Member Reviews

I wanted to dislike this novel. I mean a woman planning to end herself on vacation…a vacation she can’t afford so she better enjoy it to her last day. Well a bride who books a hotel room is mad to say the least- but as a new marriage starts, the more an old one is thought about and maybe at a hotel with strangers isn’t the best place to make life ending decision. But then again, maybe surrounded by friends and family at a desolate location is not where you should start a new beginning. So the author brings together these two very different women who are actually looking for the exact same thing, but one is at the beginning and one is at the end and who is right and who makes it to the end of the novel so yes, I ended up liking it even though upon the premise I wanted keyword is wanted to hate it.

I'm in the minority here, but I do not understand all the hype about this book. It took me forever to read and I didn't like that there were really no chapters. It was just an average booking my opinion.

I truly don't know how to properly review this one. It's very unlike what I typically read, and I just don't really know how to express my thoughts on this book properly. I do have to say that this book definitely was a grower for me. At the start I wasn't 100% in just yet. I mean, I was interested in what was being srt up. However, the start really focusses on Phoebe's depression and how she got to the state she's in now. As I mentioned before I did like that part of this book, don't get me wrong, but it just didn't just grip me just yet.
However, there was a certain point within the book, and I can't fully pinpoint when or how, where I just got fully invested in this book. I thought the cast of characters, and mainly Phoebe and Lila, were incredibly interesting to follow. Now are any of them really likeable? No, not at all. Even Phoebe managed to get on my nerves sometimes. She just was extremely judgemental, and the way she just constantly flip flops on people was grating. When it comes to the rest of the cast they all also have at least one major character flaw that ends up being the focus of their character. However, they are still people you can't help but get invested in. The dynamic between Phoebe and Lila is slightly toxic but you just can't help but root for them to figure it out, and just be friends.
Overall, I think this book is about being at a turning point in your life, about hitting rock bottom and settling in something that seems right to be able to get out of it. I thought it was so interesting to see all of these different characters deal with that in their own ways. Of course Phoebe's journey with this is the most prevelant in this all, but it definitely is also very visible in even some minor side characters. Therefore I also just think the place where all of these characters end up in the end can feel very cathertic as they finally let go of what is supposed to make things better for what actually makes them feel better. Especially seeing Phoebe restructure her life, and actively fighting for what is actually good for her.
By the last quarter of this book I just wasn't able to put it down at all because I was just so hooked on this story, and ultimately I just really enjoyed my time reading this book over all. This book was also much funnier than I was expecting before going into it. As mentioned before the themes of this book are technically quite heavy however it just never feels that heavy. I feel like overall this is very funny, and really looked at these kind of societal expectations through a lense that kind of makes it all seem quite ridiculous. Therefore the book overall (after that start that is very focussed on Phoebe's depression) feels very lighthearted in a way. However, it's more heavy themes definitely still hit and aren't undercut by the tone. In fact I would argue it actually fits really well. So yeah, all this rambling to say that I totally understand the hype for this book, even as someone who doesn't typically read books like this.

A pretty heart-felt yet funny story of a single women not intending to make a best friend of the bride at their shared hotel. but through circumstances, they form a nice female friendship bond.

One of the best books of the summer yet I forgot to write this review until now, months beyond when it was published. My apologies

the best case of right book, perfect time right now. wow.
this book seriously could not have come to me at the perfect time - i randomly picked it up and it was so needed. this book was so wonderful as someone who’s struggled with depression for a long time. i adore the fmc phoebe and see myself in her in so many words, she was such a perfectly relatable character to me.!
just beautiful & reflective - makes you really step back and appreciate life and the fact that we really do have the power to live our lives in whichever way we want.

I usually don't like comparing books to each other, but this one really did remind me of Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine, especially with its discussion of complex topics in a whimsical tone / backdrop. I felt the pace flagged a little in the middle when the bride had yet another meltdown over something inconsequential, but overall, this was a fun and entertaining read with some profound messages hidden among the banter that I really enjoyed!

The premise of this novel was so interesting. What started out as such a dark time in a character’s life where she wanted to end her life turned into a time of celebration and rebirth. I really enjoyed this unique novel. I received a copy of this novel from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Such a lighthearted easy book to read. I would love to recommend this to anyone who is looking for a beach read. I also love so many of the quotes in the book. Some authors have the most incredible way of storytelling and she is one of them!

