Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Annick Press for an ARC to review.

My son was recently diagnosed with Autism and I personally struggle with anxiety. This book not only has beautiful illustrations, but shows the intended audience that it is okay to have big feelings. I also really enjoyed the note to parents and readers at the end. I will definitely be purchasing this book for my 7 yr old so that we can read it when he is struggling with his emotions.

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Anxious a great book for helping young children put words to their feelings. It’s also helpful for the adults in the children’s life to help them navigate their feelings.

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Anxious is a picture book that is targeted at younger children (up to about Grade 3). This book, explains to the reader, in simple language how people might feel or behave when they are anxious. Anxious would be a good book for a classroom, library and a child's collection. The illustrations are beautiful and full of detail. At the end of the book there are suggestions for adults to help approach conversations with children to help them talk about their feelings.

Thank you Net Galley, Annick Press Ltd. and Luciana DeLuca for granting me this ARC.
#NetGalley #Anxious #AnnickPress #LucianaDeLuca

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“The world around me feels too loud too fast.”
Thats enough to give this 5 stars.
That’s what I experience & it’s truly something I’ve never been able to put into words like that.

The art in, “Anxious,” is beautiful & unique. The illustrator’s use of dark & vibrant colors to show different emotions is a great element for a children’s book.
Uncomfortableness, scared, & worry being darker colors.
Happy, excited, & playful being lighter & more colorful.
The contrast & growth of our main character is seen primarily through the different colors. This is great for kids who are just learning to read.

I felt like the authors note to adults & readers was well written & informative.

Great kids book that I would’ve loved to have on my shelf as a kid.

Thank you to the author/illustrator, the publisher, & to NetGalley for a copy of the ARC!

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I understand what this book was trying to do. The descriptions of what anxiety feels like could be useful. To me the book needed to give children more tools to use when faced with anxiety. Without more tools the book overall felt dark and scary.

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"Anxious" by Luciana DeLuca is a gem that brilliantly captures the essence of childhood anxiety while offering a beacon of light for young readers. DeLuca's empathetic storytelling and stunning illustrations create a captivating world where children can see themselves reflected with compassion and understanding. Through relatable characters and heartfelt narratives, this book gently guides young minds through the maze of anxiety, imparting invaluable lessons of resilience, self-acceptance, and empathy. The beautiful illustrations not only enhance the narrative but also serve as a visual reminder of the book's empowering message, making it accessible and engaging for children of all ages. With its positive impact on mental health and its ability to inspire hope and courage, "Anxious" is a must-have addition to every child's library, offering comfort and guidance in times of uncertainty.

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This is such a beautifully illustrated book! I was instantly drawn to the cover art, of the little girl holding a ball of what appears to be black yarn. But on closer inspection, the reader realizes this is her anxiety. The story unfolds, told from the girl's perspective, of how her anxiety gets in the way and she sometimes feels scared or shy. I read this book with my seven-year-old and felt that it was a great way to introduce the concepts of anxious thoughts and behaviors in an easy-to-understand way. As someone who suffers from anxiety myself, I love that this book tackles the topic with compassion and gentleness. I will be buying this one once it's published.

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Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for a copy of this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Anxious by Luciana DeLuca is a beautiful, straightforward picture book that will be relatable and useful to children who suffer from anxiety disorder. The book not only uses a child's narrative to portray how anxiety feels, but also describes how one can use easy coping skills to relieve the anxious feelings. DeLuca also provides a "note to readers" (a page of text meant for the child to read) that again describes symptoms of anxiety and lets them know that they can find support from adults; and a "note to adults", which describes how they can talk to children about their anxiety.

I like the pencil illustrations that utilize line and color to portray emotion. The child and parent shown have tan skin and dark hair so it does portray some diversity in that respect.

I would definitely recommend this and order it for my library.

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I received an ARC copy of the book provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Rating: 5 stars
Anxious is a children’s picture book about a young girl navigating and understanding anxiety.
The art and words pair beautifully in this story to provide a perfect tool for young children to identify anxious feelings. The descriptions of anxiety are simplistic and easy to understand while still ringing true to the experience of living with anxiety.
This is a book I wish I had as a child struggling with undiagnosed anxiety. The book identifies the feeling in ways that would make it easy for a child to understand and relay what they’re feeling- I feel this is important to note, since many adults still struggle with relaying the feelings and emotions that come with anxiety. The author also provides an easy to utilize coping mechanism for children. Further resources are then provided for parents/care takers at the end of the book.
I would recommend this book for parents, caretakers, and educators. This book would be invaluable for a child who may not even realize they are struggling with anxiety.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Annick Press Ltd. for the early access copy of Anxious by Luciana DeLuca.

