Member Reviews
Rating: 4.6⭐️
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Thank you to Brigid’s Gate Press and NetGalley for a copy of the novella in exchange for an honest review.
It’s always a good day when you stumble upon a sapphic retelling, especially when it’s about Greek goddesses.
Since this is such a short read at 52 pages, I’m just going to say it’s good, I wish it was a little longer, and the official synopsis should be enough to hook you!
Limos is the goddess of drought, barrenness, starvation, and withering. Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, fertility, abundance, and blooming. They have always been opposite forces: the hunger and the feast, need and satiation. Divine decree forbids them from ever meeting, because no one knows what disaster may result from their contact. Will desire and satisfaction annihilate each other? Or will something more interesting happen? In this little book, the myths of Erysichthon and Persefone are retold from the point of view of Limos, to whom mortals pray only when they have an enemy to destroy. Through her burgeoning obsession with Demeter, she discovers that even the all-giving mother of crops can yearn for things she can't give to herself. Luckily for both, Limos knows all there is to know about unmet wants.
This was a weird one. I can't help but commend the author for coming up with this unusual concept (Demeter and Limos, being opposites, fated to never meet), but it was a humble short story in the end, with as much emotion as you can pack in 40+ pages. Chef's kiss for the body horror.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Food for Thought is the first retelling of a Greek myth that I've read from the perspective of Limos. This short story felt more complete and satisfying than some full length novels I've read.
I'd give this a 3.75/5 but I'm rounding it up to a 4! This was a good and well written short story but it didn't impact me enough to potentially warrant a re-read. However, I will be looking forward to reading more of Ariana Ferrantes work!
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!
Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.
Este es un libro muy corto que sigue a Limos, una diosa griega que yo desconocía. Limos es la diosa de la hambruna y vive sola en una casa aislada del mundo, a donde, a veces, la gente se le acerca para pedir favores.
Tiene mucha curiosidad por Demeter, su contraparte y diosa de la abundancia, pero la regla básica de su existencia es que ellas nunca deben conocerse. Todo cambia cuando llega una enviada de Demeter a pedirle un favor.
Me gustó muchísimo. Queria más.
Se lee muy rápido, no sólo por su longitud, sino porque la escritura es muy llevadera. No está dividido en capítulos, pero si en distintos apartados con divisores por lo que, si estas leyendo y necesitas parar, solo necesitas terminar el apartado, que también son muy cortos.
Me gustó que no personificó a Limos como alguien horrible. Muchas veces, los libros personifican a deidades que generan malestar como villanxs. Acá nos da otra perspectiva.
Se publica el 7 de Noviembre de 2023.
Review for 'Food For Thought' by Ariana Ferrante.
Read and reviewed for Ariana Ferrante, Brigids Gate Press and Zooloos Book Tours.
Publication date 7th November 2023.
This is the first book I have read by this author.
This novella may be under 50 pages but them pages are packed with fantasy, God's, sacrifice, myths, animal death (not in detail), horror, revenge, cannibalism, starvation, action, gore and so much more!! The storyline itself is a retelling of a tale although I haven't read it myself so am unsure which one. The first thing I must admit is that when it stated there was animal death I was concerned as I am a huge animal lover and this would normally put me off a book. I am pleased that it didn't as although it did include animal death it wasn't mentioned in detail or graphical so don't let that put you off. This is a unique storyline for me and tells the story of Limos who is the Goddess of starvation and want and Demeter who is the Goddess of harvest. The Fates do not want these two Goddesses, who are the complete opposites of each other, to meet but this storyline draws them together. If you want to know why or what happens then you'll have to grab your copy yourself. Due to this novella being so short I can't go into any more detail about the storyline without risking giving anything away. Due to the length it is a great book to read in your break or on a journey somewhere and Ariana's fantastic descriptions will whisk you off into the depths of the storyline where you come face to face with Limos and Demeter along with Zeus, Hermes, Apollo, Dionysus, Athena and Poseidon. Ariana brings the atmosphere and characters to life and I enjoyed seeing the contrasts in Limos and Demeter's personalities and appearances and watching their interactions. I will wrap this up by saying grab your copy of this fantastic novella today and enjoy an adventure with the Gods. You won't regret it!
Overall an intriguing and riveting novella that packed a punch!
46 pages
This book is just £3.94 to purchase on kindle and £8.99 in paperback via Amazon at time of review.
Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.
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Fantastic, dark short story that manages to squeeze a lot of plot in its short lenght and still keeps the pacing well balanced. Props also for making Demeter seem like a relatable character and not a rage filled bitch that many other retellings seem to go for nowadays too.
