Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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This book in the long run, didnt feel like it knew what it wanted to be.
It felt as if the author didnt really know how to wrap things up???
On the one hand I liked it a lot because I was so invested with the characters from book One but on the other hand I kept thinking...when is this gonna end?

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Representation: Queer and polyamorous MC, queer supporting characters

Rating: 3/5 The sequel to Silver Under Nightfall, I enjoyed delving deeper into the Court politics of the vampires. Both of these books feel like a very fresh take on vampires, while still keeping some traditional aspects of the long-standing lore. It was fun seeing more of the three’s relationship, and how the other vampires reacted to a vampire hunter being in their midst, and willingly with two vampires in a role more than a mere provider of blood. I will say that this is not on par of the first book, and I could have gladly read just the first one and be satisfied.

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This is a delightful continuation of this human campire throuple with both sugar and spice, but I found the intricacies of vampire politics to be a little distracting as I was more interested in relationships.

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I'm greatly delayed in reading and reviewing this arc, partly due to seeing a lot of less than savory reviews,
Im sad to report, that I agree with the majority of the critiques surrounding this sequel. The pacing was rooough. The beginning felt drawn out for and more or less like a lustful, little vacay. Then BAM, enter all this info dumping of court politics, trial(s), and some history. Interesting details, yes, but this is where the pace picks up and we're kinda flying through the drama.
I also found the sudden change in Remy's relationship with his father unbelievable and unsatisfying. Then double BAM, the story ends, faaaiiirly quickly.
I think I just wanted a lot less of the first third of this book and more relationship development between our main characters (outside of sexy time) and the supporting cast.
Overall, it was still worth the read for me as I wanted an ending and the plot line with mother dearest was interesting.

Thanks to NetGalley and Saga Press for the eARC!

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I really wanted to enjoy this because I really like the first book but this book was such a drag to me. I didn't really care about any of the politics or the characters so it was very difficult for me to pick this back up every time I put it down. I have a rocky relationship with this author, I either rate things 4 stars or 1-2 stars.

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This is a great follow-up to the first book. This book is more dedicated to Remy's growing relationship with Zidan and Xiaodan as he travels with them back to court. Things heat up in their love triangle as they continue to focus on discovering more about the Rot. I would definitely place this in the category of romantic adventure rather than the first book, but overall, it is still a thrilling read.

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this was a really weak sequel and i almost DNFed it at several times but i gave it the benefit for the doubt and pushed through. i shouldn’t have.

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A disappointing sequel. I never thought that a poly vampire story with court intrigue could flop, but here we are. Devastated.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy

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LOVE LOVE LOVE this author and everything they write. I so enjoy the love triangle that is **actually** a triangle not just an angle. I got sucked into the plot right away and was captivated throughout

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I received both this book and the first book at the same time. I though this was going to be a series I loved, however, it was not. I was hoping to read these books back to back, but unfortunately I ended up DNFing the first one.

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I’m a Chupeco fan, and I loved the prior book in this series, the author’s first in the adult genre. Court of Wanderers easily made my list of most anticipated reads this year. Reviews are mixed, but I enjoyed it.

This picks up immediately after the end of the first novel. After a hard-won battle with the Night Empress, Remy and Malekh are traveling with a severely injured and unconscious Xiaodan to Malekh’s highly protected court where the three of them can heal, rest, and strategize. More war is on the horizon.

The scenes featuring Remy interacting with the children in Malekh’s court are among my favorite. They’re so sweet, and Remy finds an unexpected talent and another place he belongs. He may not be the smartest guy in the room, but he’s brave, loyal, and possesses a kind heart. I just wanted to hug him. As in the first book, his snarky banter with growly Malekh made me laugh. He also has some complicated family dynamics to resolve.

When the leaders of all the vampire courts gather in preparation of the upcoming war, Malekh is called upon/forced to take charge, although it’s the last thing he wants. Loads of political machinations, murder attempts/murders, and bitter betrayals occur, and new characters are introduced from the courts. I found it difficult to keep track of them. These characters battled horrific creations in the first novel, and even worse ones make their terrifying debut in this sequel. With Malekh, Xiaodan, and Remy in a polyamorous relationship, expect some spicy scenes, but they do fade to black.

