Member Reviews

"Snowed in with the Rancher" is an okay read but not my favorite Leslie North book. The basic premise is simple - boy meets girl on cruise, girl leaves cruise unexpectedly and unexpectedly pregnant, boy and girl have no way to find each other, girl ends up stuck in the snow with her kids, boy rescues girl. Boy discovers her kids are his kids...and so we go.

I just didn't love Tate and Olivia's story. First, they almost certainly would have exchanged numbers on the ship, even if just to text each other locations, etc. during the cruise. Second, Olivia wanted too much too soon once they reunited. Third, Tate goes from 0 to 180 in terms of being a family man with seemingly little prompting. Their relationship just didn't have enough depth to keep me interested.

The secondary characters are cute and entertaining, and I liked the book enough to finish it, but I can't say I particularly cared by the time I was reading the epilogue. 2.5 stars rounded to 3. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary ARC of this book. The opinions herein are my own.

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Tate is a sexy alpha cowboy rancher and works on the rescue team in the mountains of Montana. He is the ultimate loner. Tate’s mom died when he was 12 and he has been having a hard time dealing with it even into his adult life. Olivia and Tate meet when the two find themselves on a cruise ship and their attraction and chemistry is felt by both. The two spend sizzling passionate nights together. Olivia leaves the cruise without a word leaving Tate alone and hurt as someone else has left him. The two only exchanged first names. The two meet again when Olivia takes a job in Montana. Olivia and her 4-year-old twin daughters Jackie and Melissa get disconnect from their tour guide when Jackie takes a fall and injures her ankle. Take comes to their rescue and both Tate and Olivia remember each other. Tate takes them back to his cabin. He then learns the reason Olivia left the ship was that her parents had been killed in an accident. He also learns that Jackie and Melissa are his daughters. Tate has a lot going in his life that he has deal with and cope better. He doesn’t know how to be a father and he is also dealing with his feelings for Olivia and the girls. When the girls learn that Tate is their father; they simply adore him and are glad that he is in their life.

Is Olivia, Jackie and Melissa the trio that Tate needs to open up again to life and love, Can Tate and Olivia have a second chance at romance and become a family?

I received an ARC and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and authors for this eARC.

This is a lovely well written romantic read with two likeable characters who meet again after nearly five years. Tate never thought he would see Olivia again and is shocked to find out he is the father of twin girls. I liked Tate and Olivia along with Tate's dad and step mum. The story flows well and moves from past to present easily and on the whole is a feel good, light hearted read that drew me in from the first page and held my attention right to the end. I loved the ending, I felt it really suited the story although I did enjoy this read it didn't wow me. Nevertheless I'd still recommend this read and think if you're a fan of romances you'll like this book.

3 stars ⭐⭐⭐

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Thank you for the ARC.

I liked this story. I was searching for some simple and cute storyline and this is exactly what I need.

The characters were simple but at the same time enjoyable.

I had a good time reading after a month being in reading slump.

If you love second chance trope with cowboy theme, this is so for you.

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A romantic story between 2 people who had spent a few good days together on a cruise ship and met unexpectedly after 5 year with the MMC discovering out of the blue he had two kids he never knew about.

I think the basic plot had potential but I can’t say I’m very excited with the execution. Olivia often appeared having unrealistic expectations from Tate, then realized she was wrong, then she got upset and then this circle began all over again.
Tate didn’t make much sense to me either; I didn’t get how exactly he changed his mind from something that he was so sure he didn’t want to suddenly being crazy about it. Overall, I wasn’t convinced that there was any real chemistry between the 2 of them.
I did like Tate’s parents though, they were a cute and fun touch in the story.

Thank you Relay Publishing for providing this arc for review via NetGalley.

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Overall, this was a sweet story, albeit a little predictable.

Olivia and Tate were certainly likable characters as individuals, but I don't believe that that true sense of "belonging together" was really conveyed until the very end.

From the get-go, Olivia was remorseful about how she'd left Tate the first time around, and Tate never resented her for it, which was a refreshing change from other stories with a similar plot line.

However, not enough time was spent exploring their chemistry or their relationship with each other after they were reunited. Plenty of time was spent on Tate's relationship with the twins, but his relationship with Olivia felt quite rushed.

3 ⭐️

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Olivia and Tate start out on a cruise where they hook up and get along very well. Tate is heart broken when he finds out that she left the ship without telling him. Fast forward 5 years and he rescues a lady and her two 4 year old girls. Of course it is Olivia and his twin girls. The rest of the book spent with Tate working out his emotional baggage. Book is okay but not my favorite by these authors. I would have like it better if there were less "poor me attitude".

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This was a very good kept my attention!! I was invested in both Olive and Tate. Loved the happy ending ..I would of loved to have learned more about the times in between ...the little things but overall I would recommend this book

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Enjoy this steamy read with lots of wonderful characters, a storyline which is intriguing and keep you guessing with a HEA that will touch your heart!.

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