Member Reviews

I absolutely loved “Silver Under Nightfall” and jumped at the chance to read this sequel. It picks up with our dear Remy along with Zidan and Xiaodan on their continuing quest to deal with the Night Empress. Filled with lots of action and intrigue, this was a fantastic sequel! The author mixes the perfect blend of gothic horror, witty banter, and sexy heroes (as well as villains) to keep the pages turning. Thank you so much for the opportunity to read!

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Great finish to this exciting, fun duology !
The story of Remy, Xiaodan and Malekh continues. The story not only focuses on the evolution of their relationship but also the battle to defeat the Night Empress.
The story is well written and has many interesting characters, both good and evil.
I enjoyed the descriptions of the mutated creatures. The author has quite a vivid imagination!
If you enjoy a good fantasy/vampire story then pick up the first book in the series! I think you’ll enjoy these two books. Happy reading!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Simon and Schuster for the ARC!

When I first started this series, I had no clue what I was getting into. Now, thankfully, I know better.

In this follow up to Silver Under Nightfall, Chupeco continues to follow our favorite threesome (no pun intended) as they fight off rival clans of vamps who are all vying for power. While SUN was a pretty even split between political intrigue and toe curling fucking, CoW is actually mostly political intrigue. The romance and locked room murder mystery elements are more sprinkled on, if anything. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I expected that, because I don't tend to be a romance person, I would have liked this installment more than the first. Taking me but perhaps nobody else by surprise, I actually didn't like this as much as I did SUN. Maybe it was the fact that the romance in the first book took me completely by surprise that let me enjoy it more than I would have otherwise? But now that I was expecting romance and there wasn't anything nearly as wild as SUN, I was honestly a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, there was some pretty wild stuff in there. The angst was certainly there and there was important character development for all three of the main protagonists. But as a whole, I was more tapped into the court politics than anything else. This did feel like connective tissue to where else the series is going, and you could certainly feel the scale and stakes expanding as the scope of the series gets larger.

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Silver Under Nightfall is my favorite book I read in 2023, and I was waiting ever so patiently to read the sequel. A huge thank you to Saga Press for sending me this ARC to review.

4.5 stars, Rounded Up
Court of Wanderers starts off immediately after the very dramatic ending SUN left off on, and we waste no time resolving some of the conflicts set up at the end of that book, and also jumping into an all out war with the Night Court. The book moves very fast early on, but for the most part everything is perfectly paced, with us staying at each new location long enough to get a feel for its role in the story, collect the relevant info, and then move onto the next leg of the journey.
A weird request for this book is that I wished it included a map, since I tend to get lost with fantasy world location names, and early on it would’ve been helpful as a way to ground myself when reading.
This book overall is more focused on world-building and vampire court drama than the first book, which I think mainly dove into Remy’s character and established his dynamics with Xiaodan and Zidan. At the same time, this book does feel like it leans into the more “silly goofy” parts of Romantasy Worldbuilding that makes me take it a little less seriously than I did the first book, but I don’t come to fantasy for realism.
Even with the shifted focus, the characters are what I love and are the heart of this series. Remy feels more self-assured and has gone through a lot of character growth that we love to see. Xiaodan really stole the show for me; she’s my favorite character and brightens up any scene she’s in (really living up to her role as the sun incarnate XD).
Overall, I really enjoyed this entry in the series, and can’t wait until it comes out so I can enjoy it all over again. 🙂 I would do anything for another book… Xiaodan needs her own cover!

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I enjoyed the book. However, I wish there had been a greater focus on the characters and character development. This book seemed to be heavily plot driven, but I didn’t get the same sense of attachment to the characters and their world in general in this book as I did with the first book.

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Fantasy, fantasy romance, and genre fiction in general have peaked with Rin Chupeco's Reaper duology. It's what Mary Shelley would have wanted.

In the sequel to Silver Under Nightfall, we rejoin Remy, Xiaodan, and Zidan on their gory, gothic journey to Zidan's home, where they continue to contend with the bloodthirsty Night Empress and the other fearsome vampire courts.

Ominously witty and unrepentantly horny, the story is rife with court intrigue, breathtaking action scenes, and mysteries throughout. The plot moves at a breakneck pace yet indulges each of the beloved characters - old and new - in amusing and heartfelt scenes. Each word on the page is a delicious morsel of the narrator's distinct and pithy voice. The reader finds themself rooting for each and every character, villains included.

Chupeco has written the perfect sequel. A masterclass in modern gothic fantasy, Court of Wanderers is nothing but fun, adventure, and deadly sexy vampires.

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3.5 rounded down. I absolutely loved the first book for the atmospheric vibes and of course the main throuple so I was suuuuper excited to see how the developments would go for book 2. While the continuation of the relationship was okay, it lacked the depth I was hoping we would get. The focus was way too much on the court politics in this book, and I didn't feel invested in basically any of the new characters. The atmospheric vibes that I loved in the first book didn't really continue here, imo, either.

There were definitely some nice moments between Remy, Xiaodan and Zidan, but especially with the continuation of the fade to black and lack of relationship building, I felt there were many missed opportunities as things just kind of felt a little too on the surface. I was hoping for more exploration of relationship dynamics and while the mystery of Remy and his mother was kind of compelling, it felt a little too drawn out and the mysteries of the murders wasn't as intriguing as the first book's questions. The ending was okay, but felt a little rushed due to the lack of more character-focused build-up. One thing that I really liked in the first book was that we did get to connect a little more with Remy and his point of view of things, and here it would've been nice to get more inner thoughts from the vampire or at least Remy navigating through the vampire courts. Instead, I felt the view was a little too zoomed out to connect with the events. I think the pacing of a duology could have worked if the plot was a little tightened up and we got more from the characters.

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A brilliant conclusion to this duology, I’m sad to see these characters go but I’m so happy they got the ending they deserved! The poly romance in this is beautifully written, I love seeing more of these in books nowadays. The last 10% of this boom did feel slightly rushed and a bit clunky in places but overall highly recommend this if you’re looking for a gothic, vampire fantasy poly romance!

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One of my most anticipated reads for 2024, I was so glad to receive this arc! I had so much fun being back with these characters, their dynamic is so adorable. I do wish this was a more character driven story because the political plot (which is usually just my type of thing) wasn't as intriguing as I had hoped and found myself continuously waiting for the characters to interact again. When they did interact however, it was so special and so cute!! these characters will definitely sick with me! (i do also wish there was going to be a third book so there could be a cover with Xiaodan to match the other two hehe)

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Silver Under Nightfall chewed Very Hungry Caterpillar style holes in my brain matter and then occupied those holes so I went into this book with rabid high hopes. And oh did Court of Wanderers deliver. While a falling in love story never gets old, I adore the sequel story - learning to live with each other and fitting into each other’s lives. This book did that so well, against the backdrop of adventure and peril and intrigue. We got to see deeper into the character’s lives and motivations and even more into Chupeco’s wonderful world building. I can’t say enough how well this book met and exceeded all my expectations, but to mention that I had made more than 80 highlights and notes in the eARC before 40%, and gave up counting after that.

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