Member Reviews

I am a long-time fan of all Charles Martin's fiction work. And now I am also a fan of his non-fiction. Martin takes us on a 40-day imaginative journey into Jesus' work on the cross in this rich book. I listened to audiobook as well, which was also excellent. The journey to the cross with Jesus in this way adds meaning and understanding, while deeply moving the heart.

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What a blessing this devotional is. I love the way Charles Martin takes these big theological concepts, or these well known stories of Christianity and focuses in or toggles the perspective to get you to look more closely, look differently, and see more clearly God's plan and God's love. The biggest compliment I can give him is her makes the word of God even more accessible to the common man. I think you can be either someone new to Christianity and it's stories, or someone who has some years under their belt in the faith, and you can glean wisdom and understanding from Charles' words and encouragements. This isn't fluffy theology or deeply scholarly in tone. Rather, it's conversational and feels very real lie. Salt of the earth.

I did this one back and forth between audio and ebook, and I think there is something special about the audio. Charles has such a conversational and humble tone of voice as he reads these devotionals. I wanted to just keep listening and leaning in. He is a gifted storyteller and I'm glad he's using his gifts to further the gospel here on Earth.

He injects humanity into what sometimes others make feel dry. He makes these people of the Bible more than characters of our history. He makes them relatable and tenderizes or heard towards them because they are us.

Please consider picking this book up this Easter/Lent season. You won’t regret it.

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the digital copy. All opinions are my own.

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This is a review for the titled "It is Finished" by Author Charles Martin. I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review of the book. I would like to Thank Negalley, the Publisher Thomas Nelson and the author Charles Martin for being able to read and review this book.
I received a kindle e copy of this book and I found it difficult to navigate reading the book and lining up the scriptures to where I could look them up as well as read the text in the book. I Loved the book so much that I went and bought a copy to have. While this book would and will be a great devotional leading up to Easter and Resurrection Sunday, there is deep history, the political background of the time as well as biblical scripture that describing the last days and moments of Jesus life on earth .
The last word of Jesus " Tetelestai" To quote directly from this book Tetelestai is a simple word. It means "It is finished" Something has come to an end. Concluded. Accomplished. Given its tense in the Greek, it's also translated as "It is perfectly perfect" or "It is completely complete." A verb tense that carries with it the promise that whatever happened is happening still. Throughout time. For all eternity. Once and fall all kind of stuff. It was finished then and it is still being finished now, continually. The word is well-known as it was used frequently by first-century bankers. When noting that a debt obligation had been fullfilled, they would write or stamp "Tetelstai" on the debt ledger. "Paid in Full"
Charles Martin goes on in each installment to answer the questions of all humankind: "Who is this man?" "Why is he dying" "What crimes did he commit"? Why would "Tetelestai be his last word? And how is the shed blood of a man two thousand years ago relevant here and now? What could it possibly have to do with you and me and What is Finished?
I was pleasantly surprised in the hard bound copy the words of Christ are written in Red. The book is loaded with Scripture. I was happy to find this book on the shelves of my local bookstore whose shelves are lined with Christian authors who write emotion-based fluff and add a few scriptures to make it seem authentic. This book has a meaty substance to it and it took a long time to read because I needed to think and ponder the richness of what Charles Martin had written. It was glaringly truthful and personal.
I personally Loved this book and happy I have my own hard bound copy. I had read three of his last books and Loved those but this book "It is Finished" is Real and Raw and Honest truth.

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Charles Martin writes wonderful Christian fiction so I knew I would love this as well. This is an awesome devotional that leads up to Easter.

I read/listened to the audio and I feel like this is one I could re-read again and again each spring for those 40 days that lead up to Jesus' resurrection.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 6 February 2024

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"What kind of King takes the arrogant prideful murderer" (sinner)... "pulls him into the throne room, up into His lap, wraps His arms around him"... and says, "I've missed you. I'm so glad you made it."

How beautiful is that? When Adam and Eve walked out of the garden they walked into death. They became the children of darkness and death. Today, we have the choice, through Jesus Christ, to be the children of God. He is the only way. But He had to come to earth, a frail human like us and offer Himself as a sinless, pure sacrifice for us. He is the only way out of the darkness and death.
It is Finished is a 40-day journey back to the cross of Jesus led by author Charles Martin. It is not an easy read. Some parts will take a while to soak in. It is a journey the reader may need to take more than once. It is excellent for the days leading to Easter or anytime one feels led to read and study it. It's not a simple telling of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. It is a tear at your heart, descriptive journey for the reader to make and take in the sacrifice, the inhumane suffering and total rejection by God to take your place and mine. It is powerful. It is not easy.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. This is my own unsolicited opinion about it. I had an e-copy, so the 40 days were hard to tell apart. I would highly recommend the actual book.