Anxious is the story of a child’s journey with anxiety. The wording choice is impactful and suitable for primary school aged children. The illustrations are stunning and express the child’s journey, beginning with partial black and white illustrations, transitioning to colored as the story progresses. This story will be a lovely addition as a teaching tool on anxiety for educators and an inclusive addition to elementary school libraries.

In addition to the story, the authors note includes a section for children and a section for adults. It includes resources available to support those who experience anxiety.

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As a School Counselor I immediately added this book to my wishlist after reading it. I love the artwork, story and intention. Often students feel like there is something wrong with them or that they are feeling "wrong" when they struggle with anxiety or sadness.

This book normalizes those feelings and shares coping skills. I really love the artwork of the little girl receiving support from her family and finding joy in her surroundings.

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I received an e-arc of this book from NetGalley and Annick Press.

What a wonderful little read to help explain anxiety to young children. I love that the book explained a big feeling in simple enough terms for littles to actually understand and gave a true to life example of how to get through it. There is a section at the end that is incredibly useful to parents and educators alike. Thank you for bringing attention to something that is so often overlooked in children.

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Anxious is a wonderful book to help children learn that anxiety is a normal feeling and that you can ask for help. The illustrations are lovely and add to the story. I also enjoyed the note to parents with great suggestions on how to help a child with anxiety. This book is a great one to add to your collection.

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The first time that I saw the cover for Anxious by Luciana DeLuca, I knew that I HAD to read it! The interior illustrations are every bit as beautiful as the cover art and do a fabulous job of portraying the characters feelings of worry and anxiety and then her gradual shift to calmness. The text is written in a way that make it easy for young children to understand and relate too. Sometimes it can be hard to put big feelings into words and I think this book does an excellent job of doing just that!

The back of the book has notes to readers and adults further explaining what anxiety can feel like and potential ways to deal with it. There is also a helpful list of resources for caregivers. This book would make a great addition to school and home libraries and is a great resource for social emotional learning.

Thank you to NetGalley and Annick Press Ltd. for the opportunity to review an ARC of Anxious!

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This fine little book is aimed at children who need to know about their feelings and to the adults who care for them as parents, teachers, and others. There is a page near the end for those adults and includes a few resources as well.
The illustrations by Natalí Barbani are meaningful, imaginative, clear, and with muted colors.
Translated from the Spanish by Roberto C. Caceres-Caravantes.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, and especially to a school or teacher or your public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Annick Press via NetGalley. Thank you!
Available March 19, 2024

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Thought it as told and illustrated beautifully. I appreciate books that try to explain difficult things to the young audiences for them to understand.

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**eARC provide by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

This is the English edition of Ansiosa.

It's a beautifully illustrated book: really really beautiful art. I would buy it just on that basis. But other than that, it's also a great primer for children to become familiar with anxiety. Instead of giving a definition, the book speaks about feelings and what feeling you might experience when anxious. Actually making note of how it feels instead of just giving the definition makes it more accesible for children to identify such feelings.

Another excellent thing about this book is the note to young readers, to caretakers and the resource list. Anxiety in children is not something that children themselves can solve so it's great to place the onus on caretakers to also educate themselves and provide questions and resources to use.

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As a parent who has struggled with anxiety and can already see it popping up a bit in my older son, this book is exquisite. The explanation of anxiety is well done, but the art and images really did a great job of visualizing the feeling. I would absolutely use this with my own children and recommend it to others who have children who struggle with big feelings. Beautiful book.

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"Anxious" is a touching and beautifully illustrated children's book that resonated deeply with me, as someone who deals with anxiety even as an adult. The story not only captivated me but also provided a sense of validation for these complex emotions. I appreciated how it encourages children to acknowledge their feelings and reach out for support. The inclusion of reader's notes and resources for both children and adults further enhances its value, making it a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and therapists alike. I believe "Anxious" has the potential to become a staple in both bedtime and classroom readings, fostering important conversations and providing comfort to young readers. Huge thanks to the publishers for this insightful ARC—I wholeheartedly recommend it.

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Anxious is a children’s book about what anxiety looks and feels like with ways to manage anxiety from a child’s perspective. Beautifully written an illustrated including nuances of Buenos Aires, home of author and illustrator. Great tool for therapist’s who work with children!

Thank you NetGalley and Annick Press for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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