Member Reviews

The illustrations in this book are absolutely stunning, the flaw is that just when I’m getting into it, it’s over too soon! My son gave this 3.5 stars

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This story is quick and full of beautiful pictures, making great use of color to illustrate warmth. Although most of the complex conversations or information about big feelings comes at the end of the book, the story involves the opportunity to reach out for help and take deep breaths. A great conversation starter with little ones about big difficult feelings.

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Beautiful illustrations and gets the point across for young, curious minds. I wish I had this kind of material in my life while growing up. The writing is so delicate and comprehensive.
Highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Annick Press for an advance review copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Available March 19, 2024

Anxious is a short and sweet little book about a girl dealing with anxiety. Its illustrations were wonderfully done and encapsulated what anxiety can feel like. As someone who has dealt with anxiety all their life, this book is definitely something I'd add to my shelf.

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This is a beautiful and touching picture book about a little girl dealing with anxious feelings. The illustrations are well done and perfectly match the story and feeling of the book. The story is simple but much needed in today's world.

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This is an adorable, and much needed book. This book healed something with in me. It is such a special book, it is short and sweet and to the point, the art if phenomenal. I would highly suggest this to ANYONE who deals with anxiety.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Anxious is one of those books that I wish existed when I was a child. I've had anxiety since I was a child, but back in the early 90s, it was not recognized.

Anxious describes anxiety in a way children can relate with. The tips for the adults are also very useful

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I really like the messages in this book. I know sometimes its hard to communicate with kids and get them to open up but sometimes when they read a book and see them selfs in it, it is easier for them to open up and say I feel that way sometimes and then from there you can talk with them about it.
This is an easy to read book that your child can read alone but I think this would be better to read it to them just because of the issues I stated above but that’s just my thoughts
Thanks netgalley

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When I was a little girl, no one really understood anxiety, or at least anxiety in children. Like the heroine of this book, I often felt like I was a tiny speck in a giant world, perpetually frightened without knowing why. Through its gentle text and gorgeous illustrations, this book quietly explains that anxiety is okay, and that there are ways to cope with it, and even better, it does so without feeling preachy or like it's talking down to its readers. Even were the illustrations not ripped from my head, this would be a remarkably reassuring and relatable read, and I highly recommend it to even adults who struggle with anxiety.

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I was given this ARC by NetGalley.

I loved this book! The illustrations were perfect and fitting for the feelings of anxiety. I wish I had had more resources like this, as a child growing up with anxiety. I would recommend this book to any child (or other, for that matter) who deals with anxiety.

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What a stunning book with a powerful message for both younglings and their caretakers dealing with anxiety!

It includes beautiful images that took me on a lovely journey, and left a cozy feeling in my heart upon reading.

The last chapters include useful, thoughtful recommendations for caregivers to address and help alleviate anxiety in children, which truthfully can be applied to adults as well.

I will be recommending this healing book to anyone with children and/or experiencing anxiety.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is so precious. The audience can be kids and adults. I wish I have books like this when I was small and had no strategies. The illustration is so nice. I also think it was forward thinking to add the parent section. It is hard to know what to say sometimes as a parent to a child who is struggling.

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Thank you NetGalley, Luciana De Luca, and Annick Press for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review!

This book is so beautiful and very developmentally appropriate for primary-aged children. Anxiety is something many children can be impacted by through their own lives, siblings, parents, friends, etc. This book does an amazing job of describing how one may feel who has an anxiety disorder. It also focuses on how asking for help can alleviate some of the stresses anxiety can bring about in one’s life. In my preschool program, we focus on social/emotional development heavily throughout the year and this would be a great addition to the social/emotional unit I teach on emotions and how they can make you feel. This book would be great for families, educators, psychologists, developmental pediatricians, etc.This book is so beautiful and very developmentally appropriate for primary-aged children. Anxiety is something many children can be impacted by through their own lives, siblings, parents, friends, etc. This book does an amazing job of describing how one may feel who has an anxiety disorder. It also focuses on how asking for help can alleviate some of the stresses anxiety can bring about in one’s life. In my preschool program, we focus on social/emotional development heavily throughout the year and this would be a great addition to the social/emotional unit I teach on emotions and how they can make you feel. This book would be great for families, educators, psychologists, developmental pediatricians, etc.

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I instantly fell in love with the cover and then the title. As a librarian I look for books that will connect with little customers. I feel Anxious by Luciana De Luca beautifully depicted the story of a very relatable character that is going through a myriad of emotions. Its hard as an adult to describe sometimes what we are feeling. Can you imagine a child? This is a helpful example kids can relate to in the most mindful and beautiful way.

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An absolutely beautiful story about a very tough subject.

Even adults have trouble properly articulating the feelings that come along with anxiety, and as a child it can be beyond difficult to express the grip it has on you. This book is an excellent resource for both children and their caregivers, giving children the language they need to explain they are feeling, and know they are not alone.

The book includes advice and additional resources for both parties at the back of the book, an invaluable tool that would make it a wonderful addition to any household or childcare facility/school room.

The art is beautiful and illustrative, capturing the feelings that words can't describe, but also the relief that a trusted adult can bring. It is written in a way that can be easily digestible by children and adults, and that accurately describes the various symptoms and sensations anxiety can bring.

Could not recommend more highly. A must have.

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A beautifully illustrated book that helps kids to make sense of and navigate anxiety. The artwork is gorgeous and brings out emotions that the book is trying to convey, while the text is engaging. It was a much quicker read that I expected and I was hoping for more, but I think this will be perfect for a young audience.

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The artwork in this book is beautiful. I could really relate to this book and I thought it was a great book for kiddos feeling this way. I would recommend to anyone who has a kiddo in their life feeling this way or dealing with anxiety.

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A short, simple, beautifully illustrated book about anxiety, for young children. I love that it isn’t about “overcoming” anxiety, but rather about moving through anxiety and not allowing it to dictate one’s decisions.

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So many children suffer from anxiety. They can’t always understand it or express it, much less know how to handle it. This book is a wonderful way to identify this emotion and put into words what the child is experiencing. The author gives many suggestions on helping regulation at the end of the book in “A Note to Readers.” The illustrations are wonderful. Highly recommended for public libraries, school libraries, and home libraries.

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Anxious by Luciana De Luca is such a lovely children's book about anxious feelings. I loved the illustrations and the carefully chosen language. My child and I read it together and he liked it as well. I think this is such a great tool for putting words to feelings and sharing some tools to deal with those feelings.

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