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I wish I had this book in time for Lent this year! It isn't a simple, short morning devotional. It's full of explanations and biblical culture. He takes scripture we know and points out words and phrases so we take a second, more meaningful, look. He is a fiction author after all.

I think this would be a great family devotional for Lent and plan to use it next year! I look forward to hearing my kids' comments!

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The author shares 40 incredible devotionals that tell the story of the cross and Jesus. He walks us into an understanding of the Journey Jesus was on. . It was a good walk through lent. This author is always a success in his writing. Thanks for the advanced copy to NetGalley and they Publisher.

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Highly recommend this incredibly beautiful story of worship. Brought tears to my eyes while educating me.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you for this devotional and study thru lent. I enjoyed it so much I plan on reading it again next year with my Bible study.

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Thank you to #NetGalley for an ARC of #ItIsFinished!
This review is hard to put into words, as it is deep and unique and I feel like I have only scratched the surface of the what is there to nourish me. Charles Martin is writer who used his God-given gifts to bless readers, most often through entertaining fiction. As I read his latest work of nonfiction, #ItIsFinished, I felt he was pouring out his soul on the pages. As he shared Biblical stories, his thoughts, questions, and perspectives, it provided authenticity and vulnerability that made me feel I was sitting down talking these things through with a spiritual friend. The organization and layout of the book enhanced each section as the reader could join in prayer and see God's response through Scripture to the questions and stories. For me, every decision made in the creation of the book added to its meaning and effectiveness. Although I read the e-book version of this work, I will also purchase the print copy as there is SO MUCH I want to highlight and take notes on. Thank you for this one, Charles Martin!

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In It Is Finished, Charles Martin shares 40 powerful devotionals that tell the story of the cross and Jesus. Scripture based, Martin guides his readers to an understanding of Jesus’ journey. I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this well written, thought provoking, beautiful book. Well-done, Charles Martin!

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Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week. The rejoicing we do today imagining His Triumphal Entry is dimmed by the realities we know are ahead. The suffering is beyond our comprehension. Yet, we know the end of the story. He is risen indeed and at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
I used this new title from Charles Martin as a devotional for Lent. It was a blessing and a faith builder! Each day has four parts: 1) Scripture and Martin's thoughts on that verse with additional related verses. 2) Walk With Me Back to the Cross. 3) Prayer. 4) God Responds. The book is laced and supported with verses from the Bible. Footnotes are provided to reference the passages used. Martin declares this to be his favorite of all the books he has written. If you are a fan of his writing like I am, that speaks volumes. It would make a wonderful gift.

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I understand that Charles Martin is a storyteller and I have enjoyed some of his other books but this book is not theologically based.

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An awesome study to prepare for Easter!!

It Is Finished by Charles Martin takes you on a journey to the cross, This book is about Jesus and how His sacrifice changed everything. This book is not about history, it impacts each of us today and Charles Martin wants each of us to know that in our heart. This study is good for people interested in Christianity, new Christians and long time Christians - that is everyone.

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Wow. Just wow. "It Is Finished" by Charles Martin wasn't just another devotional; it was a profound and immersive experience that grabbed me from the very first page. As a lifelong Christ follower, I thought I knew the story of the cross. But Martin's masterful storytelling opened my eyes to historical details and deeper meanings I'd never encountered before.

The book wasn't just informative, it was deeply personal. Martin's writing style is engaging and easy to read, making you feel like you're walking alongside Jesus on his final journey. The daily reflections and prayers at the end of each chapter provided a powerful way to connect with the material on a deeper level.

This isn't a book you simply read and move on from. It's one that stays with you, prompting reflection and a renewed appreciation for the sacrifice Jesus made. I found myself purchasing a physical copy from Amazon after just a few days because I knew "It Is Finished" would be a book I'd revisit time and again.

In fact, this is the first book I've read by Charles Martin, and his ability to weave history, faith, and personal connection has me eager to explore his other works, both fiction and non-fiction.

