Member Reviews

This was such a sweet book! I really loved and appreciated how the author went about the trauma Grace had from her SA. How not every survivor story means they are afraid to be intimate or be around men. There were a couple parts that I didn’t love. I just get tired in books when you know both characters are perfect together and have genuine feelings but one of them (Cal/Sammy) just doesn’t want a “relationship right now” and then immediately realizes their mistake. Like there is a communication link missing or they didn’t put any thought into it (or too much thought). I like that even when the third act thing happened and Cal needed space they handled it well and it didn’t because those whole dramatization. I do wish we got a little more from Cal to Gracie after that tho, because it did seem rushed and he did try to break things off. The whole Gracie and Sammy thing was a cute addition and how they tied that into the epilogue (and with Maddie). Overall I really enjoyed this book, it was a pretty fast and easy read all things considered, and I liked the writing style a lot. I am so excited to see more of them in the next book!

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Every now and then we stumble upon books that take us completely by surprise. TBLOS is one of those books for me - it once again showed me why I appreciate my kindle as much as I do: it makes me fall in love with books and authors (especially debut authors), I would have never discovered otherwise.

I was looking for a fun little romance with some tension and spice. And oh my, it delivered! But what I didn't expect were the intense feelings that overwhelmed me while reading. I giggled and kicked my feet, but I also wanted to cry and punch someone. And what's remarkable: it all felt so natural. The relationship between Grace and Cal just made sense. Of course there was some foreshadowing and third-act drama, but it didn't seem artifical. There was no miscommunication. The characters stayed true to themselves the whole time and the story just felt... pure.

Cal is a (slightly older🫣) tattoo artist who takes care of his little sister Maddie. Grace is a student and Maddie's ballet teacher. They are some of the strongest characters I've ever read about. The love they show their families and friends, eachother but also themselves is simply inspiring. So is Grace's personal growth and how she overcomes her trauma (TW!). Lisina examines difficult topics in the most tender and careful way (you rock @lisinaconeyauthor ).

If you're looking for a heartfelt friends-to-lovers story, with loveable and real characters - this one is for you!

I can't wait to read the second book in the series, which will tell Maddie's story! 🧡

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BRIGHTEST LIGHT OF SUNSHINE is a sweet romance that blossoms between a tattoo artist and ballet teacher. With Cal's rough upbringing and Grace's traumatic past, they both find solace and healing in one another. I appreciated the dual point of view and strangers to friends to lovers trope. Cal was just the guy to help Grace become herself again. I enjoyed the storyline and thought the writing felt real, raw, and emotional. I am excited for this author and her future work (reading Maddie's story!).

Thank you to Victory Editing and NetGalley for the digital arc in exchange for my honest review.

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this book was EVERYTHING to me. i am obsessed with grace, cal and maddie. i love them so much and this entire story was so cute!!!! i cant wait to read book 2 and visit these guys again!!!

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I am so so happy for Lisina, getting this traditionally published is such a big deal and I wish her nothing but the absolute best!!

It was so sweet, real and raw, and just GOOD. I loved Cal and Grace, Cal and Maddie, and Grace and Maddie. Ugh the three of them were perfect.

I loved Grace so much. She was dealt a tough hand and she was thriving anyway. Some days were hard, and doing “normal” things weren’t always easy. But she was trying her best and I loved it so much for her. And Cal’s hand wasn’t much better. But he did EVERYTHING he could for Maddie and it was perfect. And then they met each other randomly one day and that was it and I loved it.

I LOVED that they were so focused on being friends, because obviously that’s all either of them had to offer. But they knew they couldn’t give each other up. And plus Grace is Maddie’s ballet teacher?? So they can’t be anything other than friends?? It was cute, but it was also so important to their relationship as a whole and I loved to see it.

I loved how thoughtful Cal was with Grace even before he knew about her past, he knew something was up, but he also knew he wasn’t going to push her. And then when she told him about her SA and how careful and thoughtful and loving he was with her afterward, it was exactly what she needed.

They were honestly so good for each other. They were both so understanding of everything that the other had going on and were so supportive.

I LOVED when Grace told him she wasn’t going anywhere. I hate a third act conflict, and this wasn’t really a conflict?? It WAS. But it very clearly a break because Cal had so much going on and needed to sort a lot of things out. (Yes which is the point of a third act conflict I KNOW but this felt more obvious? I don’t know. I just know I didn’t HATE this one.)

