Member Reviews

Thank you to Brian R. O'Rourke, Inkubator Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Sarah gets a frantic phone call from her son, Andrew, that she needs to get home right away. When she arrives, she discovers that Andrew's former best friend, Hal, is dead in their garage. Andrew swears he didn't do it but all of the circumstances lead to Andrew as the most likely culprit.

Told through multiple POVs, the story provides a lot of opportunity to see inside each character's head as things progress.

None of the characters are particularly likable. I didn't like how Andrew's ADHD is used to explain certain things he does. Yes, ADHD leads to impulsivity and things but they it shouldn't be used as an excuse for behaviors and that's how it was written.

Dwayne is total trash. He is the absolute worst kind of person imaginable. O'Rourke writes him in a way that makes him dislikable and I have to assume that was done purposely - it was a good choice. You can't help but love to hate the guy.

The ending provides some closure without it feeling like it was just wrapped up in a shiny bow at the last minute.

A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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I actually loved this book! Kept you guessing throughout, questioning each character and wondering how they were going to get away with it. A real page turner!

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This thriller centers around Andrew, a 13-year-old boy who leaves camp early one day and finds a former friend of his, Hal, dead in his garage. The story is told primarily through the voices of Andrew and his parents, Sarah and Dwayne. Through their narratives, we learn that Andrew and Hal's families used to be very close, but things became strained when the boys had a falling out. I liked the pace of the book, as the short chapters and switching narrators propelled the story forward. The ending was satisfying. Overall, I enjoyed the story and how it developed, as the main characters gave just enough information to keep the reader questioning what really happened and who killed Hal. However, I found Sarah, Dwayne and Andrew, who spoke to the reader in the first person, to be one-dimensional. I didn't feel like I got to know them. They basically explained certain facts and situations, and we never got to dig deeper into their characters. This made it difficult for me to like any of them. I definitely wanted to finish the book to find out what really happened, and I'm glad that I did finish, but I wasn't terribly invested in how Sarah, Dwayne or Andrew where impacted by this mysterious murder that took place in their house when I wish I had been.

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Thank you Netgalkey, Brian O’Rourke, and Inkubator books for the advanced ebook!! A crazy read that had me infuriated at the characters and wondering how it was all going to pan out!

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I'm not sure how I came to be in possession of this book on Netgalley. I must have clicked it accidentally as I've not come across this author before so really had no reason to choose it, since I've restricted myself to a select few authors (to get my shelf down). Anyway, it was a fairly quick read with short chapters that keep the pace moving swiftly.

Sarah is called at work by her 13 year old son, Andrew, one day asking her to come home without explaining why. She hears something in his tone that tells her something has happened and wrangles the rest of the afternoon off. When she arrives home, she finds a distraught Andrew telling her that "he's dead" and that "I didn't do it"...whilst pointing to the garage. Puzzled by his exclamation, she enters the garage to find Andrew's childhood friend Hal English dead. A sight she will never forget as long as she lives.

With a distraught Andrew locked away in his bedroom upstairs, Sarah calls her husband Dwayne and begs him to come home. Though he was busy, something in his wife's tone told him to drop everything. Which he does. When he walks in, he swiftly takes over and tells Sarah what they need to do to protect Andrew. His plan, instead of calling the police which Sarah wants to do, is to get rid of the body and all evidence pertaining to the boy's very obvious murder. But will he just make the situation worse? And how did Hal gain access to their house when both Sarah and Dwayne were at work and Andrew was a summer camp?

It's clear no one trusts whether to believe Andrew or not as he has been known to bend the truth on occasion. Is this one of them? He and Hal had grown up together and were best friends up until a couple of years ago. Now Hal was one of the boys Andrew accused of bullying him. Did Andrew snap and kill Hal in a temper? And now he is trying to cover up his crime by lying?

Sarah doesn't believe her son capable of killing anyone. But Dwayne says it doesn't matter what they believe but rather how it's perceived. Hal was killed in their house and the only person home was Andrew, even if after the fact. Or was he?

Unfolding through multiple narratives, a tangled web is woven and slowly unravels to reveal the truth. I can't say I liked Dwayne or his brother very much. Not a bad read but a bit of a mixed bag overall.

I would like to thank #BrianORourke, #Netgalley and #InkubatorBooks for an ARC of #TheOnlySon in exchange for an honest review.

This review appears on my blog at

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The Only Son is a story about the Mullen family after their teenage son finds his ex best friends dead body in the garage. The story is fast paced and is told from the perspectives of multiple characters. As far as the mystery aspect of the story goes it was pretty obvious what happened minus one detail that did surprise me. This book was not my favorite read. I did not like the way that the teenage son’s ADHD was described throughout the book. The way the single Black character was written was another annoyance. I also wished certain details of the characters relationships and interactions were a bit more fleshed out. The multiple perspectives didn’t add to the story for me. It made more obvious what happened. It would more interesting to me if I saw the events only through the eyes of one character instead of getting information from all sides.

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I was hooked from the opening chapter. 13 year old Andrew comes home early from camp to find a body in his garage … he calls his mom in a panic. He swears he had nothing to do with his former friend Hal’s death, but can Sarah trust her son?

Dwayne, Sarah’s overbearing and manipulative husband has a plan … he tells her to talk to their son while he “takes care” of the problem, but will he make the situation worse?

Twists, turns, deception, family-secrets, deceit … all makes for a good story, that kept me guessing until the end. What really happened? Who’s to blame? Who can you trust? Who do you turn to when it all goes wrong? What will you do when you feel you have to “save” your only son?

