Member Reviews

A Great Book on Herbal Remedies
The author states that she divided this book up into bodily systems, so readers will find remedies for the respiratory system in one chapter and how to heal disorders of the digestive system in another. She, further, states that she prefers to work with the body as a whole rather than just the symptoms, but for ease of use and understanding she has chosen to organize the book in this way.
The author states that having an essential home remedy kit to learn about natural remedies, and it is a good idea to build up a toolkit of home medicines that you can try out on yourself, your family, and friends. Thus, she has listed the below basic tool kit basics:
1. Garlic
2. Lemon Juice
3. Aloe Vera
4. Cloves
5. Ginger
6. Honey
7. Lavender oil
8. Chamomile
9. Calendula
10. Peppermint
11. Comfrey
There are other items listed in the above listed tool kit. Additionally, she provides a list of herbal first aid Kit, and information on how to grow your own herbal garden.
I truly enjoyed reading this book because of the tremendous amount of herbal information and remedies and recipes for a vast and variety of health issues.
I highly recommend this book for anyone embarking on their natural remedy journey.

How to collect and process the natural ingredients in your surrounding habitat to provide natural remedies that have been used by our ancestors for many generations. Melissa Corkhill shares her knowledge to allow us to safely utilize what Mother Nature provides. Her skills are easy to duplicate and produce excellent results without the drugs so many have used to little avail. We've tried many of the recipes with great success and have plans to gather and build what we need from nature.

For books like this, I tend to make a beeline for the studies that show the effectiveness of the remedies discussed. Unfortunately this one does not have any. I also confess to being rather skeptical when I saw that remedies for some serious ailments were included.
I was glad to try the simple recipe for eye irritation though, and actually felt some relief. I will keep using the lavender-infused warm water to see how effective it will be overnight. Can’t cause any harm, at least.
The book is beautifully illustrated and nicely written. The author has a lot of experience using the remedies for her friends and family. But I want to see studies.
3 stars.

Great reference book! The author talks about using herbs, teas, yoga, homeopathics, essential oils to help with so many issues. I like the idea of doing a body scan - as she describes in the 1st chapter -to determine where the cause of discomfort lies. We truly do know our bodies better than any practitioner! The book is broken down into sections like mental/emotional, skin, heart&blood to name a few. It covers conditions from minor ailments to mumps, measles etc.
So much great, practical advice thats easy to do and so much better for us than toxic chemicals. I strongly recommend this book for everyone!

I was really torn between 2 and 3 stars for this book. I love this topic and have been using natural remedies for decades, but the book is all over the place and does read quite a lot like someone collected random things from the internet. Again and again, Corkhill recommended something very mild as a remedy for a rather serious illness, and in every case I knew of better remedies. She also provided no citations or studies, even though they abound. The focus is on essential oils, herbs and homeopathy. I personally avoid essential oils for the most part, since they are not sustainable and I find that herbs in their natural state work much better. There were a few things I made note of here, but very little. Much better books are out there, I’m sorry to say. Also, I’m the crunchiest person I know but I am not treating myself with my own (or anyone else’s) urine.
The author seems like a genuine person who certainly found ways to support her own health and her children’s over the years, but I would recommend a much more complete book to those who are new to natural remedies.
I read a digital copy of this book via NetGalley.

Thank you, netgalley and Fox Chapel Publishing for sending this book for review and consideration. All opinions are my own.
I really enjoyed this book by Melissa Corkhill. I’ve been looking for more herbal and natural remedies instead of just grabbing something from the medicine cabinet like I used to do in the past because it’s what I knew. The book was nicely put together on which ailments to help with and goes into great detail on the different herbs to use. A lot of the recipes don’t need mass ingredients which is one part I have found hard to make these at times if I’m missing that one ingredient. The author shows that sometimes less is more and better.
I definitely recommend this book especially if you are looking for a more holistic way for healing.

A beautifully illustrated and informative book. Included are several ailments or conditions, with potential remedies you can make at home. I like how the author went into detail on the specific herbs.

Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am a great believer in home remedies, and this book certainly helps to source alternative cures and avoid the big pharma.

This book was clearly not edited. How one could list a book that doesn’t even use punctuation is beyond me. As far as the content, I would not use this book as any type of reference. It read more like someone copying and pasting random facts yet not checking the resources. An example: Several salve recipes were listing as just beeswax & herbs, melted & squeezed through a muslin bag? That would be a candle recipe. I’ve read many herbal books written by certified herbalists, true salves/ointment contain infused oil. There were many other errors as well.
Herbal advice from the wrong person can be dangerous. I would not recommend this book.

More and more, I am looking for natural ways to help keep myself and my family healthy so I was intrigued to pick up this one.
Here's what i liked:
*the layout - while not "encyclopedic," it is laid out in such a way that if you were looking for help with a specific ailment, you would be easily able to find it.
*the photos are stunning and the additional graphics combine with them to create an overall aesthetic that is very appealing and easy to read
* the plant profile pages are brilliant, well researched but also not overwhelming.
*the "recipes" are simple and don't require loads of ingredients
* being that remedies are plant based, the author's tips on growing and accessing plants was very helpful.
My concern:
While I am a firm believer that almost any body system can and should be supported by natural means first, I do think that ignoring the need for other forms of medicine is unwise. While I don't think the author is promoting that, I think the wording around "treatment" of such issues as depression, stroke, parkinson's, or Chron's disease (for example) should provide some sort of caution that doesn't promise that the remedies suggested will "cure" the ailment.
Additionally, a note that if these remedies aren't working, seeking medical help is wise.
Overall, the author clearly knows the topic well and has researched and educated themselves extensively. I look forward to incorporating some of the remedies into our household and the plants into our garden.

This book is a good general resource for those experimenting with foraging, homeopathic, medicinal, and culinary uses of many common herbs and plants. I like that it provides colorful images and photographs to make it easy to identify said plants. I would recommend this book as a good beginner's book on natural home remedies.

I always like to come across holistic, homeopathic, organic and natural home remedies and The Complete Guide to Natural Home Remedies by Melissa Cornhill is an ideal resource!! It is a really useful guide that provides vibrant images and essential recipes using oils, herbs and natural ingredients locally that can help treat common aches and pains. I was impressed with how the book was divided up by body systems such as respiratory, digestive, heart and disorders etc to help provide a quick and easy guide to navigate. This Natural Remedies guide is what you call, "herbal first aid."
I especially enjoyed the plant knowledge and tips on what you may need to understand throughout creating your healing remedies plan. Very informative and useful with various tool kit basics, herbal first aid guides and maps, advice for growing plants and herbs as well. There is so much more to list but don't want to give away the boom. You just have to get it and enjoy it like I have. Definitely recommend this guide and look forward to using it!! Thank you Net Galley for this opportunity

I've been trying to get more into natural remedies before going to medicine or in combination. This book has a lot of great places to start on that journey. Definitely a good reference!

This is a most excellent book and comprehensive resource for all manner of physical and emotional needs. The author uses her expertise in this field to guide us through many different natural remedies for everything from flatulence to menopause to pregnancy to joint issues… Etc.. the photos are beautiful as well. This is a handy resource to have and a lot of the items she suggests are things we already have in our homes.
Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook, I really enjoyed this book and it was packed full of very good information on herbal remedies. The recipes seem simple and the author did a great job on research on what each herb does for the body and the benefits. Highly recommend!

Love it. Very helpful. Will use in the future. I've been looking into natural remedies lately and this book has it all.

Great reas to gain knowledge on herbal remedies but also it is easy to follow and full of interesting ideas.