Member Reviews

A journey through heartache, self-loathe, and ultimately redemption and reformation of spirit and of self. This book doesn't shy away from hard topics, and it could be sensitive content for some readers. But if you stick it out and get through the struggles, the story is beautiful at the end. Phoebe is all of us in some way or another, and this book ends with so much hope that no matter what point you are in your life, there is always a future ahead. The characters, even though fictional, are so familiar. We all know someone like each of the characters, and it helps to think of their personalities from different perspectives. Not everything is as it seems on the surface level, but it can all work out if we are honest with ourselves and those around us.

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Oh, I loved this. It was so quirky. The setup was unique and unexpected. I went in thinking I’d hate all the “wedding people” but the author gave each character endearing qualities and rich histories. I want a sequel! I need to know more about who these people are outside the walls of a six-day wedding.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for sharing an early arc, which turned into my first solid five-star read of 2024.

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I really, really enjoyed this book and absolutely flew through it! It takes place during a couple's wedding week. Yes, they decide to celebrate their wedding for a whole week, booking an entire luxury hotel and planning events for every day leading up to the big wedding. It's... a lot.

But somehow Phoebe, who has nothing to do with the wedding or these wedding people, is able to book a room at the hotel; a luxury suite. And she's there for a very different reason than the others who are there to celebrate love. I don't want to give anything away since the synopsis doesn't, but I will say you should get trigger warnings if you have any concerns at all as there are some pretty big ones in this. Honestly, there were a couple things in the beginning of the book that I thought came off as pretty insensitive and I almost DNFed this... I was also worried about there it was going to go.

But as the story went on, I started to feel better and I was happy with how things evolved. And though there's definitely a layer of heaviness throughout the book, there are also lots of light and fun moments. I enjoyed getting to know the people in the wedding party, but especially enjoyed getting to know Phoebe.

I think The Wedding People is really cleverly written and would make a fantastic television series or movie!

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The premise of The Wedding People certainly intrigued me, and yet at the same time I wasn't sure where this ride was going to take me, or how on earth it was going to end! I have never read anything by Alison Espach before, but now I most certainly am going to seek out her other titles.

I really enjoyed reading from Phoebe's point of view, for she reminded me somewhat of myself at times. Always doing what is expected of her or sometimes just doing the bare minimum to stay afloat. As I read about her marriage to Matt and how things in her life had unfolded and brought her to that moment when she walked through the doors of of the Cornwall Inn, I felt immediately sucked in to her life and her current predicament. I found myself laughing along with her interactions with Lila, and her conversations with "Juice" and the other wedding people. Yet, at the same time there were many heartfelt and brutally honest moments as well that left you aching with sympathy for Phoebe and her plight. It's been quite some time since I have read a book in which I have found myself shouting out loud at characters in the book, or just full on busting out laughing. I thoroughly enjoyed The Wedding People and the entire cast of characters that graced the pages in Alison's book. I am very excited to read more of her work and will highly recommend The Wedding People to others!

Thank you to NetGalley for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for an honest review.

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First and foremost, I would like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The Wedding People was eye-opening in best possible way.

It was crazy to read to how different stories of different people tie together with a wedding in the middle and all the crazy repercussions, along with all the different meanings behind some of it too.

The only thing I have to complain about is, the writing style was not my favorite and sometimes I would have to re-read a sentence or paragraph again to get what the author or characters were trying to say.

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4.5 stars

Phoebe’s self pity party was a bit much in the beginning, but I found her turnaround to be very comforting. I love when a woman comes to realize the value in herself and stops giving a shit about the perception of others.

This story made me think of many of the obscure relationships I’ve formed throughout my life that had much more impact than I would have ever anticipated. Nostalgic in a sense.

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Five, Very Big, Laughter Filled, Stars!!!
This book is delightful. That’s what I kept thinking as I read it. I was emotionally invested from the first chapter. I laughed so hard! It is hard to explain why I loved this so much. I just felt everything the characters were feeling in such a real way. There are points to this book which are so important for us, as humans, to learn as soon as we can in our lives. The most important one is not to get lost in pretending to be someone you’re not just to make people like you. It never works! It makes us miserable and no one really likes us, because they can’t see us. Also, never settle.
I don’t want to give anything away about the plot. I went in blind and I think that’s was the best way. Just let it unfold. I have a really good feeling that this book will win awards. It’s so good. So, so good. This is one to be reread, and I will.