If you're looking for a devotional that will challenge your understanding and deepen your faith, "It Is Finished" is a must-read. It's a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Easter and a testament to the transformative power of Jesus' sacrifice.

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A great journey in the season of Lent with a great author! Love Charles Martin! This was a great journey to the cross. Forty days for Jesus in the wilderness and forty days for us to spend with Him during this time of reflection.

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Charles Martin is a fabulous storyteller which enhances his ability to bring biblical fact to life. This book uses biblical narrative from Genesis forward to show how deeply we need redemption and salvation. Without distorting biblical fact Charles Martin helps the reader slow down and look a little deeper and perhaps with a different perspective at truths surrounding the cross. The 15 minute a day devotional format is perfect as Easter approaches.
Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to read for my honest review.

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In It Is Finished, Martin walks the reader to the cross step by step through the stories of the Bible. Each day draws you into a different aspect of the journey to the cross. It brings so much color and depth to the story of the cross. As a very black and white reader, I find myself seeing the story of the cross in more depth and detail thanks to Martin and the way he presents this journey to the cross.

I appreciated how much scripture was utilized throughout each day. I tend to avoid devotionals because it's more opinion than scripture, but this book was steeped in so much scripture!

I highly recommend this book!

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Amazing! Transformative! Life-Changing!

It Is Finished by Charles Martin isn't just your average devotional—it's like a soulful journey to the heart of the cross, and it's left an eternal mark on me. This book isn't about fancy words or religious jargon; it's about Jesus and how His sacrifice changed everything. I was driven to my knees in worship countless times.

From the first word, Martin's writing had me hooked. He didn't just tell the story of the cross; he made me feel like I was right there, witnessing and understanding the depth of it all. And when Jesus said, "It is finished," I felt it in my bones—like everything had shifted, and I couldn't look away.

What I love most is how Martin keeps it real. He doesn't sugarcoat the gritty details of Jesus' suffering. He lays it all out there, raw and honest, so you can't help but be moved. And through it all, he reminds me that Jesus did it all for me—for us. It's like he's saying, "Hey, this is for you. This is how much you're loved."

But it's not just about the past; it's about how the cross impacts us right now. With each reflection, Martin brings it home, showing me how Jesus' sacrifice changes everything in my life. It's like he's saying, "Yeah, this happened 2,000 years ago, but it's still changing lives today—including yours."

And let me tell you, the prayers in this book hit different. They're not your typical, cookie-cutter prayers. They're real, heartfelt, and they speak straight to my soul. It's like Martin knows exactly what I need to hear and lays it out there, plain and simple.

By the time I finished this book, I felt like I'd been on a wild ride—one that's left me forever changed. It's like I'm seeing Jesus and the cross in a whole new light, and I can't help but be grateful. It's like Martin's saying, "Yeah, this book might be over, but the impact of the cross? That's eternal."

So, if you're looking for a devotional that'll shake you to your core and remind you of Jesus' endless love, this is it. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

If I could, I would give It is Finished 10 out of 5 stars and that still wouldn’t be enough.

I received an eARC for It Is Finished from Thomas Nelson – W Publishing through NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review nor paid to do so. This is my honest and unbiased review. My thoughts and opinions expressed in this book review are my own. Ensuring transparency and reliability, my review focuses on the heart wrenching and amazing assurance of this 40-day pilgrimage back to the cross.

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I was in the midst of reading Charles Martin’s It Is Finished: A 40-Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross when I had the distinct privilege to meet him in person! Yes he and his lovely wife, came to our local bookstore, Cornerstone Books of Boone and spoke. He was just as engaging in person as he is in word.

This book begins with our personal need for redemption and the inability to save ourselves, as he leads us to the cross. It Is Finished is a wonderful book to prepare my/our hearts and minds to celebrate our risen Lord in 2024 on March 31st.

In his presentation, he said the cardinal rule of writing is to never kill off your protagonist. Well this is the exception with a glorious ending,

I recommend reader, to spend 40 days at the foot of the Cross in It is Finished, as you draw near unto Easter. Each day includes a passage, a devotional, a pointing back to the Cross, a prayer, and a response of Scripture. His words opened my heart and eyes even more to the reality of our Christ crucified.

Many know Charles Martin as an accomplished and best selling fiction writer, but his talents extend to the world of nonfiction just as amazingly if not more.

To my fellow readers, if you are like me and need to be reminded of what Christ has accomplished on the Cross, this book will pierce deep into your mind and heart.

I await your next masterpiece.

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