Member Reviews

I really loved this story. It had all the best elements of an Amish book and a WWII that I love. Johann and Sybilla were amazing characters who showed a rarely viewed perspective during this time.

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Thank you Netgally for letting me read this title. I tried numerous times to read this text but something didn't quite click with me. The book feels a bit rushed and the plot not dynamic enough. I always encourage readers to read books for themselves and this is still the case with this title. Historical fiction is such an important genre and I hope readers will still give this book a chance.

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I absolutely loved this book! It had love, adventure and WWII history. It mixed in a side I was unaware of - where the the Europe people escaped to America. You really must read it!

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I was really disappointed with this book. It was super short, which I hadn’t realised so when the ending came up it was like a slap in the face. It felt like it was a move where there will obviously be a part 2, and it felt like the story finished in the middle of a book - it just seemed weird. I also thought that despite being called 'the secret room' that the secret room wasn’t really a main feature of the story and despite re-reading the description many times, I could not for the life of me understand where the secret room was.

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I enjoyed this read, it’s more like a novella, and ended with questions. I see there are more books to come, so hope that some more answers will be forthcoming.
This this the Goetz families story, living a good life in Austria, father a doctor and mother an artist, when the evil that was penetrating Europe at the time. Friends turning on friends, and yes, I knew that this happened, but with the author we put faces on these people.
We unfortunately are visit concentration camps, and see the disregard for human life, but we also meet some that care and help, including people in the States!
I am looking forward to the next book in this series!
I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Vinspire, and was not required to give a positive review,.

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