Thank you Holt and NetGalley for this wonderful experience.

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A good book, a nice read. The story is interesting, and the author writes beautifully. I wanted to know what was going to happen, and I loved what occurred at the end. 4/5

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I loved everything about this story. I laughed a lot, cried, got philosophical and thoroughly enjoyed all the characters. Without giving anything away, this story will hook you from the first chapter. I loved the ambiguity of the ending but also how you know it’s going to work out the way it should for all of them. This book was so much more than I expected and a complete pleasure to read. Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC. When this book is released, do not hesitate. This is a story that will stick with you for a long time.

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Phoebe Stone arrives in beautiful Newport, Rhodesia Island to escape from life. Her life is in shambles but a huge wedding is happening. They think she is part of the party. She ends up becoming friends with the bride and one thing after other occurs. This was a fun read that had many twists and turns. This book will be a great book club discussion book on so many levels.

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Phoebe decides that she is done. Post pandemic her husband abruptly announces that he is in love with another woman (their friend) and leaves her. She struggles to return to face to face teaching as an English adjunct. She can’t write - she has been trying and failing to convert her PhD thesis into a book for years, and so she can’t land a full professorship. After a long and discouraging day she returns home to find her cat dead. Phoebe books an outrageously expensive room in the Cornwall Inn in Newport, Rhode Isand and intends to end her life there. Instead she finds the rest of the Inn booked for Lila’s wedding. Lila is appalled at her presence there and her plans for suicide - how that would ruin her perfect wedding! What follows is touching and funny.

I have all kinds of reasons to love this book. Like Phoebe I was an English teacher. All the literary references, metaphors, etc. were spot on for me and added another level to my reading. But note - if you are not a lover of the classics, the book would read just as well, and who knows, Espach might just lure you into some additional reading. I love a good wedding, reading about them, seeing them on TV, and so on. Quite honestly I am fascinated with the setting. I have long been fascinated by the Vanderbilts and the gilded age, so much here to read and wonder about. I have never really stayed at such a swanky place and the depiction of it is just so funny…someday. I love character driven novels, and Phoebe is just so incredibly illustrated here. The author does a remarkable job of showing not telling. I find Phoebe’s journey 100% believable. Espach creates a lovely cast of wedding people to surround her. Lila is so annoying, but hard not to love. Her family and friends are well drawn. We even get to know the inn staff just a bit. She juggles a number of people with ease, and I began to feel like I knew them all by the time I was done. I also appreciated the incredible tightline Espach walked on between sorrowful angst and humorous ironies.

Phoebe’s journey just absolutely touched something in me. While my marriage is intact, I can relate to much of what Phoebe struggles with in the sense that she has lost her way. She has been a people pleaser and is just exhausted with it and finding that such behavior has not really brought her to her goals or to a sense of happiness. Anybody who has made big changes will appreciate her sadness and rejoice in the changes her experience at the inn and with these people bring. I am in the middle of big changes. Sometimes I feel so stuck in my patterns and the place where my choices brought me…not unhappy, just a bit unsettled. As I work to change, the example of Phoebe’s growth is a gift. And for me - her analyses in light of the literature that she loved (used to love? still loves in a different way?) was a delightful bonus for me. And certainly the idea that the literature we love can shape our point of view resonates with me. I have to explore that further in my own life to be sure. If you are in a place of change - forced or needed - give The Wedding People by Alison Espach a read. You will appreciate the insight and the hope. If you just love a good book that will make you chuckle and introduce you to some fine fictional folks, give it a read too!

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A fabulous tale and a perfect beach read! Memorable, fascinating characters. Humorous. Well plotted. Thought provoking and insightful. And transportive to its appealing setting at a luxury resort by the ocean in Newport, Rhode Island. This beautifully crafted novel will surely be one of the hottest books of Summer ‘24.

