Member Reviews

This book starts out with two seemingly unrelated stories. One is the present day, after Melinda suffers a brutal attack and her husband Gabe is killed. The other is flashbacks from an accident that occurred in 1991, that a group of teens witnesses the aftermath of and how one of those teens is currently living an anguished life.

Melinda is convinced there's more to her husband's murder than a random mugging. Her daughters believe it's just the grief talking. But then Melinda remembers something that sets off a series of harrowing events.

The initial disconnect between the two stories made it hard the book hard to get into, but if you stick with it, things will start to click.

Thanks to NetGalley, Inkubator Books, and Booksprout for an advanced reading copy.

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This was a very weakly written book. The plot was ambiguous and the characters were uninspired. It didn’t keep me interested.

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I was so invested in this from the start. Tk say it starts with a bang is an understatement! There's a pot of moving parts and a lot of plot lines. The story carefully unfolds and everything is always moving forwards at a good pace. The characters are well written, even if some of the events and reveals were a tad too dramatic to be realistic. It's a fiction though and we can ignore these things for the sake of a good book. A really good domestic noir

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An incident during their teenage years has consequences in later life, but who knows the whole story? The group of teenagers witness a car crash and are forced into decisions with long term repercussions. A woman loses her husband in an apparent ‘mugging gone wrong’. She is determined to discover who is responsible as flashbacks to the murder of her husband cause her to question the police response.
There is a lot going on in this story, lots of characters with information about the past. I enjoyed the book despite thinking sometimes ‘well that wouldn’t have happened’ in real life. The police seem quite remote and there are a couple of scenes that seem ‘convenient’. Overall, I was entertained? Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for a prepublication ebook in return for an honest review.

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