I’m happy with the way this duology wrapped up and recommend it to readers who enjoy stories featuring vampire and human coexistence, political intrigue, and battles with mutated creatures.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I have said it once and I’ll say it again- Rin Chupeco can write the yellow pages and I’ll eat it up every time. That being said, I was far more impressed than SUNF which offered a far more vibrant and cohesive plot. Perhaps my expectations for being wowed with this sequel was a little too high? Nonetheless I still enjoyed it so much

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The Court of Wanderers is the second book in the Reaper Duology. We pick up where book one, Silver Under Nightfall, left off. Remi is in a relationship with both of his vampire companions and is enjoying it immensely. The only downside to this life is they have still yet to vanquish the Night Empress as she continues to dismantle all of the hard work and trust built between humans and vampires. The trio believe if they can make it to the Court of Wanderers there may be hope for them yet.

Unfortunately, this follow-up was not nearly as well done as the first book. The characters have become forgettable and the new cast of characters that come along aren’t any better. The story takes a turn and it almost becomes boring. The only part that was mildly entertaining was the time spent in the third court. I really wanted to like this book but it was too long with a lot of nothing going on. Overall I’m giving this book 2/5 stars.

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I'm not going to lie, I was very afraid of picking this up because early reviews were Not Great and I had such high expectations after loving Silver Under Nightfall. I think if I had gone in with those sky high expectations, I might have been similarly disappointed, but as it is I had a pretty good time with this. Did it live up to Silver Under Nightfall? No. But it was still a fun time.

I have a couple of small complaints. I think the plot could have been tighter because it kind of rambles but without a lot to tie together the various plot points. I think the romance could have been developed more. We see hints of the three of them working on their communication but we rarely see the follow through. And despite being marketed as a sexy poly romantasy and containing hints of kink, the sex scenes were all pretty much close door. My biggest complaint is in the total character shift of a major side character. In Silver Under Nightfall, this character is pretty awful and his actions traumatize Remy, but that's mostly ignored in Court of Wanderers and I don't think anything in the text made me believe his redemption arc was earned.

But at the end of the day, I think this world is fascinating and I love Remy, Zidan, and Xiodan so damn much. So while this was not my favorite sequel, I had a good time in the world.

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This was such a great sequel to Silver Under Nightfall. It continued with the great characters and world. I enjoyed getting to see the relationship grow. Although I could spend so much more time with these characters I thought it was a wonderful ending to the duology (although I won’t say no to more books wrote in this world setting).

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This is the second book in the Reaper series by Rin Chupeco. I really enjoyed Silver Under Nightfall and this one was also good, though maybe a little less so. The characters and world-building continue to be great and I am enjoying the series. I look forward to more books in the series.

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Rin Chupeco has done wonders for my reading. I am adoring this series, but I do feel there is a bit of a drop in quality for this one.

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Following up on Silver Under Nightfall I had high hopes going into the second book in Rin Chupeco's Reaper series, and sure enough it lived up to them and then some.

The second book in the series follows in the footsteps of the first with its slow but steady world building that is used to flesh out a vibrant, diverse, world filled with luscious descriptions of locations that feel straight out of the best vampire media, with the expanding and building upon the complex relationship between the three main characters and their romance, and with the fight scenes that keep you on your toes. I deeply enjoyed seeing the relationships between the characters grow and progress as well as the character development they all went through to fully flesh themselves out by the end of the novel. Elke was a particular favorite followed by the romance between the main three.

It is very rare to find a second book that really feels like it just picks up and builds upon the first without making new errors or building upon those of the first but I feel this novel did it.

I would recommenced this for you if:
- You read the first and want more of the world
- Vampiric Bi Panic
- You like when polyamory is actually well written
- You love the Castlevaina TV show on Netflix and want a book like it
- You love vampies

I received an advance review copy of this book and I am leaving this review voluntarily and all thoughts and opinions are wholly my own and unbiased.

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I really enjoyed Silver Under Nightfall, it was the perfect autumn read I had. When I knew the sequel was coming I practically jumped over the moon with joy. I was beyond ready to continue poly vampires and gruesome battles.

I really wish I had enjoyed this sequel more than I did. It felt longer than it truly was and I was having trouble more than once really getting into the story. It felt like random thoughts that were all pushed together to create a story and felt nothing like the first book. The characters personalities were pretty much the same which I enjoyed but the overall plot and storyline didn’t make sense all the time.

The political aspect didn’t bother me, I’m a political girly pop to my core I love a good political spectacle. I was completely fine having the focus more on what the world was like and its politics. My issue was it didnt feel cohesive and like I stated before so many things felt random. There were several scenes that could’ve easily been cut from the book and it would’ve made no impact on the story or on the characters.

Overall, still a remi apologist and queer vampires have my heart. Wish things had been different on my journey while reading this but I hope others enjoy it.

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