What makes The Wedding People stand out is its balance of humor and realism. While weddings are often portrayed as a picture-perfect celebration, this book takes a more authentic approach, exploring the messiness of relationships, the stress of family dynamics, and the beauty of finding connection in unexpected places.

The book was okay. The story was a bit weird to get into in the beginning. There was a lot going on and all of the different wedding people she met were cool. The bride annoyed me a lot and I wish the main character had called her out about it more.
But overall it was a good ending.

I loved this book! This book felt like real life to me. The MC is struggling like most of us are and finds herself at a hotel with a wedding. The story of how she overcomes her thoughts of suicide to making friends and rekindling her relationship keeps you thinking about your own life and choices Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read and review this book 4 stars

This was such a heartwarming and heartbreaking book at the same time. It was very emotional and poignant. I enjoyed it a lot but it is a bit heavy st times. Very good!

People seem to either love this book or hate it. In the beginning, it was a bit of a train wreck in the sense I couldn’t believe what I was reading, but I couldn’t stop.
Phoebe is in a deep depression after her husband had an affair and left her for his co-worker. She feels pressured to finish her dissertation. Also, Phoebe’s cat dies. She leaves it all behind and goes to the Cornwall Inn, a place she wanted to go with her husband but they never did. She shows up and is the only person staying there who isn’t part of a week-long wedding soirée. But, don’t think this book is going to be all pretty bows and flowers. There are some tough topics, some really messed up characters, and frankly, it's a bit ridiculous in spots.
“This is exactly what Phoebe has always hated and loved about life—-how unpredictable it is, how things can change in an instant.”
I was surprised by its R-rated content. In spots, it was pretty raunchy and really felt like it wasn’t necessary, but I can appreciate the author did it to show the character’s mental state at that point. Still, it was a turn-off for me. This story deals with some heavy topics including suicide, infidelity, and infertility. Are there happy moments? Of course! Were there moments that I felt were unnecessary to the story and could have been left out? Yes! Were there some really beautiful moments and great writing? Yes! I found the writing to be smart, witty, insightful, and honest. I loved the character development, how each character seemed to evolve over the wedding week some changing completely and some really not at all.
“This sounds like exactly what she wants, what she has secretly always wanted. To read books she wanted to read. To be sad when she was sad. To be scared when she was scared. To be angry when she was angry. To be boring when she felt boring.”
I would definitely recommend this with a caveat due to its spicy content. The heart of the story is about a woman in her 40s finding herself, a bride who has courage, a groom who just wants to love again, and a family that is so crazy you have to love them. I was worried the ending was going to take a turn that I didn’t want to happen, but thankfully it ended just the way I was hoping it would. This would have been a 5-star read if it hadn’t been for some of the ridiculous content.
Side note: You can be a light in someone’s darkness. A simple smile, a compliment, a genuine thank you, and an “I appreciate you” can be enough to change their perspective and maybe their entire life. Go and be a light!

The Wedding People by Alison Espach is a story about a woman with nothing to lose, a chaotic wedding and much more.
While the cover and title seems like a light read, this is quite heavy at times, and deals with several serious topics. This is certainly not a romance, but not literary fiction either. It’s commercial fiction that really deeps dive into the characters.
I was so drawn in at the beginning, however, one too many flashbacks took my interest away for a bit. But it features a very intriguing climax and a good ending too. All in all this is a solid read that does generate quite a bit of discussion for book clubs.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publishing Company for this Advanced Readers Copy of The Wedding People by Alison Espach! Definitelty one of my Favorites of 2024 and a must read book club book of 2025!

I was really looking forward to reading this, especially after reading all the excellent reviews. This did not disappoint. I was hooked from the very beginning. The author does a fabulous job with character development. I can’t wait to read more from this author.

I went into this mostly blind and it really surprised me. I expected it to be light-hearted and it definitely had some serious topics. I really enjoyed this book. It made me laugh out loud at times.

I started out loving this book. I thought it was very well written, and I really liked the cast of characters. While I didn't like last two-thirds of the book, a lot of ladies in my book club loved it.
Thank you to the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

Thank you, NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review this advanced release. I am a huge fan of women's fiction. This book did not disappoint. There is a heavy undertone, obviously; however, there is humor as well. I enjoyed each of the characters and the way in which the two main characters both grew from their newfound relationship.