hoped but overall I enjoyed it. I would recommend it.

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This book is a second change romance set in a small town. It is very easy to read as it is only 210 pages long.

Tate and Olivia our main characters, met a few years before and had instant chemistry. After a wonderful few nights together spent together Olivia leaves town and doesn't see Tate again. However she discover she was pregnant with his twins. When the pair eventually meet up again when one of the children is in an accident they take up where they left off. Tate is in for a shock when he discovers they twins are his.

The story is sweet, and I really like the small town elements however, I personally just didn't feel the chemistry or a spark between the two of them, it was just almost instant bedroom action without any build up. Just didn't hit the mark for me.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a quick and enjoyable romance read with a bit of spice.

I love the forced proximity trope so this book definitely intrigued me. It does also have the surprise baby trope as explained in the blurb so if you don’t like that maybe avoid it but I really enjoyed it.

There were some examples of good communication in this book too which can be rare in the romance genre!
I also enjoyed the addition of the secondary characters.

A simple quick enjoyable read I’d recommend to others.

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This was an okey read for me since I had a hard time getting in the mood to read this one.
I was really looking forward to read a book about a rancher (I have a thing for a sexy rancher/cowboy for some unknown reason) and I usually like reading books with tropes like forced proximity but this unfortunately didn't do it for me. Perhaps it was the secret baby thing or I just wasn't in the right mood for it at the time.

Despite my feelings toward this book I feel like I should read something else by the authors since I liked Leslie North book The Bossy One.

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~~~ I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ~~~

I love the "forced proximity" trope, however, I'm not a fan of the surprise baby trope- but I did still really enjoy this book. Snowed in with the Rancher has a unique storyline about a couple, Olivia and Tate who meet while on vacation and reconnect unexpectedly like 5 years later. I liked the character, their experiences, and the winter scene. Overall, this is a story of family, romance, and love. This is the first book by Mary Sue Jackson that I've read, and I'd probably read more in the future if I came across them.

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A wonderfully heartwarming book for a cold winter day. Just the right amount of spice as you join this little family on their journey. Loved it!

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Such a great book! Who would have thought that Snow + Rancher would be such a great combo? I can tell I was not one of them, but I liked the characters so much! Hope to read more from you... soon!

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3.5 ⭐️

I loved the first half of this book but the second half kinda let me down

I really enjoyed the connection between the main characters in the first half and how they communicated so well and didn't avoid the awkward or difficult conversations

However in the second half the communication just wasn't really there and I got a bit frustrated at the lack of it

- second chance
- forced proximity
- single mum

Thank you to NetGalley and Relay Publishing for the ARC - all opinions are my own

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A quick and enjoyable read. The plot line is your classic “met on vacation and several years later, surprise, here are the kids.” I will definitely look for more by this author.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was an okay read. I enjoy these secret pregnancy/baby tropes more than a surprise pregnancy trope.
I didn't really see the connection and chemistry between the hero and heroine. Olivia seemed to expect far too much too quickly and Tate felt quite callous at times. Snowed in is one of my favorite tropes but this just seemed like an awkward situation all around.

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This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read. GIVE ME COWBOY ANYDAY!!

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When a vacation fling results in an unexpected pregnancy, Olivia is shocked. She must cope with the loss of her parents and stunning news that she is having twins all at the same time. Jump five years to the future and happenstance brings the mystery man back into her life, allowing her to reveal the twins’ existence.

North and Jackson do heartwarming really well, here. Cute girls, cute couple. The story is marred by a clumsy attempt at adding tension with poorly repaired house wiring that was rushed and didn’t little for the plot, and with inconsistencies that threw me out of the story. For example, the precocious girls who have adult vocals all of a sudden don’t know simple words, or timing inconsistencies.

However, this is redeemed by real-life situations handled in a mature manner. I wanted to cheer when Tate, the hero, said he would take care of his daughters, but that he never planned to be in a relationship and enjoyed his single life. That is real. Of course that was marred by him being in love for years with someone he met on a cruise ship and knew for a few days five years previously, but hey- it’s a beloved trope for some people even if it isn’t realistic or healthy, right?

What I’m trying to say is, I liked the book. North has written better books, but there have been worse books, too. This was a pleasant evening of reading. I can recommend it.

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Tate and Olivia met on their entry onto a cruise ship. They made a connection and spent their cruise together. Things were going well until Olivia disappeared from the ship without a word to him. Five years later, they meet again but this time she isn't alone. Tate and Olivia must now navigate how they fit in each other's lives.

In short, I liked this story. I think the length was perfect. It didn't feel rushed and the plot flowed well. I saw this because it is actually a short book but it didn't feel that short. This was great writing. I need to find more by these authors.

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A book that as it turns out that I read before but still a good story. Has a rancher going on a cruise and meeting a woman they get along and are having a good time until she has to leave because of an emergency. Now four years later during a snowstorm, he goes out to rescue a woman and her two daughters and yes it turns out to be her but the girls are his as well. A lot of back and forth with him for he is struggling with being a parent and family. A good book.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher. So thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this opportunity!

A quick fun read that I enjoyed very much. The mmc was a little ott but i loved the chemistry.

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