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Sarah is called home from work by her son Andrew. She arrives to find that the body of Andrew's former friend is in the garage. Andrew insists that he has no idea how Hal was killed, that he hadn't hurt Hal. But Andrew has been known to bend the truth.
Dwayne, Sarah's husband comes up with a plan to get rid of the body instead of calling in law enforcement, but getting rid of the evidence doesn't mean that Andrew is cleared of any wrong doing.

Told from multiple points of view, this is quite a well planned thriller, however, it seems to go around in circles at times. Sarah is a woman who has become used to being controlled and coerced into doing exactly what her husband wants, in fact, that was the major reason he married her, but she eventually grows a spine!!
Dwayne unfortunately only thinks of himself. I cannot say I like him or his brother very much.

There are a few twists, and the novel was good, I did enjoy it.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah and Dwayne have a good life together, although it is not without its complications. Their son Andrew is on the spectrum, and has a whole slew of behavioural problems.

Nevertheless, neither of his parents expect to return home to find the dead body of a young boy who has been bullying Andrew for some time lying in their garage. Their son insists that he is innocent, but his ADHD makes him prone to lying. So what is the real story here?

For now, Sarah and Dwayne decide that they have to take whatever action is needed to protect Andrew. But as they discover, the cover-up is just the beginning...

This one was a mixed bag for me. The writing style was unadorned to the point of abruptness, and there was a lot more telling going on than showing. The book's strength lies in how the writer delivered multiple twists in order to maintain the suspense. For that reason, it gets 2.5 stars rounded up to 3.

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Sarah gets a phone call at work that will change her life. Her son Andrew has found a dead body in their garage. Her husband, the manipulative Dwane, insists on getting rid of the body, arguing that Andrew will inevitably be blamed. Andrew has ADHD and autism, and Dwayne insists he would never be able to hold up under police questioning. So begins a somewhat improbable story - but one that's well written and engaging.

The novel takes place over a short timeframe and is told from multiple points of view. We begin to get to know the characters, their foibles and their lies. But will they get away with it - and who actually committed the murder?

The Only Son is gripping, with each new piece of information that emerges potentially leading to a different conclusion to they mystery. It suffers a little from a lack of a sense of place and several unlikable characters, but the unlikely scenario doesn't spoil the enjoyment.

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Great book! Wow! Some shocking surprises in this book! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, mystery, murder, serial killer, gas lighting, a fantastic who done it that I didn't get right away, and some shocking twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book as it was well worth reading! Definitely don't miss out on this one! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This book definitely had me hooked right away and questioning who to trust throughout. I really enjoyed it overall!

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Thank you, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the copy of The Son’s Secret by Brian R. O'Rourke. I don’t mind figuring out part of the big reveal, but this time I figured it out really early, so there wasn’t very much suspense. The basic story was good, but the writing took it over-the-top and it became really implausible. While this started out as a fun read I started to skim the parts that were just making the female characters seem useless and submissive. I don’t think I’ll be reading other books by this author.

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"The Only Son" by Brian R. O'Rourke is a gripping psychological thriller that delves deep into the complexities of a mother's love and the lengths she will go to protect her child. This suspenseful tale takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions and keeps them guessing until the very end.

The story centers around Sarah, a devoted mother, and her son Andrew. When Andrew calls her in a panic, claiming to have found a dead body in their garage, Sarah's world is turned upside down. The body belongs to Hal English, a teenager who had been bullying Andrew. This already tense situation becomes even more complicated because Andrew has a history of impulsive behavior and anger issues.

The strength of this novel lies in its exploration of maternal love and the fierce protectiveness that a mother feels for her child. Sarah's unwavering belief in her son's innocence and her determination to shield him from harm create a powerful emotional core for the story. As a reader, you are drawn into Sarah's anguish, fear, and desperation, making it easy to empathize with her.

O'Rourke skillfully weaves a web of suspense and uncertainty. The plot is filled with twists and turns that keep you guessing about the true nature of the events. Is Andrew truly innocent, or is there more to the story than meets the eye? The author expertly plays with the reader's perceptions and expectations, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

The pacing of the novel is well-executed, with tension steadily building as the story unfolds. The alternating perspectives between Sarah and Andrew provide insight into their inner thoughts and struggles, enhancing the depth of the characters. It's fascinating to see the contrast between a mother's unwavering love and a teenage boy's turbulent emotions.

The supporting characters add depth to the story, each with their own secrets and motivations. The small-town setting further contributes to the atmosphere of suspense and suspicion, as everyone seems to have something to hide.

"The Only Son" is a thought-provoking exploration of morality, loyalty, and the lengths one will go to protect their family. It raises questions about the blurred lines between right and wrong and challenges the reader's assumptions about guilt and innocence.

In conclusion, Brian R. O'Rourke's "The Only Son" is a riveting psychological thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's a tale of maternal love, suspense, and moral dilemmas that will linger in your thoughts long after you've turned the final page. If you enjoy stories that delve into the darker aspects of human nature, this book is a must-read.

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What a wicked web we weave - Tense and addictive domestic murder mystery that hooks you from page one, and keeps reeling you in. Red herrings abound, and everything is not quite what it seems, you will keep guessing until the rather satisfying end.

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I really enjoyed The Onky Son. This is my second arc by this author and I hope to read more.
The plot was good and the characters were excellent. I love a twist at the end and this one delivered.
At times I felt there was done repetitiveness with phrases from one paragraph to the next but overall it wasn't too distracting.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review.

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Not bad. I feel like this whole book was shoved into the matter of a few days. I did end up skimming a lot of it, but the ending was a huge shock. Average thriller for me.

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