This was a fun, very small story about a little-known goddess in Greek mythology. As someone who had a period of obsession with how many smaller Greek gods there were, I really appreciate that this story gives so much life to a goddess most people probably don't even know exists. I loved the characterization of Limos, and her story was explored in a way that was both interesting and sympathetic. The language in this story also has some beautiful moments, and I would love to read more from Ariana Ferrante in the future (maybe a longer piece?).
Unfortunately, for me this story fell flat in a couple of important ways. I know horror can be a pretty subjective category, but this story didn't contain anything that I wouldn't expect to see in a fairly standard adult fantasy. Personally, I would have loved to see Limos and her punishments get even more messed up and weird, and really live up to the horror genre. I also did not feel invested in the relationship between Demeter and Limos, in part because it happened so suddenly, and in part because we never really got to dive into the feelings of each woman that led them to each other. I wanted to really, fully understand Limos's obsession with Demeter even before meeting her, and I wanted to know what Demeter saw in Limos, and it never felt like we got there.
Food for Thought is a short story apprising of the Greek myth surrounding how spring came to be. Following Limos, the deity of famine and starvation, is the antithesis of the revered and beautiful goddess Demeter,. Squandering away time by fulfilling the petty wills of humans, Limos and Demeter are opposing and therefore never to meet when an unexpected visitor leads Limos into a complex situation in which she and Demeter find themselves in a scenario where they begin to bond and mutually gain from one another. This feels a bit like a story about loneliness, although these specific emotions are never explicitly stated. It could almost be an analogy for depressive episodes and it felt heartwarming to read as the characters begin to see and appreciate their opposing gifts. It began a bit gritty, but as short stories often grow exponentially in a short time, this story felt gentle to my heart and a bit relatable as someone who often finds myself withering away due to episodes of poor mental health. I think people who love mythology will enjoy the new perspective, and a variety of other audiences will also appreciate the emotion and allegory for other, perhaps more painful episodes of life. My friends, despite the hardships, spring will come.
My only complaint is that I wish it was longer to stuff in more! This was an interesting read and I enjoyed how the author told this story, I hadn’t heard a retelling like this before.
“Her existence was a yearning one, aching and making others ache, always hungering for something different.”
“Food for Thought” by Ariana Ferrante is about Limos, the goddess of starvation. Her goddess gifts being the exact opposite of Demeter, The Fates has decreed that they cannot meet. Limos longs for Demeter in a way she cannot quite understand then one day Demeter comes to her door seeking help.
Super short story of a Greek goddess that most don’t know or talk about. I love the way Ariana Ferrante wrote Limos, because she is starving and reclusive but was written in a way that makes you forget that she is not the usual beautiful Greek goddess. For anyone who like Circe would probably like this short story. 4 out of 5 stars.
I hadn’t realised going into this just how short this was so I was a little disappointed to find out it’s only a short novella.
I adored the idea behind this but I think because it was so incredibly short there just wasn’t time to really get into things and explore the relationship in the way that I would have wanted. I loved the writing, I loved this twist on classic greek myths (which is rare as I often feel greek myths have been retold so many times there’s nothing new there but this was truly an enjoyable and new twist for me), I loved the characters of Limos and Demeter - I just wish it could have been longer!
Despite my gripes over the length, I really do recommend this as short and immersive read. Even if, like me, you’re not the biggest fan of greek myths retold, this one is worth putting aside a little bit of your time!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC
This was a sweet, short story! I quite liked it.
I had never heard of Limos before, so I enjoyed learning a bit about her mythology. Also, I love a romance where the two characters are never allowed to meet.
I wish we got more stories focused on Demeter!
3⭐️- I received this book courtesy of Netgalley, publisher Brigids Gate Press and author Ariana Ferrante. This was a Greek myth retelling of how women are pitted against each other.
This novella was a beautifully written commentary on how women are pitted against one another for fear of the power they would have if they emboldened one another instead. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the writing and would definitely recommend it. My only criticism is that it felt too short - more of a short story and less of a novella. But I honestly think I felt this way only because I wanted to continue reading and getting to know both Limos and Demeter more, hearing more about their story and their individual characters.
Overall, I loved Food for Thought and highly recommend it.
An amazing Greek retelling! Was a little short for my taste but the writing was amazing! I had never heard of this Greek character before and I’m one for mythology!
Love a feminist retelling of myth. Greek myth in particular is very popular right now so I’m sure this will do well
A really enjoyable quick read - I loved the authors writing style and would definitely read something by her again! I’ve only given it 3 stars as it doesn’t feel like a story that is going to stick with me.
Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC!
A nice retelling of a popular Greek myth, giving the spotlight to a lesser-known goddess.
I hadn't known about Limos prior to reading this, so it was very interesting reading about her. I think this story managed to portray Limos as a complex and fully-realised character in a pretty short story. The way Limos deals out cruelty, but at the same time has a strong sense of justice and chooses to show kindness really shows the amount of depth that she has.
Overall, a fun and fascinating read!