Many thanks to Henry Holt and Co. and NetGalley for a complimentary ARC. Opinions are my own.

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This was really relatable and utterly sweet.

I loved the underlying themes of loss and life not going to plan, and then finding new friends/purpose and somehow learning to enjoy the ride.

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Not usually a fan of the "so-and-so decides to kill themselves but then a series of events or meeting a particular person helps them to realize the beauty in their unique life" genre, but I requested the arc because I kept hearing buzz about The Wedding People. I was pleasantly surprised by the depth and complexity of the characters - even those beyond the main characters - and the unique plot. Some parts, particularly at the beginning, were not the easiest read. Espach captured the unique experience of being human and navigating various types of relationships. I particularly liked the way the ending was handled.

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Woah. Woah. Woah. That’s all I can really say what with how stunning and sad and bright this book was. I was not expecting why she decided to come here h it the story was gorgeous

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I could not finish this book. I found the topics of infertility, depression, suicide and loss of a pet triggering. I understand that Phoebe’s life would likely turn around, but it put me in a weird headspace that kept me from continuing. There were humorous parts in the beginning, but it just got to be too much for me.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC - this is an intriguing book with a unique premise. The main character starts in MO and finishes the story in RI. She is dealing with problems with her marriage, an unfulfilling job, and failed IVF tries. Ultimately she takes herself to a hotel on the ocean with dire intentions; she happens across a week-long work up to a posh wedding and finds herself ingratiated with the entire wedding party. The bride (by design) was a typical overwrought and annoying rich bride but the fiancée was unexpected and enjoyable. Overall, the book kept my interest mainly due to the rather unorthodox storyline and realistic ending.

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Really enjoyed reading “The Wedding People..” It was great seeing Phoebe’s development and growth over the course of the wedding week. I was not thrilled with the bride, Lila, as a person. I was very proud of her choice at the end. She also grew as a person. I was rooting for Gary and Phoebe.
Excellent writing by author, Alison Espach. I am looking forward to reading more by her in the future.
This book is definitely Bookclub worthy.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for an Arc in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed every moment of this book. Literally. This rarely happens, but I kept saying out loud, “I’m loving this book!.”

Phoebe has hit an all time low and can’t see her way out of her depression. It’s not until she’s mistaken as a wedding guest, that’s she’s pulled into the orbit of the “wedding people” on holiday for a week long celebration before the big event. I love stories about a motley crew in forced proximity, that result in friendship, self discovery, and growth. Although many serious topics are explored, they are done with both care and humor.

This was a rare gem and just what I needed!

TW: infertility, death, divorce, infidelity, depression, suicide ideation.

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In her latest work, "The Wedding People" by Alison Espach, the narrative unfolds seamlessly over 6 intense days in a Newport, RI hotel during the week of Lila and Gary's wedding. Espach crafts a darkly humorous and sincere story where every character, no matter how minor, is intricately formed, contributing to Phoebe's profound experience.

Phoebe's journey is universally relatable, touching on themes of failed relationships, existential aimlessness, loss, self-discovery, and authenticity. The characters feel authentically real, resonating with readers on a personal level. The setting, against the backdrop of Newport, is the perfect place for Phoebe to find herself again.

The emotional connection with Phoebe is akin to a genuine friendship, and as the book concludes, tears are shed not for a sad ending but for bidding farewell to a beloved character and a perfectly crafted novel. A poignant moment is encapsulated in Phoebe's speech to Lila, "This wedding will never be a waste, because I came here to die. And now look at me." This line, among others, evokes a cascade of emotions.

Alison Espach's artistry shines, much like in "Notes on Your Sudden Disappearance." The anticipation was met with satisfaction, surpassing already elevated expectations. The gratitude expressed for the opportunity to read this masterpiece resonates, eagerly anticipating Espach's next literary endeavor.

Thank you NetGalley, Henry Holt & Company and of course the talented Alison Espach for gifting me the privilege of reading The Wedding People. It was a perfect story and one that will stay with me.

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