Member Reviews

Esteban is born to parents with differing views of who they are, what his name should be and who he should become when he grows up. His father wants him to be a "man," and his mother wants him to be compassionate. In the end, Esteban decides for himself and chooses the priesthood. But he struggles with school and receives a low-grade assignment. Fortunately, he has Jesus to talk to as he navigates his chosen path.
While the premise of this book is interesting, it features more telling than showing. I felt myself looking at the action and characters from the outside rather than feeling like part of the story. The flow is also choppy in places. I do want to read more books in the series, though, to see how Esteban grows and what happens to him. I'm also interested in knowing what the books from his friend Signore contain - that's an interesting mystery!
The promotional blurb for this book mentions that Esteban has schizophrenia. In retrospect, I see that but didn't put the pieces together while reading. And while this diagnosis is not confirmed by a medical professional, it adds interest to Esteban's story and dimension to his life.