Member Reviews

Ali Vali has done it again with "Rivals for Love", it's a delightful story of Brooks and her former girlfriend Fallon. Brooks left her family a long time ago and is called back when her father becomes ill. Fallon is engaged to Curtis, Brooks brother, so there is a bit of sadness and regrett for Brooks. However, as the story evolves Brooks and Fallon start to reconnect. Brooks siblings were confusing to me. I never could tell who was talking and who wasn't in the story. You do find Keegan appear, a character from another series, and it was a delight to see her again.

The best part of the book for me was the introduction of Bria! Angelo's daughter from the Cain series! I so want Bria to end up with Muriel (have Kristen go with a younger partner), or Jacqueline (Keegans sister). Either of those two with Bria would be fantastic! I so hope Bria is going to have her own stand alone book soon!

Rivals for Love is an enjoyable read and Ali Vali always make it a pleasure to read one of her books!

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An interesting take on a trope that’s been round many a times. The story of Brooks and Fallon and their multiple siblings gets a little tangled at times but it’s all very clear in the end. A reading that I enjoyed.

Free ARC via NetGalley.

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I read the synopsis, then started the book but mixed the mains backstory with the present. Then realised what I'd done sorted it in my head and it was game on for an interesting book. The barrier was set out and it seemed suitably insurmountable. I have to say I prefer the plot as laid out in the early chapters to the synopsis.
We, the reader, know why the first split happened, there was a tiny part of me thought "just have a conversation" but the smart part of me wants to savour the journey the writer is going to take me on. It's going to be bumpy and going by the opening 20%, really good!
40% in, I'm still engrossed but getting a bit confused with all the secondary sibling characters.
Half way through there is a big bit of "just tell her!" going through my head. However I am happy that there is plenty to go and I do believe the writer hasn't yet finished tormenting her mains.
I enjoyed this book and it comes out at 3.5, nearly a 4 but not rounded up because as I mentioned before I kept mixing up who was who when speaking, or in their thoughts. For me, sometimes the voices weren't clear enough. There was also a large cast of side characters many with variations of their names used and I want always clear who was who and which family.

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Ali Vali does not disappoint. The writing was fantastic and the story was engaging from start to finish. I feel in love with both characters and was rooting for them from the beginning.

Brooks Boseman left her hometown to start over and left her first love. She's now a hotshot finance person who makes a ton of money with her best friend Bria (who I'd love to see have her own story) and comes back to Louisiana when her mom calls.

Fallon Goodwin never left home and works for her family's company and is engaged to her first love's brother. It wasn't how she thought her life would end up, but she's going with it until Brooks shows up back in town. She still holds a grudge with Brooks for leaving without an explanation for years.

Everything about this book was wonderful even the couple surprises Vali tossed in, it flowed seamlessly and I adored it. I very much disliked Curtis from the beginning and loved the sibling relationships both MC's had with their families.

I would highly recommend this book. I received an ARC from Netgalley for an honest review.

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When I read the synopsis for this I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it. It seemed as if it would be the same as the others I’ve read with a similar theme. I.e. BFF asks girl to pretend to be engaged for whatever reason and sister comes along and hey, love at first sight. However the author is Ali Vali and I don’t think I’ve read any of her books that I haven’t read at least one more time so I thought ‘give it a go’. I wasn’t disappointed. The synopsis is slightly incorrect in some places but the general gist is there. But the story is so much more, complete with unexpected (to both Brooks and Fallon) complications which made a really interesting read. I’m glad I got it to review and can only say Ali Vali has still not disappointed me!

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