Member Reviews

This one was not for me. The story sound great, based on the theme of Stranger on a Train. An abused woman, Daisy, runs into a man at a bookstore he offers her the classic trade. I'll get rid of you husband and you take care of my wife.
I really did want to like it, but the writing just wouldn't click with me. So much of Daisy's pov was repetitive and stilted.
Finally I stopped reading at 50% and will not finish.

Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator books for the opportunity to try this e-ARC

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The book started off strong. I thought it was going to be a play on the Agatha Christie story. At some point it just seemed to fall flat. The characters lacked some development that I think would have helped and it was a bit unbelievable at times. I finished the book but I was not shocked by any twist.

Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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First book I have read by Theo Baxter but will not be my last! Very creepy premise that shows that the enemy you know may be better than the one you don't.

Daisy is very unhappy in her marriage. Her husband is controlling and abusive but he pretty much runs the town. There's no way out for her and one day, a stranger named Marco overhears her distress in a book store and offers her a way out. He will take care of her problem if she agrees to take care of his: his wife. When Daisy's husband dies in a restaurant, first it seems like just a freak accident but Marco was very good at taking on his task. Now it's Daisy's turn...but she doesn't want to. What a crazy, twisty tale follows!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book started off well but I soon lost interest in it. The plot was very extravagant and unrealistic at times. The characters lacked depth. An ok read overall.

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Daisy has been trapped in a marriage with Bruce, who is violent and controlling.
She meets a stranger called Marco in a bookstore, and she divulges what her marriage is like, after he overhears her on the phone with Bruce. He tells her that his marriage is the same, and offers to help her with her problem if she reciprocates.

Bruce dies in a restaurant, and at first the death is believe to have been from an allergic reaction. She discovers that Marco is responsible for the murder, and he demands that she return the favour and get rid of his troublesome wife.

This is the first book by Theo Baxter that I have read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Some parts seemed a bit false, or far fetched, but the overall story was good. It was a quick enjoyable read.
It didn't end the way I expected it to, I had a totally different ending in my mind.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I really wanted to like this… and I did but found my mind drifting towards the end.
Also a bit disappointed about the way the story ended, I felt it needed just another twist and was almost waiting for it hence the disappointment..

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Moral of the story: The grass is not always greener on the other side. Be careful what you ask for.

I gave this book 3 stars. There were several aspects of this book that I really enjoyed. First, the chapters are short, quick, and easy to breeze through. Everything is pretty clear cut. There are not too many characters to keep up with which I LOVE because I find a lot of thriller authors often include too many non-essential characters in the story, just to make things a little more chaotic.

Secondly, it was really easy to feel sympathy for Daisy and Sarah’s situations. We hear more and more these days about how common domestic violence/abuse really is and how it impacts women (AND men) and their quality of life. I cannot imagine being in either Daisy or Sarah predicament and thank the universe I’ve never had to experience this level of hatred and evil.

The one aspect of this book that I really did not like was how Daisy’s thoughts were on a constant loop, being repeated over and over to no end. The SAME thoughts. The majority of this book is reading the narrator’s (Daisy) internal dialogue. While I love a first person’s perspective, I found that the author was far too repetitive regarding Daisy’s thought patterns. There were several individual thoughts that must have been repeated 30 times each throughout the book. A true thriller-loving reader hangs on to every word and notices important components the first (or at least second) time they are said. To attentive readers, that repetitiveness is frustrating and almost makes it a chore to get through the book as it feels stagnant- addressing the same things over and over. And over again. That is truly my only complaint.

Otherwise, I enjoyed this story. The ending was wholesome and freeing to read. It was as if, as the reader, I could feel the actual weight and fear that was weighing down Daisy in her marriage in this book- not to mention all of the other problems that making a deal with Marco created. By the end of the book, though Daisy experienced immense trauma, I felt that weight was lifted from her shoulders and she was now in a place in life where she can heal and bloom into the best version of herself. She deserves that.

This book offered a different, refreshing plot rather than recycling commonly used thriller plots. I appreciate the uniqueness of this book and the strong message it sends regarding domestic abuse and how it is completely unacceptable.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher, Inkubator Books, for the ARC. It was my first time reading this author and I look forward to adding some more Theo Baxter works to my TBR!

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After reading another of Theo Baxter's books, I was eager to read more and excited to be accepted by NetGalley for "It's Your Turn Now". The title is very apt, as Daisy's very abusive husband was killed with the understanding that, in turn, Daisy would kill the perpetrator's wife. Daisy could not bring herself to commit a murder, and the first part of the book was rather slow (in my opinion), as she worried, debated, couldn't sleep, second-guessed herself, etc. Read it, yourself to see if she is able to follow through with the "agreement".

includes some objectionable language.

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My first Theo Baxter book but definitely not my last. This has crazy great characters that kept me flipping pages long into the night. Huge on the creep factor. Thank you NetGalley and Theo Baxter for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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It's Your Turn Now, by Theo Baxter, is one of the best mysteries/psychological thrillers I've read in a long time! The plot is so unique and intriguing, I could not put this book down! Immediately after finishing, I went on Amazon and downloaded several books by the author. I will be telling everyone to read "It's Your Turn Now!"

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I enjoyed this book. It was semi-predictable, but written in such a way that I still wanted to see what was going to happen. I really liked that the main female character, Daisy, wasn't portrayed as someone who has their spirit broken and was a strong woman. I feel like you don't see that as much in this particular situation in this genre of book. This was a great quick read.

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