Member Reviews

Even though I am a foodie and a great fan of cooking and baking This was not for me, After a while it became too repetitive. The artwork is great though.

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This was so cute!!

I love Witch Hat Atelier and knew I had to read this one even if I hate cooking! I loved this and I loved seeing them all come together to make food for one another!

I also love that it gives you clear instructions if you decide to make one of the dishes (with substitutes for magical ingredients). I loved the sound of the bacon and mushroom croquettes! They sound so delicious!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This manga succses make me starving! Magic and cooking what a perfect combination! And there is receipe for the food! Worth to try.

Thank you to NetGalley for provide this book, it is pleasure to review this book.

#WitchHatAtelierKitchen #KamomeShirahama #HiromiSato #KodanshaComics #Manga #NetGalley #ARC

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I love the art and the atmosphere of this manga and I totally love the characters, the chemistry between the 2 main characters is undeniable. But as someone who doesn't like cooking, I honestly wanted a bit more of a plot than just the cooking. The recipes seem easy to follow and I’ll definitely save them to try some time
I also wasn't sure how the magic system works, It was until halfway through it that I realised that it’s a spinoff of a main manga series. Maybe reading it first would’ve helped establishing a context and getting familiar with the world. So I might give the main series a read.
I recieved a free arc from Netgalley to give my honest review

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** ARC kindly provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review **

This was such a cute read. I'm not familiar with the With Hat Atelier world, but I thoroughly enjoyed getting a peak into their everyday lives and seeing all the fun recipes. Definitely made me hungry reading this!

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I love wholesome lowstakes manga, and that's exactly what this is. It is a perfect cozy fall read. A cooking school for witches and with recipes! What a dream.

The characters are so cute, Qifrey and Olly are an entertaining duo. The storylines gave me the warm fuzzies. I would have liked to see more of the girls and the magic, but there is potential for that going forward. And I do look forward to it.

Lastly, I was very pleased with the whimisical art style. It really was a joy.

I would definitely recommend this manga.

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The cover of the book screamed my name because I love anime, manga and cooking. With this book I basically got best of both worlds!
You get a little manga style story to every recipe that's in the book and they're just lovely. I loved the drawing style and it made you more excited to try out new stuff.
The recipes itself are great as well. The descriptions are clear and easy to follow. The ingredients are simple and there's a possibility you got most of those thing at home.
I'd recommend this book to every anime and manga fan, as well as people who are looking for quick and easy recipes.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the copy for an honest review

I love the Witch Hat Atelier series so this was a no brainer to read, I found it really fun and cute and I love it. I would highly recommend 💕

Rating 5 stars

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This is apparently the start to a spin-off series to a manga series I haven’t heard of before this. I downloaded this off of Netgalley because I love food based manga and this one looked cute. I’m glad I did. The art in this book is breathtaking. Everything is so well drawn, especially the food. Everything looks delicious and I want to try all of it. The two main characters are neat and I love the children. I think it’s possible to glean a little story between the cooking/recipes and it makes me super curious about the series that this is spun off from. I’ll have to look it up in the near future. Overall I think this is adorable and I highly recommend this for manga fans of all ages.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the E-arc!

I am already a fan of the Witch Hat Atelier series and I love Kamome Shirahama's art style. I was aware of this spin-off but was surprised to see it get an English translation. I think if you are already a fan of the series like me you will enjoy this just the same. Its main focus is on the Qifrey's atelier and the food being made by Qifrey and Olruggio. Its nice to be able to see more of the bond between those two and have some cameos from the girls and other characters. I suggest reading this if you need a break from the main storyline or as an in-between volume. If you haven't checked out the main series, you can still read this since the tone is more slice of life and cooking based. However, I recommend checking out both for more context. This publishes at the end of October so keep an eye out for it.

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Thank you so much NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for this fantastic and tasty arc!

5/5 stars!

Now, I'm pretty nerdy, and I absolutely love themed cookbooks. This one, however, absolutely is the best one I've ever read! It's so creative, with a short story for each recipe, and how the recipe is still written out with ingredients from their magical world and uses footnotes to list substitutions we can find in our boring non-magical world. I absolutely loved this!!

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I never read any of the Witch Hat Atelier manga series, but that did not take away from any of this book. I loved the way the recipes were captured in this book and how they still felt magical and fantastical even though you could easily translate them into real world recipes. I'm excited to try some of them on my own and experiment as well!

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They are husbands your honor!!
The way that everything is going to shit rn in the main story but this side series is just about Qifrey and Olly cooking for their 4 witch daughters I’m so 🥹

This is truly a read for the vibes and I need more mangas to do this

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_"Yet another way that cookin’s a lot like magic."_

This Witch Hat Atelier cookbook is an excellent addition to the main series. I loved that it portrays the daily routine and focuses a bit more on the wholesome dynamic between Qifrey and Olruggio (and the girls of course!)
You can expect extra stories and yummy-looking magical recipes that fit perfectly into the WHA universe, with handy substitutions you can use to create them yourself at home.

Highly recommended for fans of WHA and food mangas!

✨ Disclaimer ✨ I received a free copy of this book and this is my honest review.

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I loved this!!!! It was such a fun read and really enjoyable. I definitely recommend it. Thanks so much to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC on exchange for an honest review.

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This feels like a warm hug! I'm now reading Witch Hat Atelier because of this spin-off series. It definitely made me drool and take note of the recipes so I can try them out in the future. I love how it showcased each recipe in a simple manner while still showcasing the bond the characters have with each other.

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4 🌟

Wow the food in this manga is so beautiful that I feel so bad if I eat it 😭. The food itself is so aesthetic as well as the ingredients are definitely something you cannot find in the real world (maybe some of them you can but their special ingredients are definitely special hahaha). Also the art style in this manga is unique and cute! I have read the manga series and the characters from the manga series does appear in this spin off manga! If you love food and love fantasy with wholesomeness then this one is for you! They also have actual recipes for the food as well as cute final image of the food hehe.
Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics!

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Some friends were talking about how much they were enjoying Witch Hat Atelier, and I had hardly heard of it before, so when I saw this on Read Now, I thought I would give it a go! I’m so glad I did <3

This manga is low-stakes but so full of heart. The two main characters are charming by themselves but compliment each other. The art style is beautiful, and the emotions shown are so soft and heartwarming. Cozy found family vibes to the max!!!!

I loved the addition of actual recipes too! As someone who loves watching cooking shows, the addition of cute anime boys is even better!

Curious to check out the original series now!

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I already enjoy reading "Witch Hat Atelier" and I love cooking manga/anime so I knew I would really enjoy this! There is a heavy focus on the cooking and recipes, so there isn't any actual storytelling. I highly recommend reading the actual series for the story and then reading this for fun afterwards, that way you already know the characters and such. There are also tasty looking recipes at the end of each segment that are pretty easy to translate into real-world versions. I can't wait to try them out!

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3.5 stars
Great addition to the witch hat atelier universe, it's a really cozy book about cooking that includes all the recipes at the end if the chapter.
The art is beautiful as always and it made me really hungry.

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