Also the epilogues were everything I could have ever asked for.

I loved this book so much 🥹

I cannot WAIT for the next book!!!

Thank you to Netgalley, ARC provided by Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op, and Page & Vine for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!!

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“All beautiful things in life need the sun to bloom and thrive. We might not know each other very well yet, but I have no doubt you’re the brightest light of sunshine, Grace.”

This was a good romance about family and healing. The beginning was really nice in developing the characters those story and I found Sam and Grace do be compelling. I also thought the story flowed really well and slow burn was just right. I liked this a lot in the first half and I thought the story. After the beginning the middle of the book slowed down a lot and it was just not a lot plot wise from there. It did up towards the end which I appreciated. I liked the fmc Grace and her journey and development in the book. Sam I liked he was the perfect boyfriend, brother and support even though his actions annoyed me a bit at times. I loved the aesthetics of a ballet dancer/tattoo artist and I loved Maddie and how much Sam cared for his little sister. Overall a cute read despite the lack of plot at times.

Read if you like:
- Age gap romance
- Slow burn
- Dual pov
- Guardian brother
- Steamy scenes

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This book actually makes me want to sob and has called me single in 19272838398383 different languages😭😭

I actually cannot wait to dive back into this world in book 2!! counting down the weeks and days🤞🤞

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This book is such a comfort read for me. I loved it the first time I’ve read it and I love it the second time. It is wholesome and sweet but it touches on important topics such as consent, familial responsibilities and healthy communication within relationships. I loved Cal’s acceptance and patience towards Grace’s comfort and boundaries due to the trauma she experienced in the past. Their relationship was gentle, healthy and overall safe. Coney wrote this book with such care and respect and I’m anticipating her next book in the series.

Thank you so much to Victory Editing and NetGallery for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a cute strangers to friends to lovers romance. Honestly, I was really enjoying myself up until about half way then I started to lose interest. I loved the relationship between Maddie and Grace. Maddie was shipping Grace and Cal just like me. Despite me only giving 3 stars I will still be seated for the next book and cannot wait.

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“All beautiful things in life need the sun to bloom and thrive. We might not know each other very well yet, but I have no doubt you're the brightest light of sunshine, Grace.”

Absolutely loved this one! Cal and Grace were so sweet. I love how their relationship progressed from strangers to friends to best friends to lovers (even though I wish it didn’t take so long) their communication and chemistry was amazing, the healthy communication was exactly what i wanted and the spice was great! Cal's relationship with his sister, Maddie, was just too sweet, he was so caring and did whatever he could to make sure she was a happy kid even with her rough living situation, thank god she had him and Grace. Grace was such a sweetheart and had been through so much, but she never gave up.

No matter how many obstacles were thrown my way, no matter how many times I felt I would never be enough, no matter where life planted me… I bloomed with grace.

“They say love cannot save you, that you must save yourself first. I don’t think that’s always true. I think you have to be the one to plant that first seed of salvation and allow love to water it until it grows into the most beautiful, strong flower capable of surviving it all.”

I loved reading their story, once I started I couldn't put it down! I wish there wasn’t the conflict at the literal end of the book but other than that I thought this book was amazing! Absolutely can’t wait for Maddie’s book!

“When a vase shatters and you try to put the broken pieces back together, they never fit again. Not perfectly. Not in the way they used to. There may be cracks in the new vase, but it’s thanks to those fissures that sunlight filters through. Life thrives under its glow, grows through the cracks, and blooms anew.”

💛Slow burn
💛Ballet teacher x Tattoo artist
💛Father figure to little sister
💛Age gap

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I am I’m love with this whole book. The writing is phenomenal, each word feels like it was chosen with lots of care and sensitivity. The characters are each dealing with their own personal issues, once they reveal them to each other they lend themselves as a support for each other.
They’re respectful of each of their own issues and are they for support. Especially liked how Cal acknowledges Grace’s need to resolve/go through things on her own to help her grow/deal with her trauma.

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This was a really adorable KU romance from a new-to-me author. I loved the grump/sunshine dynamic between the two main characters and thought both of them had a lot of depth and development over the course of the book. The single dad-ish trope also worked very well in this book, and I was very pulled into the story with Cal and Maddie and Maddie's mother. There was a surprising amount of steam in this book especially Cal's dirty talk (whew!). I also was very intrigued by the friend group and where this series could go. Look forward to reading more from this author.

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